Meaning of parameters

Hi experts,
Can someone explain to me what the meaning of the following parameters bij the webdynpro component :
The parameters are:
CONFIGPROFILE            type    STRING
    INITIATOR_ROLE            type     SSC_INITIATOR_ROLE   
    IS_CHANGE_MODE       type      BOOLE_D
    PERNR_MEM_ID           type      TEXT5
    TRACKING_ID               type      SSC_TRACKING_ID
    USERROLE                  type      STRING

check this link
Bala Duvvuri

Similar Messages

  • Saying A means saying B

    ...sooner or later. No one for quite long time don't even date to propose new language features in Java. I think this happened because authors of Java explained in detail why some features of C++ was absent in the language. One could even suppose there nothing to add to such the perfect language. This irony could be justified now when we know about changes in Java which stalking around since the first alpha version of JDK 1.5. C++ templates arrived, foreach and enums did the same. Wait you can say but Java lacks... Yes, right, yet one feature. I suppose this will be great idea if not only by means of JCP (which by the way could be proposed only by employees of the major players in Java world) but each developer could suggest what missed in the language. Personally I waited for almost five years for such opportunity and here I am.
    A SAID
    Why developers of Java said only A? Is it possible the authority of Bjarne Stroustrup is really great that doesn't allow to note one fact. Templating is not thorough in C++. It would be not entirely covered if will remain the same as introduces in JDK 1.5. Well, the fact is: everything is templating. At least, in human reasoning: we recognize and apply templates each day in our life. Compiler does the same. Let's consider "for".
    template 'for (<init>; <cond>; <cont>) { <code> }' {
         label: {
              if (cond) continue label;
    }As the opposite to everyday life, templates as they arrived in 1.5 is quite simple (especially who knows them by C++ experience):
    public interface List<E> extends Collection<E> {
         Iterator<E> iterator();
    }But moreover they offer only one part of template handling: applying. That's we take a generic type and apply it to specific class and get list of ints or Strings. This is compliant with contemporary programming languages: they all are basically template applying languages as in the case of "for". This concerns, of course, only developers of Java and not Java developers, you know. Compiler rather recognizes the "for" template and then applies it to the code. But why template recognizing isn't still proposed for Java or C++ developers? Well, basically it could make languages more extensible and this is the major threat (no one wants to get very confusing code). But on the other side we would have got the language with infinite possibilities.
    Let's begin with the least of consequences of more thourough template introduction. This concerns the great and terrible programming style, approach, and pattern called Copy-Paste. Look at the following code:
    JButton button = new JButton();
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              a = 5;
              b = 7;
    });There's a lot of code with similar definitions but what's if we invite new template definition:
    template addActionListener <component, actions> {
         component.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    addActionListener <button> <
         a = 5;
         b = 7;
    >or even
    addActionListener(button) {
         a = 5;
         b = 7;
    }Yes, this could be reduced to just method call but it not always available when, for example, we use third-party library, etc. Or, let's look for Arrays.sort and Collections.sort methods. In current alpha version of JDK 1.5 Collections.sort defined as follows:
    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list) {
         Object[] a = list.toArray();
         ListIterator<T> i = list.listIterator();
         for (int j=0; j<a.length; j++) {
    }It's a little different from STL where sort belongs to algorithms and its parameters are just iterators which could be both array's, list's or whatever else. On the other hand, if we will look in Arrays.sort method we understand that the point of this method as for arrays is just getting nth element. That is we can define own template sort:
    template sort <container, geti(i)> {
         geti(i) = geti(--n);
    }And use it as follows:
    sort <a, a>;
    sort <list, get(i)>;
    Sometimes there is situations in which we couldn't apply no one of some advanced programming technics.
    while (a > 4) {
         ... // piece of code #1
         a = doSomething();
         ... // piece of code #2
    while (a > 5) {
         ... // piece of code #3
         a = doSomething();
         ... // piece of code #2
    }This sample ask itself for some refining but how? To define method with parameters and ifs? But this task couldn't be as simple as appears and would require many parameters. Then we have to define helper class for parameters to have the good programming style looming between lines. A long way to solution, isn't? It seems there is more elegant way.
    template myWhile <value, code1> {
         while (a > value) {
              a = doSomething();
              ... // piece of code #2     
    }And using:
    myWhile<4> <
         ... // piece of code #1
    myWhile<5 <
         ... // piece of code #3
    >With thorough templating other programming patterns also has a chance to be implemented (please note createMethods[] - yes templating needs list context - that's my belief).
    tempate AbstractFactory <name, createMethods[]> {
         abstract class <name>AbstractFactory {
              for (createMethod : createMethods) {
                   public void create<createMethod>() {}
    template ConcreteFactory extends AbstractFactory <concreteName, implementations[]> {
         public class <concreteName>Factory {
              for (CreateMethod : CreateMethods, implementation : implementations) {
                   public void create<createMethod>() {
    AbstractFactory <Swing> <Button, CheckBox, RadioButton>;
    abstract class SwingAbstractFactory {
         public void createButton() {}
         public void createCheckBox() {}
         public void createRadioButton() {}
    ConcreteFactory <Window>
    // Button
    // CheckBox
    >If I didn't persuade you we need to help Copy-Paste pattern and extend more templating then let's look at even greater extension which looming near. That's template recognizing (contemporary solutions name it rather "parsing"). What we are doing if a clause "send mail to John Doe" pronounced?
    1. We recognize the natural language template "subject, predicate, object" (it allows to associate words with grammar forms which can be useful in more complex cases).
    2. We recognize template of "send" verb and instantiate grammar parameters like "from", "to", "subject", "body".
    3. And executing "send".
    template clause <subject, predicate, object> {
         subject predicate object;
    template 'send mail <subject>:<body> to <to>' extends clause <from, send, mail> {
         public <address book>;  // to be instantiated
         public <sending engine>;  // to be recognized
         <from> = System.getProperty(""); // we use a form <from> for clarity
         <to> = 'look for <to> in <address book>';
         if (<subject> == null || <body> == null) 'compose mail <subject, body>';
         send <from, to, subject, body> with <sending engine>;
    template 'look for <to> in <address book>' {
    template send mail <from, to, subject, body> {
         <address book> = ...; // initializing address book
         <sending engine> = Transport;
    }In our case if compiler meets construction 'send mail "Hello":"Hello, <to>!" to John Doe' then it tries to compare as many patterns as possible.
    1. Pattern 'clause' satisfies this pattern (assuming that subject is "I"). So predicate is 'send' and object is 'mail "Hello":"Hello, <to>!" to John Doe'.
    2. Then compiler tries to compare it against different versions of template 'send'. Evidently 'send mail' satisfies. Thus subject, body, and to parameters are instantiated.
    3. It remains only to instantiate address book and sending engine for correspondingly to extract address of recipient and to send mail. For this we use other two templates.
    That's all. Small but nevertheless necessary feature would allow to make language extensions for Java. If you afraid it could stain already existing language constructs then I want to reassure you this couldn't happen just because they use ''. For example:
    for (String recipient : recipients) {
         'send mail to <recipient>';
    }And on the contrary such feature will open new wild, wild possibilities not available for any other languages yet.
    It's always cleaner to set and get parameters (fields whatsoever) by name. Right you say, that's why, for example, you could fetch data not only by index but also by name (and the last choice is preferrable). On the other hand, object-oriented programming was conceived with the same goal: to abstract data in classes and set fields, then pass an class instance in method instead of setting procedure parameters. Sorry, joking. Seriously, namely this feature is still not healed by lifestyle of nowadays programming approaches. I mean handling method parameters.
    myInstance.myMethod(4, "Hello World", a, connection);What do you think about this call? As a rule three parameter is enough. Right. Personally I don't understand what each of them means. Ok. That's the point, named parameters was long awaited in C++ but as Bjarne Stroustrup wrote in "The Design and Evolution of C++" this was declined because of such innovation gives nothing new, would lead to incompatibility with old code, and will contribute to the bad style of programming. Personally I consider these a little biased objections as a display of conservatism, fear of changes, and human pride (I hope one day I will be forgiven for this revelation). At the same time I agree with these objections but the whole poing of named paramets is missed. The core of Stroustrup's argumentation is the better programming style is the less parameters in calls occured.
    Ok, but what's about user-friendly applications with tons of settings, some of them could be added or removed? Well, but you can pass to method an array of objects or an istance of class say MySettings.
    myInstance.myMethod(new Object[] {4, "Hello World", a, connection});or
    myInstance.myMethod(new MySettings(4, "Hello World", a, connection));or
    MySettings settings = new MySettings();
    myInstance.myMethod(settings);That's fine but let's look on the other hand, what's about user-friendiness of the code itself? Let's consider the above mentioned code. If you are not the developer of myMethod or if you wrote this method aeons ago it would be difficult to understand meaning of parameters. And moreover, in the case even slight changing of parameter count you need to recompile the class of settings.
    Let's look on overloading. What's the great sense in writing several methods?
    void myMethod(File file); // fetch settings from file
    void myMethod(String params); // parsing from the String
    void myMethod(int param1, String param2, int param3, Connection conn);
    void myMethod(int param1, String param2); // assuming param3 == -1 and conn == nullOverloading is the plaing substitution of the following code:
    void myMethod(File file, String params, int param1, String param2, int param3, Connection conn) {
         if (file != null) {
         } else if (params != null) {
         } else  {
              if (param3 == -1 && conn == null) {
              } else {
    }Well, overloading delivers slightly more cleaner code. By the way, for the case of the last two methods C++ has the feature of default values of method parameters. This could lessen interfaces of some Java classes by 3-5 redefinition of the same methods. But if we deal with entirely different parameters (like in the case of reading file, parsing or plain passing it in the method) then we have to suggest having introduced named parameters we won't avoid if-elses. This concerns implementation but interface could become more clear. This is one of the points of named parameters: we have possibility do not change interface if some feature will be added or removed.
    myMethod(file = xmlFile);
    myMethod(toBeParsedString = s);
    myMethod(param1 = 4, param2 = "Hello World");In the fact, similar problems can be handled by several solutions:
    1. Named parameters (and default values of method parameters).
    2. Defaults value of method parameters.
    3. Instant initializing of inherent hashmaps like arrays. Something like this:
    map = new Object[String] { parameter1 = 4, parameter2 = "Hello World", parameter3 = a, conn = null };.Basically it would be great even to inroduce only the last two solutions but there a small at this time but biased to expand its influence usage of named parameters. It's again natural language. Parameter names are greatly underestimated as for their names. As I joked object-oriented programming appeared only to pack long list of procedure parameters in class what is partly true. And when the list is very long parameters turned into class fields and are handled as metadata or as part of RTTI information. But what's about other parameters? They have names too and these names no less meaningful than field names. And this is the main reason for named parameters or at least for handling parameter names as information.
    Definitely Java needs list and map contexts. For example, list context already used if you want to pass multiple arguments as one list or get multiple variables from method. The power of Java is array instantiation just in place.
    results = my.myMethod(new Object[] {4, "Hello World"});
    for (Object result : results) {
         ... // takes each parameter
    }I think that would be small add-on if maps have the same traits.
    results = my.myMethods(new Object[String] {param1 = 4, param2 = "Hello World"});
    for (String key : results.keys) {
         Object result = results[key];
    }Or maybe:
    for (String key : Object result : results) { // as specific form for maps
    }We can even to define our template for such maps.
    template '<map> = new <keytype>[<valuetype>] {<<keys = values>[]>}' {
         map = new HashMap(); // we use the simplest form of maps
         for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
              if (keys[i] instanceof keytype && values[i] instanceof valuetype)
                   map.put(keys, values[i]);
    Evidently, templating wants to be extended some day. If Java itself wants to remain here in following, say, 50-100 years we have to extend it that way. Here comes the time for programming languages to meet natural languages. And this couldn't happen without introducing template recognizing (or language extensions), isn't?

    I think the 1.5 people would be the first to say 'generics are not templates'.
    Of course, when you look at generics and autoboxing it becomes a little muddier :-)
    The history of Templates is interesting. I used to read old Dr Dobb's Journals and C/C++ user's journals (don't know what if anything those magazines are called now).
    Just about half of every edition was taken up with subtle little issues with Templates. I mean, thats pretty scary, that half of every issue would be devoted to bugs with a particular language feature. Nasty.
    Of course, way back then every compiler did Templates slightly differently, which compounded the problem.
    So I pretty much formed the opinion that Templates were ugly, evil, 'a bad thing(tm)', and not to be trusted. I haven't seen anything in the last ten years or so to disabuse me of that notion. (Of course the absence of proof is not proof of absence, especially if you're not looking!)
    Nowdays there seems to have emerged something quite different. The C++ camp seems to have split into two, those who program in a C with OO style (eg similar to Java), and those who program by manipulating Templates. The latter sounds to me rather like as if the C++ language had somehow been magically transformed into a functional programming language.
    I don't think Java should try to follow in C++'s footsteps in that regard. Java's key competitive advantage is that is is quite expressive (Interfaces beat the carp out of C++'s multiple inheritance for instance), while remaining simple and easy to write readable/writable code.
    WORA (write once run anywhere) is actually a bad marketing term, because that pretty much describes C. A well written C program can be written once, and then compiled (with minimal if any changes) for most platforms (of course if it relies heavily on an external API such as Win32 that massively restricts its portability). Java on the other hand, is CORA, compile once, run anywhere.
    CORA is of course better than WORA, but its not really that big an advantage. Sun really should focus on keeping Java a lean mean fighting machine of a language, with the emphasis on human readability rather than mere terseness.
    Of course Java doesn't really have anything 'new', its more like an aglomeration of all the good things that other languages had in the 80s and 90s. So it would be natural to look around for other 'good ideas' and incorporate them into the language, right? Well, we just have to be really careful that those things are in fact good ideas, and not just fashions.
    The key to what is good and what is fashion, is that fashions tend to save programmers keystrokes.
    Whereas those things which are good are those that help programmers read, maintain and debug the code. I'll happily give up a saving of 10% of my typing, for a 10% time saving on debugging (other people's code, our code works perfectly first time of course ;-) or a 1% saving on maintenance.
    That is what will make Java last 50-100 years.

  • Http post with parameters

    Hi All,
    We want to send an HTTP post with parameters,  and we are not sure how to do that.  We tried to do that like the code below,but we get the parameters in the body and not in the header ...
      DATA lo_client      TYPE REF TO  if_http_client.
      DATA lv_status_code TYPE i.
      DATA lv_reason      TYPE string.
      CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_destination
          destination  = 'ZRFC_TEST'
          client       = lo_client.
      lo_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_post ).
      cl_http_utility=>set_request_uri( request = lo_client->request
                                        uri     = '?param1=value1' ).
      lo_client->send( ).
      lo_client->receive( ).
      lo_client->response->get_status( IMPORTING code   = lv_status_code
                                                 reason = lv_reason ).
    Thanks a lot,

    what do you mean by "parameters on the query". In any http request you can have two types of variables: POST or GET. The post variables are transferred in http header and you can add them using methods from my previous post. GET variables are transferred in URL. HTTP client has a method APPEND_FIELD_URL which can be used to add variable into URL string.

  • RFC-Call using dynamic Parameters

    Dear Forum!
    I'd like to call a RFC function module using a dynamic parameter list.
    I can either call
    CALL FUNCTION bapiname DESTINATION fsystem.
    CALL FUNCTION bapiname
            PARAMETER-TABLE lt_param
            EXCEPTION-TABLE lt_excep.
    but not both combined!
    The ABAP docu says, both should work together. If using DESTINATION the same options as for standard FM calls are allowed... (seen at: Transaction ABAPHELP, search for CALL FUNCTION, choose topic 4 for RFC)
    Who is wrong? The docu or me? How can I combine both?

    Hi Abir,
    thanks for your helpful answer.
    But I don't understand this:
    For calling a remote enabled FM, it needs to be released which means the parameters would be fixed and thus the RFC layer does not allow using parameter table in such cases.
    The FM resides on a remote system. It does not matter me, whether the FM is released, fixed or done with something other. As long it is reachable, I'm fine.
    I am wondering about the fact, that I can call a local FM dynamically, but cannot do so for a remote call.
    In the online documentation you can read, that a remote call function (with parameter destination ) has the same options like a standard call function. Actually this statement seems to be wrong. Right?
    Best regards

  • Significance of parameters during creating user in Tx. SU01

    Hello everybody,
    Is anyone knew what  are the meaning of parameters, activity, default values etc.
    Thanks in advance for any tips

    NDR controls the printing of material documents, it sets the default X for printing
    WLC is a setting from workflow, if I am not mistaken then it is just to help SAP remember how user has last left the workflow workplace, so that it starts the next time with the same settings.
    SLC is for ABAP programming controls Upper/Lower case in source code : "X" = Lower; "" for Upper; "G" for Key word Upper
    S_FOBU_MODE is from Formula Builder: Change Mode,
    I think with exception of NDR, SAP itself places the other  parameters when the user makes his settings in the appication.
    NDR has to be set by the user himself

  • SQLStatement.parameters not working inside .text properly? What am I doing wrong

    I'm having trouble with parameters in the SQLStatement class.
    Look at this code:
    var stmt:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement;
    stmt.text = "INSERT INTO user VALUES(@title, @firstname,
    stmt.parameters["@title"] = "Mr";
    stmt.parameters["@firstname"] = "Simon";
    stmt.parameters["@lastname"] = "Whatley";
    Now, you would expect this to trace the stmt.text as
    "...Simon, Whatley)"
    However, this is my trace:
    INSERT INTO user VALUES(@title, @firstname, @lastname)
    So, this means the parameters are working great on their own,
    but just not inside the .text property?
    Or is this the way it's suppose to show, and to be converted
    later on in the execute method?
    I've tried both with "@" and ":" as parameter

    My apologies for not finding this out until after my first
    Apparantly it is working fine, just not if you trace the
    .text property itself.
    When inserting into a database it gets the proper values.
    To not make this thread utterly useless; does anyone know any
    possible way to trace the .text property with the parameters
    properly assigned? Without going "all the way"?

  • How to call LabVIEW_VI in VBScript(activex Com server) with (ByVaL, ByRef)parameters

    Hai to all,
    i want to call LabVIEW_VI(Activex Server) from VBScript. That VBScript include onther COM Server. i want to data exchange between VBScript and LabVIEW. That parameters shouldbe two types, I mean some parameters ByVal and some ByRef.
    How can i call?
    Request: How to create VI function with ByRef parameter in LabVIEW.
    ex: in 'C++': LabVIEWFunction(short* numb1, CString* str1).
    Note: i am using LabVIEW 7.0 Express.
    Thanks for advance!

    I am not sure if I understand correctly. Sure, you can access both controls (inputs) and indicators (outputs) with the LabVIEW ActiveX server. If you use the call function i mentioned in my last answer, you might pass two arrays to the function. One array with the control/ indicator names and another one containing the values. After calling the VI you will find the data of the VI outputs inside the values-array.
    Have a look at the attatched ZIP file. It contains a simple example showing the procedure.
    Attachments: ‏8 KB

  • Passing application parameters to 9i forms

    We recently converted our Forms 6 forms to 9i, on Solaris. We recompiled them on AIX and got them running, except that I have trouble figuring out how to pass application parameters. We passed the parameters on the run-form command line in our olf forms.
    In 9i, I tried passing the parameter through the URL; I also tried assigning the the parameter values in formsweb.cfg. Does baseHTML need to be involved in this?
    Also Oracle does not certify that forms 9i for AIX. Does anyone know of any problem running on AIX.

    do you mean custom parameters when saying application parameters?
    if you application contains custom parameters that are passed when starting the Forms, then this can be added using the otherparams parameter.
    otherparams=usesdi=yes myparam1=foo myparam2=foo2
    The other params parameter can be set in the formsweb.cfg file (forms90/server) globally for all applications or individual for a single application. If you need to pass custom parameters in the URL then it could be done more nicely if you specify the following in the formsweb.cfg file
    otherparams=usesdi=%usesdi% myparam1=%myparam1% myparam2=%myparam2%
    In the request URL you would request the application by
    "myApp" would be a named configuration in the formsweb.cfg file like:
    otherparams=usesdi=%usesdi% myparam1=%myparam1% myparam2=%myparam2%
    You don't need to change the baseHTML file for this. The Forms system commands are pre-defined in formsweb.cfg and don't need to be added to the URL
    Haven't heard about Forms not running on AIX, so I cannot help you with this question


    Whether I can at by means of parameters BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 or SD_SALESDOCUMENT_CREATE
    affect filling with my values vbap-vbelv and vbap-posnv of Sales order ?

    Moved to ABAP General...

  • How to display customize values in report?

    I need to be able to show certain customize values in a report portlet. Preferably just above the table of results. How do I do that?
    Grateful for any help...

    Hi Bryan,
    If customized values means the parameters of the dynamic report you can do the following:
    v_deptno number :=(:deptno); /* :empno is the bind variable*/
    htp.p('<table border=1>');
    htp.p('<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000080 size=+1>');
    htp.p('<table BORDER=1 WIDTH=100%>');
    htp.p('<td nowrap bgcolor=#6666CC align=left><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=white><B><U>Last Name</U></B></FONT></td>');
    htp.p('<td nowrap bgcolor=#6666CC align=left><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=white><B><U>First Name</U></B></FONT></td>');
    FOR c IN (SELECT lastname, firstname from emp where deptno = v_deptno) LOOP
    htp.p('<td nowrap align=left>');
    htp.p('<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000080 size=-1>');
    htp.p('<td nowrap align=left>');
    htp.p('<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000080 size=-1>');

  • How to create variants for a sequence-f​ile?

    i have a testplan with custom teststeps. Each step has a new field with type "container" and name "myData",
    Inside of this container are numeric, string and bool parameter. The parameter inside this container are used to execute
    the teststep.
    I attached an example of this, if you open the right side of the sequence then the container "myData" can be seen.
    No i want to use the testplan for two different products, that means different parameters.
    Is the only thing that is included in teststand, the property-loader? If yes, can someone give me an example of how to
    use to property loader with my attached sequence?
    As far as i understand it, i have to create to different text files where i specify for each step-name the parameters.
    Does that mean when my testplan contains >1000 teststaps, that i have to create that manually by hand, or is there a function
    to export everything into a file (all parameters, skips, loop, ...)?
    I´m using TS 3.5 with LV 8.2
    Thanks for your help
    Message Edited by OnlyOne on 11-05-2007 07:29 AM
    seq1.seq ‏21 KB

    Hey OnlyOne,
    Sounds like the perfect opportunity to tell you about this cool new feature in TS 4.0.  You can select multiple steps and change the same property for all selected steps in one swoop.  Finally!!!  I added five of your custom steps and tested it just to make sure.  And it works.
    However, if you can't afford to upgrade or you like 3.5 better then the best way is to use the Import/Export Properties Tool.  Look in the Tools menu and you'll see it there.  Tools>>Import/Export Properties.  It's basically the same thing as the Property Loader step except you can go both directions instead of only being able to read values from a file.  You can write the file with it!! In fact what most developers do is use the tool to create the file.  Copy the file multiple times and change the values in each file.  Then use the Property Loader step to dynamically read the different files for their tests. 
    The Property Loader step is dynamic as the Import/Export Properties tool is only during development.
    As for an example for the Property Loader: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 3.5\Examples\LoadingLimits  That contains a couple examples from Excel, Txt and other file formats.
    Hope that helps some,
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • Problem with key mapping in 10g

    my client is using key mapping on their reports server. It works fine except for parameter values...
    I can run this URL:
    and there is a mapping for kr in the cgicmd.dat file like this:
    kr: report=KR userid=<user>/<pw>@orcl desformat=html destype=cache p_verksamhetsar=%1
    p_verksamhetsar is a parameter of the report (meaning year).
    My problem is that when the report is run using the above URL the parameter gets the value 2002=
    An equal sign is added! The year column is a varchar2 so the query works but gives no result.
    I get the same problem if I try this URL:
    If I run this URL it works fine (with a result as well):
    Any suggestions?
    Kind regards
    Tomas Albinsson

    Hi Kranthi,
    I think you mean %* at the end, meaning all parameters sent.
    Yes, I use this approach now as I've been unable to get %1, %2 etc to work.
    Strange, because %1 is described in the manual and I feel I use it like they say.
    Well, it works in a way, just that = is appended to the values.
    It has that buggy smell :)
    Kind regards

  • Creating a Function Module for Standard Include

    Hi ALL,
    There is a standard Include in that i have created 1implicit Enhancement Point and there is 200 lines code is there ,so my client is saying to keep this code in function module. This is the below code  can any one do how to write this code in function module with passing parameters and all the stuff.Means Import parameters ,Export parameters and Source code ?
      Perform change_order_va02.
      data: l_vbfa like vbfa,
            l_FKART like vbrk-FKART,
            l_fksto like vbrk-fksto,
            l_sfakn like vbrk-sfakn.
      data: begin of lt_vbfa occurs 0,
              vbeln like vbfa-vbeln,
            end of lt_vbfa.
      if komfk-vbtyp ca 'PO'.              " debit/credit memo
        select vbeln into table lt_vbfa from vbfa
               where vbelv = KOMFK-VBELN and
                     ( vbtyp_n = '5' or vbtyp_n = '6' ).
          loop at lt_vbfa.
            clear: l_fksto, l_sfakn.
            select single FKART fksto SFAKN into (l_FKART, l_fksto, l_sfakn)
                   from vbrk
                   where vbeln = lt_vbfa-vbeln.
            check: sy-subrc = 0,
                   l_fksto is initial,
                   l_sfakn is initial.
                 message e310(zz) with l_FKART l_vbfa-vbeln.
    *}   INSERT
    *{   INSERT         D01K9A0PBY                                        1
    *&      Form  change_order_va02
      228810/45115 FUWAGNK implement VA02 into VF01 for Turkey
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM change_order_va02.
    Tables : *knvi, *lips, *likp.
    DATA: Z_MODE value 'N'.
    data: hf-date(10).
    select single vbeln vgbel from *lips into corresponding
           fields of *lips
                  where vbeln = KOMFK-VBELN.
    select single vbeln LFART from *likp into corresponding
           fields of *likp
                  where vbeln = KOMFK-VBELN.
    if *likp-lfart = 'LF'.
    select single vbeln vkorg kunnr from vbak into corresponding
           fields of vbak
                  where vbeln = *lips-vgbel.
    if vbak-vkorg = '1252'.
       clear bdc_tab. refresh bdc_tab.
       move 'SAPMV45A' to BDC_TAB-PROGRAM.
       move '102 '     to BDC_TAB-DYNPRO.
       move 'X'        to BDC_TAB-DYNBEGIN.
       move: 'VBAK-VBELN'  to BDC_TAB-FNAM,                   "Doc.Number
              VBAK-VBELN   to BDC_TAB-FVAL.
       MOVE: 'BDC_OKCODE'  TO  BDC_TAB-FNAM,                 "OK-CODE
              '/00 '        TO  BDC_TAB-FVAL.
       move 'SAPMV45A' to BDC_TAB-PROGRAM.
       move '4001'     to BDC_TAB-DYNPRO.
       move 'X'        to BDC_TAB-DYNBEGIN.
       MOVE: 'BDC_OKCODE'  TO  BDC_TAB-FNAM,                 "OK-CODE
              'KKAU '      TO  BDC_TAB-FVAL.
       move 'SAPMV45A' to BDC_TAB-PROGRAM.
       move '4002'     to BDC_TAB-DYNPRO.
       move 'X'        to BDC_TAB-DYNBEGIN.
       select single * from *KNVI into *KNVI where KUNNR = vbak-kunnr
                                               and ALAND = 'TR'
                                               and TATYP = 'MWST'
                                               and TAXKD = '2'.
       if sy-subrc =  0.
       move: 'VBAK-WAERK'  to BDC_TAB-FNAM,               "Currency
             'YTL '        to BDC_TAB-FVAL.
       write sy-datum to hf-date.
       move: 'VBAK-AUDAT'  to BDC_TAB-FNAM,                   "Doc.Number
              hf-date      to BDC_TAB-FVAL.
       move: 'VBKD-PRSDT'  to BDC_TAB-FNAM,                   "Doc.Number
              hf-date      to BDC_TAB-FVAL.
       MOVE: 'BDC_OKCODE'  TO  BDC_TAB-FNAM,                  "OK-CODE
              '/11 '        TO  BDC_TAB-FVAL.
                  MESSAGES INTO BDC_MSG.
         IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
            clear bdc_tab. refresh bdc_tab.
    ENDFORM.                    " change_order_va02


  • Blue Screen Error for Windows 7 Home Basic 64 Bit

    I have a Sony Vaio E Series with WINDOWS 7 64bit home basic preinstalled. It worked perfectly fine for 2 yrs until last month, I needed to replace the hard drive due to bad sectors. Now, after a month of replacing my hard drive fresh from
    Sony Center, I decided to do a dual boot (install another OS - Windows 8.1 pro) on a separate partition. Everything is averagely fine. But 2 nights ago, I encounter a blue screen error for WIN 7 (my pre installed one). It happened the second time, so I started
    it in safe mode and did a system restore. I don't know if it will prevent future occurence of blue screen, but to make sure, I reinstall my factory default drivers using Vaio CARE... Pls help.
    PS: I have not encountered BLUE SCREEN error in Windows 8.1 yet. Is it OS specific? Here's the error the second time, it happened on my Windows 7:
    Blue screen error for Windows 7 home basic
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    BlueScreen
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    13321
    Additional information about the problem:
      BCCode:    1000007e
      BCP1:    FFFFFFFFC0000005
      BCP2:    FFFFF80002EE6B80
      BCP3:    FFFFF880035F4DC8
      BCP4:    FFFFF880035F4620
      OS Version:    6_1_7601
      Service Pack:    1_0
      Product:    768_1
    Files that help describe the problem:
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

    Hi Garibaldi11,
    If you are not equipped to debug this problem, you should use some basic troubleshooting techniques.
    •Make sure you have enough disk space.
    •If a driver is identified in the bug check message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates.
    •Try changing video adapters.
    •Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates.
    •Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.
    Bug check 0x1000007E has the same meaning and parameters as bug check 0x7E
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • What are the different kind of parameter/attributes we can set in  XI ?

    Hi  Experts
        Yesterday i have attended an interview question was
        1) What are the different knid of parameters we can set in XI ? Have done ?
            what and all the cases we will set the parameters/Attributes?
    and one more was
       2) How will you do Stress testing in XI ?
    Awaitng for responses
    Adv thax and regards
    Kiran lvs

    1) What are the different knid of parameters we can set in XI ? Have done ?
    what and all the cases we will set the parameters/Attributes?
    -First you should ask in which stage or where do you want to configure parameters ,i mean  Whatever parameters we can set in XI all comes under this question like all sort of Adapters,each of adapter can have its own set of configuration , configuration parameters,XI admin config parameters.. etc..
    and one more was
    2) How will you do Stress testing in XI ?
    In general stress tesing will be done by testing team
    Stress testing by way of sending more messages and performance also
    see the below links
    Rules of thumb on size of messagetypes in XI
    Measure Performance

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