MD randomly dropping partition from array

Hello, folks! I am having some trouble with MD randomly removing a partition from one of my RAID-1 arrays. So far this has happened three times over the past couple weeks, but it only happens on boot.
I have two 3TB WD SATA hard disks containing two RAID-1 volumes set up as follows:
/dev/sda1 FAT32 EFI System Partition (250MiB)
/dev/sdb1 Reserved Space (250MiB)
/dev/sda2 Disk 0 of /dev/md0 with v0.90 metadata (250MiB)
/dev/sdb2 Disk 1 of /dev/md0 with v0.90 metadata (250MiB)
/dev/sda3 swap partition 0 encrypted with dm-crypt mapped to /dev/mapper/swapA (8GiB)
/dev/sdb3 swap partition 1 encrypted with dm-crypt mapped to /dev/mapper/swapB (8GiB)
/dev/sda4 Disk 0 of /dev/md1 with v1.2 metadata (2750GiB)
/dev/sdb4 Disk 1 of /dev/md1 with v1.2 metadata (2750GiB)
/dev/md1 is encrypted with LUKS and mapped to /dev/mapper/root
/dev/mapper/root is the only volume in the LVM volume group rootvg
the volume group rootvg currently has three logical volumes
logical volume root is mapped to /dev/mapper/rootvg-root and is the file system root
logical volume home is mapped to /dev/mapper/rootvg-home and is mounted /home
logical volume var is mapped to /dev/mapper/rootvg-var and is mounted /var
I also wrote this initcpio hook (I call it 'secdec'), with a bit of help from the Arch Wiki, which decrypts /dev/mapper/root, optionally with a openssl encrypted key file on a USB memory stick:
run_hook ()
local keyCopyDec keyCopyEnc keyMountPoint maxTries retryDelay \
# customizable ############################################################
keyCopyDec="/crypto_keyfile.bin" # temp storage for decrypted key data
keyCopyEnc="/crypto_keyfile.enc" # temp storage for encrypted key data
keyMountPoint="/ckey" # key storage device mount point
maxTries=3 # max number of decrypt attempts
retryDelay=2 # delay in seconds between retries
shutdownOnFail=0 # shut down computer if decrypt fails
#+0=yes, 1=no
# /customizable ###########################################################
local abortMsg passPromptKey passPromptVol passWrong secdecFormat \
local E_NOFILE
local cryptDev cryptName keyDev keyFile keyFs keyType pass passPrompt \
success tries
passPromptKey="Key passphrase: "
passPromptVol="LUKS passphrase: "
passWrong="Invalid passphrase."
shutdownMsg="Shutting down computer. You may try again later."
[ "$(echo "${quiet}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" == "y" ] && \
CSQUIET=">/dev/null 2>&1"
askForBooleanInput ()
# Ask the user for boolean input.
# $1: The question to pose.
# $2: A string containing single characters, separated by spaces, which are
#+keys pressed that would return boolean true (0).
# $3: A string containing single characters, separated by spaces, which are
#+keys pressed that would return a boolean false (1).
# Returns 0 if the user presses a key that generates a character found in
# Returns 1 if the user presses a key that generates a character found in
# Returns 2 if an incorrect number of parameters was provided.
local keyin
[ ${#} -ne 3 ] && return 2
echo -n "$1"
while true; do
read -sn1 keyin
case "$keyin" in
[$2]) echo "$keyin"; keyin=0; break;;
[$3]) echo "$keyin"; keyin=1; break;;
*) echo -n -e "\a";;
return $keyin
askForPass ()
# Ask the user to enter a pass{word|phrase}.
# $1: The prompt to display.
# $2: The name of the variable to assign the input pass{word|phrase} to.
#+For example, to assign to $pass, $2 should be "pass".
# Returns 0 on success or 1 if there is a parameter error.
[ ${#} -ne 2 ] || [ -z "${1}" ] || [ -z "${2}" ] && return 1
read -rsp "$1" "$2"
isSsl ()
# Examine a file for indications that it is SSL encrypted.
# $1: Path to the key file to examine.
# Returns 0 if the file appears to be SSL encrypted, 1 if the file does not
#+appear to be SSL encrypted and $E_NOFILE if $1 is not a regular file.
[ ! -f "${1}" ] && return $E_NOFILE
[ "$(dd if="${1}" bs=1 count=8 2>/dev/null | \
awk '{print tolower($0)}')" == "salted__" ]
getKey ()
# Attempt to find and copy a key from $keyDev to $keyCopyEnc.
# $1: Path to the device containing the key data.
# $2: Name of file system containing the key file.
# $3: Path to the key file, relative to $4.
# $4: Mount point of partition containing key file.
# $5: Path to temporary copy of key file.
# $6: Boolean value indicating whether to allow user the opportunity to
#+switch key devices before attempting to find a key. This is useful if
#+a key has already been tried and failed. The user could switch memory
#+devices before trying again. 0=true, 1=false; default is false.
# Returns one of $KEY, $NOKEY or $SSLKEY depending on what was found.
local result wait
if [ -z "${6}" ] || [ ${6} -eq 1 ]; then wait=1; else wait=0; fi
mkdir -p "$4" >/dev/null 2>&1
while true; do
if [ ${wait} -eq 0 ]; then
askForBooleanInput \
"(S)earch for key or (R)evert to LUKS passphrase? " "s S" "r R"
if [ ${?} -eq 0 ]; then result=$KEY; else result=$NOKEY; fi
if [ ${result} -eq ${KEY} ]; then
if poll_device "${1}" ${rootdelay}; then
mount -r -t "$2" "$1" "$4" >/dev/null 2>&1
dd if="$4/$3" of="$5" >/dev/null 2>&1
umount "$4" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ -f "${5}" ]; then
isSsl "${5}" && result=$SSLKEY
err "Key $3 not found."
unset result
err "Key device $1 not found."
unset result
[ -n "${result}" ] && break
return $result
# If the secdec kernel parameter was not specified, inform the user, but
#+allow init to continue in case another hook will work.
if [ -z "${secdec}" ]; then
echo "Missing parameter: $secdecFormat"
return 0
# Make sure required kernel modules are available.
if ! /sbin/modprobe -a -q dm-crypt >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
[ ! -e "/sys/class/misc/device-mapper" ]; then
err "Required kernel modules not available."
err "$abortMsg"
exit 1
if [ ! -e "/dev/mapper/control" ]; then
mkdir -p "/dev/mapper" >/dev/null 2>&1
mknod "/dev/mapper/control" c \
$(cat /sys/class/misc/device-mapper/dev | sed 's|:| |') >/dev/null 2>&1
# Parse the secdec kernel parameter, check it's format, make sure $cryptDev
#+is available, and that it contains a LUKS volume.
read cryptDev cryptName keyDev keyFs keyFile <<EOF
if [ $(echo "${secdec}" | awk -F: '{print NF}') -ne 5 ] || \
[ -z "${cryptDev}" ] || [ -z "${cryptName}" ]; then
err "Verify parameter format: $secdecFormat"
err "$abortMsg"
exit 1
if ! poll_device "${cryptDev}" ${rootdelay}; then
err "Device $cryptDev not available."
err "$abortMsg"
exit 1
# Inform the user that $cryptDev doesn't contain a LUKS volume, but allow
#+init to continue, in case another hook can handle this.
if ! /sbin/cryptsetup isLuks "${cryptDev}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Device $cryptDev does not contain a LUKS volume."
return 0
# Attempt to open the LUKS volume.
unset keyType
while true; do
# Attempt to copy a decryption key.
if [ -z ${keyType} ]; then
getKey "$keyDev" "$keyFs" "$keyFile" "$keyMountPoint" \
"$keyCopyEnc" 1
elif [ ${keyType} -eq ${KEY} ]; then
getKey "$keyDev" "$keyFs" "$keyFile" "$keyMountPoint" \
"$keyCopyEnc" 0
elif [ ${keyType} -eq ${SSLKEY} ]; then
if askForBooleanInput "(U)se a different key or (T)ry again? " \
"u U" "t T"; then
getKey "$keyDev" "$keyFs" "$keyFile" "$keyMountPoint" \
"$keyCopyEnc" 0
# Open the LUKS volume.
if [ ${keyType} -eq ${NOKEY} ]; then
askForPass "$passPromptVol" "pass"
/sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen "$cryptDev" "$cryptName" "$CSQUIET" <<EOF
[ ${success} -ne 0 ] && err "$passWrong"
if [ ${keyType} -eq ${SSLKEY} ]; then
askForPass "$passPromptKey" "pass"
/sbin/openssl aes256 -pass pass:"$pass" -d -in "$keyCopyEnc" \
-out "$keyCopyDec" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ ${?} -ne 0 ]; then
rm -f "$keyCopyDec" >/dev/null 2>&1
err "$passWrong"
mv "$keyCopyEnc" "$keyCopyDec" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ -f "${keyCopyDec}" ]; then
/sbin/cryptsetup --key-file "$keyCopyDec" \
luksOpen "$cryptDev" "$cryptName" "$CSQUIET"
[ ${success} -ne 0 ] && err "Failed to open LUKS volume."
tries=$(( $tries + 1 ))
[ ${tries} -ge ${maxTries} ] || [ ${success} -eq 0 ] && break
sleep "$retryDelay"
if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then
if [ ! -e "/dev/mapper/${cryptName}" ]; then
err "LUKS volume was opened, but failed to map to $cryptName."
err "$abortMsg"
exit 1
echo "LUKS volume opened."
if [ ${shutdownOnFail} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "shutdownMsg"
poweroff -f
exit 1
The failing array is /dev/md1 and mdadm is reporting the following:
mdadm --detail /dev/md1
Version : 1.2
Creation Time : Wed May 30 18:50:05 2012
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 2921467179 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Used Dev Size : 2921467179 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Raid Devices : 2
Total Devices : 1
Persistence : Superblock is persistent
Update Time : Wed Sep 12 03:34:52 2012
State : clean, degraded
Active Devices : 1
Working Devices : 1
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0
Name : archiso:1
UUID : 8ad37e84:f7261906:da3d317e:24080362
Events : 44661
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 4 0 active sync /dev/sda4
1 0 0 1 removed
mdadm --examine /dev/sda4
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 1.2
Feature Map : 0x0
Array UUID : 8ad37e84:f7261906:da3d317e:24080362
Name : archiso:1
Creation Time : Wed May 30 18:50:05 2012
Raid Level : raid1
Raid Devices : 2
Avail Dev Size : 5842934631 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Array Size : 2921467179 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Used Dev Size : 5842934358 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Data Offset : 2048 sectors
Super Offset : 8 sectors
State : clean
Device UUID : abba1dc3:3fadf7a7:be452bb5:b8bbe97b
Update Time : Wed Sep 12 03:37:48 2012
Checksum : aad3e44b - correct
Events : 44729
Device Role : Active device 0
Array State : A. ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
mdadm --examine /dev/sdb4/dev/sdb4:
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 1.2
Feature Map : 0x0
Array UUID : 8ad37e84:f7261906:da3d317e:24080362
Name : archiso:1
Creation Time : Wed May 30 18:50:05 2012
Raid Level : raid1
Raid Devices : 2
Avail Dev Size : 5842934631 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Array Size : 2921467179 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Used Dev Size : 5842934358 (2786.13 GiB 2991.58 GB)
Data Offset : 2048 sectors
Super Offset : 8 sectors
State : clean
Device UUID : 09a09f49:b329feaa:3341111b:47b484fe
Update Time : Wed Sep 12 01:50:34 2012
Checksum : 1cdc19c0 - correct
Events : 42869
Device Role : Active device 1
Array State : AA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md0 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1]
204736 blocks [2/2] [UU]
md1 : active raid1 sda4[0]
2921467179 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]
unused devices: <none>
This is md log info of the first reboot after my first recovery:
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 1.784225] md: raid1 personality registered for level 1
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.552971] md: md1 stopped.
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.553418] md: bind<sdb4>
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.553574] md: bind<sda4>
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.554080] md/raid1:md1: active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.554093] md1: detected capacity change from 0 to 2991582391296
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.566266] md1: unknown partition table
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.617922] md: md0 stopped.
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.618382] md: bind<sdb2>
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.618525] md: bind<sda2>
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.619175] md/raid1:md0: active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 2.619203] md0: detected capacity change from 0 to 209649664
Sep 9 20:18:03 localhost kernel: [ 10.933334] md0: unknown partition table
And this is the next time I rebooted:
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 1.780481] md: raid1 personality registered for level 1
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.806037] md: md1 stopped.
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.806345] md: bind<sda4>
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.806888] md/raid1:md1: active with 1 out of 2 mirrors
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.806898] md1: detected capacity change from 0 to 2991582391296
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.820308] md1: unknown partition table
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.956599] md: md0 stopped.
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.957149] md: bind<sdb2>
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.957269] md: bind<sda2>
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.958086] md/raid1:md0: active with 2 out of 2 mirrors
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 2.958100] md0: detected capacity change from 0 to 209649664
Sep 10 19:59:07 localhost kernel: [ 11.742281] md0: unknown partition table
In between these two boots there are no reports of md failures. For some reason, its just dropping the second partition.
I just did a restoration earlier today and on the very next boot, md refuses to use /dev/sdb4. Once I booted, I checked update times (not the ones listed) and /dev/sda4 and /dev/sdb4 were about 4 minutes apart. Since it takes only about a minute for Arch to reboot, including me typing my openssl key password, Arch was running for about 3 minutes without updating. I'm assuming this is of some significance since /dev/md0 reports perfect synchronization.
All of this has been working very well for me for about 6 months now. Both hard drives, which I bought at the same time, are about 9 months old. I checked both drives using smartctl, and both report SMART enabled and passed. SMART attribute data doesn't make a lot of sense to me and I haven't looked up the format, but the reallocation event value is the same as the day I bought the drives, so I'm kind of assuming things are ok there, or at least bad sectors aren't being created.
I hope I've provided all required details here. Any help would be appreciated.
Last edited by cng1024 (2012-09-13 00:02:43)

It would seem that nobody has any ideas about why this may be happening. I've done a complete diagnostic of both hard disks and both passed. I then downloaded the latest iso, formatted and reinstalled, but that failed after one reboot.
I have a theory as to why it may be happening, but I haven't tested it yet. Perhaps someone can tell me if I may be on the right track here. I got to wondering what happens during shutdown. The root fs remounts ro during shutdown, but it does remain mounted which means everything under that, my logical volumes, LUKS and RAID are all still open when the system halts. I saved my original configs before I reformatted and it turns out I forgot to add the shutdown hook to the initcpio image which means my RAID wasn't being stopped before halt.
I'm going to try a few experiments to see if adding the shutdown hook makes a difference. Hopefully I'm right, and I'll update either way, but I'd still appreciate it if someone with a bit more experience could weigh in on this.

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    Anytime you want to see what something is, use the trace() function... it is an essential code design tool that outputs whatever you ask it to in the Output window....  trace(currentPage);
    For the code I showed currentPage would have been one of the instance name String values from the array.  If you had taken the quotes off of the names in the array, it would be a reference to the actual instance.
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    I have a table that has 2 columns of type nested table. Now in the purge process, when I try to truncate or drop a partition from this table, I get error that I can't do this (because table has nested tables). Can anybody help me telling how I will be able to truncate/drop partition from this table?
    Unfortunately you can't do those operations when a table has a nested table column. No truncate, no drop, no exchange partition at the partition level.
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    Just one excellent example (there are many others) of why you should NOT use object columns at all.
    IF I change column types from nested table to varray type, will it help?
    Yes but I STRONGLY suggest you take this opportunity to change your data model to a standard relational one and put the 'child' (nested table) data into its own table with a foreign key to the parent. You can create a view on the two tables that can make data appear as if you have a nested table type if you want.
    Assuming that you are going to ignore the above advice just create a new VARRAY type and a table with that type as a column. Remember VARRAYs are defined with a maximum size. So the number of nested table records needs to be within the capacity of the VARRAY type for the data to fit.
    Also, is there any short method of moving existing data from a nested table column to a varray column (having same fields as nested table)?
    Sure - just CAST the nested table to the VARRAY type. Here is code for a VARRAY type and a new table that shows how to do it.
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    -- new table using new array type - NOTE there is no nested table storage clause - arrays stored inline
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         ( ID_ INT,
          arra_col  ARRAY_T )
    -- insert the data from the original table converting the nested table data to the varray type
    SELECT ID_, CAST(NESTED_COL AS ARRAY_T) FROM PARTITIONED_TABLENaturally since there is no more nested table storage you can truncate or drop partitions in the above table
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    alter table partitioned_table_array drop partition p1

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    ...unleashed the power, explore and share ideas on power supply testing
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    There are very good drag and drop examples that ship with LabVIEW.  Have you looked these over to see if they can be modified for your needs?
    Matthew Fitzsimons
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW 6.1 ... 2013, LVOOP, GOOP, TestStand, DAQ, and Vison

  • Is it possible to resize a mac partition from windows?

    Here's what's going on. I originally wanted to use Disk Utility to do this, which is clearly the easy way to do things, but my computer is so slow that Disk Utility immediately becomes unresponsive upon wanting to resize -any- partition. The windows side works fine though, it isn't slow as crap. Is there a way to resize the mac partition from windows (HFS+)? Any possible way? Even crazy ones? I'm open to suggestions.
    Oh yeah, and in case you want to Mac Mini just randomly started getting really, really slow, so slow in fact, that now my old iMac from 1999 is faster (it doesn't even have ANY RAM!). I tried resetting the PRAM/NVRAM, multiple times, booting into safe mode takes forever, but I left it for awhile and it finished. Almost worked, the finder showed up quicker than usual, but then it reverted back to it's slow self again once I opened Disk Utility. I tried booting into single user mode and typing /sbin/fsck -fy, and it's so slow, that it couldn't even do that! It got stuck at checking libraries or something, for hours, and i could type things in still, but it wouldn't recognize any commands (ie fsk - fy). I also cannot replace the RAM because it is an older mac mini and those things are hard as f*** to repair, trust me, i've tried. The weirdest part of all of this has to be that this is the computer that we DON'T download many apps onto, so it most likely isn't bloatware, adware, a virus or something else. We download most stuff to our MacBook, and go to the sketchy websites on it as well (it really should be the other way around, the mac mini would be around 3x less expensive to replace, it's just that it's the family computer). And that's always slow, but this surpassed it (btw, the laptop is a year or so older). I do not have the installation disk.
    Can someone help? Mainly about the first thing...please. The second thing is hopeless, I will need to get a new computer pretty soon, and these macs don't last as long as they used to I guess, we'd most likely get a quality Windows PC to replace it, this has been a disappointment. I'm just trying to get a little more life out of it with Linux, maybe a year or two. That's what i've done with my old iMac. Runs GREAT. Especially for a 13 year old computer. The thing is, my folks don't want me to completely eliminate the mac partition even though it's virtually unusuable.

    I'm not really understanding what the end goal was. But in case anyone else comes across the thread, neither the built-in Windows volume resizing utility nor any 3rd party Windows resizing utility should be used to resize either the Windows partition or the Mac OS partition. Invariably they all manipulate the NTFS volume in such a way that the secondary GPT is corrupt, the primary GPT is rendered invalid, and only correctly alter the MBR. It's a recipe for data loss.
    Conversely, while Disk Utility can resize a Mac OS volume, it cannot resize an NTFS volume. With Lion and Mountain Lion, upon using Boot Camp Assistant there are already four partitions: EFI System, Mac OS, Recovery HD, and Windows. There is no more room for a fifth partition in the MBR partition scheme, and if you try to add one, Disk Utility will apparently let you and render Windows unbootable (because Disk Utility adds the fifth partition to the GPT, but can't add it to the MBR, and instead removes the hybrid MBR needed for Windows support and replaces it with a PMBR.)
    So in effect this is not to be done except with 3rd party utilities.

  • Does sql server could export a partition from a partition table ?

    Dear :
       Does sql server could export a partition from a partition table ? 
      For example, I need to export all old partition,which is '2013' and drop them.  It is easy in oracle. but how to do with sql
    server 2012 ?

    where do you want it to be exported to? Another server instance? if yes you can do piecemeal restore if partition is in a separate filegroup and you're on full recovery model
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Drop partition without disabling foreign key

    Hi All,
    I have parent and child table.
    Parent table
    create table parent_1
    (id number,
    create_date date,
    constraint parent_1_pk001 PRIMARY KEY (id))
    PARTITION BY RANGE (create_date)
    (PARTITION parent_1_part VALUES LESS THAN ('01-JAN-2010'));
    Child Table
    create table child_1
    (id number,
    create_date date,
    constraint child_1_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (id)
    REFERENCES parent_1 (id))
    PARTITION BY RANGE (create_date)
    (PARTITION create_date_part VALUES LESS THAN ('01-JAN-2010'));
    I am having problems dropping partition.
    1     26-JUL-12
    2     26-JUL-12
    1     26-JUL-12
    alter table CHILD_1 drop partition SYS_P274;
    table CHILD_1 altered.
    alter table parent_1 drop partition SYS_P273;
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
    02266. 00000 - "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys"
    *Cause:    An attempt was made to truncate a table with unique or
    primary keys referenced by foreign keys enabled in another table.
    Other operations not allowed are dropping/truncating a partition of a
    partitioned table or an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION.
    *Action:   Before performing the above operations the table, disable the
    foreign key constraints in other tables. You can see what
    constraints are referencing a table by issuing the following

    SQL Error: ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
    02266. 00000 - "unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys"
    *Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a table with unique or
    primary keys referenced by foreign keys enabled in another table.
    Other operations not allowed are dropping/truncating a partition of a
    partitioned table or an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION.
    *Action: Before performing the above operations the table, disable the
    foreign key constraints in other tables. You can't do that until you disable the foreign key constraint
    Hope this helps
    Mohamed Houri

  • Spinning wheel in App Store & Randomly dropping WiFi

    Hi there,
    I'm having various problems with my iPad 2 16gb WiFi and searching various forums hasn't helped me find a resolution, so I'm hoping that someone here may have experienced the problem or maybe able to offer a solution.
    I'm pretty new to Apple products, having recently moved to an iPhone 4 and an iPad 2 from similar devices with another well known brand of OS, so I'm not sure if something is wrong or if this is normal behaviour.
    When connected to WiFi and trying to browse the app store, I often get a 'spinning wheel' and nothing seems to load, I've even left the iPad for over 10 minutes and still nothing happens. I can try and search, look at featured apps, but I don't get a connection. The iPad is definitely connected to WiFi as I can browse in Safari without any issues. The only way I can get around this problem is to hold the power and home button down to reset the device, sometimes this takes 2 or 3 attempts. My iPhone4 doesn't have this problem and it's sat on the same wireless LAN as the iPAD. I've tried turning off WiFI and turning it back on, but that doesn't resolve the issue, a reset is the only way to gain access to the App store again.
    Another strange problem I get is that the WiFi connection on the iPad will just randomly drop out, I'll happily be browsing away and it will just disconnect leaving me with no internet connection. It reconnects after a few minutes, but occasionally I have to reboot the device to get it to connect again. My iPhone4 and other devices don't suffer this problem.
    I thought this might be an issue with my router, but I've reproduced this problem on 3 different wireless networks now all with different brands of routers.
    I've tried restoring the device to factory settings, upgrading the firmware on my router, rebooting the router, tested on multiple wireless LANs and the problem just won't go away, it's getting quite frustrating really. It can happen after 5 minutes, or 5 hours, there doesn't seem to be any pattern to it.
    Sorry for the long post, but if anyone has any suggestions or can offer any explanation as to why this is happening I'd greatly appreciate it.

    OK well I tried your suggestion in various ways...
    I tried downgrading to WEP from WPA...
    End result was the same problem.
    I turned off security altogether and still got the same results, so it doesn't appear that the method of encryption has any effect on the behaviour.
    Any other suggestions? Thanks for the help by the way

  • How to create and drop partitions automatically?

    How to create and drop partitions automatically?
    The environment is Oracle 10g( on the RHEL4.0 system.
    I want to partition the MESSAGE table by date (NUMTODSINTERVAL(1,'DAY') ). One partition per day. Because the table is huge, only 2 partitions (today and yesterday's data) are necessary to be kept online. All the partitions that earlier than the previous day will be backed up and then dropped. I want to make the partition creating and dropping jobs run automatically. How to do it?
    Thank you

    junez wrote:
    How to create and drop partitions automatically?
    The environment is Oracle 10g( on the RHEL4.0 system.
    I want to partition the MESSAGE table by date (NUMTODSINTERVAL(1,'DAY') ). One partition per day. Because the table is huge, only 2 partitions (today and yesterday's data) are necessary to be kept online. All the partitions that earlier than the previous day will be backed up and then dropped. I want to make the partition creating and dropping jobs run automatically. How to do it?With 11g, new partitions can automatically be created.
    With 10g, you need to do that yourself. I prefer to create a "buffer" of future partitions - in case the job whose task it is to add new partitions gets held up or stuck. Or the job queue is full due to some problem and it does not get the chance to execute in time.
    I dislike your partitioning criteria. I prefer using the date directly and not mangling it to something else. If a specific day has a large volume of data, then another option is to use hourly date ranged partitions. With local partitioned indexes and the date time range used for querying, this can be quite effective performance wise.
    As for partitioning maintenance - I use a custom written partitionManager PL/SQL package that provides an interface for adding daily and hourly partitions to a table. Input parameters are for example name of the table, start date and the number of partitions to add. Similarly it provides interfaces for aging partitions - again by specifying a table and a date-time to use as the starting point, back into time, for removing old partitions.
    I typically call this code from the actual application code itself - so before a new partition will be used for example, the app code will first ensure that it has a partition to use. This is safer than a separate job as the dependency is resolved where and when it is needed - and not done as a separate task.
    For example - you should have a procedure/package that provides an app the means to log a message into your MESSAGE table. As part of an autonomous transaction, this procedure can check if the required partition exists, before attempting to insert a message into the table.
    Where this approach is not possible, a DBMS_JOB can be used to create future partitions - but as I mentioned, rather have it add a bunch of future (empty) partitions in case something goes pear shape with the job mechanism.

  • Methods for backing up/cloning Bootcamp partition from inside OSX

    The key here is from inside OS X, not from inside Windows (XP).
    The only reason in the world I have to run Windows is because a Mac version of my accounting system doesn't exist. Well, there is also the fact that some companies still develop portions of their partner websites around IE instead of around open standards cough*CISCO*cough.
    Anyway, I have a bootcamp partition and the data on it is very important (accounting system!). I run it once, maybe twice a month and it's already slow enough as Kaspersky AV runs on every bootup so I don't want to add anything to the Windows bootup. I'm looking for a method of backing up (incremental capable) or cloning (incremental capable) my Bootcamp partition from inside OS X in conjunction with the other backups I do - well, now I use Time Machine so "the other backups I do" is moot, until I backup my Time Machine partition too (been bitten by the "backups not being there when you need them for some really random, unexpected reason" bug too before).
    It seems that most of the cloning tools I've tried can't clone or even backup FAT partitions. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions or previous experiences they wouldn't mind sharing?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hmm, functional but not exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for the info though -
    - Is there a tool around that can do incremental backups instead of full backups every time it's run? WinClone 1.6b doesn't seem to be able to do incremental backups.
    - Is there a tool around that fits the above requirement, but can be scheduled (or even automator'd)? Automation is a good thing The more maintenance tasks we (users) have to do manually, the more there is to forget to do.

  • Ignoring only "Drop Partition" DDLs.

    I am doing a proof of concept to see if we can use Golden Gate to replicate data from our Primary database (Oracle 10g) to a reporting database. The primary is an OLTP database and I intend to use the "IGNOREDELETES" feature so that any purging done to remove historical data (from primary) will not remove anything from the reporting database.
    In case of partitioned tables when I drop a partition to remove older data, can I have Golden Gate not replicate only this DDL (drop partition) command?
    Thank you.

    You disable all of them in order to delete the parent record and correponding child record (remember it wont' let you delete unless you take care of all the dependencies) and it won't let you enable if you missed to delete any child record.
    Edited by: OrionNet on Mar 17, 2009 11:32 AM

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