Mdworker not running

OSX.6.8 Server
Problem: Spotlight is not indexing. We deleted the index for reindexing and now its impossible to search anything.
Reason: the process mdworker which is normallly launched with the launchd pocess during booting and is used by _spotlight, is not running.
The process mds which is launched by launchd and used by root is running.
I restarted the server, still silence with mdworker.
With mdworker not running Spotlight simply does nothing.
Any help is appreciated.

TL;DR: Check the console logs for errors.
Spotlight isn't specific to OS X Server. 
Reinstalling OS X and OS X Server isn't a huge project and is a common solution for some variations of "weird" but wouldn't be my first choice here. 
I'd start with a look at the console log files first and see what (if anything) is logged there around mdworker et al.
I've seen cases where odd-ball or corrupted files can trip up Spotlight, though finding those files can sometimes be a little interesting.   If it's a user's file that's tripping Spotlight, reinstalling OS X Server doesn't help.
Later versions of Spotlight tend to work a little better, though I'm guessing there's a reason you're still at 10.6.8.

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    I really cannot agree with you.
    Spotlight and any other disk-intensive service should NEVER run while on battery.
    I've been sitting here the last 20 minutes watch my fairly new macbook pro battery drain from 47% to 18% because spotlight was indexing.
    Also, so what if it's out of date when I plug back in, I'd much rather have spotlight re-index when I plug in than drain my battery when I'm not near a power source.
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  • SAPOSCOL not running in MS Cluster

    Hi, gurus:
    We have a problem with SAPOSCOL in a SAP ECC 6.0 system (SAP ECC 6.0 + NetWeaver 7.00 + Oracle 10.2 + Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition) running over a MS cluster:
    Transactions OS06/ST06 shows no data, and they show an info message wich states: SAPOSCOL not running ? (shared memory not available ). When we checked this issue, we noticed that, in fact, there is no sapcoscol.exe task running in any node.
    But when we try to start the service (both using microsoft services console and cmd commands) although we can see the process running in the node which owns all the resources, SAP seems not notice that. The information system shows in ST06>Operating System Collector>Status is the following:
    iinterval             0             sec.
    Collector Version:
    Date/time             05.09.2008 16:55:01
    Start of Collector
    Status report
    Collector Versions                         
      running                                   COLL 20.95     700     - 20.64     NT 07/10/17
      dialog                                   COLL 20.95     700     - 20.65     NT 08/02/06
    Shared Memory                              attached
    Number of records                         575
    Active Flag                              active     (01)
    Operating System                         Windows NT     5.2.3790 SP     2 BL-SAP2 4x AMD64 Level 1
    Collector PID                              0 (00000000)
    Collector                                   not running (process ID not found).
    Start time coll.                              Thu Jan 01     01:00:00 1970
    Current     Time                              Fri Sep 05     16:55:01 2008
    Last write access                         Mon Sep 01     11:28:23 2008
    Last Read  Access                         Fri Sep 05     15:54:00 2008
    Collection Interval                         10     sec     (next delay).
    Collection Interval                         10     sec     (last ).
    Status                                   read
    Collect     Details                         required
    Refresh                                   required
    Header Extention Structure                    
    Number of x-header          Records          1
    Number of Communication     Records          60
    Number of free Com.          Records          60
    Resulting offset to rec.               61
    Trace level                                   3
    Collector in IDLE -     mode ?               NO
      become idle after     300     sec     without     read access.|
      Length of     Idle Interval                    60     sec
      Length of     norm.Interval                    10     sec
    But saposcol.exe is running with a certain PID in the same note than SAP and Oracle under user sapservice<sid>
    We have tried to run saposcol in several ways (as, I have noted before: from microsoft service console, from cmd line using "net start saposcol", using the saposcol under C:\WINDOWS\SapCluster and the one under
    F:\usr\sap\PRD\sys\exe\run, fom the two nodes, accessing the cluster through several IPs...) and tried the commands saposcol -c and saposcol -k but we cannot get the saposcoll run. Moreover, we haven't found any log information. The only log we (and SAP) could find is the one located in C:\WINDOWS\SapCluster\dev_coll.
    This log remain frozen at September 1st:
          SAPOSCOL version  COLL 20.95 700 - 20.64 NT 07/10/17, 64 bit, multithreaded, Non-Unicode
          compiled at   Feb  3 2008
          systemid      562 (PC with Windows NT)
          relno         7000
          patch text    COLL 20.95 700 - 20.64 NT 07/10/17
          patchno       146
          intno         20050900
          running on    BL-SAP2 Windows NT 5.2 3790 Service Pack 2 4x AMD64 Level 15 (Mod 65 Step 3)
    12:04:16 01.09.2008   LOG: Profile          : no profile used
    12:04:16 01.09.2008   LOG: Saposcol Version  : [COLL 20.95 700 - 20.64 NT 07/10/17]
    12:04:16 01.09.2008   LOG: Working directory : C:\WINDOWS\SAPCLU~1
    12:04:16 01.09.2008   LOG: Allocate Counter Buffer [10000 Bytes]
    12:04:16 01.09.2008   LOG: Allocate Instance Buffer [10000 Bytes]
    12:04:17 01.09.2008   LOG: Shared Memory Size: 71898.
    12:04:17 01.09.2008   LOG: Connected to existing shared memory.
    12:04:17 01.09.2008   LOG: MaxRecords = 575 <> RecordCnt + Dta_offset = 614 + 61
    12:04:22 01.09.2008 WARNING: WaitFree: could not set new shared memory status after 5 sec
    12:04:22 01.09.2008 WARNING: Cannot create Shared Memory
    Kernel Info:
    Kernel release    700
    Compilation        NT 5.2 3790 Service Pack 1 x86 MS VC++ 14.00
    Sup.Pkg lvl.       146
    ABAP Load       1563
    CUA load           30
    Mode                opt
    Can anyone shed some light on the subject?
    Thank you very much and kind regards
    Edited by: Jose Enrique Sepulveda on Sep 6, 2008 2:10 AM

    Dear bhaskar:
    Thanks for your reply. We have considered balancing the system to the other node or reboot the system to free resources, in order to re-create the shared memory, but in the past, the balancing process (move resources from one node to the other) has caused problems. Since this is a critical system, stopping (or balancing) is not an option right now, and updating the kernel requires an ABAP stack reboot plus the kernel change : any changes in system configuration requires a longer approval/planning process than a reboot.
    Moreover, the OS collecting system and its display in OS06/ST06 has worked fine until now.
    Does anyone knows if a reboot has solved this kind of problem in a similar situation?
    Thanks in advance
    José Enrique

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Enter the details of her second account at system preferences> mail, contacts & calendars.

  • When KM Scheduler is stopped or not running

    Hi Experts,
    I have created KM Scheduler using the blog for every 30 mins.
    In Systemadmin>Monitor> KM-->i can see whether Scheduler is running or not.
    Now the requirement is to send a mail to the portal support team when Scheduler is stopped or not running. Is it possible?and how we can proceed?
    Please guide me.

    Try the Firefox SafeMode. <br />
    ''A troubleshooting mode, which disables most Add-ons.'' <br />
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default Theme.)''
    # You can open the Firefox 4/5/6/7 SafeMode by holding the '''Shft''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    # Or use the Help menu item, click on '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' while Firefox is running. <br />
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shft key) to open it again.''
    If it is good in the Firefox SafeMode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. <br />

  • KM Scheduler Task is not running...

    Dear All,
    I have created a KM Scheduler Task using the NDWS Wizard. I followed prakash's blog ( My doubt is where exactly the attributes are created? and can any one guide how to create the attributes in .cc.xml file. And how does public void run( String id, Properties properties ) it works?
    The application was successfully deployed. I am able to see my task under System Administration->System Configuration->Knowledge Management->Configuration->Content Management->Global Services->Scheduler Tasks.  but I think it is not running. Can any one give some clue on this. As i'm not finding any thing uder Kmcontent>Documents.
    Do i need to configure anything to run KM scheduler Task?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Jagan456533 on Jan 19, 2011 11:10 AM

    Hi Jagan,
    The status "0" for your task in "Component Monitor" is fine.
    Navigate to System Administration> System Configuration>Service Configuration. You can see here Applications and Portal runtime.
    Open Applications--> and you Task. Right click on your task folder and say Administrate. Here you check whether your task has been stopped, running. Make sure its running. ( Try refresh, if its already running ).
    In you task folder, you will see "Service Folder"  under this, you will see "RFServiceWrapper", right click on it and say configure, make sure the values are like shown below:
    Name :
    Value: Value1
    Also make sure in your portalapp.xml, the values are same:
    startup= true
    Name= =
    Prof= Value1
    You see tha the same name is used "Value1" in RFServiceWrapper both in portalapp.xml and in Service Configuration.
    You can use any other name but the it should be same in both the places.
    Make all these changes, and then restart your task in Service configuration again. Any changes in portalappl.xml, restart is necessary.
    Kind Regards,

  • Why will firefox not start on my laptop? can't uninstall or open the profile manager either. it simply does not run. it used to work fine until i had to restore my system.

    had firefox 4.0 & have been a user of firefox for a few years now. never had any problems. had to do a system restore after my computer detected a virus of some sort & i couldn't do anything. the virus kept popping up a bogus add for me to buy an antivirus program. had to restart laptop in safemode to initiate the restore. ever since then firefox has not opened. can't even uninstall it or open the profile manager. anything that has to do with firefox will simply not run/open at all. i'm stumped.

    System restore can cause problems as well as solve them, it has probably completely mucked up your Firefox installation.
    Try deleting your Firefox installation directory, the default location on 32 bit Windows is C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\
    Now re-install Firefox, it should pick up your current profile folder so you should not lose your bookmarks, passwords etc.

  • Oracle XE 11g x64 does not run. No *DBF files inside of the XE folder. Windows 7 Pro x64.

    Hello everyone!
    I hope you are doing well all. In my case I have some troubles by installing Oracle XE 11g on my PC. My OS is Windows 7 Pro x64.
    1. I activated the Administrator mode on my PC (net user Administrator /active:yes)
    2. Started the setup as Administrator. The setup process was finished successfully with no errors showed.
    3. Started the Database, OracleServiceXE, OracleXETNListener and other services.
    4. Tried to connect using sqlplus-> connect system ->password, what in result gave me ORA-01034 Oracle not available and ORA-27101 Shared memory realm does not exist errors.
    5. Then I recognized that my C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE folder is empty when it should be usually full with 6 DBF file.
    6. I opened the cloneDBCreation.log and it contains these data:
    SQL> Create controlfile reuse set database "XE"
      4  MAXLOGFILES 16
      6  MAXDATAFILES 100
      7  Datafile
      8  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\system.dbf',
      9  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\undotbs1.dbf',
    10  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\sysaux.dbf',
    11  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\users.dbf'
    12  LOGFILE
    13  GROUP 1 SIZE 51200K,
    14  GROUP 2 SIZE 51200K,
    15  RESETLOGS;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> exec dbms_backup_restore.zerodbid(0);
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0641: "EXECUTE" requires connection to server
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    SQL> startup nomount pfile="C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\config\scripts\initXETemp.ora";
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    SQL> Create controlfile reuse set database "XE"
      4  MAXLOGFILES 16
      6  MAXDATAFILES 100
      7  Datafile
      8  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\system.dbf',
      9  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\undotbs1.dbf',
    10  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\sysaux.dbf',
    11  'C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata\XE\users.dbf'
    12  LOGFILE
    13  GROUP 1 SIZE 51200K,
    14  GROUP 2 SIZE 51200K,
    15  RESETLOGS;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter system enable restricted session;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter database "XE" open resetlogs;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter database rename global_name to "XE";
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter system switch logfile;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter system checkpoint;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter database drop logfile group 3;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='USERS';
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> select sid, program, serial#, username from v$session;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter user sys identified by "&&sysPassword";
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter user system identified by "&&systemPassword";
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> alter system disable restricted session;
    SP2-0640: Not connected
    SQL> @C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\config\scripts\postScripts.sql
    SQL> connect "SYS"/"&&sysPassword" as SYSDBA
    ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    SQL> set echo on
    SQL> spool C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\config\log\postScripts.log
    I spent around 2 days to come to this reason and now I do not know what to do next.
    My actions to resolve this problem:
    1. Checked if my user has administrative rights and belongs to ora_dba. It does!
    2. Turned Microsoft UAC off.
    3. Set the system and local variables of ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH, TNS-ADMIN to the appropriate values in Enivornment Variables:
         - ORACLE_BASE -> C:\oraclexe
         - ORACLE_HOME -> %ORACLE_BASE%\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server
         - ORACLE_SID -> XE
         - Added to PATH -> C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin;
         - TNS_ADMIN -> %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin
    4. Removed Oracle XE 11g and reinstalled to another drive. No sense!
    Some more errors:
    1. C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\config\log\XE.bat.log
    Instance created.
    DIM-00019: create service error
    O/S-Error: (OS 1387) Ein Mitglied konnte in der lokalen Gruppe nicht hinzugefugt oder entfernt werden, da das Mitglied nicht vorhanden ist.
    It means -> O/S-Error: (OS 1387) Unable to add or remove a member from the local group because this member does not exist.
    I understand that I need to logon as batch job. I added me to this policy in User Rights Assignments, but still I get these "DIM-00019: create service error" and "O/S-Error: (OS 1387)". And I guess just therefore my database is not starting well.
    2. is not starting in browser. It is probably because the database is not running appropriately. For this issue have already seen one topic in Google that the HTTP Properties inside the Listener Status must be set to 8080 to make this link work. But in my case I do not see this line in my Listener Status:
    Some other information relevant to the issue:
    1)  echo %USERNAME% - Administrator
         echo %USERDOMAIN% - ildar-PC
    2) Listener.log:
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
          (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)
          (ORACLE_HOME = C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server)
          (PROGRAM = extproc)
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ildar-PC)(PORT = 1521))
    3) Tnsnames.log
    XE =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ildar-PC)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = XE)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = PLSExtProc)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = CLRExtProc)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
    4) Sqlnet.log:
    5) While connecting by sqlplus, I get this errors/messages:
    6) Confirmation that I've got admin rights and I am in ORA_DBA:
    If u need some more information from me, please let me know!!
    Guys please help me to solve this issue, 'cause I've almost got frustrated to find out the solution of this problem. Thank you beforehand!!
    Kind regards,

    I have tried to install both of them lots of times but in each case I receive the same in my XE.bat file:
    Instance created.
    DIM-00019: create service error
    O/S-Error: (OS 1387) Unable to add or remove a member from the local group because this member does not exist.
    Have checked OS 1387 error at Microsoft Support and as possible cause of the problem they give as follows:
    This issue can occur if the environment has a disjointed namespace (i.e. the domain has different NetBIOS and DNS names). For example, assume that the domain has a NetBIOS name of "" and a DNS name of "" When users are added in the Windows UI, they are displayed in the format of domain\ComputerName. However, you notice in the error log that there was an attempt to add a computer account in the format of domain-old\ComputerName. (System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager install fails and generates ID: 4323: "A member could not be added")
    Tried to find out my DNS name, but it is impossible because I don't have any domain installed and my machine is not connected to it. Some other blog (Install Oracle 11gR2 on Windows) advices to work with adding my computer account to some non-real windows domain (just for the purpose of resolving the network) as well and reinstall the database then. If I undestand it right I need minimum 2 machines for this. But I own just one, where the server is based and thought that is enough to run the database... no idea ..

  • C6280 HP Solution Center will not run or install

    I have been using my C6280 on my home network for years with Solution Center intalled on a desktop running Vista andtwo laptops running Windows 7 with only the print drivers installed. HP Update was eanbled on the desktop.
    In the past two or three months, I started to get a number of error messages on my desktop indicating there was something wrong with Solution Center. The issue steadily worsened to the point where Solution Center would not run at all (unable to detect device seemed to be the most recurrent message) and I was unable to run the scanner.
    I was able to maintain printer fnctionality by deleting and then adding the printer through Windows, although I seemed to be forced to do this every few days.
    I went on the forum and decided the best course of action to restore full functionality was to uninstall all HP software and then download/install the software suite. I downloaded the Vista 32 bit version  (100_228_PS_AIO_02_Full_Net_enu_NB.exe) andI tried installation several times with no luck - the installation always seemed to get stuck immediately after extracting files.
    I went back on the forum and found out how to do a level 4 uninstall from a temp folder beginning with 7z... . I did that and tried again (after checking that my Adobe Flash was up to date).  The install went a little further this time but eventually stopped again. File not found.  I ran the installation .exe from the temp file and went a little further but stopped again. An error log was created and a 'fix' was placed on my desk top. I followed the instructions but the 'fix' did nothing (it was just a text file - nothing to run that I could decypher). Just to make sure I was doing it right, I repeated the entire uninstall/download/reinstall process two more times with the same result. 
    The above process was beginning to remind me of Einstein's defiition of insanity (do ing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts) so I gave up and successfully downloaded and installed the printer drivers to restore print functionality.
    How do I get my scan functionality back?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    May you have McAfee Antivirus on your PC?
    If so try following the steps belwo and let me know if that may help:
    1. Open Mcafee software, from the Virus and Spyware Protection section click on Schedule and run scans. Click on Real time scanning and then on Turn Off. select Never and confirm by clicking the Turn Off button.
    2. Open the run dialog by clicking both the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard. Type %windir% and click on OK.
    3. Type hpoins*.dat into the top search bar, if there are any results rename the extention into old instead of dat. (e.g. hpoins1.old)
    4. Type hpwins*.dat into the top search bar, if there are any results rename the extention into old instead of dat. (e.g. hpwins1.old)
    5. Launch the Run dialog by clicking both the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard. Type MSIEXEC /UNREGISTER into the Run dialog and click on OK.
    6. Launch the Run dialog by clicking both the Windows key and the R key on your keyboard. Type MSIEXEC /REGSERVER into the Run dialog and click on OK.
    7. Reboot your PC
    8. Run the installation file and check for any difference.
    9. Once you are done, be sure to open McAfee and re-activate Real Time Scanning.
    If the issue persists, please clarify what security software you are using,
    As well open the device manager and expend the Processors category - what processor you have on your PC?
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • QMASTER hints 4 usual trouble (QM NOT running/CLUSTEREd nodes/Networks etc

    All, I just posted this with some hints & workaround with very common issues people have on this forum and keep asking concerning the use of APPLE QMASTER with FCP, SHAKE, COMPRESSOR and MOTION. I've had many over the last 2 years and see them coming up frequently.
    Perhaps these symptoms are fixed in FCS2 at MAY 2007 (now). However if not here's some ROTS that i used for FCP to compressor via QMASTER cluster for example. NO special order but might help someone get around the stuff with QMASTER V2.3, FCP V5.1.4, V2.3
    I saw the latest QMASTER UI and usage at NAB2007 and it looked a little more solid with some "EASY SETUP" stuff. I hope it has been reworked underneath.. I guess I will know soon if it has.
    • provide access from ALL nodes to ALL the source and target objects (files) on their VOLUMES. Simply MOUNT those volumes through the APPLE file system (via NFS) using +k (cmd+k) or finder/go/connect to server. OR using an SSAFS such as XSAN™ where the file systems are all shared over FC not the network. YOu will notice the CPU's going very busy for a small while. THhis is the APPLE FILE SYSTEM task,,, I guess it's doing 'spotlight stuff". This goes away after a few minutes.
    • set the COMPRESSOR preferences for "CLUSTER OPTIONS" to "Never copy source to Cluster". This means that all nodes can access your source and target objects (files) over NFS (as above). Failure to to this means LENGTHY times to COPY material back an forth, in some cases undermining the pleasure gained from initially using clustering (reduced job times)
    • DONT mix the PHYSICAL or LOGICAL networks in your local cluster. I dont know why but I could never get this to work. Physical mean stick with eother ETHERNET or FIREWIRE or your other (airport etc whic will be generally way to slow and useless), Logical measn leepin all nodes on the SAME subnet. You can do this siply by setting theis up in the system preferences/QMASTER/advanced tab under "Use Network Interfaces". In my currnet QUAd I set this to use BUILT IN ETHERNET1 and in the MPBDC's I set this to their BUILTIN ETHERNET.
    • LOGICAL NETWORKS (Subnet): simply HARDCODE an IP address on the ETHERNET (for eample) for your cluster nodes andthe service controller. FOr eample 3.1.1.x .... it will all connect fine.
    • Physical Networks: As above (1) DONT MIX firewire (IPoFW) and Ethernet(IPoE). (2) if more than extra service node USE A HUB or SWITCH. I went and bought a 10 port GbE HUB for about $HK400 (€40) and it worked fine. I was NEVER able to get a stable system of QMASTER mixing FW and ETHERNET. (3) fwiw using IP of FW caused me a LOAD of DISK errors and timouts (I/O errors) on thosse DISKs that were FW400 (al gone now) but it showed this was not stable overall
    • for the cluster controller node MAKE SURE you set the CLUSTER STORAGE (system preferences/QMASTER/shared cluster storage) for the CLUSTER CONTROLLER NODE IS ON A SHARED volume (See above). This seems essential for SHAKE to work. (if not check the Qmaster errors in the [see below] ). IF you have an SSAFS like XSAN™ then just add this cluster storage on a share file path. NOte that QMASTER does not permit the cluster storage to be on a NETWORK NODE for some reason. So in short just MOUNT the volume where the SHARED CLUSTER file is maintained for the CLUSTER controller.
    • FCP - avoid EXPORT to COMPRESSOR from the TIMELINE - it never seems to work properly (see later). Instead EXPORT FROM SEQUENCE in the BROWSER - consistent results
    • FCP - "media missing " messages on EXPORT to COMPRESSOR.. seems a defect in FCP 5.1 when you EXPORT using a sequence that is NOT in the "root" or primary trry in the FCP PROJECT BROWSER. Simply if you have browser/bin A contains(Bin B (contains Bin C (contains sequence X))) this will FAIL (wont work) for "EXPORT TO COMPRESSOR" if you use EXPORT to COMPRESSOR in a FCP browser PANE that is separately OPEN. To get around this, simply OPEN/EXPOSE the triangles/trees in the BROWSER PANE for the PROJECT and select the SEQUENCE you want and "EXPORT to COMPRESSOR" from there. This has been documented in a few places in this forum I think.
    • FCP -> COMPRESSOR -> .M2V (for DVDSP3): some things here. EXPORTING from an FCP SEQUENCE with CHAPTER MARKERS to an MPEG2 .M2V encoding USING A CLUSTER causes errors in the placement of the chapter makers when it is imported to DVDSP3. In fact CONSISTENTLY, ALL the chapter markers are all PLACED AT THE END of the TRACK in DVD SP# - somewhat useless. This seems to happen ALSO when the source is an FCP reference movie, although inconsistent. A simple work around if you have the machines is TRUN OF SEGMENTING in the COMPRESSOR ENCODER inspector. let each .M2V transcode run on the same service node. FOr the jobs at hand just set up a CLUSTER and controller for each machine and then SELECT the cluster (myclusterA, hisclusterb, herclusterc) for each transcode job.. anyway for me.. the time spent resolving all this I could have TRANSCODED all this on my QUAD and it would all have ben done by sooner! (LOL)
    • CONSOLE logs: IF QMASTER fails, I would suggest your fist port of diagnosis should be /Library/Logs/Qmaster in there you will see (on the controller node) compressor.log,, and lots of others including service (for each cpu/core and node) andd qmasterca.log. All these are worth a look and for me helped me solve 90% of my qmaster errors and failures.
    • MOTION 3 - fwiw.. EXPORT USING COMPRESSOR to a CLUSTER seems to fail EVERY TIME.. seems MOTION is writing stuff out to a /var/spool/qmaster
    TROUBLESHOOTING QMASTER: IF QMASTER seems buggered up (hosed), then follow these steps PRIOR to restarting you machines.
    go read the TROUBLE SHOOTING in the published APPLE docs for COMPRESSOR, SHAKE and "SET UP FOR DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING" and serach these forums CAREFULLY.. the answer is usually there somewhere.
    ELSE THEN,, try these steps....
    You'll feel that QMASTER is in trouble when you
    • see that the QMASTER ICON at the top of the screen says 'NO SERVICES" even though that node is started and
    • that the APPLE QMASTER ADMINSTRATOR is VERY SLOW after an 'APPLY" (like minutes with SPINNING BEACHBALL) or it WONT LET YOU DELETE a cluster or you see 'undefined' nodes in your cluster (meaning that one was shut down or had a network failure)..... all this means it's going to get worse and worse. SO DONT submit any more work to QAMSTER... best count you gains and follow this list next.
    (a) in / RESET BACKGROUND PROCESSES (its under the COMPRESSOR name list box) see if things get kick started but you will lose all the work that has been done up to that point for
    b) if no OK, then on EACH node in that cluster, STOP the QMASTER (system preferences/QMASTER/setup [set 0 minutes in the prompt and OK). Then when STOPPED, RESET the shared services my licking OPTION+CLICK on the "START" button to reveal the "RESET SERVICES". Then click "START" on each node to start the services. This has the actin of REMOVING or in the case where the CLUSTER CONTROLLER node is "RESET" f terminating the cluster that's under its control. IF so Simply go to APPLE QMASTER ADMINISTRATOR and REDFINE it. Go restart you cluster.
    c) if step (b) is no help, consult the QMASTER logs in /Library/Logs/Qmaster (using the for any FILE MISSING or FILE not found or FILE ERROR . Look carefully for the NODENAME (the machine_name.local) where the error may have occured. Sometimes it's very chatty. Others it is not. ALso look in the BATCH MONITOR OUTPUT for errors messages. Often these are NEVER written (or I cant find them) in the /var/logs... try and resolve any issues you can see (mostly VOLUME or FILE path issues from my experience)
    (d) if still no joy then - try removing all the 'dead' cluster files from /var/tmp/qmaster , /var/sppol/qmaster and also the file directory that you specified above for the controller to share the clustering. FOR shake issues, go do the same (note also where the shake shared cluster file path is - it can be also specified in the RENDER FILEOUT nodes prompt).
    e) if all this WONT help you, its time to get the BIG hammer out. Simply, STOP all nodes of not stopped. (if status/mode is "STOPPING" then it [QMASTER] is truly buggered). DISMOUNT the network volumes you had mounted. and RESTART ALL YOUR NODES. Tis has the affect of RESTARTING all the QMASTERD tasks. YEs sure you can go in and SUDO restart them but it is dodgy at best because they never seem to terminate cleanly (Kill -9 etc) or FORCE QUIT.... is what one ends up doing and then STILL having to restart.
    f) after restart perform steps from (B) again and it will be usually (but not always) right after that
    LAstly - here's some posts I have made that may help others for QMASTER 2.3 .. and not for the NEW QMASTER as at MAy 2007...
    Topic "qmasterd not running" - how this happened and what we did to fix it. -
    Topic: IP over Firewire AND Ethernet connected cluster?
    LAstly spend some DEDICATED time to using OBJECTIVE keywords to search the FINAL CUT PRO, SHAKE, COMPRESSOR , MOTION and QMASTER forums
    hope thats helps.
    G5 QUAD 8GB ram w/3.5TB + 2 x 15in MBPCore   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   FCS1, SHAKE 4.1

    Thanks for joining the forum and for doing all this work and posting your results for our benefit.
    As FCP2 arrives in our shop, we will try once again to make sense of it and to see if we can boost our efficiencies in rendering big projects and getting Compressor to embrace five or six idle Macs.
    Nonetheless, I am still in "Major Disbelief Mode" that Apple has done so little to make this software actually useful.

  • Ni usrp example are not running on window 7 64 bit

    i have installed labview 2012 ,modulation toolkit, mathscript toolkit and usrp device driver 1.2. i am using window 7 64 bit operating system. i am trying to run example of usrp but it was not running it is not able to load NI-MAPro.lvlib files .any other toolkit required to be installed to run examples of ursrp ...please help  i am new to usrp and labview.

    well most example of modulation toolkit and other like  EX FM demod sound card (queue), ex fsk tx,ex pam rx , ex pam tx, psk, QAM  ....allmost all example are creating poblem..whenever i click it start loading file but it is not able load NI_MAPro.lvlib it ask for file path but i donot where these files are located.for example if i click to open FM Demod sound card (queue) example it is not able laod file NI_Mapro.lvlib:fft power spectrum for 1 chan(cdb).vi

  • Hi, I got the problem with Firefox 27.0.1. I can not run Selenium on Firefox after login a website for automation testing. The browser is not responding.

    Hi, I got the problem with Firefox 27.0.1. I can not run Selenium on Firefox after login a website for automation testing. The browser is not responding. However when I close Nunit, the page is back to be normal. The title is returned to the name of website without "not responding". I sure this problem did not happen on Firefox version 26. I just got this problem when firefox upgrading automatically to version 27. Please help me fix this problem because it is very important for my work. If you need more information pls send your concerns via my email address.
    Thanks so much

    Hi, the work around suggested above should put you in working mode in the meantime. However to help investigate the issue it is possible to analyze what is not loading or taking a long time by analyzing the network traffic or http headers of the Nunit web page.
    *Web developer Tools > Web console
    If you post the results with out the user data, we are happy to help.

  • Cron job not running - script uses rsync, ssh (with id_rsa)

    Does anyone know how to get cron to run a rsync/ssh script which uses id_rsa for passwordless logins?
    I have a backup script I have slaved for months over that works wonderfully when running it from the command line.
    It uses rsync and connects with SSH (passwordless using ssh keys). I have setup id_rsa and for passwordless logins (this is my user account, and connects using root@ to the server)
    As stated all works find when run from the command line. But when I setup a cron job to run this file (exact same line I run from the command line) it does not execute. Actually, it does run, as I have an email notifiction which sends to me. It is just the rsync/ssh part that does not run.
    I have spent days and days trying to figure it out. No error messages occur, nothing.  Took me a while to find out cron is emailing the user account on Lion the messages (not to a proper email address).
    The error shows a permission denied, which I believe to be the cron user cannot use the id_rsa/ssh connection.
    Cron is running the script as my user, the same I use on the command line. I even tried copying the id_rsa to the root user .ssh folder in case cron is running as root but that does not work either.
    So does anyone know how to get cron to run this rsync/ssh script which used id_rsa for passwordless logins?
    Thanks a lot

    YES! Got it working, finally!
    So the issue is indeed cron/launchd not being able to access the ssh-agent which holds the key.
    So this is the solution...
    Download keychain for Mac:
    Then once its installed and configured, the script to run needs this added to the top:
    eval `keychain --noask --eval id_rsa` || exit 1
    Note I am using id_rsa whereas keychains instructions refer to id_dsa so I just changed it and it works OK.
    When the script runs the first time it asks for the key password. Then it works from then on.
    What I do not know yet is will I need to re-enter the password when I logoff/logon again. That will cause an issue as I auto restart the Mac every day which means if I am off for a few days backup will stop (can you see the madness in this issue!).

  • CSCur57111 - VMWare tools not running after upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3

    I guess that we need to create a TAC case to be able to run this script as root ? 

    I've upgrade from v1.2 to v1.3 (in a test-lab so far). I also found this problem of VMWare reporting the VM tools are not running, despite my changing the host type to RedHat6/x64.
    Did you manage to figure out how to get ROOT access to be able to run the fix they mention?

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