Messaging server 7 folder expunge

Dear All,
I am running sun messaging server 7 U1
I need to know the full procedure on how to expunge the junk folder for all users that are older than 7 days.
Any help?

s@mira123 wrote:
I have created the following rule
na.regexp: 1
na.folderpattern: user/.*/SPAM
na.messagedays: 7You should test that the rule will behave as you expect before putting it into production -- a badly written rule can delete every email on your system. I explained in the previously referred to thread how to go about testing a store.expirerule rule-file.
Should i add any configutil parameters?The default settings should be fine.
What should i restart?You just need to put the store.expirerule file into your Messaging Server config directory. The imexpire command will read this on startup.

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  • Messaging Server (sharing folder) searching LDAP is not indexed, why?

    There's an feature of "sharing a mail folder"
    in JMS (Java Messaging Server), whereby
    a user could share a folder with another user.
    But when a user (uid) is entered into
    the "Admission List" box, and the Add button
    is pressed, it failed with some error messages
    Invalid user and Admin Limit exceeded.
    I've asked in the JMS forum and Shane said
    The "Administrative limit exceeded" error agrees with the Notes=U and etime=12 in the LDAP access log file. The problem is that the search is not indexed and therefore taking long enough to run foul of the timelimit. You will need to consult with Directory Server experts to determine why this search is not indexed and resolve that.
    Could someone enlighten me on what I've
    missed out when I've configured the Ldap
    server during my installation of the JES system

    Here are the extracts of the access and error logs when the "Add" button (after a uid was entered into the box) was clicked.
    Invalid user error line appeared on screen
    Error log:
    WARNING<20805> - Backend Database - search is not indexed base='o=bunet' filter='(&(&(mailUserStatus=active)(objectClass=inetmailuser)(mailHost=jsms.our.domain)(uid=cmtsang))(!(mgmanHidden=true)))' scope='sub'
    Access log:
    SRCH base="o=bunet" scope=2
    (!(mgmanHidden=true)))" attrs="cn mail sn telephoneNumber department"
    RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=7 notes=U

  • Messaging server  7 duplicate folders

    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.3-11.01 64bit (built Sep 1 2009) 7.3-11.01 64bit (built 19:54:45, Sep 1 2009)
    Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/config/imta.cnf (compiled)
    SunOS 5.10 Generic_142900-03 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120
    After installling messaging server 7 and restoring data (imsrestore), webmail client shows me a draft folder and a Borradores (spanish) folder.
    The messenger express client shows both as "Borradores" and just one keeps old messages, but new ones are save in the other one.
    The same issue for Sent (Enviados) and Trash (Basura).
    Not all users present this problem, and have not found the characteristic that makes the diference.
    The ldap entry atributes (related with folder configuration) for a right user (no duplicate folders) is like this:
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meDraftFolder=Drafts
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meSentFolder=Sent
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meTrashFolder=Trash
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meInitialized=true
    And for a wrong user:
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meSentFolder=Enviado
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meInitialized=true
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meDateFormat=0/
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meColorSet=5
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: mePrevTrash=Papelera
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meExpungeOnExit=true
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meViewSize=100
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meAutoSpell=true
    nswmExtendedUserPrefs: meDraftFolder=Drafts
    I have tryied changing nswmExtendedUserPrefs attribute from "meSentFolder=Borradores" to "meSentFolder=Draft" without success.
    I am not sure where is the problem, messaging configuration or it is a ldap issue.
    Any idea will be apreciated, thanks.

    adding to what Shane said...
    doing this via IMAP is the best bet. If you are moving messages between folders in the same account, you can do that via IMAP and the Message Store will end up doing it all via hard links in the file system rather than actually copying the data. So it should be nice and fast and low impact on your disk space and system. In IMAP, "move" consists of COPY to the destination folder and then flagging the originals as deleted and doing expunge. That will update store.* files and create hard links for the messages in the destination folders, but not copy the message data. You will not need to do any reconstructs.
    imsbackup/imsrestore could do it, but will end up copying the data - unless you enable real time relinker - so this method is more load on the system.
    And manually moving the files around in the store would require reconstruct and is generally not as good an idea as doing it via IMAP. If you have only a few folders to do this to, then you could do the IMAP commands by hand as easily as you could hack on the store files directly.

  • Multiple pdf attachments from server folder using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1

    I am trying to build a program able to send an email with multiple pdf attachments.
    The files are stored in a folder in SAP server.
    I am able to generate a pdf file from a spool and sucessfully attach it to the email using:
            bin_filesize           = v_bin_filesize
            otf                    = job_output_info-otfdata
            doctab_archive         = it_docs
            lines                  = it_lines
            err_conv_not_possible  = 1
            err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          LOOP AT it_lines.
            TRANSLATE it_lines USING ' ~'.
            CONCATENATE gd_buffer it_lines INTO gd_buffer.
          TRANSLATE gd_buffer USING '~ '.
            it_mess_att_aux = gd_buffer.
            APPEND it_mess_att_aux.
            SHIFT gd_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
            IF gd_buffer IS INITIAL.
    Internal table it_mess_att_aux is the parameter contents_bin of FM SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.
    I have now 2 files on a server folder which I would like to include as well.
    I am reading the content of the pdf files in following way:
    DATA:   gd_buffer                 TYPE string,
          OPEN DATASET lv_fileserver FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE e257(zmsgsd) WITH lv_fileserver.
            CLEAR: it_mess_att_aux[], gd_buffer.
              READ DATASET lv_fileserver INTO gd_buffer.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              APPEND gd_buffer TO it_mess_att_aux.
            APPEND LINES OF it_mess_att_aux TO it_mess_att.
    I do not understand the purpose of the statement:
            TRANSLATE it_lines USING ' ~'.
    in this context. Could anyone explain it?
    All the files are attached to email with the desired name but corrupted and with the wrong size.
    Can anyone help me build the logic to attach a pdf file from server in a email?
    Thank you in advance,
    Kind Regards,
    João Cabrita

    hi , try this ,it is working fine  .
      DATA: i_objbin LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
              i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
              i_reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    *          wa_doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
              i_objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    *         i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
           i_objhead LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_record LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          wa_doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
          v_lines_txt TYPE i,
           l_lines TYPE I VALUE '20'.
          format        = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth = 132
          bin_filesize  = bin_filesize
          otf           = int_tab_otf_final
          lines         = int_pdf_tab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *****************soc ranjan***************************
    *  IF full_path IS INITIAL.
    *    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
    *      EXPORTING
    **    WINDOW_TITLE         =
    **           DEFAULT_EXTENSION    = 'PDF'
    **    DEFAULT_FILE_NAME    =
    *           file_filter          = 'Portable Document Format (.pdf)' " for restricting saving file only as pdf
    *      CHANGING
    *        filename             = file_name
    *        path                 = file_path
    *        fullpath             = full_path
    *    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    **            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *    ENDIF.
    *  ENDIF.
    ******************eoc ranjan*****************
      CONCATENATE full_path git_select_option-pernr INTO path SEPARATED BY '_'.
    **  **************************for downloading*********************************
    *    EXPORTING
    *      bin_filesize = bin_filesize
    *      filename     = path
    *      filetype     = 'BIN'
    *    IMPORTING
    *      filelength   = file_size
    *    TABLES
    *      data_tab     = int_pdf_tab.
    *  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    **         WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *  ENDIF.
      CLEAR : lop , el , sl , cl .
    *  ******************addeddd later  by ranjan  21.04.2011
    DATA : desc TYPE char40 ,
          desc1 TYPE char100 .
    t_source_tab = int_pdf_tab
    t_target_tab = i_record
    convert_not_possible = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE : / 'Error in conversion of pdf lines'(015).
    APPEND LINES OF i_record TO i_objbin.
    *Creation of the entry for the compressed attachment
    DESCRIBE TABLE i_objbin LINES bin_filesize.
    i_objtxt = 'Hi'.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '                                     '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Pls  find  the attached  salary slip ' .
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '        '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Regards:  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Corporate HR  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( L_LINES - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
    *Creating the entry for the compressed document
    CLEAR i_objpack-transf_bin.
    i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    i_objpack-body_num = L_LINES.
    i_objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    APPEND i_objpack.
    ***CLEAR:  i_objpack .
    ***i_objpack-transf_bin = ' '.
    **i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    **i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    **i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    **i_objpack-body_num = L_LINES.
    **i_objpack-doc_type = 'TXT'.
    **i_objpack-obj_descr = desc1 .
    **APPEND i_objpack.
    *CLEAR: i_objhead .
    *i_objhead = DESC.
    *APPEND i_objhead.
    *break-point .
    i_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    i_objpack-head_num = 1.
    i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    i_objpack-body_num = bin_filesize.
    i_objpack-obj_name = 'Employee Payslip'.
    i_objpack-obj_descr = 'Employee Payslip'.
    i_objpack-doc_size = bin_filesize  * 255 .
    i_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
    APPEND i_objpack.
    CONCATENATE 'Salary Slip of Month' p_month INTO desc SEPARATED BY ' ' .
    *DESCRIBE TABLE i_objtxt LINES v_lines_txt.
    *READ TABLE i_objtxt INDEX v_lines_txt.
    ****wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( v_lines_txt - 1 ) * 375 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
    wa_doc_chng-obj_name = 'Payslip'.
    wa_doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
    wa_doc_chng-obj_descr = desc.
    wa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
    wa_doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
    CLEAR i_objpack.
    DATA: l_usrid_long TYPE pa0105-usrid_long.
    DATA : emessage(70) TYPE c.
    CLEAR : l_usrid_long.
    SELECT SINGLE usrid_long
    FROM pa0105
    INTO l_usrid_long
    WHERE pernr = git_pa0001-pernr
    AND subty = '0010'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    i_reclist-receiver = l_usrid_long.                     
    i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    i_reclist-com_type = 'INT'.
    APPEND i_reclist.
    WRITE:/ 'No email id is maintained for this personnel number' , git_pa0001-pernr.
    IF NOT i_reclist[] IS INITIAL.
    ***************************************for senders id *************************************
        document_data                    = wa_doc_chng
      put_in_outbox = 'X'
       sender_address                   = 'xys'
       sender_address_type              = 'SMTP'
       commit_work                      = 'X'
    *   SENT_TO_ALL                      =
    *   NEW_OBJECT_ID                    =
    *   SENDER_ID                        =
    packing_list = i_objpack
    object_header = i_objhead
    contents_bin = i_objbin
    contents_txt = i_objtxt
    receivers = i_reclist
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8.          .
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  • Send for shared review - What type of Web server folder works?

    Hello all,
    Can someone please explain to me what type of web server folder works with "Send for shared review"?
    I have created a folder on my GoDaddy server account with full permissions... but after clicking Next, I see the error, "The Shared Folder Location is not valid. Click OK and check the Status field for more information."
    1) It isn't valid? What are the valid server requirements?
    2) "...check the Status field for more information."? What Status field?
    It would have been great if I could use a Google Docs folder but that failed as well.
    What must I do to unlock this neat feature?
    Thank you

    Thanks CtDave.
    I ended up building a WebDAV server and I am now encountering a bunch of new issues. Such as:
    From my workstation, working with Acrobat.
    - After making comments. I click the top button "Publish Comments" - this works well - no errors. But when I attempt to exit the PDF, Acrobat wants to save the document. Attempting to Save results in a read-only error. After trying this, Acrobat gets into a loop where there doesn't appear to be a way to exit Acrobat (other than by Save As new file name):
    Even worse... I understood that reviewers only required the Adobe Reader in order to comment. This doesn't seem to be the case.
    When I emailed a test document for review, this is the message that pops up:
    All that is available is the original content (none of the review comments are available).
    Any ideas?

  • Messaging server not calling the SpamAssassin

    HI all,
    The current instalation:
    For SJES Messaging :
    # ./imsimta version
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.2 (built Dec 2 2004) 6.2 (built 00:34:23, Dec 2 2004)
    SunOS rcaredev 5.9 Generic_117171-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
    For Spam Assassin:
    # ./spamassassin -V
    SpamAssassin version 3.2.3
    running on Perl version 5.8.8
    The option.dat contents:
    ! for Spamassassin
    spamfilter1_string_action=data:,require "fileinto"; fileinto "Junk"
    # cat /opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/spamassassin.opt
    # ls -l /opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/spamassassin.opt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 mailsrv mail 52 Nov 15 01:49 /opt/SUNWmsgsr/config/spamassassin.opt
    The imta.cnf contents:
    ! ims-ms
    ims-ms defragment subdirs 20 notices 1 7 14 21 28 backoff "pt5m" "pt10m" "pt30m" "pt1h" "pt2h" "pt4h" maxjobs 2 poo
    l IMS_POOL fileinto $U+$S@$D destinationspamfilter1optin spam
    tcp_local smtp mx single_sys remotehost inner switchchannel identnonenumeric subdirs 20 maxjobs 7 pool SMTP_POOL ma
    ytlsserver maysaslserver saslswitchchannel tcp_auth missingrecipientpolicy 0 destinationspamfilter1optin spam
    I ran:
    # ./imsimta cnbuild
    # ./imsimta restart
    Then I started thge :
    # ./spamd -d
    But nothing happens, if I manually run:
    # telnet localhost 783
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    SPAMD/1.0 76 Bad header line:
    Connection to localhost closed by foreign host.
    Which proves that the spamd is listening on port 783.
    The messaging server is not calling the SpamAssassin on the port 783, any ideas what could have gone wrong?
    I also checked the "snoop" command and also "spamd -D" for debug, no traffic go to the spamd daemon.

    goSolaris wrote:
    The junk emails are sent now to the folder "Junk" in the users mailbox, can you comment on the following
    1. Does the spam emails live in the Junk forlder forever until the user delete them?Emails aren't deleted from users email folders (including Junk) unless you have configured a folder expiry rule. The following web-page steps you through what is required to set up just such an expire rule:
    2. If I need to discard completely the spam emails instead of sending them to a folder in the user mailbox, what change should I do to the channel configuration?The following link gives an example of how to configured a sieve rule which will discard emails above a certain spamassassin score and to fileinto a 'spam' folder if the score is below this value.
    3. After applying the patch, the documentation says that I can work with the existing configuration files or upgrade using a set of commands, do you think keeping the existing configuration (to minimize the changes) will work fine?You definitely need to run the ./patch-config and ./install-newconfig commands post-upgrade. Otherwise fixes that have been made to things such as the messaging express interface will not be represented (files need to be changed for a lot of the fixes).

  • Solution Manger Sap MMC, disp+work process says message server unreachable

    Hi Folks, I have installed Solution Manager on Windows 2003, 3GB ram, 300 Gigs, installation completed success fully, after installation i worked on post-installation, like client creation, setting up solution monitoring, logon.._sap* to 0. After I have restarted the solman, in the Sap MMC says dispwork running but message server not connected, and after few moments dispwork stopped.
    I think its due to memory allocation for ABAP stack, i searched for this problem, but i didnt find good solution. Any body could sugges me in working out this problem, and also may be in the profiles folder, if there's any thing which i can add parameters for abap/buffer or abap/heap size.
    Hope some could try to resolve this.
    Thank you.

    check fist the trace files dev_disp and dev_w0 if you really have a memory problem.
    If yes:
    - add /3GB /PAE /USEVA:2600 to your boot.ini and restart
    - check if you need to rebase DLLs (note 664269 - Rebasing DLLs under WFP)
    To avoid all those memory problems I suggest to go for 64bit platform.

  • 'Concept' or 'Drafts' folder counts send messages, but folder empty (IMAP)

    In mail my 'concept' (dutch) or 'drafts' folder counter says there are messages in the folder, but the folder is empty.
    Everytime i send a message with mail, my concepts folder counts up. When going to my Webmail en delte the "drafts" folder, The whole folder is gone. But when sending a new message the folder appears again, and counting up for every new message witch is send.
    The folder is always empty, and the 'counter' disappears when looking in the folder but can appear again every moment.
    Synchronising the account doesn't help.
    Iam working on a Intel Imac, using a Imap server with 2 different accounts.

    You're welcome.
    There seems to be nothing amiss in your account folder, and from the description of what you did, it looks like trying to synchronize mail on both computers is indeed the cause of your problems. Synchronization of local mail data between computers by means of a file synchronization utility is a really bad idea if more than one computer is allowed to access mail between synchronizations.
    The most prominent issue is that Mail keeps a reference to every message within the ~/Library/Mail/ folder in a global Envelope Index file. If this file is modified in more than one computer between synchronizations, there is no way a file synchronization utility can handle the situation properly.
    Another, more subtle, and potentially more dangerous issue, is that Mail may use different *.emlx sequence numbers to name the same message in different computers or, worse yet, the same sequence number to name different messages in different computers. Again, the only thing a file synchronization utility can do about it is either overwrite files with the same name (thus potentially losing data) or not synchronize them at all.
    Mail data "synchronization" at the filesystem level can only be done reliably if it's a one-way operation, i.e. if the entire contents of the Mail folder in one of the computers are overwritten by the entire contents of the other, and even then it may not work properly because of the issues described here:
    Mac Backup Software Harmful
    You're going to have to re-create both the index and the entire contents of the .Mac account folder on both computers:
    1. Quit Mail.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/. Make a backup copy of this folder, just in case something goes wrong -- e.g. by dragging it to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down.
    3. Locate the Envelope Index file and move it to the Trash. If you see an Envelope Index-journal file there, delete it as well.
    4. Move any "Mac-" or "IMAP-" account folder (Mac-neilwedlake in your case) to the Trash. Note that you can do this with IMAP-type accounts because they store mail on the server and Mail can easily re-create them. Doing the same with "POP-" account folders would cause all mail stored there to be lost.
    5. Open Mail and proceed to re-create the index -- Mail says it's "importing", but it just re-creates Envelope Index if the mailboxes are already in Mail 2.x format.
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user's home folder.

  • Messaging Server 3.6 fails to start even though the Administration Server says "Success"

    Messaging Server 3.6 fails to start even though the Administration Server says
    "Success". There are no entries in the log to help explain what has happened.
    Any failure to start Messaging Server via Administration should be analyzed by
    starting the server with /etc/NscpMail.
    # /etc/NscpMail start
    19991219004527:Dispatch:Notification:Network Module (IMAP4-Server) Failed the verify environment test.
    Module not Loaded.
    Startup Problem:
    Problem Gaining Unique Lock
    Netscape Messaging Server Exiting!
    This error is caused by an inability to create the .netscape.mailID file
    inside the top level of the postoffice.
    # cd /var/spool/postoffice
    # ls -la
    total 30
    dr-x------ 8 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:06 .
    drwxrwxr-x 13 root bin 512 Feb 12 1999 ..
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 1536 Dec 19 01:04 config
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 control
    drwx------ 3 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 deferred
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 hold
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 5120 Dec 19 01:04 log
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 messages
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 183 Apr 12 1999 sie.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 6 Dec 19 01:04 socket.dat
    NOTE: The "." entry is the same as ls -l /var/spool/postoffice
    # chmod u+w .
    # /etc/NscpMail start
    # ls -la
    total 32
    drwx------ 8 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 .
    drwxrwxr-x 13 root bin 512 Feb 12 1999 ..
    -rw------- 1 nobody nobody 5 Dec 19 01:04 .netscape.mailID
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 1536 Dec 19 01:04 config
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 control
    drwx------ 3 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 deferred
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 hold
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 5120 Dec 19 01:04 log
    drwx------ 2 nobody nobody 512 Dec 19 01:04 messages
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 183 Apr 12 1999 sie.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 6 Dec 19 01:04 socket.dat

    Please check if you have disabled the autodisconnect feature of the Server service. On Windows servers it can be configured through the Autodisconnect registry key.
    CIFS and SMB Timeouts in Windows
    Based on the research, as the open shared folder is in a SMB session, the default timeout for SMB session is 15 minutes. If the SMB session is inactive for 15 minutes the server will send a TCP reset to close the SMB connection. Until the
    Autodisconnect timer is reached, the server will send an NBT keep-alive packet every two minutes. If a client or server application is not written to properly handle network delays, it may terminate the session prior to the default timeout
    For more detailed information, please refer to the thread below:
    Session doesn't close Shared Folder
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Messaging Server on Windows

    Hi folks.
    I'm trying to install Messaging Server 5.2 on a Win machine and I get the following error:
    "A serious problem ocurred while installing the iPlanet Messaging Server domain component tree (msg.ugldap.dctree.inf) It reported the following problem:
    The server configuration for the domain component tree (msg.ugldap.dctree.inf) cannot be created"
    Any suggest?
    Thanks in advance.

    Before installing iMS on Win2K machine, you have to install iMS for Win2K Service Pack, which is available on net, just extract the downloaded zip file in a folder and run the "" perl script.
    i hope this might solve your problem.

  • Sort messages in Folder "Inbox"

    Dear all,
    How do I sort the messages in the Inbox folder using JavaMail API?

    Hello Kona,
    Thks for the reply.
    I have the code for both sending mails via SMTP and receiving mails using POP3.
    My question is
    1. Apart for port no differences for SMTP and POP3 what are the other differences.
    2. Can I sort the messages Inbox folder (using POP3 server programs) ?
    Currently I am using a Comparator and populating all the messages in an ArrayList and then sorting them. This seems to be very time consuming.
    I want to sort the (javax.mail.Folder) Inbox Folder itself before i process any mails.

  • Changin installation directory of messaging server

    I have installed and configured messaging server at /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/.....
    I wanted to change that to /messaging/mail1/bin directory
    I stopped the messaging server
    I copied all the content of messaging64/ to messaging/mail1/bin
    moved messaging64 folder. I am able to do start stop for messaging. however imsrestart is giving error ....
    starting dispatched serverf dispatched : fatal: open failed: no such file or directory.
    Exit code =2 (2) - IMTA_NO, basic No,......
    i checked file is there under messaging/mail1/bin/lib
    I also added above path in to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and also to the path.
    still getting the same error.
    also checked with sh -x imsimta version
    it is showing correct directories.
    what other action need to be taken here?

    mr.chhunchha wrote:
    I have installed and configured messaging server at /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/.....
    I wanted to change that to /messaging/mail1/bin directoryJust for future reference you can specify the install-root by using the --installroot <path> commpkg option as per:
    starting dispatched serverf dispatched : fatal: open failed: no such file or directory.
    what other action need to be taken here?You need to make sure that the crle values are correctly set to match the new path (run the crle command and you will see the paths I am referring to).

  • Problem Upgrading ims 5.2 to Sun Messaging Server 6 2005Q4

    I've an ims 5.2 running on an existing Solaris box, arnold. I'm planning to upgrade it to 6.2 on a new box, zion.
    I've hit the following error when executing
    Please enlighten me what it means.
    [zi0n]# sh /var/tmp/UpgradeMsg5toMsg6.ScratchDir/
    admindomain =
    encryption.nscertfile = alias/msg-arnold-1-cert7.db
    encryption.nskeyfile = alias/msg-arnold-1-key3.db
    encryption.nsssl3ciphers = rsa_3des_sha, rsa_rc4_128_md5, rsa_des_sha, tls_rsa_export1024_with_rc4_56_sha, tls_rsa_export1024_with_des_cbc_sha, rsa_rc2_40_md5, rsa_rc4_40_md5
    encryption.rsa.nsssltoken = internal (software)
    gen.accounturl = http://%[email protected]:2390/bin/user/admin/bin/enduser
    gen.folderurl = http://%[email protected]:2390/bin/user/admin/bin/mailacl.cgi?folder=%M
    gen.installedlanguages = en
    local.ugldapdeforgdn = l=sgsin, =
    local.webmail.sso.singlesignoff = 0
    nsserversecurity = on
    service.http.enable = yes
    service.http.enablesslport = yes
    service.http.port = 80
    service.http.sslusessl = yes
    service.imap.enable = yes
    service.imap.enablesslport = yes
    service.imap.sslusessl = yes
    service.pop.enable = yes
    service.pop.sslusessl = yes
    service.readtimeout = 10
    Importing to local configfile...
    Initializing LDAP connection...
    Importing to LDAP...
    [07/Jul/2006:00:04:02 +0800] zi0n [20061]: General Error: func=configmsg_setkeys; func=psetSetAttrList; error=Attribute does not exist

    Thanks for the explanation.
    I've managed to resolve this issue after realising
    i've missed out a very critical step. Copying of the
    physical mailboxes over to the new server.Yes, that's an important step....
    I've however hit another issue with the activation of
    SSL encryption on the v6.2 messaging server.
    the current setup is as follows:
    1) Applications installed locally:
    - Sun Messaging v6.2 server
    - Sun Directory Server 5.2 2005Q4 ( For config store
    of messaging server)
    - Administration Server 2005Q4
    User/groups store is located at a existing Iplanet
    v5.2 Directory Server.
    3) Service account for Messaging Server v6.2:
    uid=mail gid=mail
    4) Service account for local directory and admin
    server: root
    Problem faced:
    - I've used the cert wizard from the admin console to
    generate a cert request and to install the cert
    generated from the CA.
    - I've also added the CA cert of the CA that has
    generated my server cert.
    - Next, i've tried enabled SSL encryption, specifying
    the use of my newly added server cert. I've save the
    settings before exiting from the admin console.
    - However, when i login to the admin console to check
    the settings again. SSL encryption is now unchecked.
    - I've also facing problem stopping and starting
    services using the admin console. Especially after
    specifying the SSL ports to use for the imap, pop and
    http services.
    - When i was finally able to restart the services,
    the system did not listen on the specified SSL ports.
    It seems that my 'Enable SSL' setting also resets
    whenever i exit from the admin console.
    Greatly appreciate any help on this. Thanks in
    advance.I suggest using configutil instead of the Console.
    ./configutil -o <setting to be changed> -v <new value>
    Console is old and pretty flaky. It's going away in the next version.

  • Messaging Server 4.1: Received mail is not returned to the sender if the receiving local account does not exist.

    I have found that received mail is not returned to the sender if the receiving
    local account does not exist. This problem occurs even if I use Console to
    enable the Return message to sender option under the error handling methods.
    In addition, I have used the configutil
    to confirm that I have set the value
    for Unknown account action to "13," which corresponds to the settings "Return
    message to sender," "Notify the postmaster via email," and "Log the error in
    the log file." Yet, in this situation, an error message is being sent to
    postmaster, but not to the sender, and the error is not being recorded in the
    log file.
    Do the following steps:<BR>
    <LI>From Console, open the appropriate Messaging Server.
    <LI>Click the Configuration tab.
    <LI>Open the Services folder.
    <LI>Select SMTP.
    <LI>Click the System tab.
    Check the "Domain handled by this server exclusively" field to make sure that
    your mail domain is listed. If your mail domain is not listed, then Messaging
    Server will assume that there is another mail server that is handling the
    domain listed and will forward requests to this server.
    For more information, please see the document <I>Messaging Server
    Administrator's Guide</I>, Chapter 3, Configuring SMTP Services at <BR>

    On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:16:02 +0000, lpphiggp wrote:
    > I'm seeing this XTCOM error occur all over our /var/log/messages for one
    > server, running SLES11sp2 / OES11/sp1;
    > I don't really know what this is even for. We don't use NetStorage or
    > iPrint even, this server only does basic NCP file serving, DHCP, and
    > hosts a GroupWise PO.
    > Is this anything to be concerned about?
    If this:
    is to be believed, it seems to indicate that your NAM configuration on
    this server is not valid. I'm not seeing this message here on the OES
    servers I looked at, and NAM is working correctly here.
    David Gersic
    Knowledge Partner
    Please post questions in the forums. No support provided via email.
    If you find this post helpful, please click on the star below.

  • When I try to delete mail message it tells me that I cannot move message to folder called "null"

    When I try to delete mail message it tells me that I cannot move message to folder called "null"
    So I cannot delete my messages.

    From the Mail menu bar, select
              Mail ▹ Preferences... ▹ Accounts
    Select one of your IMAP accounts in the list on the left, then open the Mailbox Behaviors tab, Uncheck the box marked
              Store deleted messages on the server
    Do the same in your other IMAP accounts. Save the changes when prompted.

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