Me urge!!!!!!! porfavor

Hola tengo un iPod pero quiero restaurarlo para tener nueva clave en todo para que este como nuevo pero como le ago para tener mis imagenes mis notas musica etc. para que se quede guardado eso para que cuando lo restaure no se me borre eso de mis imagenes ):

Google translate:
Hi I have an iPod but I want to have new key restore everything to make this as new but as I ago to have my images my notes etc music. for him to stay saved that for when I can not restore erase that from my images):
- For photos, import them to your computer.
iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
- For iTunes purechases copy to computer by:
iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
In iTunes 11 use Control+B to show the Menu bar then go to iTunes>File>Devices>Transfer Purchases
- For other music you need a third-party program like one of those discussed here:
Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities
- For notes email them to yourself
- Also see:
iOS: How to back up your data and set up as a new device

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    The PO output should have been successfully processed before the urgig message to trigger.
    The order generally is
    PO output, urging and then reminders

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    Hi Anton,
    Have you seen this page:
    It presents a specific example of how you can interface with your laser. It should give you some pointers/ideas on how to implement the VISA programming.

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    Best regards

    To send the urging letter you have to maintain the mateiral master for either purchase value key where the reminder is set on Purchasing screen or maintian in the inforecord
    If you have specified reminder levels under the item details of a purchasing document, the system is able to generate reminders and urging letters (expediters) automatically.
    You can enter up to three reminder levels. For example, the reminder levels 10-20-30 mean that urging letters are issued 10, 20, and 30 days after the due date for submission of a quotation or for the delivery of ordered goods. (Note: in the SAP System the term "reminders" is often used to denote such messages issued before the due date, whereas the term "urging letter" or "expediter" commonly stands for a perhaps more strongly worded admonitory message issued after the due date. However, this distinction is not consistent, and may not apply outside the SAP environment. The corresponding term for "urging letter" in the FI component is "dunning letter", and relates to overdue payments.)
    A negative number means that a reminder is to be issued prior to the deadline for submission of quotations or the delivery date for ordered goods. For example, if you enter 5- as the reminder level, a reminder will be sent 5 days prior to the quotation submission date.
    The message determination facility has been set up in Customizing for Purchasing.
    You can also work with the standard settings. For further information, see Tips for Fast Message Determination Set-Up in the Implementation Guide (IMG).
    Message records must have been created through master data maintenance (Purchasing menu).
    The purchasing document involved must have previously been transmitted to the vendor.

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    in any case, firefox 21 has been released last week and you should indeed update to the latest version. just go to ''firefox > help > about firefox'' in order to search for & apply the update.
    [[Update Firefox to the latest version]]

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    Best regards

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    Best regards

  • ChaRM: "Import Urg. Corrections from Other Test Systems"

    Dear all,
    we are using Change Request Management on Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 with a four-system landscape:
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    Urg. Corrections need to go the way DEV > TEST1 + TEST2 (at the same time) > PRD
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    But whenever it is executed on TEST2 (no matter where the Urg. Corrections transports currently reside) the task result is status green with wording "There are currently no open imports in TEST2 system buffer".
    I couldn't find any documentation or notes about this task. Has anyone experience with this or knows a good place for documentation about it?
    Thank you!

    when you open your change in crmd_order, is there a green flag near the status and can you change the correction in crmd_order directly?
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    max_lidar.png ‏172 KB

    Hi Ragge,
    Are you sure no other running process is trying to access the same device (COM port) as the lidar? 
    Could you please try resetting the MAX database:​87FFF862573AE005AB0D9
    If you plug the LiDAR into your computer instead, is it then accessible in MAX?
    Best regards,
    Robert Piehl-Fridqvist
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments Sweden

  • Configuring reminder and urging letters.

    what are the steps in customizing for configuring urging letters and reminders to
    be sent to vendors?
    Best regards

    1. MM-> pur->messages->output control->message types->define message types for PO
    under this u define message type for expeditors/reminders
    2. MM-> pur->messages->output control->message deter schema ->
    in this schema control parameters  u assign that  message type .
    3. MN04 Tcode for maintaing condition record for PO outputs
    in this u maintain condition record for taht message type.\
    then system automatically will give output of expeditors/reminders.
    u try this
    it will work it .

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    ME urge descargarloooo

    No es posible.
    Consulta esta solución:
    how do I download adobe digital editions to my ipad?

  • Necesito que alguien me diga como puedo canjear un tarjeta ya que me dice que los no ha sido activado correctamente y me urge ya que es necesito descargar el whatsapp para poderme comunicar con mi jefe cuando esta fuera de la oficina

    Necesito que alguien me diga como puedo canjear un tarjeta ya que me dice que los no ha sido activado correctamente y me urge ya que es necesito descargar el whatsapp para poderme comunicar con mi jefe cuando esta fuera de la oficina

    Bueno, no las puse en su momento pero ahora sí las pongo:
    Así que desisto de hacer más copias de seguridad...
    Los datos que pueda archivar y pierda a partir de ahora, esas pérdidas, las voy a responsabilizar a Apple, ya que es un producto suyo, Time Machine, el que no me permite realizar copias de seguridad (hasta las copias de seguridad que me permitió hacer antes de las dos reinstalación del Leopard Original,10.5.4 en mi iMac 8,1, han fallado estrepitosamente, además de haber hecho desaparecer datos muy valiosos para mí).
    NOVO PINTO (compositor/productor/escritor/fotógrafo freelance e indignadísimo).

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