MDM 5.5 + PI 7.0 on the same hardware

HI All,
I am planning to do MDM 5.5 + PI 7.0
System details
CPU- Intel Xeon CPU [email protected] GHz
RAM- 3.25 GB RAM
HardDisk Space- 160 GB
This is only for internal use where 4-5 users will be there for development. Are the system hardware correct or I should do some changes.
Please suggest.
note:- I have also raised a similar question in the BI forum. Reason- We have a hardware and want to utilize in the best possible way.

Hi Jitender,
Check the below link
For MDM Configuration seems ok but i am not sure about PI.
Jitesh Talreja

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    OK: Policy file accepted:
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    Warning: Timeout on xmlsocket:// (at 3
    seconds) while waiting for socket policy file. This should not
    cause any problems, but see
    for an explanation.
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    requestor from is denied due to
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    and the socket policy schema:
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    show parameter optimizer
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling integer 2
    optimizer_features_enable string
    optimizer_index_caching integer 0
    optimizer_index_cost_adj integer 100
    optimizer_mode string ALL_ROWS
    optimizer_secure_view_merging boolean TRUE
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Note: : There are slight difference in the no of records in the attached sheet.However, I wanted to tell that i have tested with exact same data and was getting similar results but I couldn't retain the data untill collecting the details in the attachment
    TEST1     COMPARE TABLE LEVE STATS  used by CBO          
    ASSET     3607425     167760     5/02/2013 22:11
    METER_CONFIG_HEADER     3658     80     5/01/2013 0:07
    METER_CONFIG_ITEM     32310     496     5/01/2013 0:07
    NMI     1899024     33557     18/02/2013 10:55
    REGISTER     4830153     101504     18/02/2013 9:57
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     1607456     19137     18/02/2013 15:48
    SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER     5110781     78691     18/02/2013 9:56
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     1425890     42468     18/02/2013 13:54
    ASSET     4133939     198570     16/02/2013 10:02
    METER_CONFIG_HEADER     3779     80     16/02/2013 10:55
    METER_CONFIG_ITEM     33720     510     16/02/2013 10:55
    NMI     1969000     33113     16/02/2013 10:58
    REGISTER     5837874     120104     16/02/2013 11:05
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     1788152     22325     16/02/2013 11:06
    SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER     6101934     91088     16/02/2013 11:07
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     1447589     43804     16/02/2013 11:11
    TEST ITEM 2     COMPARE INDEX STATS  used by CBO          
    ASSET     IDX_AST_DEVICE_CATEGORY_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     9878     67     147     12982     869801     3553095
    ASSET     IDX_A_SAPINTLOGDEV_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     7291     2747     2     639     1755977     3597916
    ASSET     SYS_C00102592     UNIQUE     2     12488     3733831     1     1     3726639     3733831
    METER_CONFIG_HEADER     SYS_C0092052     UNIQUE     1     12     3670     1     1     3590     3670
    METER_CONFIG_ITEM     SYS_C0092074     UNIQUE     1     104     32310     1     1     32132     32310
    NMI     IDX_NMI_ID     NONUNIQUE     2     6298     844853     1     2     1964769     1965029
    NMI     IDX_NMI_ID_NK     NONUNIQUE     2     6701     1923072     1     1     1922831     1923084
    NMI     IDX_NMI_STATS     NONUNIQUE     1     106     4     26     52     211     211
    REGISTER     REG_EFFECTIVE_DTM     NONUNIQUE     2     12498     795     15     2899     2304831     4711808
    REGISTER     SYS_C00102653     UNIQUE     2     16942     5065660     1     1     5056855     5065660
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     IDX_SLA_SAPINTLOGDEV_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     3667     1607968     1     1     1607689     1607982
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     IDX_SLA_SDP_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     3811     668727     1     2     1606204     1607982
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     SYS_C00102665     UNIQUE     2     5116     1529606     1     1     1528136     1529606
    SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER     SYS_C00102677     UNIQUE     2     17370     5193638     1     1     5193623     5193638
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     IDX_SDP_NMI_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     4406     676523     1     2     1423247     1425890
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     IDX_SDP_SAP_INT_NMI_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     7374     676523     1     2     1458238     1461108
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     SYS_C00102687     UNIQUE     2     4737     1416207     1     1     1415022     1416207
    ASSET     IDX_AST_DEVICE_CATEGORY_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     8606     121     71     16428     1987833     4162257
    ASSET     IDX_A_SAPINTLOGDEV_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     8432     1780146     1     1     2048170     4162257
    ASSET     SYS_C00116157     UNIQUE     2     13597     4162263     1     1     4158759     4162263
    METER_CONFIG_HEADER     SYS_C00116570     UNIQUE     1     12     3779     1     1     3734     3779
    METER_CONFIG_ITEM     SYS_C00116592     UNIQUE     1     107     33720     1     1     33459     33720
    NMI     IDX_NMI_ID     NONUNIQUE     2     6319     683370     1     2     1970460     1971313
    NMI     IDX_NMI_ID_NK     NONUNIQUE     2     6597     1971293     1     1     1970771     1971313
    NMI     IDX_NMI_STATS     NONUNIQUE     1     98     48     2     4     196     196
    REGISTER     REG_EFFECTIVE_DTM     NONUNIQUE     2     15615     1273     12     2109     2685924     5886582
    REGISTER     SYS_C00116748     UNIQUE     2     19533     5886582     1     1     5845565     5886582
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     IDX_SLA_SAPINTLOGDEV_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     4111     1795084     1     1     1758441     1795130
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     IDX_SLA_SDP_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     4003     674249     1     2     1787987     1795130
    SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET     SYS_C004520     UNIQUE     2     5864     1795130     1     1     1782147     1795130
    SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER     SYS_C004539     UNIQUE     2     20413     6152850     1     1     6073059     6152850
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     IDX_SDP_NMI_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     3227     660649     1     2     1422572     1447803
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     IDX_SDP_SAP_INT_NMI_SK     NONUNIQUE     2     6399     646257     1     2     1346948     1349993
    SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT     SYS_C00128706     UNIQUE     2     4643     1447946     1     1     1442796     1447946
    Plan hash value: 4109575732                                             
    | Id  | Operation                       | Name                   | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |                                             
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                |                        |    13 |  2067 |       |   135K  (2)| 00:27:05 |                                             
    |   1 |  HASH UNIQUE                    |                        |    13 |  2067 |       |   135K  (2)| 00:27:05 |                                             
    |*  2 |   HASH JOIN                     |                        |    13 |  2067 |       |   135K  (2)| 00:27:05 |                                             
    |*  3 |    HASH JOIN                    |                        |     6 |   900 |       |   135K  (2)| 00:27:04 |                                             
    |*  4 |     HASH JOIN ANTI              |                        |     1 |   137 |       |   135K  (2)| 00:27:03 |                                             
    |*  5 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| NMI                    |     1 |    22 |       |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                             
    |   6 |       NESTED LOOPS              |                        |     1 |   131 |       | 95137   (2)| 00:19:02 |                                             
    |*  7 |        HASH JOIN                |                        |     1 |   109 |       | 95132   (2)| 00:19:02 |                                             
    |*  8 |         TABLE ACCESS FULL       | ASSET                  | 36074 |  1021K|       | 38553   (2)| 00:07:43 |                                             
    |*  9 |         HASH JOIN               |                        | 90361 |  7059K|  4040K| 56578   (2)| 00:11:19 |                                             
    |* 10 |          HASH JOIN              |                        | 52977 |  3414K|  2248K| 50654   (2)| 00:10:08 |                                             
    |* 11 |           HASH JOIN             |                        | 39674 |  1782K|       | 40101   (2)| 00:08:02 |                                             
    |* 12 |            TABLE ACCESS FULL    | REGISTER               | 39439 |  1232K|       | 22584   (2)| 00:04:32 |                                             
    |* 13 |            TABLE ACCESS FULL    | SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER   |  4206K|    56M|       | 17490   (2)| 00:03:30 |                                             
    |* 14 |           TABLE ACCESS FULL     | SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT |   675K|    12M|       |  9412   (2)| 00:01:53 |                                             
    |* 15 |          TABLE ACCESS FULL      | SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET      |  1178K|    15M|       |  4262   (2)| 00:00:52 |                                             
    |* 16 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN         | IDX_NMI_ID_NK          |     2 |       |       |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                             
    |  17 |      VIEW                       |                        | 39674 |   232K|       | 40101   (2)| 00:08:02 |                                             
    |* 18 |       HASH JOIN                 |                        | 39674 |  1046K|       | 40101   (2)| 00:08:02 |                                             
    |* 19 |        TABLE ACCESS FULL        | REGISTER               | 39439 |   500K|       | 22584   (2)| 00:04:32 |                                             
    |* 20 |        TABLE ACCESS FULL        | SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER   |  4206K|    56M|       | 17490   (2)| 00:03:30 |                                             
    |* 21 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL           | METER_CONFIG_HEADER    |  3658 | 47554 |       |    19   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                             
    |* 22 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL            | METER_CONFIG_ITEM      |  7590 | 68310 |       |   112   (2)| 00:00:02 |                                             
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):                                             
       2 - access("METER_CONFIG_HEADER_SK"="METER_CONFIG_HEADER_SK")                                             
       3 - access("NETWORK_TARIFF_CD"="NETWORK_TARIFF_CD")                                             
       4 - access("SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK"="TMP"."SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK")                                             
       5 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y' AND ("NMI_STATUS_CD"='A' OR "NMI_STATUS_CD"='D'))                                             
       7 - access("ASSET_CD"="EQUIP_CD" AND "SAP_INT_LOG_DEVICE_SK"="SAP_INT_LOG_DEVICE_SK")                                             
       8 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
       9 - access("SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK"="SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK")                                             
      10 - access("SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK"="SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK")                                             
      11 - access("SAP_INT_LOGICAL_REGISTER_SK"="SAP_INT_LOGICAL_REGISTER_SK")                                             
      12 - filter("REGISTER_TYPE_CD"='C' AND (SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='4' OR                                              
                  SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='5' OR SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='6') AND "ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      13 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      14 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      15 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      16 - access("NMI_SK"="NMI_SK")                                             
      18 - access("SAP_INT_LOGICAL_REGISTER_SK"="SAP_INT_LOGICAL_REGISTER_SK")                                             
      19 - filter("REGISTER_TYPE_CD"='C' AND (SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='1' OR                                              
                  SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='2' OR SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='3') AND "ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      20 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      21 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                             
      22 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y' AND "CONROL_REGISTER"='X')                                             
    Plan hash value: 2826260434                                   
    | Id  | Operation                            | Name                   | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |                                   
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                     |                        |     1 |   181 |   103K  (2)| 00:20:47 |                                   
    |   1 |  HASH UNIQUE                         |                        |     1 |   181 |   103K  (2)| 00:20:47 |                                   
    |*  2 |   HASH JOIN ANTI                     |                        |     1 |   181 |   103K  (2)| 00:20:47 |                                   
    |*  3 |    HASH JOIN                         |                        |     1 |   176 | 56855   (2)| 00:11:23 |                                   
    |*  4 |     HASH JOIN                        |                        |     1 |   163 | 36577   (2)| 00:07:19 |                                   
    |*  5 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     | ASSET                  |     1 |    44 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |   6 |       NESTED LOOPS                   |                        |     1 |   131 |  9834   (2)| 00:01:59 |                                   
    |   7 |        NESTED LOOPS                  |                        |     1 |    87 |  9830   (2)| 00:01:58 |                                   
    |   8 |         NESTED LOOPS                 |                        |     1 |    74 |  9825   (2)| 00:01:58 |                                   
    |*  9 |          HASH JOIN                   |                        |     1 |    52 |  9820   (2)| 00:01:58 |                                   
    |* 10 |           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| METER_CONFIG_HEADER    |     1 |    14 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |  11 |            NESTED LOOPS              |                        |     1 |    33 |   116   (2)| 00:00:02 |                                   
    |* 12 |             TABLE ACCESS FULL        | METER_CONFIG_ITEM      |     1 |    19 |   115   (2)| 00:00:02 |                                   
    |* 13 |             INDEX RANGE SCAN         | SYS_C00116570          |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |* 14 |           TABLE ACCESS FULL          | SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT |   723K|    13M|  9699   (2)| 00:01:57 |                                   
    |* 15 |          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | NMI                    |     1 |    22 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |* 16 |           INDEX RANGE SCAN           | IDX_NMI_ID_NK          |     2 |       |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |* 17 |         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | SDP_LOGICAL_ASSET      |     1 |    13 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |* 18 |          INDEX RANGE SCAN            | IDX_SLA_SDP_SK         |     2 |       |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |* 19 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN              | IDX_A_SAPINTLOGDEV_SK  |     2 |       |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |                                   
    |* 20 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL               | REGISTER               | 76113 |  2378K| 26743   (2)| 00:05:21 |                                   
    |* 21 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL                | SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER   |  5095K|    63M| 20245   (2)| 00:04:03 |                                   
    |  22 |    VIEW                              |                        | 90889 |   443K| 47021   (2)| 00:09:25 |                                   
    |* 23 |     HASH JOIN                        |                        | 90889 |  2307K| 47021   (2)| 00:09:25 |                                   
    |* 24 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL               | REGISTER               | 76113 |   966K| 26743   (2)| 00:05:21 |                                   
    |* 25 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL               | SDP_LOGICAL_REGISTER   |  5095K|    63M| 20245   (2)| 00:04:03 |                                   
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):                                   
       2 - access("SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK"="TMP"."SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK")                                   
       3 - access("SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK"="SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK" AND                                    
       4 - access("ASSET_CD"="EQUIP_CD")                                   
       5 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
       9 - access("NETWORK_TARIFF_CD"="NETWORK_TARIFF_CD")                                   
      10 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
      12 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y' AND "CONROL_REGISTER"='X')                                   
      13 - access("METER_CONFIG_HEADER_SK"="METER_CONFIG_HEADER_SK")                                   
      14 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
      15 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y' AND ("NMI_STATUS_CD"='A' OR "NMI_STATUS_CD"='D'))                                   
      16 - access("NMI_SK"="NMI_SK")                                   
      17 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
      18 - access("SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK"="SERVICE_DELIVERY_POINT_SK")                                   
      19 - access("SAP_INT_LOG_DEVICE_SK"="SAP_INT_LOG_DEVICE_SK")                                   
      20 - filter((SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='4' OR SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='5' OR                                    
                  SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='6') AND "REGISTER_TYPE_CD"='C' AND "ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
      21 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
      23 - access("SAP_INT_LOGICAL_REGISTER_SK"="SAP_INT_LOGICAL_REGISTER_SK")                                   
      24 - filter((SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='1' OR SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='2' OR                                    
                  SUBSTR("REGISTER_ID_CD",1,1)='3') AND "REGISTER_TYPE_CD"='C' AND "ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')                                   
      25 - filter("ROW_CURRENT_IND"='Y')Edited by: abhilash173 on Feb 24, 2013 9:16 PM
    Edited by: abhilash173 on Feb 24, 2013 9:18 PM

    Hi Paul,
    I misread your question initially .The system stats are outdated in both ( same result as seen from aux_stats) .I am not a DBA and do not have access to gather system stats fresh.
    select * from sys.aux_stats$
    SNAME     PNAME     PVAL1     PVAL2
    SYSSTATS_INFO     DSTART     NULL     02-16-2011 15:24
    SYSSTATS_INFO     DSTOP     NULL     02-16-2011 15:24
    SYSSTATS_INFO     FLAGS     1     NULL
    SYSSTATS_MAIN     CPUSPEEDNW     1321.20523     NULL

  • How can I use my IPAD to stream Musik to two Air Port Clients in a network at the same time?

    I want to stream my musik via I PAD to more than one Air Port Clients at the same time. Via MAC it is possible to select "more speaker". In the I PAD I can only select Station 1 or Station 2.

    I opened Airport Utility today and it appears to have been simplified to the point where you can't do much with it these days.
    Yes, welcome to the Fisher Price toy box utility.. where nothing in the way of advanced usage is offered.
    Is there a way to accomplish what I want to do that is reasonably simple?
    You can put time controls onto the offending addresses.
    But if the hackers know anything at all they know how to access the MAC address of the computer and change it.. so the effectiveness of this is limited.
    Change the current setup and password.. You must use WPA2 Personal and I recommend you use a pure alphanumeric password, mix case and numbers of 20 characters or more for your situation.. do not give that password to anyone.. protect the admin password of the TC itself equally well but with a different password. And protect the physical access to the TC from anyone in your home.. because the fact is all security on the TC is an illusion if the TC has open access.
    See how to find passwords here.
    i forgot my password for my router, how can I change them.
    So anyone can discover your passwords without your knowledge and leave no trace on your system.
    If you make no progress.. I suggest replacement of the TC as the main router of your network.. you need something with controls.. and even better controls that allow you to block people.
    The favourite one now is older Netgear WNDR3800 . .you might need to buy from ebay although a few new ones are still around.. alternatively the WNDRMACv2 is simply the same hardware in a white box.. instead of black.
    Load gargoyle firmware onto it.. sorry if I even point to where you can find this info my post will be deleted.. I can say it.. just cannot help further.. so use google.. there are lots of posts and let me assure you this get combo.
    You can continue to use TC at what it does best.. a dumb wireless AP and location for TM backups.

  • Sync iTunes Win(Bootcamp)/Mac using the SAME Library

    I know this question has ben asked a lot, but most of these questions are dealing with multiple physical units.
    I have a Mac Pro Quad Core that is running Win7 under Bootcamp. Therefore, I am using the same hardware for both operating systems.
    I have my iTunes Library (the whole Library, not just music files) pointing to a separate, internal drive. Both the Mac and Windows version of iTunes point to the same iTunes Library on the same drive. The Windows version of iTunes has Library organization turned off (mostly because the external drive is HFS+ and Windows gets cranky with that). To be clear: my iTunes Library lives on a drive that is not my boot drive and is not in my User Account directory.
    I am using the Mac OS iTunes to manage, maintain and organize the Library. The PC version of iTunes is strictly used as a jukebox. There is no cross contamination of OSes as far as file acquisition. I even sync my iPhone solely on the Mac side.
    For those unfamiliar with Bootcamp, the technology pushes me into either a Mac state or a PC state, I am not running the OSes concurrently.
    What I would like is to have whatever file management I do Mac-side be reflected PC side without me having to re-import the Library every time I make a change.
    Currently, if I add music on the Mac-side, or if I add comments, or anything else carried in the metadata, the changes will not reflect PC-side. I have to reimport the Library, which wipes my ratings and play count and is very annoying.
    I would like to know if it is possible to set up the PC version of iTunes to simply update the Library automatically, so that any change I make on the Mac-side is already reflected in the Windows version. For instance, I manage my play lists by comments - so I have "AOR Classic Rock" as a comment entry. If I add this comment to 10 songs on my Mac, I would like the Windows version of iTunes to just have "AOR Classic Rock" in the comments without me having to reimport the songs that changed.
    I do not expect reciprocity, since I don't believe Windows iTunes can change files on a Mac formatted drive, but that's okay. I just want the changes I make on the Mac to sync to the PC.
    You would THINK that having iCoud, I could use iCloud to sync all my iTunes settings and my Windows iTunes would mirror my Mac iTunes (at least for playlist, count and ratings). I do not have iTunes Match and am debating if its worth the cost. If iTunes Match will create the sync scenario I am looking for, it may very well be worth it.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    You'll need to install the appropriate drivers, and possibly move the library to a disk in a different format, so that each operating system can read and write to the drive. Then there is no reason why you can't open the "same" library in either system, and thus it will always be up to date. Moving back & forth between the OSs should be no more difficult than opening the same library on an external drive on a number of different systems. Provided all the content is in a standard layout, media folder inside the iTunes library folder, it should just work.

  • My Ipad 2 external speakers does not work and headphones has popping sound. This all occured at the same time as my Iphone and Ipod headphones only played mono (no, the "mono" option is not on). How can there be audio issue for all these devices?

    My IPad 2 external speaker does not work and the original headphones have popping sound when used. This all occurred at the same time as my IPhone and IPod headphones only plays mono (and no, the "mono" option is not on) with the original headphones, as well as, other headphones tested.  How can there be audio issue for all these devices at the same time?
    As you may have noted from the list of Apple devices I own, I believed in the Apple and the products it was producing; but it is hard to believe from my experience and the other voices within the Apple Community that we are all experiencing the same hardware issues. Especially since I recently, I upgraded to an IPhone 4g (no, my faith in IPhone 5 series is very little) and is experiencing the same audio problem as described above. So now, I am off to the Apple store again to be told that it’s a hardware problem on new IPhone. Really? Apple, what happen to the pride in the product you were producing?

    Everyone does things a little differently. I love to "jam " along with iTunes ( or old Lp's) . Always have. That's where/how I've learned to play .
    I'm sure leonieDF is giving a proper way to jam along on a keyboard with an iTune. He blows my mind all the time with what he knows. Nuff respects to him !
    What I do is make a GB project I call "Jam With". I'll make several new tracks that are blank. Just has a few instruments named in the blank tracks. You can change those per song ...
    Because I'm not concerned about changing the pitch / key.... of the iTune or the tempo ... I can simply play along with it.
    P. Dreadie

  • Multiple agentry servers installed in the same  system?

    Hello Experts,
              There are two agentry servers installed in the same system,but in different drives(C and D drive).I have given access to one server remotely,in the sense the applications to the server in one drive are published by other developers who are connecting to the server through network. In the other drive server iam publishing the applications developed locally.But after deployment,when i connect to the server to retrieve definitions,iam getting the latest application published.
    Is this situation possible,because when we connect to the server we are using ip address of the system where the server is installed,if both the servers are running in different drives,then which server application will be deployed,Is there any possibility to connect to the server instances(in my system two server instances),so that the application that is deployed to individual servers can be retrieved?
    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: Michael Appleby

    Hi Sravanthi,
    I do not believe that you can run two Agentry Servers on the same hardware without making other changes (like running them on SMP 2.3).  I would suggest that you look into the documentation for SMP 2.3 as your best solution at this time.  Hopefully some more savvy Agentry folks will chime in with a more detailed response.
    Regards, Mike
    SAP Customer Experience Group - CEG
    Message was edited by: Michael Appleby

  • The iPad 2 has the same exact hardware as the iPhone 4S. So why doesn't it get Siri with the new update?

    Well i'm just generally curious and a bit upset that ipad 2 will not be getting Siri after updating to iOS 6. I though it was because the new ipad was faster and ipad wasn't capable enough but later i found out that iPhone 4S will get the new Siri when it has the same chip A5 plus the ipad 2 's cpu is 1GHz whil the iphone 4S 's is 800MHz. I'm honestly not complaining. Apple never said at the time i bought my ipad 2 that it would get Siri, but i am curious...someone please answer.

    Actually, it is not the same hardware. The A5 chips are different. The iPad 2's doesn't include a noise canceling function that the newer iPhones and the New iPad do.

  • Why one Flex mobile app is installed well and another don't on the same cell phone?

    Why TweetDeck app was installed fine in my cell phone but Tour de Mobile Flex don't?
    I think that the two apps should be installed fine because they are installed on the Flex plataform on the same hardware.
    I installed TweetDeck and all go well, but when I try to install Tour de Mobile Flex, I receive the message "This item is not compatible with your device", and I have to abort the installation.
    I don´t understand why. What do you think?
    Cell phone: MT 65xx (H6 Hero)
    Android ver.: 2.2.1

    >this is an old account of my wife that has been cancelled, and I can't change it
    Uninstall... run the Cleaner... Restart your computer... Reinstall using YOUR account
    - (and uninstall)
    -using the cleaner after uninstalling and before reinstalling will usually help

  • Can more than one MAC use the same time capsule??

    My husband and I both have 27" imacs.  Since he just had a hard drive failure, I'm worried about my machine, and we'd both like to start backing our computers up.  Can we both use the same hardware to do this?

    Just make sure you have TC big enough to backup both macs! the final storage will be bigger than the disk space sum of your both macs as there will be incremental backups and snapshots in time going back!
    Otherwise your TM app will scream bloody murder that you are runnign out of space  as mine does :-)

Maybe you are looking for

  • File- XI- File- BPM

    We have a scennario where we need to pull a file from a specified place and post it into other specifed place and as soon as file is posted we want to triggger a RFC/BAPI call whcih will post the data in SAP.. Kindly share your approach with me for t

  • Perspetive Grid: how do I draw a cube showing only the TOP side and the FRONT side using perspective grid?

    My problem is that 1-, 2-, and 3-point perspectives do not semm to provide the perspective I need. and suggestions?

  • Tracking logs 2010

    Is there a default location for message tracking logs on Exch2010? And what format are they in? can they be analysed in any other tool than exchange, if for example you had recovered the logs from a backup?

  • ITunes sync losing my songs?

    After having some issues (question/info here), I decided to continue trying and synced my iPod 2 more times. It finally finished syncing my songs, but there are still 3 missing that as far as I know, don't even show up.. Windows Explorer tells me the

  • IPhoto crashes when managing accounts

    I am using iPhoto 11, 9.2.1. When I try to send a picture, I get the notice that my mail password is not correct. So I then go to iPhoto preferences - accounts and iPhoto crashes as soon as I load the Accounts page. I need to change the accounts from