MDX - Help with IIF syntax

I have a member in Accounts named 'Marketing' that needs a MDX formula with this logic:
If the current member in the Market dimension is an idescendant of 'Total_Markets'
[Corp_Level] * ( [Sales] / ( [Sales] , [Total_Markets] ) ) , [Corp_Level] )
Just return the current value in 'Marketing'.
I'm trying:
IIF ( [Market].CurrentMember IS [Total_Markets].Descendants,
[Corp_Level] * ( [Sales] / ( [Sales] , [Total_Markets] ) ) , [Corp_Level] ) , [Marketing] )
Getting this error... I'm probably way off.....
Error(1260052) - Syntax error in input MDX query on line 1 at token 'Descendants' Marketing

I tried that yesterday. There is absolutely no help anywhere on how to properly format my query. I must include 'basis' in my MaxL somehow and I couldn't find a single example of how to construct the MaxL properly. I'm so frustrated as I understand MaxL and CrossJoin but the link you sent is just not resonating for whatever reason. Here's my atttempt at that.
login 'admin' 'epmtestdrive' on localhost;
execute allocation process on database ASOAlloc.ASOAlloc with
pov "Crossjoin(Descendants([Year],[Year].levels(0)),
amount "([Corp_Level])"
/* amount "([Sales],[Total_Markets])" */
target ""
range "([Marketing] )"/* ,[Payroll],[Miscellaneous])" */
/* range "CrossJoin({[Marketing],[Payroll],[Miscellaneous]},
Descendants([Total_Markets],[Market].levels(0)))" */
basis           "([Sales], [Total_Markets])"

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    A good rule of thumb when encountering this sort of error message is to examine the preceding line of code.
    If you do that with your query, you should spot the trailing comma at the end of the line.
    Also: read up on CFQUERYPARAM.  Don't hard-code dynamic values in your SQL string.

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    <project basedir="." default="deploy" name="concepts">
    <property name="src.dir" value="src"></property>
    <property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/build"></property>
    <property name="build.lib" value="${build.dir}/lib"></property>
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    <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"></mkdir>
    <target name="deploy" depends="clover-yes, clover-no">
    <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" classpath="${libs}" debug="off" optimize="on" deprecation="on" compiler="${compiler}">
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    <include name="com/portalbook/portlets/**/*.java" />
    <include name="com/portalbook/portlets/content/**/*.java" />
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    <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
    <include name="*.jar">
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    <classes dir="${classes.dir}"></classes>
    <lib dir="${lib.dir}"></lib>
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    <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"></fileset>
    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/concepts.war" manifest="${build.etc}/">
    <fileset dir="${build.resources}/concepts-war"></fileset>
    <!-- concepts.ear -->
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    <fileset dir="${build.lib}" includes="concepts.war,concepts-lib.jar"></fileset>
    <jar jarfile="${build.lib}/concepts.ear">
    <fileset dir="${build.resources}/concepts-ear" includes="concepts.war,concepts-lib.jar">
    <target depends="deploy" name="explode">
    <taskdef classname="org.jboss.nukes.common.ant.Explode" classpath="${libs}" name="explode"></taskdef>
    <explode file="${build.lib}/concepts.ear" name="concepts.ear" todir="${build.lib}/exploded"></explode>
    <target depends="war" name="all"></target>
    <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}">
    <delete dir="${dist.dir}">
    I am a little inexperienced in XML files. So I am unable to spot the error.
    I would greatly appreciate it, if some kind soul were to help me out.
    thanks a lot

    The tag
    <target name="deploy" depends="clover-yes, clover-no"> never closed.
    close that tag:
    <target name="deploy" depends="clover-yes, clover-no">
         <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" classpath="${libs}" debug="off" optimize="on" deprecation="on" compiler="${compiler}">
              <include name="org/apache/commons/fileupload/**/*.java" />
              <include name="com/portalbook/portlets/**/*.java" />
              <include name="com/portalbook/portlets/content/**/*.java" />
    </target>Second error is that the depends in there (clover-yes, clover-no) are not existing as targets in your xml.

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             if(a <= 0)
                return (a < 0) ? add(MCH.succ(a), MCH.pred(b)) : b;
                return (a > 0) ? add(MCH.pred(a), MCH.succ(b)) : b;
          }//The variable total is defined earlier as what ever a originally was and is not modified.
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                    return a;
              return multiply(add(total,a),--b) ;
        //This code i though was the same as above just in one line but apparently not
        //10*10 will return 10
        // 5*5 will return 5
        public static int multiply(int a, int b)
              return (b==1) ? multiply(add(total,a),--b) : a;
          }Why are the two sections of code returning different values. Any help is much appreciated

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    Here is my code in the record set dialog box:
    SELECT *
    FROM tasks
    WHERE (task_resource = varName) AND (begin_date BETWEEN
    varBeginDate AND varEndDate OR end_date BETWEEN varBeginDate AND
    ORDER BY tasks.begin_date
    I thought it was working fine until I ran into a problem. The
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    and end_date of 02/22/08.
    How can I correct my SQL? Not sure how to do this if I take
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    Thank you.

    >> SELECT *
    > FROM tasks
    > WHERE (task_resource = varName) AND (begin_date BETWEEN
    varBeginDate AND
    > varEndDate OR end_date BETWEEN varBeginDate AND
    > ORDER BY tasks.begin_date
    SELECT *
    FROM tasks
    WHERE (task_resource = varName) AND ((begin_date BETWEEN
    varBeginDate AND
    varEndDate) OR (end_date BETWEEN varBeginDate AND
    ORDER BY tasks.begin_date

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    vhdtool.exe /expand servername.vhd 42949672960 [/quiet]
    I can't find anywhere where it states how to enter the numerical value. Can someone please verify this syntax ?? The value that's there is in bytes

    Apparently it needs quotes around the pathname:  vhdtool.exe /expand "C:\hyperv\servername.vhd" 42949672960

  • Beginner needs help with gotoAndPlay syntax

    Hello out there.
    I am modifying a Flash template which I downloaded recently
    The following code has been placed on a symbol which is defined as a button.
    on (release) { = 3;
    _root.gates.gotoAndPlay ("s1");
    I interpret this code to mean that _root.gates is the instance name which is located in the root timeline and it will move the play head to the frame labeled s1 in the gates instance which I assume is a movie clip.
    How do I locate the gates instance in the flash file. I have looked at every symbol in the entire flash file and none of them have instance names.
    Please help if you can. Thanks

    You've probably narrowed it down to being an object from the library.  Now you need to see if it is either on the stage or is loaded dynamically.
    If you right click on the object in the library and select Linkage..., you'll be able to see if it might be loaded dynamically.  In order to load it dynamically, in the Liinkage panel it will need to have the Export for Actionscript option checked (and one other) and will have an Identifier defined for it.  This identifier is what will be used to pull it from the library via actionscript (using the attachMovie method).
    If it doesn't have things in the Linkage established as I've described, then it likely lives on the stage.  If you are unable to find it, then it may be on a masked layer, or it may be set invisible on the timeline, or it may have a blank first frame which would make it appear as a mere dot on the stage if selected.
    Now, regardless of whether you find how it's added to the stage, if your intention is to edit this object in some way, You don't necessarily have to figure out the details of how its added to the stage.  To check if the object in the library is the one you want to edit, edit it in some simple way so that you can tell if the item you edit is the item you want edited.  If it is, then do the editing you intend.

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    PowershellArgument: '2' should be a System.Management.Automation.PSReference. Use [ref].At line:9 char:5+ $rs = $cnn.Execute($query,' ',1)+ ...

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    Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_wp_STRING
    MM_editCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO test (FName, LName,
    Company, Email, BPhone, BFax, MPhone, Props, regDate, Password,
    MBroker, MBID, Status, ARID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
    MM_editCmd.Prepared = true
    ...and then it appears to uses some scripting functions to
    build the values and replace the ?'s in the CommandText line:
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param1", 202, 1, 255,
    Request.Form("FName")) ' adVarWChar
    What I'm struggling with is the values inside each Append
    line (202, 1, 255) and what the relate to AND more importantly, how
    I can insert my own variable here instead of the form field data.
    MM_editCmd.CreateParameter("param1", 202, 1, 255, StrMyStringValue)
    ' adVarWChar
    I need help with the syntax. Would it be different if the
    variable holds a number value vs. text (assuming the field it's
    being inserted into hold numbers)
    Also, i USED to be able to add a handly little Response.Write
    before the execute insert line that would write the SQL insert
    statement to the screen and stop so that I could SEE where the
    issues were. I've tried:
    Just can't get the SQL text to display. Is the SQL insert
    statement not stored as a variable that i can call?
    Thanks VERY much for any help!

    You can use the concatenate() function to build up your string, as you no doubt know.
    As far as the wildcard goes ... your intention must be to try to SET the call variable and later on test the call variable with an IF node. Is that right?
    You would be able to test parts of the string using the substr() function - which is based on character position. If that is a fixed value that you know, it's easy. If it's not, you can first use the find() function to locate something (like the "_9"), returning the position, and then use the substr() function to pull it off.
    Can you write some pseudo-code here to define exactly your intention? You can set up a dummy script and send a dummy call through using Call Tracer and watch the output to see how your code is working.

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    Hello All,
    I'm more of an XSLT/XPath guy, and need help with the syntax
    for Flex(if that's the only thing I'm doing wrong!). I have an
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    Each record looks like this:
    <java:Results xmlns:java="">
    My AdvancedDataGrid is:
    <mx:AdvancedDataGrid x="10" y="10" id="MapDG"
    designViewDataType="flat" width="100%" height="100%"
    dataProvider="{mapData}" click="{editBtn.enabled=true;}"
    selectionMode="singleRow" change="{editBtn.enabled=true;}">
    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="ID"
    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Business"
    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Section"
    Here's what I'm trying to do for each column:
    1 - *::Results.*::DataBucketContentID.text()
    //this is the record ID
    2. -
    *Results.*::Fields.(*::DataBucketFieldName.text()='Business').*DataBucketFieldValue.text( )
    //Gets the 'DataBucketFieldValue' for each 'Fields' that has
    a 'DataBucketFieldName' = Business
    3. -
    //Gets the 'DataBucketFieldValue' for each 'Fields' that has
    a 'DataBucketFieldName' = Section
    What do I need to put in the columns' dataField for this to

    Thanks to Tracy and a little research, I have my data grid
    populating - I wanted to post an example that worked for me:
    If below is a variable with your web service result...
    private var personXML:XML=<persons>
    You can use a function, which you'll need to assign to a
    column. Here it is concating text in 2 elements but you can also
    use it for namespaced elements (e.g.
    private function showFullName(item:Object,
    var fullName:String = item.FirstName + " " + item.Surname;
    return fullName;
    The first column uses the function to populate the data in
    the column. It has to use labelFunction (vs. dataField). The 2nd
    uses the node name directly.
    <mx:DataGrid id="personDG"
    <mx:DataGridColumn width="150" headerText="Full Name"
    <mx:DataGridColumn width="150" dataField="Age"
    <!--the column without header text wil take the value of
    the element-->
    Hope this helps anyone else!

  • Non Empty function in MDX with IIF command

    Hi All ,
    I have a MDX query like:
    IIF(isgeneration([YEAR].CurrentMember, 2),
    iif(isgeneration([TIME].CurrentMember, 4),
    parallelperiod(YEAR.generations(2), 1, [YEAR].currentmember),
    Now if I'm trying to write NON EMPTY function like:
    IIF(isgeneration([YEAR].CurrentMember, 2),
    iif(isgeneration([TIME].CurrentMember, 4),
    +NON EMPTY(parallelperiod(YEAR.generations(2), 1, [YEAR].currentmember))+,
    then it gives me syntax error.
    Can you please help me how to write NON EMPTY function with IIF statement
    Thanks in advance

    Hi All,
    Any help Please. I'm getting error not only within IIF statement but also in simple MDX query. As a example :
    ([Total Rev Measure], time.currentmember)
    This also thrown syntax error. I have tried Non Empty also.

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