Memory leak via object input stream (yes I'm resetting)

I am seeing that my system is piling up char[] (according to netbeans profiler tool). I am running JDK 1.5 on linux, the client and server code look like this. The strings are piling up on the client side only. the allocation tree looks like this:
all the way to my client side code for receiving messages.
Does anyone have any suggestions for something I'm missing?
Client side code for receiving messages:
            TaskMessage tm = null;
                   ServerProcessor.debugPrint( "waiting on message from server" );
                        tm = ( TaskMessage ) fromServer.readObject();
                   catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
                        System.out.println( "Class not found exception while reading from server" );
              catch ( IOException e )
                   System.out.println( "failed to make connection with server, disconnecting" );
                   // kill the thread
                   isFinished = true;
              catch ( Exception e )
                   System.err.println( "Caught exception while reading message from server.\nAssuming disconnect, attempting to reconnect" );
                   fromServer = m_connector.reconnect();
                   isFinished = true;
              // if we have a message then dispatch it
              if ( tm != null )
                   ServerProcessor.debugPrint( "got non-null message from server" );
                   m_connector.serverMessageReceived( tm );
              }Client side code for senting messages:
    public void sendServerMessage( TaskMessage tm )
              ServerProcessor.debugPrint( "Sending message back to server" );
              m_out.writeObject( tm );
              ServerProcessor.debugPrint( "Sent back to server at: " + System.currentTimeMillis() );
         catch ( IOException ioe )
              System.out.println( "Unable to communicate with server." );
         catch ( Exception e )
              // catch this silently... hopefully to avoid the broken pipe error display ( we handle it... just elsewhere )
         if ( tm.getType() != m_lastMessageType )
              m_lastMessageType = tm.getType();
              System.out.println( "Remaining memory on client at the start of type " + tm.getType() + ": " + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() );
    }Server Side Code for sending messages:
                                  out.writeObject( m );
                             catch ( Exception ioe )
                             }Server side code for receiving messages:
                       // read the message
                        TaskMessage m = null;
                             // will block here trying to read the clients reply
                             m = ( TaskMessage ) in.readObject();
                             ServerProcessor.debugPrint( "Received message at: " + System.currentTimeMillis() );
                             ServerProcessor.debugPrint( "got client response" );
                        catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
                             System.out.println( "Unable to locate TaskMessage Class" );

I do have another memory leak in the system, what I am trying to determine from this post is if the way I am using read and write object may be contributing to that leak. I was hoping someone would be able to look at the communication code and let me know if I'm properly reseting the streams. Then at the very least I can rule this code out as the problem location and continue tracing the use of the read strings throughout the code.

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    (a) If two classes are in different packages, they are different classes, regardless of their name or content.
    (b) If you are sending an object of class X it is received as an object of class X.
    Why would you want it any other way? and why would you duplicate the same source code in two different places? That's just a recipe for disaster anyway. Consider what will happen over time and maintenance - they will inevitably diverge. Is that what you want?
    Put the shared class(es) into a package that's shared between the sender and the receiver.

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    When you send the DefaultTableModel, you have sent a copy. When you resend it send the refrence again, but not the values. Thus once you send a object in an ObjectStream sending it again will not update it.
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    That's because "inp" only has scope within the try-catch block. Use this:
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    Thanks everyone! That makes a lot more sense. Yes, kjon, I do come from windows. But please don't reference my troubled past. Actually, I typically use "ps aux | sort -n +3 | tail -1" rather than simply "ps aux" - I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something by looking at only the top memory-user. Glad to know there's no massive memory leak in my system
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    [root@norpass ~]# df -H
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda3 7.9G 1.1G 6.8G 14% /
    none 1.1G 0 1.1G 0% /dev/shm
    /dev/sda1 40M 9.9M 28M 27% /boot
    /dev/sda4 238G 4.5G 234G 2% /home

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    What makes you think it's the file stream that leaks unmanaged memory? There could be other parts of your applications that do that.
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    @Joel Engineer: "When a stream uses ASCII encoding under certain cases nulls are added to the data for block alignment."
    FileStream doesn't have anything to do with text encoding and I've told you that before. Next time when I run into a post that makes such a claim I'll simply delete it. This display of ignorance has lasted more than enough.

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  • Memory leak problem while passing Object to stored procedure from C++ code

    I am facing memory leak problem while passing object to oracle stored procedure from C++ code.Here I am writing brief description of the code :
    1) created objects in oracle with the help of "create or replace type as objects"
    2) generated C++ classes corresponding to oracle objects with the help of OTT utility.
    3) Instantiating classes in C++ code and assigning values.
    4) calling oracle stored procedure and setting object in statement with the help of setObject function.
    5) deleted objects.
    this is all I am doing ,and getting memory leak , if you need the sample code then please write your e-mail id , so that I can attach files in reply.

    just to correct my previous reply , adding delete statement
    I am using oracle and compiling the code with Sun Studio 11, following is the brief dicription of my code :
    1) create oracle object :
    create or replace type TEST_OBJECT as object
    ( field1 number(10),
    field2 number(10),
    field3 number(10) )
    2) create table :
    create table TEST_TABLE (
    f1 number(10),f2 number (10),f3 number (10))
    3) create procedure :
    data IN test_object)
    insert into TEST_TABLE( f1,f2,f3) values ( data.field1,data.field2,data.field3);
    4) generate C++ classes along with map file for database object TEST_OBJECT by using Oracle OTT Utility
    5) C++ code :
    // include OTT generate files here and other required header files
    int main()
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    int z =0;
    Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
    Connection* const pConn =
    const string sqlStmt("BEGIN testProc(:1) END;");
    Statement * pStmt = pConn->createStatement(sqlStmt);
    TEST_OBJECT* pObj = new TEST_OBJECT();
    pObj->field1 = x++;
    pObj->field2 = y++;
    pObj->field3 = z++;
    delete pObj;

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    i have tried to use the objective-c 2.0 garbage collector methodology, using @property, @synthesize, etc. when i run the code as listed below i get a leaking message.
    [Session started at 2008-02-01 23:33:37 -0500.]
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.070 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2040 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x96b10178 0x96a3e0f8)
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.075 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] Song 1: We Have Exposive
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.076 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] * _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2060 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Stack: (0x96b10178 0x96a3e0f8)
    2008-02-01 23:33:38.078 SongsFoundationTool[28876:10b] Song 2: Loops of Fury
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    when i include the commented out section, in the implementation file section, the description method, and use song1 and song2, in main, instead of and the program seems to run fine.
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    [Session started at 2008-02-01 23:38:24 -0500.]
    2008-02-01 23:38:24.375 SongsFoundationTool[28936:10b] Song 1: We Have Exposive
    2008-02-01 23:38:24.379 SongsFoundationTool[28936:10b] Song 2: Loops of Fury
    The Debugger has exited with status 0.
    please help me understand what's happening here.
    also, why was it necessary to use
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *artist;
    instead of
    @property(readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(readwrite) NSString *artist;
    thanks everyone, the code is below.
    // ....................... header file ...............
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface Song : NSObject {
    NSString *name;
    NSString *artist;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *name;
    @property(copy, readwrite) NSString *artist;
    //.................... the implementation file ..................
    #import "Song.h"
    @implementation Song
    @synthesize name;
    @synthesize artist;
    -(NSString *) description
    return [ self name ];
    //................................ main............................
    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    #import "Song.h"
    int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    Song *song1 = [ [ Song alloc ] init ]; @"We Have Exposive" ;
    [ song1 setArtist: @"The Future Sound Of Londown" ];
    Song *song2 = [ [ Song alloc ] init ];
    [ song2 setName: @"Loops of Fury" ];
    [ song2 setArtist: @"The Chemical Brothers" ];
    // Display Object
    NSLog( @"Song 1: %@", );
    NSLog( @"Song 2: %@", );
    // include statements below if -description method is uncommented
    // then comment out the two statements above. no memory leak if the code
    // is used from the statements below and - description is not commented out and
    // the two NSLog statements above are commented out.
    NSLog( @"Song 1: %@", song1 );
    NSLog( @"Song 2: %@", song2 );
    return 0;

    Normally, your main only has a call to NSApplicationMain(). If you aren't doing a traditional MacOS X application, you will still want at least NSApplicationLoad() to get enough of the runtime to avoid those messages.
    I don't know for sure about the syntax of Objective-C 2.0. That stuff is all new. What error message are you getting that indicated that (copy, readwrite) is required? Could you provide a link to the actual example source? I did a quick check and assign and readwrite are the defaults. It is possible that readwrite by itself makes no sense. But I'm just guessing.

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    I need to remove obsolete Collection references to prevent a
    memory leak. I can do this simply by calling ArrayList.clear().
    However, I need to know "when" to clear the list.
    I have a java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable which uses an
    Arraylist. However, if I don't clear the array list, then I have
    a loitering reference which cannot be garbage collected until
    it is first removed from the list.
    So when is the Transferable no longer needed? Is it after
    exportDone() is called? What happens to the transferable when
    there is an exception with the data flavors, is exportDone()
    always called in that case?

    I am having the same problem using JDBC-ODBC bridge with the MS SQL server DB. Even after closing all of the objects as specified.
    Sorry couldn't be of much help but check the following link
    But I do not have a work around for this may be I am not looking at the right response.
    Can some one please help.

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