Media Foundation dll

I need to write a dll in c++ that will be accessed by a c# application. The dll will be a player class using WMF. I am using Visual Studios 2013. My question is what kind of dll to create. My app is not a windows store app. Should I create a Universal
dll, MFC dll, or Non MFC dll and Why?
Thanks in Advance.

iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates
Next try posting in the iTunes forum

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    Lee McPherson

    Thanks, not a bad suggestion to try. 
    On my Windows machine, I tried to get the MediaEncodingProfile via the createFromFileAsyc method.  With a known file type, it outputs all properties of the video and audio streams (bitrate, etc).  With an MKV file (container file with H264 video
    and AC3 audio), I only get the type and subtype properties. Everything else is zero or null.  This is because in my MFSource, I only set the type and subtype.  This still allows the video to play on my windows machine.  I assume the
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  • Play audio from file to speaker with Media Foundation

    I'm attempting to play the audio track from an mp4 file to my speaker. I know Media Foundation is able to decode the audio stream as I can play it with the TopoEdit tool.
    In the sample code below I'm not using a media session or topology. I'm attempting to manually connect the media source to the sink writer. The reason I want to do this is that I ultimately intend to be getting the source samples from the network rather than
    from a file.
    The error I get on the pSinkWriter->WriteSample line when running the sample below is MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST (0xC00D36B2). So I suspect there's something I haven't wired up correctly.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <mfapi.h>
    #include <mfplay.h>
    #include <mfreadwrite.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "mf.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfplat.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfplay.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfreadwrite.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "mfuuid.lib")
    #define CHECK_HR(hr, msg) if (hr != S_OK) { printf(msg); printf("Error: %.2X.\n", hr); goto done; }
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    IMFSourceResolver *pSourceResolver = NULL;
    IUnknown* uSource = NULL;
    IMFMediaSource *mediaFileSource = NULL;
    IMFSourceReader *pSourceReader = NULL;
    IMFMediaType *pAudioOutType = NULL;
    IMFMediaType *pFileAudioMediaType = NULL;
    IMFMediaSink *pAudioSink = NULL;
    IMFStreamSink *pStreamSink = NULL;
    IMFMediaTypeHandler *pMediaTypeHandler = NULL;
    IMFMediaType *pMediaType = NULL;
    IMFMediaType *pSinkMediaType = NULL;
    IMFSinkWriter *pSinkWriter = NULL;
    // Set up the reader for the file.
    CHECK_HR(MFCreateSourceResolver(&pSourceResolver), "MFCreateSourceResolver failed.\n");
    L"big_buck_bunny.mp4", // URL of the source.
    MF_RESOLUTION_MEDIASOURCE, // Create a source object.
    NULL, // Optional property store.
    &ObjectType, // Receives the created object type.
    &uSource // Receives a pointer to the media source.
    ), "Failed to create media source resolver for file.\n");
    CHECK_HR(uSource->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&mediaFileSource)), "Failed to create media file source.\n");
    CHECK_HR(MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(mediaFileSource, NULL, &pSourceReader), "Error creating media source reader.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pSourceReader->GetCurrentMediaType((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, &pFileAudioMediaType), "Error retrieving current media type from first audio stream.\n");
    // printf("File Media Type:\n");
    // Dump pFileAudioMediaType.
    // Set the audio output type on the source reader.
    CHECK_HR(MFCreateMediaType(&pAudioOutType), "Failed to create audio output media type.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pAudioOutType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType_Audio), "Failed to set audio output media major type.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pAudioOutType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, MFAudioFormat_Float), "Failed to set audio output audio sub type (Float).\n");
    CHECK_HR(pSourceReader->SetCurrentMediaType((DWORD)MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, NULL, pAudioOutType), "Error setting reader audio output type.\n");
    // printf("Source Reader Output Type:");
    // Dump pAudioOutType.
    CHECK_HR(MFCreateAudioRenderer(NULL, &pAudioSink), "Failed to create audio sink.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pAudioSink->GetStreamSinkByIndex(0, &pStreamSink), "Failed to get audio renderer stream by index.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pStreamSink->GetMediaTypeHandler(&pMediaTypeHandler), "Failed to get media type handler.\n");
    // My speaker has 3 audio types of which I got the furthesr with the third one.
    CHECK_HR(pMediaTypeHandler->GetMediaTypeByIndex(2, &pSinkMediaType), "Failed to get sink media type.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pMediaTypeHandler->SetCurrentMediaType(pSinkMediaType), "Failed to set current media type.\n");
    // printf("Sink Media Type:\n");
    // Dump pSinkMediaType.
    CHECK_HR(MFCreateSinkWriterFromMediaSink(pAudioSink, NULL, &pSinkWriter), "Failed to create sink writer from audio sink.\n");
    printf("Read audio samples from file and write to speaker.\n");
    IMFSample *audioSample = NULL;
    DWORD streamIndex, flags;
    LONGLONG llAudioTimeStamp;
    for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++)
    //while (true)
    // Initial read results in a null pSample??
    0, // Flags.
    &streamIndex, // Receives the actual stream index.
    &flags, // Receives status flags.
    &llAudioTimeStamp, // Receives the time stamp.
    &audioSample // Receives the sample or NULL.
    ), "Error reading audio sample.");
    printf("End of stream.\n");
    printf("Stream tick.\n");
    pSinkWriter->SendStreamTick(0, llAudioTimeStamp);
    if (!audioSample)
    printf("Null audio sample.\n");
    CHECK_HR(audioSample->SetSampleTime(llAudioTimeStamp), "Error setting the audio sample time.\n");
    CHECK_HR(pSinkWriter->WriteSample(0, audioSample), "The stream sink writer was not happy with the sample.\n");
    return 0;
    I've omitted the code that dumps the media types for brevity but their output is shown below. It could well be that I haven't got the
    media types connected properly.
    File Media Type:
    Audio: MAJOR_TYPE=Audio, PREFER_WAVEFORMATEX=1, {BFBABE79-7434-4D1C-94F0-72A3B9E17188}=0, {7632F0E6-9538-4D61-ACDA-EA29C8C14456}=0, SUBTYPE={00001610-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, NUM_CHANNELS=2, SAMPLES_PER_SECOND=22050, BLOCK_ALIGNMENT=1, AVG_BYTES_PER_SECOND=8000,
    Source Reader Output Type:
    Audio: MAJOR_TYPE=Audio, SUBTYPE=Float, 
    Sink Media Type:
    Any hints as to where I could look next would be appreciated.


  • Take photo from image stream using capture engine technique in media foundation

    I am beginner for media foundation.I have to develop Win32 desktop application using capture engine technique in media foundation.
    I have to implement the following features:1)Show video streaming 2)Capture video 3)Capture photo from still-image stream.These features are implemented in capture engine.
    I am able to take photo from video stream not from image stream.I tried to configure the image stream index in Addstream() api,but its giving MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_ERROR error.
    To trigger the still pin,use
    the IAMVideoControl::SetMode method
    in directshow. How do i implement this feature using capture engine technique in MF?My question
    is-is it possible do it in Media foundtion??I have searched many sites but no luck.
    Here the sample code which i used to capture an image.
    HRESULT TakePhoto()
    HRESULT hr = m_pEngine->GetSink(MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE_PHOTO, &pSink);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    hr = pSink->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pPhoto));
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    hr = m_pEngine->GetSource(&pSource);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    hr = pSource->GetCurrentDeviceMediaType(1, &pMediaType); // 1 is Image stream index.I will get current image stream media type here.
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    //Configure the photo format
    hr = CreatePhotoMediaType(pMediaType, &pMediaType2,GUID_ContainerFormatBmp);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    hr = pPhoto->RemoveAllStreams();
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    DWORD dwSinkStreamIndex;
    // Try to connect the first still image stream to the photo sink
    hr = pPhoto->AddStream((DWORD)MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_PREFERRED_SOURCE_STREAM_FOR_PHOTO, pMediaType2, NULL, &dwSinkStreamIndex); //Instead of MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_PREFERRED_SOURCE_STREAM_FOR_PHOTO,i gave index as 1.i am getting error
    goto done;
    hr = pPhoto->SetOutputFileName(pszFileName);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    hr = m_pEngine->TakePhoto();
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto done;
    return hr;
    HRESULT OnCaptureEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    GUID guidType;
    HRESULT hrStatus;
    IMFMediaEvent *pEvent = reinterpret_cast<IMFMediaEvent*>(wParam);
    hr = pEvent->GetExtendedType(&guidType);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
    if (guidType == MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_ERROR) //i got this error if i give dwSourceStreamIndex as '1' in Addstresm api
    return hrStatus;
    Please help me to solve this problem.Past one week,I am working on this issue and i couldnt find the solution.Please give me a some idea or some sample code to solve this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Everyone,
    Any help will be appreciated.

  • What does '' do?

    I disabled in order to get .mp3/mp4 to stop playing in firefox, but rather prompt me to open/save as. It works fine. However, the place where I found this solution said it was going to break some embedded playback functionality.. or something.
    Vimeo still works, HTML5 Youtube still works, Vine still works. I'm not sure what is supposed to break, and I *KNOW* I'm going to find it eventually and completely forget that I ever did this. Can anyone explain what is supposed to stop working?
    Thanks! :)

    Media Foundation is used to decode MPEG media, such as MP3 and MP4. Many sites that feature HTML5 are using alternative formats such as WebM that are not patented.
    I think you might occasionally have a problem on some sites. For example, the site might only offer MPEG media in its HTML5 player and use a script that doesn't test carefully and provide an alternative (e.g., Flash player media) for browsers that do not support MPEG media. But... hopefully not too many sites.

  • Regarding to Windows Media Foundation?

    Hi All,
    I am confused about Window Media Foundation  and following Link's sample code.
    Are those Link's sample code based on Window Media Foundation?
    It seems like, it is slightly different or completely based on different APIs. Isn't?
    some of those code didn't work as expect.
    I following the tutorial
    I could not make it works, I need very simple code. Can someone confirm me if I can port those code to Windows Store App?

    Hi All,
    I am confused about Windows Media Foundation and following Link's sample code.
    Is that Link's code based on Windows Media Foundation? It seems like, it is slightly different or completely different. Isn't?
    I am following tutorial and can't make it works for Window Store App.

  • Media Engine (Media Foundation) sample WP8 app decodes sample video incorrectly

    Media Engine sample  compiles fine on my machine and I can run it on my phone, but I can't get it to play any video correctly. Specifically, the video that is being drawn every frame is wrong.  I'll try and attach a screenshot to show what it
    looks like, but if you can picture a bunch of blocks that have a distorted piece of the original video, that's it. The sound plays just fine. What in the world could be causing this?  (The video is the sample video that comes with the code... a dog drinking
    from a pool.)
    I've even tried to recreate the sample using the
    walkthrough but I get the same result.  I have taken the sample and removed the MediaEngine and tried just drawing a static texture to see if there was some hidden code screwing up the shaders, but it worked fine... 
    so something is wrong with Media Foundation.  Is it possible I have a library that is not working correctly?  I'm using VS2013 (Pro) with all the latest updates.
    Lee McPherson

    I get the same result (and exceptions running in the debugger) on my HTC 8X.  I will investigate further and update this forum post when I know more!
    Jeff Sanders (MSFT)
    @jsandersrocks - Windows Store Developer Solutions
    Getting Started With Windows Azure Mobile Services development?
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    My Team Blog: Windows Store & Phone Developer Solutions
    My Blog: Http Client Protocol Issues (and other fun stuff I support)

  • funcationality in 35.0

    I want MP4 files to open in an external player. I had set to false but it seems that stopped working with the new release. When set to false I now get an error from the link: Video can't be played because the file is corrupt.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    hello tobyexx79, please set back to its default preference and turn '''''' to '''false '''instead.

  • Media Foundation support

    I want to develop a driver for FMLE.
    And I want to know whether it supports Windows Media Foundation drivers.
    Thank you

    That seems to have done the trick! Thanks a million.

  • Media Foundation:Playback using Raw Data Bytes Frame by Frame

    I have a stream of bytes encoded by H264.Now
    I want to playback using Media Foundation I have the frames as raw data without container and I receive it frame by frame.does any
    one have any idea how can I do that?

    You should be able to decode it with the MF H264 decoder, but you should get the codec private data from the encoder in order to configure the decoder (MF_MT_USER_DATA). Anyway, more info on this would probably help other people in providing useful answers.
    Once you have decoded frames you could render them with the EVR or DXVA.

  • Media Foundation transforms for BackgroundMediaPlayer

    So I want to apply some media foundation effect to the backgoundmediaplayer samples before they get rendered. While this seems an obvious mission with the media stream source class, I do not really have the time to implement media stream sources for all
    formats supported by windows phone just to get to the raw PCM inside them, and then do the things I want to do with them.
    The media foundation transforms does something similar to what I want to do. Is there any way I can use a transform for BackgroundMediaPlayer, intercept PCM samples delivered by built-in system codecs and modifiy them accordingly? Or do I need to relay on
    media stream sources?

    I'm sorry if I caused any confusion. Let me try to offer some clarification. The MediaStreamSource was designed specifically to address
    the need to ingest and parse 3rd party streaming protocols such as HLS. In this scenario you connect to, parse and pass the encoded video samples downstream and allow the hardware to decode the samples.
    While it is certainly possible to implement a stream source and codec in the same MediaStreamSource context you may not
    get the performance needed to present a good user experience. Again we just didn't intend the MediaStreamSource to be used in this way.
    While using C++ to implement the decoder may improve performance there is still a need to marshal the data between managed and unmanaged
    code. Once in managed code the GC may run and cause sample delivery to stop unexpectedly. As I'm sure you are aware actively managing the buffer size can help to reduce this effect at the expense of latency. This is an extremely advanced topic.
    That said, your business requirements may allow for dropouts to occur. This is up to you to decide. I just want to make sure that you are
    aware of the repercussions of choosing this architecture and that it is not a scenario that we intended or tested.
    So... Because of this I would never recommend this approach. I guess if it works great but be aware of the risk.
    Okay, let’s talk about the BackgroundMediaPlayer architecture a bit. Windows Phone 8 (WP8) was a three process architecture. Windows Phone 8.1 (WP8.1) is a two process architecture.
    I won’t go into how WP8 works. In WP8.1 you have a UI process and a background player process. The background player process is registered as a singleton instance OOPServer.
    This means that the background player will only be created if one does not already exist in the current app container.
    The background player process contains your background audio code. Just like Windows 8 this process is given a PLM exemption that allows it to continue to run in the background
    while your UI process can be suspended. Once the exemption is registered, management of the background player process is handed off to the media manger. The media manager coordinates closely with the PLM to ensure there is only one active background player
    process at a given time. This means only one app can be playing audio in the background at any time.
    Okay so if you have gotten this far you get some potentially good news and an apology. I humbly admit that I was incorrect. I spent most of the afternoon going over
    specs and the phone source code. I found that it should theoretically be possible to add additional components to the underlying background player MF topology.
    From what I have been able to decipher, you can register a custom MFT in the background player code and have it automatically join the topology when it is created. You can
    do this via the
    MediaExtensionManger. Sounds good right?  Keep in mind this is theoretical. I haven’t tried this and there may be some caveats, explained below.
    Here are what I can see as caveats: The MediaExtensionManger only allows you to register certain types of MFTs. In particular encoders, decoders and stream handlers. Also you
    can’t override any of the MF components that are handled by a known format. In other words you can’t override our MP4 decoder. So it’s not as easy as just saying “stick my MFT here”.
    After much thought it still might be possible to get a MFT to join the topology after the decoder. In the case of audio I’m thinking that we need to create an MFT that takes
    uncompressed audio in and outputs uncompressed audio. The question here is: “How does the topology manager evaluate components available to participate in the topology?”
    The topology we want looks like this: S->D->C->R where C is our custom MFT. The decoder (D) outputs PCM. The renderer (R) takes PCM as the input. Our C takes PCM as
    an input and output. When the topology loader builds the topology it connects the nodes from left to right. The question is: “Will our C be evaluated before the R?” If our C is evaluated before the R then we are money. However if the R is evaluated first or
    C will be left out of the topology. I honestly don’t know enough about the intricacies of the topology loader to say with any certainty if this will work (and what about format conversions?)
    Again we are trying to do things that the original developers never intended and didn’t test. If it works great! Please let me know. If it doesn’t I will certainly request
    this feature for the next version of the Phone.
    I hope this helps,
    Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services -

  • Core foundation.dll not found

    I know this must be an old question. After installing the latest version of itunes, I get the error message that core foundation.dll was not found. Apple syn notifier has stopped working. I have tried three time uninstalling itunes and quick time , and then installing again. Everytime I get the same message. I have call apple and gotten the article trouble installing itunes, but I don't see anything that helps. I am reluctant to run registry fixers, and I am concerned it may corrupt my sytem. An suggestions. Isn't there an easy way just to download directly the corefoundation.dll file.

    Hi Strieger,
    You have post a problem a while ago, your problem may have been solved by now. But I was also facing the same problem and followed these steps.I have tried many but this is best one.
    You candownload the missing CoreFoundation.dll file from the link provided below:
    After downloading themissing CoreFoundation.dll file, restore this file into System32 folder.
    Path to System32 folder is:
    C:/ Windows / System32
    Note: C: Drive is yourWindow Drive.
    You may need to restartyour PC in order to make the changes effective. This is the source, which isbest for solving this sort of dll related issues.

  • I got problem on installing iTunes. When I clicked iTunes out, two windows popped out. One said the procedure entry point CFAttributed String Create Mutable could not be located in the dynamic link library Core Foundation.dll.

    I got problem on installing iTunes. When I clicked iTunes out, two windows popped out. One said the procedure entry point CFAttributed String Create Mutable could not be located in the dynamic link library Core Foundation.dll. and one just said *Itunes was not installed correctly.  Please re install I Tunes Error 7 (windows error 127) . I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. But either way cant work. I really need some of your help! PLS HELP ME!

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The error shares a similar pattern to that in the third box, so a similar approach should work. Look for CoreFoundation.dll in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support, delete it, then repair Apple Application Support.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.

  • Media Foundation MFGetAttributeRatio works differently for Win 7 than WIn8 - how to set format?

    I am Using Media foundation ISourceReader, ISourceMedia etc.
    My camera supports several Resolutions with 60 FPS and 30 FPS. running the code in win 8 I get a different profile with MAX 60 for the 60 and a different profile with max 30 for the 30 FPS. however running same code in WIN7 gives me that for all FPS I get
    Enumerating profiles, and stop at the profile that the desired FPS is the max FPS (as different profiles are returned for each FPS,and the max equals to the MAX_FPS).
    for WIN8 following code works:
    bool found=false;while(!found){HRESULT hr = m_reader->GetNativeMediaType(id,i,&pMediaType);
    if (hr!=S_OK || pMediaType==NULL)
    GUID subtype;
    frameRate frameRateMin;
    frameRate frameRateMax;
    MFGetAttributeSize(pMediaType, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, &currRes.width, &currRes.height);
    MFGetAttributeRatio(pMediaType,MF_MT_FRAME_RATE_RANGE_MIN,&frameRateMin.numerator ,&frameRateMin.denominator);
    MFGetAttributeRatio(pMediaType,MF_MT_FRAME_RATE_RANGE_MAX,&frameRateMax.numerator ,&frameRateMax.denominator);if(frameRateMax==desiredFPS)found =true;}HRESULT hr= m_reader->SetCurrentMediaType(0,0,pMediaType);
    What I do see is that in WIn7 each profile is returned twice once with MF_MT_VIDEO_LIGHTING equals 0 and one with 3. but both profiles are with 60 FPS while no profile with 30 as I would expect.

    Hello and welcome,
    Rescue and Recovery should present an option for using a USB flash drive for recovery media.  You only get one shot at this so it's important to make sure the flash drive is prepared correctly - and is large enough.  Unfortunately I can't tell you the size drive you need.  32GB is plenty, 16GB is probably enough.  Hopefully someone who has done this on a T433s will chime in.
    Drive prep: New or used USB memory keys or USB flash drives require an active partition created from within Wind...
    You can use your one-time shot at making a recovery drive any time.  It will contain recovery tools and a from-factory recovery image, not a snapshot of your as-currently-configured machine.  For an as-running image use the backup feature of R&R.
    IIRC you can launch the recovery media creator as a right-click option on the Q: partition - or double click it maybe.  That will also offer to delete Q: and add the space to C: - also IIRC.
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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