MDB don't process queue messages

hi I see messages arrived at the correct queue very time i invoke the
          send message client (P2P style)
          But the MDB I wrote does not process the messages, leaving the
          messages stacking up in the queue untouched.
          what could be the problem? any separate settingsrequired?
          MDB onMessage() method attached:
          public void onMessage(Message msg) {
          String suserID = "";
          if (msg instanceof StreamMessage) {
          StreamMessage tm = (StreamMessage)msg;
          try {
          suserID = tm.readString();
          VisitLocalHome home =
          catch (JMSException e) {

Don't know, but the ejb newsgroup will likely know what the
          ejb message is about.
          yang wrote:
          > Weblogic 7 SP2 + Windows 2K,
          > following above post, I actually found following exception in log file
          > whenever I send a message from a stateless session bean:
          > ####<2003-4-30> <Info> <EJB> <Striker> <pmServer> <ExecuteThread: '5'
          > for queue: 'default'> <kernel identity> <> <010049> <EJB Exception in
          > method: remove: weblogic.ejb20.locks.LockTimedOutException: The lock
          > request from EJB:PmBean with primary key:20004832383336450 timed-out
          > after waiting 0 ms. The transaction or thread requesting the lock
          > was:Thread[ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'default',5,Thread Group for
          > Queue: 'default'].>
          > I can't really figure out what it implies. anyone can help?

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    The question pertains to the following scenario:
    1. A single input gateway (queue) for messages.
    2. Messages arriving from different systems. High incidence (>30 within a
    min) during specific periods
    3. Message should be processed in near real-time as and when it arrives.
    4. A non-polling (async) client.
    I'd thought of two diff approaches for it:
    1> Have a lightweight single-threaded message consumer -
    init connection etc and register a listener (both msg and excep).
    start connection . wait indefinitely
    Listener onMessage creates new thread for working and returns.
    Worker thread - parses xml in message and updates database
    2>Have a single main-thread with sub-threads
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    Which approach would be better suited ? Is there any other approach (
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    Thanks in advance.

    It depends on how concurrent you want to be.
    If you want to process the messages in order in a single thread; use 1 connection, session, consumer, thread.
    However one of the main reasons for using queues is they provide load balancing across processes or threads. If you want some parallelisation, use 1 connection but many sessions & consumers (1 consumer per session) which will each have its own thread.
    For ultimate performance & pooling of connections, sessions, threads as well as the MessageListener POJOs together with exception handling & transaction management use something like Message Driven POJOs...
    Though if you are talking about 30-60 messages a minute, unless it takes you 1 second to process 1 message, those are very low throughput rates, so probably 1 single thread could do it :)

  • MDB is not picking up messages in the Queue

    Hi ,
    I am trying to implement a MDB (Producer) , that acts as a Message Producer also . This MDB pickes up a message from a Queue and sends it to another Queue(Queue 2) after some processing. The MDB listening to the Queue 2 is not being able to pick this message.
    The Weblogic console shows that the message is pending.
    The transaction-type is Container and transaction-attribute is 'Required' for the Producer (MDB) ...
    I am creating a QueueSession as con.createQueueSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) . I also tried specifying queuesession.commit() ...
    even then the Message is not picked by the MDB listening on the other side...
    Please help me out

    any one

  • How to stop reading foreign queue message from MDB using weblogic 6.1? thanks,

    Hi, I am using weblogic 6.1 to communicate with IBM MQseries foreign
    queue. I use the asychronous way "onMessage()"(properly the only
    known way) to listen the messages from the queue. I like to stop
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    to process the message, I would like to stop fetching the message with
    my MDB(message driven bean) untill the down stream problem is cleared.
    As weblogic uses container to create the multiple session and
    connections internally, how can I efficiently stop the message
    delivery, do I have to locate all the connections and issue
    connection.stop()for each one, or there is better way to do this.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you never use FaceTime on your Mac, open the FaceTime app on it and sign out. Also, the following instructions are from Connect your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac using Continuity - Apple Support
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    On your Mac, open the FaceTime app and go to FaceTime > Preferences. Click Settings and deselect the iPhone Cellular Calls option.

  • Set Message Processing Queue based on input payload

    Hi all..
    Can i set the message processing queue from graphical mapping?
    Receiver system in my scenario is ECC.Whuile sending messages to ECC, i need to send the message related to a particular ORDER Number in a particular queue.
    for EX: if ORDER Number  from my input payload is 457 i want to set the queue as ABC457.
    Please let me know how to get it done from mapping or if there is any other approach.

    Hi Ram,
    What do you mean by Queue here?? we can check condition in mapping level only based on ORDER Number we can send message to receiver.use enhance receiver determination.

  • Single queue: concurrent processing of messages in multiple consumers

    I am new to jms . The goal is to  process messages concurrently from a queue in an asynchronous listener's onMessage method  by attaching a listener instance to multiple consumer's with each consumer using its own session and running in a separate thread, that way the messages are passed on to the different consumers for concurrent processing. 
    1) Is it ossible to process messsages concurrently from a single queue by creating multiple consumers ?
    2)  I came up with the below code, but would like to get your thoughts on whether the below code looks correct for what I want to accomplish.  
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.jms.Connection;
    import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
    import javax.jms.Destination;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.Message;
    import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
    import javax.jms.MessageListener;
    import javax.jms.Session;
    import javax.jms.TextMessage;
    import org.slf4j.Logger;
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    public class QueueConsumer implements Runnable, MessageListener {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
       // Create an instance of the client
        QueueConsumer consumer1 = new QueueConsumer();
        QueueConsumer consumer2 = new QueueConsumer();
        try {
        consumer1.init("oms","US.Q.CHECKOUT-ORDER.1.0.JSON");   //US.Q.CHECKOUT-ORDER.1.0.JSON   is the queue name
        }catch( JMSException ex ){
        // Start the client running
        Thread newThread1 = new Thread(consumer1);
        Thread newThread2 = new Thread(consumer1);
        InputStreamReader aISR = new InputStreamReader(;
              char aAnswer = ' ';
              do {
                  try {
      aAnswer = (char);
    catch (IOException e)
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } while ((aAnswer != 'q') && (aAnswer != 'Q'));
              try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      .println("--------------------exiting main thread------------------------"+Thread.currentThread().getId());
    // values will be read from a resource properties file
    private static String connectionFactoryName = null;
    private static String queueName = null;
    // thread safe object ref
      private static ConnectionFactory qcf = null;
      private static Connection queueConnection = null;
    // not thread safe
      private Session ses = null;
      private Destination queue = null;
      private MessageConsumer msgConsumer = null;
      public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
      public QueueConsumer() {
      public void onMessage(Message msg) {
      if (msg instanceof TextMessage) {
      try {
      .println("listener is "+Thread.currentThread().getId()+"--------------------Message recieved from queue is ------------------------"
      + ((TextMessage) msg).getJMSMessageID());
      } catch (JMSException ex) {
      public void run() {
      // Start listening
      try {
      } catch (JMSException e) {
      while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
      synchronized (this) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
      * This method is called to set up and initialize the necessary Session,
      * destination and message listener
      * @param queue2
      * @param factoryName
      public void init(String factoryName, String queue2) throws JMSException {
      try {
      qcf = new JMSConnectionFactory(factoryName);
      /* create the connection */
      queueConnection = qcf.createConnection();
      * Create a session that is non-transacted and is client
      * acknowledged
      ses = queueConnection.createSession(false,
      queue = ses.createQueue(queue2);"Subscribing to destination: " + queue2);
      msgConsumer = ses.createConsumer(queue);
      /* set the listener  */
      System.out.println("Listening on queue " +queue2);
      } catch (Exception e) {
      private static void setConnectionFactoryName(String name) {
      connectionFactoryName = name;
      private static String getQueueName() {
      return queueName;
      private static void setQueueName(String name) {
      queueName = name;

    Hi Mark,
    if the messages are sent with quality of service EO (=exactly once) you can add queues.
    From documentation:
    Netweaver XI -> Runtime -> Processing xml messages -> Queues for asynchronous message processing
    ...For incoming messages you set the parameter EO_INBOUND_PARALLEL from the Tuning category.
    If more than one message is sent to the same receiver, use the configuration parameter EO_OUTBOUND_PARALLEL of the Tuning category to process messages simultaneously in different queues.
    Transaction: SXMB_ADM

  • Queue processing of messages (files / idocs)

    We have 4 communication channels:
    INT A
    1 filesender (file)
    1 filereceiver (idoc)
    INT B
    1 filesender (file)
    1 filereceiver (idoc)
    So, the issue is we need to process the messages in order. First, 2 files from INT A, next 1 file from INT B. The correlationship is the key.
    Is any configuration possible for queue processing with no using of BPM?

    yes you can set queue (EOIO) processing in both filesenders
    and if you hava ERP (IDOC) on WAS 6.40 it can be processed
    in this one queue
    how to (IDOC queue processing part) described in my book:
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2006/10/11/xi-new-book-mastering-idoc-business-scenarios-with-sap-xi"><b>Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP XI</b></a>
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

  • Whenever I try to buy songs on my phone it goes through my credit card authentication process. When I select done it gives a message saying session timed out. What do I do?

    Whenever I try to buy songs on my phone it goes through my credit card authentication process. When I select done it gives a message saying session timed out. This has happened mulitiple times. What do I do?

    I figured it out!
    I read a solution for something that sounded similar.
    Anyone in similar position:
    Open iTunes app on iPhone, and pick an option from bottom, such as music. Then scroll down to bottom of page and where your iTunes ID is, press on it, and pick sign out.
    Then return to home screen, and double press home button and press and hold on first icon showing, until a minus symbol appears in the top left of icons present. Press on each minus symbol on each app in turn, until all app icons have disappeared. Then Restart the phone by pressing and hold the home button and the on/off/standby button at top of phone, until the apple symbol appears in centre of blank screen.
    Swipe to turn phone fully on and open settings and scroll down to iTunes and apps option and tap that. Pick sign in and put in your apple ID, it will accept it and then return to home screen and open iTunes a you'll find it works fine
    Simple really, but some like me won't think f this themselves!
    Hope that helps

  • MDBs responding via Temporary Queue

    I've been attempting to get this working in test code, but i seem to be missing something. I want a message producer to send a message to an administered queue, have the message processed by a Message Driven Bean, and have the bean post a response back to a temporary queue that was setup in the original producer. All over the net i find statements that this can be done and is reasonably normal, but i have not found a single code snippet to this effect, nor can i apparently get it to work on my own. I am using JMS with J2EE 1.3 on websphere 5.0.
    Within the message producer, i create the temporary queue and pass it in the JMSReplyTo field.
    TemporaryQueue tempq = queueSession.createTemporaryQueue();
    message.setText("Temporary Queue Test Message");
    The MDB sees the message and onMessage is called normally. From within the MDB code, i have the temporary queue object (i print out the name of the queue in the message ReplyTo field with toString() to confirm) and i have the MDB context from getMessageDrivenContext() supplied by javax.ejb. Unfortunately, javax.ejb.MessageDrivenContext is not the same or similar to javax.naming.Context.
    To send a message, i need the send() method from the QueueSender interface, which is generated from the QueueSession interface, which is generated from the QueueConnection interface, which is generated from a QueueConnectionFactory, and is ultimately reliant upon javax.naming.Context. So, i have the (temporary) queue object, but see no method to put a message on it for consumption by the creator of the temporary queue. (messages on temporary queues can only be consumed by the creator of said queue. if no other producer can use it, too, perhaps i am missing the point on temporary queues)
    I can easily get the MDB to fire off messages to other administered queues. How do i get it to respond with a message on a temporary queue?
    Could somebody please enlighten me?

    Thanks Andreas, your answer sent me off on new trails to read, but something is still missing. I hope that you (or anybody else) is able to see what i do not.
    Your code was J2EE 1.4 (beta), but Websphere 5.0 still uses J2EE 1.3.1. I was able to translate most of your code back to the older form but some doesn't fit, which may be part of my problem (as shown below).
    I have connection factories and queues already setup on the server. they work fine as far as all other non-temporary queue usage is concerned.
    Using your code, here's some of the problems i have crossed while trying to sort this out
    public void onMessage(Message inMessage)
      Destination dest = (Destination) ctx.lookup("jms/t0");
      MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(dest);
    }My first question is how are you looking up a temporary (i.e. dynamically created) queue with some hard-coded string ("jms/t0")? I assume that your string was meant to be arbitrary but it must still represent the destination, which is the temporary queue that doesn't have a hardcodable name (AFAIK). I have tried using the name inMessage.getJMSReplyTo().toString(), which in my case gives me "queue://WAS_localhost_server1/AMQ.10000009?persistence=1", but this only throws a NamingException (not found) when trying to do a lookup() on it.
    If you already had the Destination object from inMessage.getJMSReplyTo().toString(), why would you bother to go through a String lookup just to get the object again? (for use in the createProducer() call)
    To get past the above naming exception, i commented out the Destination getting line and used the object from the getJMSReplyTo() message method. In 1.3.1, the equivalent Producer line looks like:
    QueueSender producer = session.createSender(replyTo);which is pretty much like what i already had. Unfortunately, an error is reported that it is unable to open the specified queue. (J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adaptor for resource JMS$MyMDBConnectionFactory$JMSManagedConnection@580144656. The exception which was received is MQJMS2008: failed to open MQ queue)
    I double checked to make sure both the creator of the temporary queue and the MDB were both using the same administered Connection Factory. They are. I don't know if it's relevant.
    Any further ideas?

  • Queued messages and failover

    We have producers producing messages and sending them out to a queue and we want to receive and process them in the order they were sent. So we have a single queue with a single MDB consuming them. However, I'm worried about what happens when the queue and MDB hosting server goes down.
              In particular, the producers cannot retry their messages programatically a) because that might lead the messages to being sent out of order (a retried message appearing after one that succeeds the first time) and b) because the producers are third-party code that just doesn't handle failure well. So how do we allow producers to keep producing messages and ensure in-order delivery during the time it takes to manually migrate the queue from the failed server to another server?

    Hi Jeremy,
              One possibility is to introduce intermediate queues on the same servers
              that are also running the producers. The producer's
              queue will then always be locally available. Messaging
              bridges (or MDBs) could be used to forward
              the intermediate queue's messages to their final
              Another possibility is to automate the
              fail-over using an HA framework such as Veritas. This
              may speed up the fail-over enough for your purposes.
              Yet another possibility is to design your MDB app to
              tolerate duplicate messages (in typical
              designs producers that retry on failure
              do not cause out-of-order, instead they cause duplicates).
              This is easier said than done, but there are apps that do this.
              Jeremy wrote:
              > We have producers producing messages and sending them out to a queue and we want to receive and process them in the order they were sent. So
              > we have a single queue with a single MDB consuming them. However, I'm worried about what happens when the queue and MDB hosting>server goes down.
              > In particular, the producers cannot retry their messages programatically a) because that might leadthe messages to being sent out of order (a retried message appearing
              after one that succeeds the first time) and b) because the producers are
              third-party code that just doesn't handle failure well. So how do we
              allow producers to keep producing messages and ensure in-order delivery
              during the time it takes to manually migrate the queue from the failed
              server to another server?
              > Thanks,
              > =Jeremy=

  • How to stop and start MDBs to listen for JMS messages

    Hello! This might be more of an architecture question rather than a technical questing, but I post it here, in the lack of a better place...
    For several years I have been using Webster and Webster MQ to send messages back and forth to clients. The architecture for the middleware platform has been designed around the functionality of ListenerPorts. Listenerports is a Webster functionality that let you "stop" and start to listen to JMS messages for a given MDB either by admin console, or by JMX.
    The arhitecture we used was something like this :
    1.Client sends a persistent message to a queue. (order)
    2. An MDB pics up the order message, calls a SessionBean that "fronts" the IIOP back end system.
    This is quite "out of the box" architecture, but we used the Listenerports to solve a stability problem for our back end system.
    The backEnd system was quite unstable, so the EJB threw an exception (typically because of timeout or connection refused) back to the MDB.
    The Listenerport was "defined" to handle 3 errors before stopping, so the MDB resent the message twice before the listenerport automatically stopped. The nice thing about this feature was that the client could continue to send orders, and was not bothered when the back end system was down.
    When the backEnd system was up and running, we could start the listenerport and it was all back to normal state. We even had a start script that checked the state of the listenerport every 30 minute, and started it automatically if it was stopped, making the admin task of starting the MDB unnecessary..
    Now.. Why am I telling this story..
    I would like to know how this could be done using "clean" J2EE technologies..That is..Not using any technology that is not portable..
    I`m playing with glassfish at home, and it struck me that there is nothing in the J2EE spec that defines the functionality described above ? Am i missing something ?
    I Do not want to stop My application because the back end system is down? That is the only way (i know of) that i can "stop" to listen for messages..
    I can put all the messages on an error queue when the backbend system is down, but that would lead to more code just to handle the error messages. Maybe the easiest way to solve this is to "move" (programmatically) all messages from the error queue over to the "standard" queue every XX minute, but somehow that sounds "wrong"
    Can anyone give me some advice to how this problem situation should be solved ? I`m interested in the solution both from an architectural perspective and from a more technical perspective..
    Best regards
    Hans-Jacob Melby

    Breakpoints, whether normal or conditional, are just meant for debugging of your code.  I had the sense from your question that the pausing you want to do is a part of normal operation of your code.  I would NOT recommend using a breakpoint for that situation.  It would bring up the block diagram showing the breakpoint when it occurs.  A user besides the programmer would not know what to do in that case.
     Yes, both the inner and outer loops would have shift registers.
    Putting a case structure with a small while loop inside the "Pausing Case" is doable.  It just depends on what you are doing or waiting for while the program operation is "paused".

  • Processing JMS messages in sequence one after another

    This is my use case which I wan to implement in OSB.
    1. I have a queue which will receive messages in huge numbers from a single sender.
    2. I have a proxy which will read each message and process the message and send it out.
    In step 1 , I want each message to be read sequentially and when step 2 finishes executing then I want to read the next message from the queue.
    I need to give an acknowledgment to JMS that the message has finished processing and it can make the next message available to the proxy.
    What is the best option to implement this use case ?.

    By default Weblogic JMS Queues are FIFO. But that is true only if there is only one consumer of the queue.
    In case of a clustered environment that is not true and in case of OSB even with a single managed server multiple threads are created for a JMS listener Proxy(by default 16). So there will be 16 instances of the Proxy trying to read messages from the Queue and each will be handed out a message and sequential integrity is disturbed.
    There are three ways to overcome this problem:
    1. Unit of Order
    This is suitable only when you want messages of the same group to be processed sequentially while multiple groups can be processed in parallel.
    For e.x. you are getting multiple orders for multiple customers and you want to ensure that the orders of same customer are processed sequentially (in case a customer tries to change the quantity of an order then the latest one should be processed last). In this case you can set UOO as the CustomerID and each customer's order will be processed sequentially but orders of different customers will be still processed in parallel. WLS JMS achieves this by assigning a target queue instance on the cluster for each UOO value. It will assign Q!MS1 to CustID=1, Q!MS2 to CustID=2 and so on. All messages of the same UOO(of the same customer) will go to the same instance on the queue. Furthermore it will ensure that no two messages of the same UOO are released together to the listeners. So if a queue instance has 5 messages each of both Cust=1 and Cust=2, only one message each of Cust1 and Cust2 will be processed by the listeners even if there are 16 listening threads.
    Pros and Cons:
    Overall performance is improved since you can still achieve some parallel processing.
    There will be a slight overhead of processing the UOO headers on the JMS servers.
    Can not ensure sequencing of all the messages. (Although you can achieve that by setting the same UOO on all the messages)
    If the managed server assigned to a UOO is down, if a publisher tried to put the next message for that UOO, it will fail since it will not try to send that message to any other managed server.
    2. Single threaded processing
    If you don't want to process even different groups of messages in parallel and if you want absolute sequencing (i.e. irrespective of the CustomerID you want all the messages to be processed in the sequence they arrive) you will need to process them in a single threaded model. The JMS queue should be deployed on only one managed server of the cluster. The JMS proxy listening to the queue should also be deployed on a single managed server(You will need to change the targeting for the EJB created for this Proxy in the Deployments) and there should be a Work Manager for this Proxy with Maximum Thread Constraint set as 1. In the Connection Factory which the Proxy uses, set the Maximum Messages per session to 1. Another approach for Single threaded could be to set the same value of UOO on all of the messages. This will make all the messages to go to the same Q instance in the cluster and also will make sure that even if Proxy has multiple threads, only one message will be processed at a time.
    Pros and Cons:
    Completely single threaded processing, will take more time since messages will be processed one after the other.
    Load balancing will go awry as all the messages will be processed by only one server.
    3. Using custom implementation
    The most complex way is to create a completely custom implementation. Put all the messages in a DB and then process them one at a time based on timestamp.
    Pros and Cons:
    It will take more effort to implement than the other two approaches.
    It will again need single threaded processing after the messages are put on the DB
    Performance wise there will be more impact because of additional DB calls
    More complex to maintain
    Based on your exact requirements you can choose which approach you want. If you have SOA suite as well them it would be better to move this solution to SOA suite as OESB(Mediator) component of SOA suite has re-sequencing feature.

  • Sender Mail Adapter Error: exception caught during processing mail message;

    HI , I am configuring mail to file scenario. Need to read mail content (no need to capture From,TO or Subject details) and create a file with the content in the mail.
    Need to read mails from microsoft outlook. Exchange server has been configured for POP3 protocol.
    Following are the details provoding in sender mail adapter:
    URL: provided url in the format: pop://<server name>
    Authentication method: plain
    provided user credinetions to access mails.
    poll interval - 1min
    content encoding none.
    processing parameters : quality of service-exactly once
    Since there is no need to capture From,TO or Subject details, didn't select the option - use mail package.
    Verified for unread mails in the mail box and made sure that there are few unread mails.
    Also, created data types and other components in IR and completed mapping.
    But after starting sender mail communication channel, getting error "exception caught during processing mail message; java.lang.NullPointerException" in RWB-adapter-communication channel monitoring.
    please let me know what needs to be done to resolve this error.

    HI Stefan, i tried, but still it is giving same error. Yes, i am able to access outlook mail with the user credentials given in the communication channel to access exchange server.
    I am using message protocol: xipayload . Also since i dont have to capture TO,from,subject details., created data type just with one element of type string, not in the standard format .Does this makes any difference.

  • Sequential processing of messages with bpm process

    i have a bpm process that i want to process my messages sequential. for this i initially have played around with crerating my own queue but that didn t work. then i mocved to use the collect pattern and then process the messages. this works only for around 150 messages and the others are staying stuck in the queue for the bpm process the queue is in status stop. if a drop in another file then the queue get cleared and the new messages are placed in it and it still stays in stop and i need to delete queu and start again. Is there a solutio for this that the queue will collect the messages and when the bpm proces is finished it will start again ?
    i have tried to avoid using the collect pattern and worked with my bpm process to let it use a specific queue  but that also didn t work. i can process 1 message and then the rest stays in the queue? any help would be welcome

    is there any reason specific reason for using BPM?
    you can use EOIO to transfer your files sequentially.

  • Processing Logged messages in batch mode ?

    When I launch partitions, they display a whole bunch of 'useful' messages.
    (maybe using 'task.logmgr.putline')
    I'm afraid these traces go directly in the launcher's log file under $FORTE_ROOT/log
    As I get control only when the ftexec ends for the next instruction to be interpreted,
    how can I figure out which of these log files relates to the ftexec I just got executed ?
    (example: "forte_ex_3613.log")
    I found '/output' for node managers, but for single ftexec(s) ?
    (thinking also about re-used ftexec(s))
    Thanks in advance,
    j-paul gabrielli

    The instrument "LogFile" on the active partition agent contains the name of
    the log file.
    At 10:47 AM 3/1/99 -0500, Kallambella, Ajith wrote:
    One way to findout the log file is to inspect your
    <CentralServer>.log. It should have a line something like..
    Redirecting output to <someDirectory>/forte_ex_26564.log.
    That is the file the the current ftexec is writing to.
    This has worked fine for me.
    Another way is to sort the files by date, and look at the latest
    ...I'd love to hear about a better way to do this.
    Ajith Kallambella. M
    Forte Systems Engineer
    International Business Corporation.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, March 01, 1999 9:06 AM
    To: Forte-Users (Adresse de messagerie)
    Subject: Processing Logged messages in batch mode ?
    When I launch partitions, they display a whole bunch of 'useful' messages.
    (maybe using 'task.logmgr.putline')
    I'm afraid these traces go directly in the launcher's log file under
    As I get control only when the ftexec ends for the next instruction to be
    how can I figure out which of these log files relates to the ftexec I just
    got executed ?
    (example: "forte_ex_3613.log")
    I found '/output' for node managers, but for single ftexec(s) ?
    (thinking also about re-used ftexec(s))
    Thanks in advance,
    j-paul gabrielli
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    Don Nelson
    Senior Systems Architect
    Forte Software, Inc.
    Denver, CO
    Phone: 303-265-7709
    Corporate voice mail: 510-986-3810
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