
I need help with this question:
I want to create an interface called Measurable and a class called Measurement that implements Measurable.
Measurable must hava at least a metod called getValue() that returns a measurable number.
To create a class called collecter that join all these number.
This will have a form of Measurable implements object.
Collecter will implements Measurable too(a collecter will hava as a measurable number an other
The program will be like this:
public class MyClass{
public static void main(String[] args)
Collecter c1,c2;
c1 = new Collecter();
c1.addMeasurement(new Measurement(20));
c1.addMeasurement(new Measurement(33));
c1.addMeasurement(new Measurement(10));
c1.addMeasurement(new Measurement(12));
c1.addMeasurement(new Measurement(42));
c2 = new Collecter();
c2.addMeasurement(new Measurement(24));
c2.addMeasurement(new Measurement(31));
All help is grateful for me

I have tried for days to solve this question so it�s
not like I just give it up for someone else to solve.
i�m desperate!Then....
1. Post your code.
2. Specifically point out what the problem is.
2.a If it does not compile then post the error and point out which line it refers to.
2.b If it runs but throws an exception post the exception and point out which line it refers to.
2.c If it runs but gives the wrong results then post the results it gives and post the results you expect.

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    My client has an absolute need to be able to measure the performance of its suppliers based on delivery dates and delivered quantities. That is to say he needs to be able to compare what dates and quantities were asked to what has been really delivered.
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    Do you know if SAP proposes a standard solution to this, and what could be a solution to this issue ?
    Thanks for your help
    E. Vallez

    My client faced the same problem and we ended up developing an own analysis in LIS. Since the GR is not linked to specific schedule line (SAP does some kind of apportioning, but it doesn't have to correlate to the correct match), one needs to do assumptions. Our assumption was the closest schedule line, i.e. each GR is related to the schedule line with the closest date. Then all GR the same day are totaled together before the quantity reliability is calculated, since the very same shipment can be reported through several GR transactions in SAP (one per pallet).
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  • Possible to limit dimensions and measures when creating presentations?

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    - setItemSearchPath: this allows you to specify which folders are to be displayed. We want control at the OLAP object level, not at the folder level, so this doesn't work for us
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    - setDimensionContext/setMeasureContext: These might work for us but I haven't been able to get them to retrieve anything yet. It also seems to me that these might set which dimensions/members are initially selected in the Items tab, not the list of dims/measures that are available for selection.
    Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Reply from one of our developers:
    The get/setMeasureContext and get/setDimensionContext methods are currently only used by the Thick CalcBuilder (in a few limited scenarios) and cannot be used "to scope the dimensions and measures listed in Query and Calc builder based on user access rights".
    The scoping of dimensions and measures based on user access rights should be performed at the MetadataManager/Database level.
    This may change going forward as the real issue here is the static nature of the metadata and a general issue with the GRANT option within the database. So from the database perspective it is not possible to grant select priviledges on a single column of a table.
    The metadata issue is more complex as the OLAP API reads the metadata only once on startup of a session. The list of available measures is based on the GRANT priviledge, so for relational OLAP this limits the data scoping capabilities. In 10g, the metadata for AW OLAP becomes more dynamic and contained and read directly from the AW. Therefore, with an AW OLAP implementation with 10g it could be possible to scope boht dimensions and measures quickly and easily.
    Hope this helps
    Business Intelligence Beans Product Management Team
    Oracle Corporation

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    With help of Basis team check the decimal places for u r user ID.
    In t-code SU01 >>> Under Default tab

  • Error filename measurement file

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    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for your answer - Proven Zealot.
    I deleted all the Start Path and Filename. Now only the first Browser to open filename new error window appeared and notice that "Location is not available" - Access is denied. Then open filename next time isn't fail again. Error only appear once - the first read.
    Read Measurement ‏34 KB ‏342 KB

  • Can not display long derived measure - ORA-33674

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    MdmDerivedMeasure msTemp = mdmCube.findOrCreateDerivedMeasure("TEST");
    StringExpression strexTemp = new StringExpression("Toooooooooooooooo Loooooooooooooooooooooong Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt");
    +msTemp.setMeasureExpression( strexTemp.toCLOB() );+
    Exception in thread "main" Die Transaktion kann nicht festgeschrieben werden: "Auf dem Server ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
    Fehlerklasse: Express-Fehler
    DPR: Server-Cursor kann nicht erstellt werden, Allgemein in TxsOqDefinitionManager::generic<CommitRoot>
    +INI: XOQ-01600: OLAP DML-Fehler "Analytisches Arbeitsbereichsobjekt TO_CLOB ist nicht vorhanden." bei der Ausführung von DML "SYS.AWXML!R11_MANAGE_CALC_MEASURE('SALES_CUBE.URImdm.MEASURE' 'ALTER' 'TEXT' SYS.AWXML!___R11_LONG_ARG_VALUE(SYS.AWXML!___R11_LONG_ARG_DIM 1) NA NA)", Allgemein in TxsOqStdFormCommand::execute"+
    +     at oracle.olapi.transaction.BaseTransaction.commit(Unknown Source)+
    +     at oracle.olapi.transaction.BaseTransactionProvider.commitCurrentTransaction(Unknown Source)+
    +     at daemz.eval.createExpression.main(
    Translating from German: While writing to the DB he finds out he doesn't actually have some object called TO_CLOB. Does they API offer functionality not supported by the DB?
    Played around with this for quite a while - suggestions more than welcome.
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    Edited by: user7008111 on Jun 27, 2009 11:27 AM
    Edited by: user7008111 on Jun 27, 2009 11:27 AM

    This is similar, bot not quite the same problem as for attributes. In the case of attributes, the problem was bad defaulting of the VARCHAR2 length by AWM. To fix it is was just necessary to give an appropriate length.
    Your issue is more serious since it lies in the server itself, which attempts (badly in this case) to derive the data type from the expression. In this it determines that the data type is VARCHAR2, but it defaults the data length to 60 instead of deriving the length from the contents. I am not aware of any workarounds in for this problem. CAST, for example, does not solve the problem. The bug is addressed in 11.2 beta releases, but it was a non-trivial project that is no likely to be back ported to It may be possible to bump up the default of 60 to something higher, but this is not a general solution.
    The TO_CLOB error is due to the fact that the CLOB data type (and hence TO_CLOB function) is not supported by the AW. It is supported by relational tables, which is why it is listed in the OLAP API. It can be used, for example, in the mapping between cube and table as long as you resolve the CLOB into an AW data type again.

  • Triggerring PXI-4110 to measure 1 current value while HSDIO PXI-6552 generating waveform

    Some question about PXI-4110 to measure current while PXI-6552 is generating the waveform. 
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    2. Let say I need to measure the current on 0ms (start of waveform generation by PXI-6552) , 1ms, 2ms, 3ms, 4ms... and so on for 1000 points of measurement, code diagram as shown at the figure below. It is possible for the VI "niDCPower Measure Multiple" to measure exactly at 1ms, 2ms, 3ms .. ? How much time will have to spend to complete acquire 1 point of measurement by "niDCPower Measure Multiple" ?
    Thanks for viewing this post. Your advice on hardware used or software method is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.  
    Message Edited by engwei on 02-02-2009 04:24 AM
    [email protected] ‏46 KB

    Hi engwei,
    1. Unfortunately, the 4110 does not support hardware triggering. Therefore you cannot implement direct triggering through the backplane or anything like that. However, there are a couple of possible workarounds you can try:
    a) Use software triggering: Say your 6552 is generating in one while loop, and your 4110 is to measure in another while loop. You can use a software syncrhonization method like notifiers to send a notification to your 4110 loop when your 6552 has generated the desired sample. This method, however, will not be very deterministic because the delay between the trigger and the response depends on your processor speed and load. Therefore, if you have other applications running in the background (like antivirus) it will increase the delay.
    b) Use hardware triggering on another device: If you have another device that supports hardware triggering (like maybe an M-series multifunction DAQ module), you can configure this device to be triggered by a signal from the 6552, perform a very quick task (like a very short finite acquisition) then immediately execute the DCPower VI to perform the measurement. The trigger can be configured to be re-triggerable for multiple usage. This will most likely have a smaller time delay then the first option, but there will still be a delay (the time it takes to perform the short finite acquisiton on the M-series). Please refer to the attached screenshot for an idea of how to implement this.
    2. To make your 4110 measure at specific time intervals, you can use one of the methods discussed above. As for how long it will take to acquire 1 measurement point, you may find this link helpful:
    This article is meant for the PXI-4130 but the 4110 has the same maximum sampling rate (3 kHz) and so the section discussing the speed should apply for both devices.
    Under the Software Measurement Rate section, it is stated that the default behavior of the VI is to take an average of 10 samples. This corresponds to a maximum sampling rate of 300 samples/second. However, if you configure it to not do averaging (take only 1 sample) then the maximum rate of 3000 samples/second can be achieved.
    It is also important to note that your program can only achieve this maximum sampling rate if your software loop takes less time to execute than the actual physical sampling. For example, if you want to sample at 3000 samples/second, that means that taking one sample takes 1/3000 seconds or 333 microseconds. If you software execution time is less than 333 microseconds, then you can achieve this maximum rate (because the speed is limited by the hardware, not the software). However, if your software takes more than 333 microseconds to execute, then the software loop time will define the maximum sampling rate you can get, which will be lower than 3000 samples/second.
    I hope this answers your question.
    Best regards,
    Vern Yew
    Applications Engineer, NI ASEAN
    Best regards,
    Vern Yew
    Applications Engineer
    untitled.JPG ‏18 KB

  • TS1398 I am unable to connect wifi on my phone 4s since last 2 weeks... I am living in shanghai and did not have this issue since 2 weeks... iPad works fine... Please suggest some measures... Tried the on off reset settings etc.

    I am unable to connect wifi on my phone 4s since last 2 weeks... I am living in shanghai and did not have this issue since 2 weeks... iPad works fine... Please suggest some measures... Tried the on off reset settings etc. but no luck ...
    In fact after updating the software to the latest version I am having more of this... Sometimes the wifi button freezes an I can't even slide it to on / off...

    Noooo! Actually I too had d same prob wit my iPhone 4S. When I connect to my wifi network it won't get connected or it wil be grey scaled! I took it to d istore and since I had warranty they replaced my IPhone. It iPad charger has high volt than ur iPhone charger so when u connect wit it, there is a chance where large amount of current passes thru ur iPhone. So for sure it wil damage ur motherboard and its parts! Many said that iOS 6 or 6.0.1 or 6.1 was d reason for tis wifi prob! But apple never made its mistake wit it's software. If and only if u hav hardware prob u wil hav these sort of wifi prob Bluetooth prob! So best way s to replace ur iPhone!

  • [Forum FAQ] How do I create calculated measure using AMO in SQL Server Analysis Services?

    In SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), you can create a calculated measure in SQL Server Data Tool (SSDT)/Boniness Integrated Development Studio (BIDS). Sometimes you may need to create calculated measure by using AMO in a C# or VB project.
    In this article, I will demonstrate so how to create calculated measure using AMO in SSAS?
    Before create calculated measure using AMO, you need to ensure that the following components were installed in your server.
    The multidimensional database AdventureWorks Multidimensional Model 2012
    A SQL Server with SSIS and SSAS installed
    The AMO libraries installed:
    X86 Package (SQL_AS_AMO.msi)
    X64 Package (SQL_AS_AMO.msi)
    Here is the detail steps to create calculated measure using AMO in SSAS.
    Open SSDT and create a new SSIS project.
    Drag Script Task to the design surface.
    Click SSIS-> Variables to open the Variables window and add two variables that used to connect to the server and database.
    Create a connection to connect to SSAS server.
    Rename the connection name to ssas.
    Double click the Script Task to open Script Task Editor.
    Add Connection and Database variables to ReadWriteVariables textbox and then click Edit Script button.
    Add AMO reference in the Solution Explore window.
    Copy the script below and paste it into the script.
    Dim objServer As Server
    Dim objDatabase As Database
    Dim strDataBaseID As String
    Dim objCube As Cube
    Dim objMdxScript As MdxScript
    Dim objCommand As Command
    Dim strCommand As String
    objServer = New Server
    objDatabase = objServer.Databases("AdventureWorksDW2012Multidimensional-EE2")
    strDataBaseID = objDatabase.ID
    If objDatabase.Cubes.Count > 0 Then
    objCube = objDatabase.Cubes("Adventure Works")
    If objCube.MdxScripts.Count > 0 Then
    objMdxScript = objCube.MdxScripts("MdxScript")
    objMdxScript = objCube.MdxScripts(0)
    objCube.MdxScripts.Add("MdxScript", "MdxScript")
    objMdxScript = objCube.MdxScripts("MdxScript")
    End If
    objCommand = New Command
    strCommand = "CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Multipy Measures By 3]"
    strCommand = strCommand & " AS [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] * 3, "
    strCommand = strCommand & " VISIBLE = 1 ; "
    objCommand.Text = strCommand
    End If
    Then you can run this SSIS package to create the calculated measure.
    Applies to
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
    Microsoft SQL Server 2012
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Is this a supported scenario, or does it use unsupported features?
    For example, can we call exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='b64ce7ec-d598-45cd-bbc2-ea202e0c129d'
    in a supported way?
    Thanks! Josh

  • Why writes LabVIEW only every 2 seconds the measured Value to a Excel (In a while loop with 100 ms tact)?

    Hi everybody,
    I use the myDAQ to measure speed, ampere, and voltage of a battery driven motor. (For Current measurement, i use a Sensor which outputs a 0-10 V signal). I placed all DAQ-Assitants in a while loop with a [Wait until next ms multiple] clock and set a value of 100 ms. I thougt, Labview will now write into my text file 10 times a second all values. In fact, as you can see in the attached text file, Labview only writes in a unsteady interval of 1-2 seconds a value, which is too less.
    The question: Did I do anything wrong, how can you create VI that writes you lets say 10 values a second into text file? Or is simply the DigitalMultimeter input of the myDAQ not able to sample a rate of 10 Hz? I couldn´t find any information in the specification handbook about the sample rate of the DMM?
    If anyone can help me would be great! Thanx a lot, Markus
    Measure Speed+Current+Voltage into ‏175 KB
    Test7.txt ‏1 KB

    File I/O is not very efficient. I recommend that you do you file logging in a parallel task. Have one task do your data acquision. This task would then pass the data to be logged to the logging task via a queue. That way your file operations do not impact your data acquision. Also, express VIs are not very efficient. You would be better off accessing that directly using the DAQ VIs. The express VIs contain lots of steps that do not need to be done every time you call it such as initializing the device.
    Mark Yedinak
    "Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 9407: Reordering the if-statement in isMeasureFixed() exposed that hostFormat can be null when measure() is called if styles changed and measure is done before the next commitProperties .

    Revision: 9407
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-19 15:11:34 -0700 (Wed, 19 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    Reordering the if-statement in isMeasureFixed() exposed that hostFormat can be null when measure() is called if styles changed and measure is done before the next commitProperties.  This states test exposed this.
    We should rethink if we want to clear hostFormat rather than have a hostFormatChanged flag.  If there is no hostFormat at measure then it has to be fixed because there is no line break format to check for auto-size.
    QE notes:
    Doc notes:
    Bugs: SDK-22779
    Reviewer: Gordon
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Oh my god, it is too long! You definitely check out types, casting and especially ODP.Net (it does everything for you)... etc. They can help you to simplify your code. I do not have enough time to copy paste it to Studio and understand and solve your issue, so I got title of your message as your main question.
    In Oracle, you can create an autonumber field by using sequences object. This is really useful when you need to create a unique number to act as a primary key.
    Basically you can create a sequence simply typing;
    now you have a sequence called "MY_SEQUENCE"... Then, I advice you select a number from sequence;
    select MY_SEQUENCE.nextval from dual;
    I said I advice actually kinda must, although it called sequence, I cannot be sequential. Do not even try to predict the value. You can be sure that it is unique number so you can use it.
    Then insert you record and use that number part of your primary key. I think that's it. Have fun.

  • Nested IF/AND/OR in Calculated Measure/Column

    I have the following problem, which I couldn't quite solve in Excel and was wondering whether it can be done in PowerPivot (I failed so far):
    A datasheet with a column "HOUR" and another column "AM/PM". Entries in the first column consist of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, or 12, the second column consists of 'AM's or 'PM's. Together they define the time of an incident (regarding the
    below problem, note that I am not allowed to create a new column in the source datasheet or change existing columns). The below formulas 1.) to 3.) work excellent in Excel for getting '1's or '0's for incidents that happened either between 8AM and 4PM, or
    outside of this time window, as long as I create a new column somewhere in the source datasheet.
    1.) =IF(AND(A1>=8, A1<=11),IF(B1="AM",1,0),0) + IF(AND(A1>=1, A1<=4),IF(B1="PM",1,0),0) + IF(AND(A1=12),IF(B1="PM",1,0),0)
    2.) =--OR(AND(A1>=8, B1="AM", A1<>12), AND(OR(A1<=4, A1=12), B1="PM"))
    3.) =--OR(AND(OR(A1={8,9,10,11}),B1="AM"), AND(OR(A1={1,2,3,4,12}), B1="PM"))
    However, I wanted the "1"s to be summarized - without creating an extra column - as calculated field in a pivot table in Excel. As it turned out, the calculated field option in Excel's standard Pivot table doesn't allow such complex formulas.
    Someone then told me to try PowerPivot. However, the calculated column/calculated measure option in the PowerPivot sheet (once I loaded my data) doesn't seem to support the above formulas either.
    The column headers have the same names as I described above. However, some symbols were not accepted so the relevant ones read now: "[HOUR]", "[AM PM]".
    I tried:
    =IF(AND([HOUR]>=8, [HOUR]<=11),IF([AM PM]="AM",1,0),0) + IF(AND([HOUR]>=1, [HOUR]<=4),IF([AM PM]="PM",1,0),0) + IF(AND([HOUR]=12),IF([AM PM]="PM",1,0),0)
    Error: "Too few arguments were passed to the AND function. The minimum argument count for the function is 2."
    =OR(AND([HOUR]>=8,[AM PM]="AM",[HOUR]<>12), AND(OR([HOUR]<=4,[HOUR]=12),[AM PM]="PM"))
    Error: "Too many arguments were passed to the AND function. The maximum argument count for the function is 2."
    Does anybody know how to translate any of the above formulas into one PowerPivot accepts? or, alternatively, any other way how to achieve the desired results? Thank you for any help on this.

    Hi Natrajx,
    The first of your formulas can be translated into the follow DAX syntax that can be used to define a Calculated Column:
    table1[HOUR] >= 8 && table1[HOUR] <= 11,
    [AM PM] = "AM",
    table1[HOUR] >= 1 && table1[HOUR] <= 4,
    [AM PM] = "PM",
    table1[HOUR] = 12,
    [AM PM] = "PM",
    You could also created a Calculated Field based on similar logic using the following formula:
    table1[HOUR] >= 8 && table1[HOUR] <= 11,
    [AM PM] = "AM",
    table1[HOUR] >= 1 && table1[HOUR] <= 4,
    [AM PM] = "PM",
    table1[HOUR] = 12,
    [AM PM] = "PM",
    Note the use of "&&" instead of the AND() function. In DAX, the AND() and OR() functions only support a maximum of 2 arguments. You can use "&&" for the AND operation and "||" for the OR operation. Hopefully
    the DAX examples above will help you to see how it can be applied to your scenario.
    Michael Amadi
    Please use the 'Mark as answer' link to mark a post that answers your question. If you find a reply helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Twitter: @nimblelearn

  • PXI 2527 & PXI 4071 -Questions about EMF considerations for high accuracy measurements and EMF calibration schemes?

    I need to perform an in-depth analysis of the overall system accuracy for a proposed system. I'm well underway using the extensive documentation in the start-menu National Instruments\NI-DMM\ and ..\NI-Switch\ Documenation folders...
    While typing the question, I think I partially answered myself while cross-referencing NI documents... However a couple of questions remain:
    If I connect a DMM to a 2 by X arranged switch/mux, each DMM probe will see twice the listed internal "Differential thermal EMF" at a typical value of 2.5uV and a max value of less than 12uV (per relay). So the total effect on the DMM uncertainty caused by the switch EMF would be 2*2.5uV = 5uV? Or should these be added as RSS: = sqrt(2.5^2+2.5^2) since you can not know if the two relays have the same emf?
    Is there anything that can be done to characterize or account for this EMF (software cal, etc?)?
    For example, assuming the following:
    * Instruments and standards are powered on for several hours to allow thermal stability inside of the rack and enclosures
    * temperature in room outside of rack is constant
    Is there a reliable way of measureing/zeroing the effect of system emf? Could this be done by applying a high quality, low emf short at the point where the DUT would normally be located, followed by a series of long-aperture voltage average measurements at the lowest DMM range, where the end result (say (+)8.9....uV) could be taken as a system calibration constant accurate to the spec's of the DMM?
    What would the accuracy of the 4071 DMM be, can I calculate it as follows, using 8.9uV +-700.16nV using 90 days and 8.9uV +- 700.16nV + 150nV due to "Additional noise error" assuming integration time of 1 (aperture) for ease of reading the chart, and a multiplier of 15 for the 100mV range. (Is this equivalent to averaging a reading of 1 aperture 100 times?)
    So, given the above assumptions, would it be correct to say that I could characterize the system EMF to within  8.5uV+- [700.16nV (DMM cal data) + 0.025ppm*15 (RMS noise, assuming aperture time of 100*100ms = 10s)] = +-[700.16nV+37.5nV] = +- 737.66nV? Or should the ppm accuracy uncertainties be RSS as such: 8.5uV +- sqrt[700.16nV^2 + 37.5nV^2] = 8.5uV +-701.16nV??
     As evident by my above line of thought, I am not at all sure how to properly sum the uncertainties (I think you always do RSS for uncertainties from different sources?) and more importantly, how to read and use the graph/table in the NI 4071 Specifications.pdf on page 3. What exactly does it entail to have an integration time larger than 1? Should I adjust the aperture time or would it be more accurate to just leave aperture at default (100ms for current range) and just average multiple readings, say average 10 to get a 10x aperture equivalent?
    The below text includes what was going to be the post until I think I answered myself. I left it in as it is relevant to the problem above and includes what I hope to be correct statements. If you are tired of reading now, just stop, if you are bored, feel free to comment on the below section as well.
    The problem I have is one of fully understanding part of this documenation. In particular, since a relay consists of (at least) 2 dissimilar metal junctions (as mentioned in the NI Switch help\Fundamentals\General Switching Considerations\Thermal EMF and Offset Voltage section) and because of the thermo-couple effect (Seebeck voltage), it seems that there would be an offset voltage generated inside each of the relays at the point of the junction. It refeers the "Thermocouple Measurements" section (in the same help document) for further details, but this is where my confusion starts to creep up.
    In equation (1) it gives the expression for determining E_EMF which for my application is what I care about, I think (see below for details on my application).
    What confuses me is this: If my goal is to, as accurately as possible, determine the overall uncertainty in a system consisting of a DMM and a Switch module, do I use the "Differential thermal EMF" as found in the switch data-sheet, or do I need to try and estimate temperatures in the switch and use the equation?
    *MY answer to my own question:
    By carefully re-reading the example in the thermocouple section of the switch, I realized that they calculate 2 EMF's, one for the internal switch, calculated as 2.5uV (given in the spec sheet of the switch as the typical value) and one for the actual thermocouple. I say actual, because I think my initial confusion stems from the fact that the documenation talks about the relay/switch junctions as thermocouples in one section, and then talks about an external "probe" thermocouple in the next and I got them confused.
    As such, if I can ensure low temperatures inside the switch at the location of the junctions (by adequate ventilation and powering down latching relays), I should be able to use 2.5uV as my EMF from the switch module, or to be conservative, <12uV max (from data sheet of 2527 again).
    I guess now I have a hard time believeing the 2.5uV typical value listed.. They say the junctions in the relays are typically an iron-nickel alloy against a copper-alloy. Well, those combinations are not explicitly listed in the documenation table for Seebeck coefficients, but even a very small value, like 0.3uV/C adds up to 7.5uV at 25degC. I'm thinking maybe the table values in the NI documentation reffers to the Seebeck values at 25C?
    Project Engineer
    LabVIEW 2009
    Run LabVIEW on WinXP and Vista system.
    Used LabVIEW since May 2005
    Certifications: CLD and CPI certified
    Currently employed.

    Seebeck EMV needs temperature gradients , in your relays you hopefully have low temperature gradients ... however in a switching contact you can have all kind diffusions and 'funny' effects, keeping them on same temperature is the best you can do. 
    Since you work with a multiplexer and with TCs, you need a good Cold junction ( for serious calibrations at 0°C ) and there is the good place for your short cut to measure the zero EMV. Another good test is loop the 'hot junction' back to the cold junction and observe the residual EMV.  Touching (or heating/cooling) the TC loop gives another number for the uncertainty calculation: the inhomogeneous material of the TC itself..
    A good source for TC knowledge:
    Manual on the use of thermocouples in temperature measurement,
    ASTM PCN: 28-012093-40,
    ISBN 0-8031-1466-4 
    (Page1): 'Regardless
    of how many facts are presented herein and regardless of the percentage
                    all will be for naught unless one simple important fact is
    kept firmly in mind.
                    The thermocouple reports only what it "feels."
    This may or may not the temperature of interest'
    Message Edited by Henrik Volkers on 04-27-2009 09:36 AM
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

  • Measurement value is not getting displayed

    i wrote the following code for my bdc.i want to check whether my flat file data got uploaded into my internal table.all field values are getting displayed in the output
    except measurement(field-meins).plz help
    report Z_PP_BDC1
           no standard page heading line-size 255.
    *REQUEST NO.:DEVK903710
    *& Table Declaration
    *& Types
            END OF TY_ITAB.
            MSEG TYPE CHAR128,
            END OF TY_ITAB1.
    *&        Internal Tables Declaration
    *& DATA Declaration
           V_LINES TYPE I,
           FNAM(20) TYPE C,
           V_MSG  TYPE CHAR_132,
           V_SUC_CNT TYPE INT2,
           TABIX TYPE I,
           IDX TYPE C.
    AT-SELECTION-SCREEN DECALRATION                                     *
      clear : P_FILE.
          FILE_NAME     = P_FILE.
    perform upload.
    perform bdc.
    *&      Form  upload
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    *FORM upload .
      clear : P_FILE1.
      P_FILE1 = P_FILE.
          FILENAME                = P_FILE1
          FILETYPE                = 'ASC'
          HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR     = 'X'
          DATA_TAB                = IT_ITAB
          FILE_OPEN_ERROR         = 1
          FILE_READ_ERROR         = 2
          NO_BATCH                = 3
          INVALID_TYPE            = 5
          NO_AUTHORITY            = 6
          UNKNOWN_ERROR           = 7
          BAD_DATA_FORMAT         = 8
          HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED      = 9
          SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED   = 10
          HEADER_TOO_LONG         = 11
          UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR        = 12
          ACCESS_DENIED           = 13
          DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY        = 14
          DISK_FULL               = 15
          DP_TIMEOUT              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

    I have not understood the problem....Is this regarding the conversion exit... you can use function modules:
    CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_OUTPUT to display the UoM in the appropriate logon language if you have data directly from SAP database.
    Best Regards, Murugesh AS

  • Error message 'Enter unit of measure' in Webclient

    Hello Experts,
    We are working on CRM 5.0 SP 7, IC WebClient and have implemented the BAdi "<b>CRM_SERVICEPROD_BADI</b>" to assign a service product ''<b>INVESTIGATION'</b> whenever user selects service ticket in WebClient.
    However, when confirming a Business Partner and accessing the service ticket, an error is getting displayed stating "<b>Enter the unit of measure</b>".
    We have already mentioned the unit of measure in Product but it seems it is not picking from there.
    Please help me to remove this error.
    Reward points assured for useful answers.

    I had a similar Problem
    You will have to assign the base unit of measure in service tab as hours and then in the sales and distribution tab assign the same unit in the sales unit and give minimum order quantity(for e.g-1) & delivery unit ,this you will have to do for all the sales areas you might have mapped in the S&D tab
    I'm sure the issue will be resolved
    Shankar Raj

  • Why the wave is disvisible?? I used measurement studio 7.0.1 in my existing VC++ 6.0 project

    I have an existing Microsoft Visual C++ project  MyProj. I  have installed the NI measurement studio 7.0.1 on my computer yesterday.
    I have added a CWGraph control on a dialog of MyProj via "Project-> Add To Project->Components and Controls...->Registered ActiveX Controls->CWGraph Control".
    It created 22 classes such as "CCWGraph/CCWPlots/CCWPlot/CCWAnnotations......." in my MyProj,
    Now, I create a variable m_GraphCtrl for the CCWGraph Control by classwizard.
    I want to used following codes to create a wave and show on the control,  in my debugging , it's running no problem, but the control not show a wave.
    I have add a plot "1" in the contrl's Properties "Plots".
    I have set the "Axes-XAxis-Auto scale" and "Axes-YAxies-1-min 0: max 255" in the control's Properties.
    VARIANT vrtItem, vrtData, vrtFirst, vrtInc;
    vrtItem.vt = VT_BSTR;
    vrtItem.pcVal = "1";
    vrtFirst.vt = VT_I4;
    vrtFirst.lVal = 0;
    vrtInc.vt = VT_I4;
    vrtInc.lVal = 1;
    vrtData.vt = VT_BYREF|VT_UI1;
    vrtData.pbVal = CH1WaveData;//unsigned char CH1WaveData[2500];there have had value already.each value is between 0~255.
    // Graphs
    m_GraphCtrl.GetPlots().Item(vrtItem).PlotY(vrtData, vrtFirst, vrtInc);//no wave show on the CWGraph control
    m_GraphCtrl.GetAnnotations().Item(vrtItem).GetCaption().SetYCoordinate(200.00);//this codes worked good,
    Who can tell me why ???

    Hi Johannes,
    Did you get a chance to read this thread?

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