Message not actually being sent

when im texting certain people the convosation will go fine for awhile then my messages say they have been sent on my phone but the other people say they dont recieve them so its kind off annoying any idea what the problem is

You're not the only one; I'm seeing this issue as well and there are other threads about it.  Some people claiming that this is the Handoff feature are talking about a different symptom; in this case, the caller never made the FaceTime Audio call, so it can't be a Handoff issue.
One suggestion that I saw was to turn off FaceTime in Settings, power off the iPhone completely, then power it back on and turn FaceTime on again (which re-activates FaceTime).  I just tried this but since the problem is very intermittent, it may take a few days to see if it worked or not.

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    Do you have separate apple Ids? If not, set up a new Id for one of you. Ios 6 uses the apple Id to send messages across devices, that may be the issue you are having.

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    Are the messages being sent text messages or iMessages?

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    Lately some iCloud sent messages are not saved in the sent mailbox.  this is an intermitant problem.  sometimes msgs go to the outbox even though mail is on line; when they are eventually sent sometimes they do not make it to the sent mailbox.  I call the recipient and the msg has actually been received.  The lost messages do not appear in iCloud.  Rebuild does not help.  any suggestions?

    Tks for your answer. I have a .Mac account and in already try in Preferences-Accounts- and I only see three tabs: " Account Information ", " Mailboxes Behaivor " and " Advanced ". I don´t see the " Special Mailboxes " tab that you mention and I have also read about it. In Mailboxes Behaivor I can choose the option " Store sent messages on the server " and the Delete sent messages option is in " Never". If I choose not to Store sent messages on the server, nothing seems to happen. I hope you can help me with this information and I want to thank you again

  • Unusual 550 5.7.1 Command Not Allowed being sent from Exchange 2010

    I have an Exchange 2010 server that seems to be rejecting some emails from external domains with 550 5.7.1 Command Not Allowed. I've taken a look at the SMTP Receive logs (below) and can't seem to find any reason why the emails are getting rejected. The sequence
    immediately prior to the 550 being sent is highlighted in bold.
    #Fields: date-time sequence-number local-endpoint remote-endpoint event data context
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.545Z 0 +  
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.545Z 1 * SMTPSubmit SMTPAcceptAnySender SMTPAcceptAuthoritativeDomainSender AcceptRoutingHeaders Set Session Permissions
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.545Z 2 > 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Wed, 5 Nov 2014 03:42:27 -0500 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.657Z 3 < EHLO 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 4 > Hello [] 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 5 > 250-SIZE 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 6 > 250-PIPELINING 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 7 > 250-DSN 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 8 > 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 9 > 250-STARTTLS 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 10 > 250-X-ANONYMOUSTLS 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 11 > 250-AUTH NTLM 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 12 > 250-X-EXPS GSSAPI NTLM 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 13 > 250-8BITMIME 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 14 > 250-BINARYMIME 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 15 > 250-CHUNKING 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 16 > 250-XEXCH50 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 17 > 250-XRDST 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.658Z 18 > 250 XSHADOW 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 19 < STARTTLS 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 20 > 220 2.0.0 SMTP server ready 
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 21 *  Sending certificate
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 22 * CN=SERVER Certificate subject
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 23 * CN=SERVER Certificate issuer name
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 24 * 3BF7DF215EB42FB14FAE1BF7E4369E06 Certificate serial number
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 25 * 01494AD746353CCE0F198CE83AD4D6A8592C29F5 Certificate thumbprint
    2014-11-05T08:42:27.756Z 26 * SERVER; Certificate alternate names
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.059Z 27 < EHLO 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.059Z 28 *  TlsDomainCapabilities='None'; Status='NoRemoteCertificate'
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 29 > Hello [] 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 30 > 250-SIZE 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 31 > 250-PIPELINING 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 32 > 250-DSN 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 33 > 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 34 > 250-AUTH NTLM LOGIN 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 35 > 250-X-EXPS GSSAPI NTLM 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 36 > 250-8BITMIME 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 37 > 250-BINARYMIME 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 38 > 250-CHUNKING 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 39 > 250-XEXCH50 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 40 > 250-XRDST 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.060Z 41 > 250 XSHADOW 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.158Z 42 < MAIL FROM:<[email protected]
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.158Z 43 * 08D11121D08C9A95;2014-11-05T08:42:27.545Z;1 receiving message
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.159Z 44 > 250 2.1.0 Sender OK 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.364Z 45 < RCPT TO:<[email protected]
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.364Z 46 > 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK 
    2014-11-05T08:42:28.462Z 47 < DATA 
    2014-11-05T08:42:29.275Z 48 * Tarpit for '0.00:00:05' 
    2014-11-05T08:42:34.278Z 49 > 550 5.7.1 Command not allowed 
    2014-11-05T08:42:34.521Z 50 < RSET 
    2014-11-05T08:42:34.521Z 51 * Tarpit for '0.00:00:05' 
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.523Z 52 > 250 2.0.0 Resetting 
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.621Z 53 < MAIL FROM:<[email protected]
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.621Z 54 * 08D11121D08C9A95;2014-11-05T08:42:27.545Z;2 receiving message
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.621Z 55 > 250 2.1.0 Sender OK 
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.719Z 56 < RCPT TO:<[email protected]
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.719Z 57 > 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK 
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.817Z 58 < DATA 
    2014-11-05T08:42:39.838Z 59 * Tarpit for '0.00:00:05' 
    2014-11-05T08:42:44.837Z 60 > 550 5.7.1 Command not allowed 
    2014-11-05T08:42:45.078Z 61 < RSET 
    2014-11-05T08:42:45.078Z 62 * Tarpit for '0.00:00:05' 
    2014-11-05T08:42:50.079Z 63 > 250 2.0.0 Resetting 
    2014-11-05T08:42:50.177Z 64 < QUIT 
    2014-11-05T08:42:50.177Z 65 > 221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel 
    2014-11-05T08:42:50.177Z 66 -  Local
    I have another entry in my logs fro the same sender coming from the same IP which yields the same results. Strangely enough, there are other entries from the same sender coming from different IPs which are delivered just fine. 
    The sender has stated that they only get the rejects when replying to emails from my domain, not when he sends fresh emails.
    Why would Exchange send the 550 5.7.1 in response to a DATA command when it responds with 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> to other DATA commands from a different server?
    Bit of an odd problem, any help would be greatly appreciated.
    B. Colt

    Thanks for the input Mr. Crowley. I've dumped the Receive Connector configurations, everything seems to be at default values except for logging (I set it to verbose). 
    RunspaceId                              : 17f0dc01-c2a9-45ce-812d-5d47688b6650
    AuthMechanism                           : Tls, BasicAuth, BasicAuthRequireTLS
    Banner                                  : 
    BinaryMimeEnabled                       : True
    Bindings                                : {}
    ChunkingEnabled                         : True
    DefaultDomain                           : 
    DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled       : True
    EightBitMimeEnabled                     : True
    BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled            : False
    DomainSecureEnabled                     : False
    EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled              : True
    LongAddressesEnabled                    : False
    OrarEnabled                             : False
    SuppressXAnonymousTls                   : False
    AdvertiseClientSettings                 : False
    Fqdn                                    :
    Comment                                 : 
    Enabled                                 : True
    ConnectionTimeout                       : 00:10:00
    ConnectionInactivityTimeout             : 00:05:00
    MessageRateLimit                        : unlimited
    MessageRateSource                       : IPAddress
    MaxInboundConnection                    : 5000
    MaxInboundConnectionPerSource           : 20
    MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource : 2
    MaxHeaderSize                           : 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
    MaxHopCount                             : 60
    MaxLocalHopCount                        : 12
    MaxLogonFailures                        : 3
    MaxMessageSize                          : 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
    MaxProtocolErrors                       : 5
    MaxRecipientsPerMessage                 : 200
    PermissionGroups                        : ExchangeUsers, ExchangeServers
    PipeliningEnabled                       : True
    ProtocolLoggingLevel                    : Verbose
    RemoteIPRanges                          : {}
    RequireEHLODomain                       : False
    RequireTLS                              : False
    EnableAuthGSSAPI                        : False
    ExtendedProtectionPolicy                : None
    LiveCredentialEnabled                   : False
    TlsDomainCapabilities                   : {}
    Server                                  : MYSERVER
    SizeEnabled                             : Enabled
    TarpitInterval                          : 00:00:05
    MaxAcknowledgementDelay                 : 00:00:30
    AdminDisplayName                        : 
    ExchangeVersion                         : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name                                    : default
    DistinguishedName                       : CN=default MYDOMAIN.COM,CN=SMTP Receive Connectors,CN=Protocols,CN=MYSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=My
    Company,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN
    Identity                                : SERVER\default MYDOMAIN.COM
    Guid                                    : 04d418d8-06f6-4e13-8f3b-439f9c6509b0
    ObjectCategory                          : MYDOMAIN.COM/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Smtp-Receive-Connector
    ObjectClass                             : {top, msExchSmtpReceiveConnector}
    WhenChanged                             : 10/1/2014 3:53:53 PM
    WhenCreated                             : 3/1/2012 2:33:10 PM
    WhenChangedUTC                          : 10/1/2014 7:53:53 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC                          : 3/1/2012 7:33:10 PM
    OrganizationId                          : 
    OriginatingServer                       : SERVER.MYDOMAIN.COM
    IsValid                                 : True
    RunspaceId                              : 17f0dc01-c2a9-45ce-812d-5d47688b6650
    AuthMechanism                           : Tls, Integrated, BasicAuth, BasicAuthRequireTLS, ExchangeServer
    Banner                                  : 
    BinaryMimeEnabled                       : True
    Bindings                                : {:::25,}
    ChunkingEnabled                         : True
    DefaultDomain                           : 
    DeliveryStatusNotificationEnabled       : True
    EightBitMimeEnabled                     : True
    BareLinefeedRejectionEnabled            : False
    DomainSecureEnabled                     : False
    EnhancedStatusCodesEnabled              : True
    LongAddressesEnabled                    : False
    OrarEnabled                             : False
    SuppressXAnonymousTls                   : False
    AdvertiseClientSettings                 : False
    Fqdn                                    : SERVER.MYDOMAIN.COM
    Comment                                 : 
    Enabled                                 : True
    ConnectionTimeout                       : 00:10:00
    ConnectionInactivityTimeout             : 00:05:00
    MessageRateLimit                        : unlimited
    MessageRateSource                       : IPAddress
    MaxInboundConnection                    : 5000
    MaxInboundConnectionPerSource           : unlimited
    MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource : 100
    MaxHeaderSize                           : 64 KB (65,536 bytes)
    MaxHopCount                             : 60
    MaxLocalHopCount                        : 12
    MaxLogonFailures                        : 3
    MaxMessageSize                          : 100 MB (104,857,600 bytes)
    MaxProtocolErrors                       : 5
    MaxRecipientsPerMessage                 : 5000
    PermissionGroups                        : AnonymousUsers, ExchangeUsers, ExchangeServers, ExchangeLegacyServers
    PipeliningEnabled                       : True
    ProtocolLoggingLevel                    : Verbose
    RemoteIPRanges                          : {, ::-ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff,}
    RequireEHLODomain                       : False
    RequireTLS                              : False
    EnableAuthGSSAPI                        : False
    ExtendedProtectionPolicy                : None
    LiveCredentialEnabled                   : False
    TlsDomainCapabilities                   : {}
    Server                                  : MYSERVER
    SizeEnabled                             : EnabledWithoutValue
    TarpitInterval                          : 00:00:05
    MaxAcknowledgementDelay                 : 00:00:30
    AdminDisplayName                        : 
    ExchangeVersion                         : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    Name                                    : Default SERVER
    DistinguishedName                       : CN=Default SERVER,CN=SMTP Receive Connectors,CN=Protocols,CN=SERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MY
    COMPANY,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MYDOMAIN,DC=l
    Identity                                : SERVER\Default SERVER
    Guid                                    : fc6ab381-1cf9-4edb-bec4-3a2c092cd4e3
    ObjectCategory                          : mydomain/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Smtp-Receive-Connector
    ObjectClass                             : {top, msExchSmtpReceiveConnector}
    WhenChanged                             : 10/1/2014 3:56:23 PM
    WhenCreated                             : 2/6/2012 11:51:58 AM
    WhenChangedUTC                          : 10/1/2014 7:56:23 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC                          : 2/6/2012 4:51:58 PM
    OrganizationId                          : 
    OriginatingServer                       :
    IsValid                                 : True
    I really don't want to turn off the tarpitting and expose myself to tons of spam, although I do have anti-spam filters running. 
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks again,
    B. Colt
    Brian Colt

  • Nokia PC Suite - Message not save in "Sent" folder...

    If you are using "Nokia Communication Center" in "Nokia PC Suite" than observe while sending the message that it will not save in "sent" folder. can anybody help me out?

    Hi Antonio,
    Saving the mesage means writing that e-mail in the senders "sent item" folder in the mailbox. Thus make sure that the users mail server name and user and password is correct for the system Exchange.
    Also check SAP Note 738965.
    Also there is this this specific port that should be open on the SMTP server for the mail to be saved  in the "sent items" folder. I dont remember what port is it. Will try to figure out and let you know.
    Also make sure that your Exchange transport has the sent items folder name.
    Using telnet check that the SMTP server can be reached on port 25. If not then there is no way you can save the messages in the sent items folder using the collaboration tools.
    Message was edited by: Akhilesh Mahto

  • I'm trying to import some Hi8 into FCPX via a Canon GL2.  Although the footage shows up in the import window, it says "Camera not controllable".  The manual import button does activate, but footage is not actually being imported.  Any ideas?  Thanks

    I'm trying to import Hi8 into FCPX via a Canon GL2.  Although the footage appears in the import window, it says camera not controllable.  The manual import buttons activate, but the footage is not actually importing.  Any ideas?  Thanks so much.

    What Tom said.
    Or you may be able to import using a different program - try with Quicktime Player, "New Movie Recording". If the camera appears as an option, it should work.

  • Messages are not actually being delivered.

    I only have this issue with a single friend. We send messages and they are labeled as delivered but we never receive the message. We get something like 2-3 out of 40-50 texts "sent"

  • Sent messages not going to sent folder

    I know this has been asked a bunch of times. This IPAD was purchased in May 2010.
    When I go to the sent box on the IPAD it shows the same emails as are in the inbox, but no sent messages I sent via the IPAD.
    I've read through all the emails discussion boards and can't find any suggestions that work. The email account is a secondary user on the MAC, so I'm not sure if that's an issue.
    I've started blind copying myself to get the messages to the MAC, but is there a way to keep them in the IPAD SENT folder?

    Firefox doesn't do email, it's strictly a web browser.
    If you are using Firefox to access your mail, you are using "web-mail". You need to seek support from your service provider or a forum for that service.
    If your problem is with Mozilla Thunderbird, let us know and we can move this thread to the Thunderbird queue. This question currently is in the Firefox queue for answers.

  • New messages not recorded in Sent file.  Can't save to drafts

    New MacBook, Tiger. Searched forum without success. Asked other Mac users without success. Please help if you can.
    I run my own mail server (postfix, courier imap). Mail using thunderbird and the same settings works flawlessly. When I use Mac's mail program new messages aren't saved to draft periodically as I compose and I get an error about that. New messages get successfully sent; but, are not posted to the sent folder.
    The [preferences - accounts - mailbox behavior sent - store messages on server] is checked.
    I connect to my mail server over ssh and forward ports 25 and 993 for uber-security reasons. I haven't tested to see if this is effecting this problem.
    Any thoughts?

    Where do server-stored mailboxes appear in Mail? Do they appear as subfolders of the account’s Inbox maybe?
    If server-stored mailboxes appear as subfolders of the account’s Inbox in Mail, this account requires INBOX to be typed in Preferences > Accounts > Advanced > IMAP Path Prefix for Mail to manage and display its mailboxes properly. After having done that, Mail should be able to save messages on the server, but maybe in a mailbox different from where you want them to be. To fix that, select the desired folder in Mail and choose the appropriate option from Mailbox > Use This Mailbox For.

  • Message not saved in sent messages folder

    Hi everybody,
    When I send a mail by the Collaboration Launch Pad and check the option: "Save copy in Sent Messages Folder" I get this error:
    "Message has been sent, but could not be saved in the sent messages folder; check the mail server entry in your user mapping data."
    Please is anybody there who can help me to properly configurate that option or tell me how to remove it from the body?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Antonio,
    Saving the mesage means writing that e-mail in the senders "sent item" folder in the mailbox. Thus make sure that the users mail server name and user and password is correct for the system Exchange.
    Also check SAP Note 738965.
    Also there is this this specific port that should be open on the SMTP server for the mail to be saved  in the "sent items" folder. I dont remember what port is it. Will try to figure out and let you know.
    Also make sure that your Exchange transport has the sent items folder name.
    Using telnet check that the SMTP server can be reached on port 25. If not then there is no way you can save the messages in the sent items folder using the collaboration tools.
    Message was edited by: Akhilesh Mahto

  • Mail & Exchange - Sent Messages not appearing in Sent mailbox

    Once setting up an Exchange account in Mail everything seems to be working fine except that when I send any emails they don't appear in the "Sent" folder. When I log in under webmail they do appear. Anyone else find a solution to this problem?
    Thanks for any help.

    I'm having my own share of problems with Mail 4.2 and Exchange Server 2007. See this post.
    In addition to the Junk mail problem, I'm experiencing overall sluggishness. Mail takes longer than it should to quit, and sometimes I get the spinning pizza Loading… icon on simple text messages. I wish I could go back to re-configuring my Mail account to be POP instead of the auto discovery Exchange method.
    As to the Sent mail problem, I am not experiencing that issue. I don't know if this will help, but go to your Exchange account configuration in Mail, click Mailbox Behaviors, and under Sent check "Store sent messages on the server" and for "Delete sent messages when:" choose Never.
    My Sent messages all show up in my Sent folder in Mail, but they take a second. From what I can gather, these messages are sent to the Exchange Server first, and then downloaded by Mail. An unnecessary step, I feel, but I guess that's the way Exchange Servers work.

  • Messages not in my sent box

    I sent a message from my wife's iPad using my bt account . When I look on my laptop the message does not appear in my sent folder. Same happens when I use apple mail to send an e mail. What is wrong?

    In case you are not sure what IMAP is have a look here

  • Messages not appearing in sent mail folders

    We recently migrated from a linux environ to mac server snow leopard. I'm now using Thunderbird as a testbed for my mail client as we have deeply populated mac mail clients that we don't want to disturb if our migration goes bad. Previously, I used both the mail app on mac and Thunderbird as my mail clients depending... Previously, when I would send a msg from my blackberry it would appear in my sent mail folder (on any mail client). Now it does not. Any suggestions as to why? Thanks.

    Can you see the sent message when using webmail on the server? If so you may just need to map the sent area of each mail client to the proper folder on the server, assuming you are using IMAP.

  • Sent message not listed in 'Sent' box

    My mail server is AOL. In Mail, I've got two sets of mailboxes per the default setup - my local in, sent and trash along with the AOL saved, sent and spam boxes from the AOL server.
    The AOL boxes are always spot on, yet occasionally I will send a message and it won't appear in my local sent box. It happens sporadically.
    How and why is this happening?
    Thank you.

    Dave Post wrote:
    As an experiment, I tried deleting my Sent box (after archiving the things I cared about) and got no error msg re. "protected" boxes or anything else. Mail deleted the few remaining msgs from it but, instead of deleting the Sent box, added a superfluous toggle, i.e., as if it contained sub-boxes, which it didn't. Thereafter, I could send but no copies appeared in the Sent box. (Sound oddly similar?) "Rebuild" was grayed out for it, too.
    I was able to correct everything by trashing the associated folder, restarting Mail, and then sending myself another msg to create a new Sent box for myself.
    I'm suspecting a glitch created an extra, problematic Sent box on your system sometime ago and you've gotten used to it, thinking it's normal.
    Do you find it useful to have 2 Sent boxes? If not, you may be able to delete one the same way I did and your problem should be solved.
    I'm unclear as to how to determine which files to delete in home/library/mail.
    Here's my Mail window:
    Home/Library/Mail/[email protected]:

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