Metadata Management (Manager) Customization

I need to change UI layout of SAP BO Metadata Management, add some buttons and custom logic. But found only "custom attributes". Is there an opportunity to change the layout of BO MM?
At the same time I need to extend (BW) integration procedure. Is there any SDK or API that can be used for extensions?
(IMHO I need a way to add addition functionality in or similar class)
Thanks in advance!

no, there is no option/SDK to customize BOMM Explorer UI
there is no SDK either for extending functionality for end user for a Integrator, you can file a enhancement request through support if something is missing from BW Integrator

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    Alright this is really dumb. Aperture strips the GPS metadata for managed images on a version export, but does not for referenced files.
    It just took me 4 hours to figure that out, ug. Metadata is sacred! Always preserve it.

    My Aperture library uses managed masters.
    I too discovered that if I performed *version exports* of geotagged masters the exported images did not retain the GPS data. The problem was the same regardless of whether the masters were .jpgs or RAW files. (Geotagging was performed with Maperture and Maperture Pro; the bug symptoms are the same regardless of which tool was used.)
    Additionally, I discovered that if I performed *master exports*, then not only were the geotags retained in the exported files, but that +reimporting those same exports resulted in new masters whose versions would subsequently retain their geotags on version export+.
    synonym wrote:
    If you Relocate Masters... BEFORE you add GPS metadata using Maperture you don't lose any IPTC metadata. If you then Consolidate Masters... you can then apply GPS metadata to these images within your Aperture library and you will not lose IPTC or the GPS data on exporting the versions.
    If I'm reading this correctly it sounds like you can "scrub" your library of the problem by relocating masters and then consolidating them again, and that subsequently applied geotags (and by inference IPTC metadata) will be retained on new version exports. Did I get that right?
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    I did a backup of the library at this point to a vault. I then restored the vault and GPS data and IPTC metadata was all retained and was also all retained on exporting versions!
    And if I'm reading the last sentence of your post correctly, it seems like the consistent behavior between our two situations is that if *images are brought into the library with geotags already in them* - in your case by library restoration and in my case by re-importation of previously geotagged masters - *then the geotags will be retained on subsequent master and version exports*.
    Is that a valid conclusion to draw? If so, it sounds like I could workaround the problem of geotags missing from my version exports by either A) relocating and then consolidating my masters, or B) by the three-step process of:
    1) geotagging my images,
    2) updating the vault, and then
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  • Sphere doc cam software crashed when used in the WorkGroup Manager managed environment  Crash report Process:         Sphere [93076] Path:            /Applications/ Identifier:      com.yourcompany.Sphere Version:         ?

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    Path:            /Applications/
    Identifier:      com.yourcompany.Sphere
    Version:         ??? (???)
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    1   com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x000a2e06 -[RecordingController stopRecording] + 118
    2   com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x0009c217 RecordingImpl::doStopRecording(QString*) + 39
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    4   com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x00095163 RecordingCommonImpl::stopRecording(QList<QString>&) + 67
    5   com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x0011a7a8 Sphere::stopRecord() + 136
    6   com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x0010d37e ToolsPanel::startStopRecording(bool) + 78
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    8   QtCore                                  0x00902b51 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 673
    9   QtGui                                   0x02f172c4 QAbstractButton::clicked(bool) + 68
    10  QtGui                                   0x02c3329a QAbstractButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 186
    11  QtGui                                   0x02c34366 QAbstractButton::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) + 726
    12  QtGui                                   0x02c345b5 QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 117
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    15  QtGui                                   0x02c335bd QAbstractButton::event(QEvent*) + 45
    16  QtGui                                   0x02d0a6f0 QToolButton::event(QEvent*) + 64
    17  QtGui                                   0x028872ec QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 188
    18  QtGui                                   0x0288efbd QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 7789
    19  QtCore                                  0x008fc33c QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) + 108
    20  QtGui                                   0x0288741c QApplication::activeModalWidget() + 156
    21  QtGui                                   0x0283b043 QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool::QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool() + 19427
    22  QtGui                                   0x0282adff QMacInputContext::reset() + 4063
    23                        0x91dadb95 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 5539
    24  QtGui                                   0x02831cdb QMacInputContext::reset() + 32443
    25                        0x91d7a6a5 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2939
    26  QtGui                                   0x028353dd QMacInputContext::reset() + 46525
    27                        0x91cd7fe7 -[NSApplication run] + 867
    28  QtGui                                   0x0283f471 QDesktopWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) + 12513
    29  QtCore                                  0x009ebb61 QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 65
    30  QtCore                                  0x009ebeaa QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 170
    31  QtCore                                  0x009ed526 QCoreApplication::exec() + 182
    32  com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x001229e1 main + 897
    33  com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x0000bd09 _start + 208
    34  com.yourcompany.Sphere                  0x0000bc38 start + 40
    Thread 1:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9094460a select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 2:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc34e __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926ccd pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 73
    2   libGLProgrammability.dylib              0x95d73b32 glvmDoWork + 162
    3   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    4   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 3:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f5166 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc95c mach_msg + 72
    2                0x93563e7e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1790
    3                0x93564aa8 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
    4                    0x900ea3d5 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 213
    5                    0x90168b4d -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] + 93
    6   com.AVerMedia.AVerVDig                  0x170584b9 -[AVDocCamControlTCPServer socketThread] + 271
    7                        0x92035123 +[NSApplication _startDrawingThread:] + 77
    8                    0x900b5dfd -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x900b59a4 __NSThread__main__ + 308
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 4:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f5166 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc95c mach_msg + 72
    2                0x93563e7e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1790
    3                0x93564b04 CFRunLoopRun + 84
    4   ...le.QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer          0x181ca084 0x181c9000 + 4228
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 5:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f5166 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc95c mach_msg + 72
    2                0x93563e7e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1790
    3                0x93564b04 CFRunLoopRun + 84
    4   ...le.QuickTimeUSBVDCDigitizer          0x181ca084 0x181c9000 + 4228
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 6:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x909258c6 kevent + 10
    1   QtCore                                  0x009306e6 QThread::setPriority(QThread::Priority) + 454
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    3   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 7:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f5166 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc95c mach_msg + 72
    2                0x93563e7e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1790
    3                0x93564aa8 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
    4               0x95a695f8 HALRunLoop::OwnThread(void*) + 160
    5               0x95a69480 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 96
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    7   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 8:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f5166 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc95c mach_msg + 72
    2                0x93563e7e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1790
    3                0x93564aa8 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
    4           0x93278a74 MIO::DAL::RunLoop::OwnThread(void*) + 160
    5           0x9327ac46 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 96
    6   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    7   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 9:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc34e __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926ccd pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 73
    2                     0x937863c8 pthreadSemaphoreWait(t_pthreadSemaphore*) + 42
    3                     0x93798d4e CMMConvTask(void*) + 54
    4   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 10:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f5166 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908fc95c mach_msg + 72
    2                0x93563e7e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1790
    3                0x93564aa8 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
    4                    0x900ea3d5 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 213
    5                    0x90168b4d -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] + 93
    6   com.AVerMedia.AVerVDig                  0x17053914 -[AVUSBDeviceCYBulk2 threadEntry:] + 466
    7                        0x92035123 +[NSApplication _startDrawingThread:] + 77
    8                    0x900b5dfd -[NSThread main] + 45
    9                    0x900b59a4 __NSThread__main__ + 308
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    11  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 11:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x9092c2da select$DARWIN_EXTSN$NOCANCEL + 10
    1   QtCore                                  0x00a0e9f7 qt_safe_select(int, fd_set*, fd_set*, fd_set*, timeval const*) + 87
    2   QtCore                                  0x00a12c93 QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate::doSelect(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>, timeval*) + 435
    3   QtCore                                  0x00a131cf QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 175
    4   QtCore                                  0x009ebb61 QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 65
    5   QtCore                                  0x009ebeaa QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 170
    6   QtCore                                  0x0092f79d QThread::exec() + 157
    7   libAVerMacDocCam.1.0.0.dylib            0x01054f2f IdleThread::run() + 127
    8   QtCore                                  0x009306e6 QThread::setPriority(QThread::Priority) + 454
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    10  libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 12:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f51a2 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   ...ickTimeComponents.component          0x93e98c82 QTThreadWaitSignal + 100
    2   ...ickTimeComponents.component          0x94aaf95c sgAudioProcessingThreadEntryPoint + 87
    3   ...ickTimeComponents.component          0x93e9846b start_thread + 54
    4   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    5   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 13:
    0   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x908f51c6 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 10
    1   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x909271af _pthread_cond_wait + 1244
    2   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90928a33 pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np + 47
    3               0x95a78bdf CAGuard::WaitFor(unsigned long long) + 213
    4               0x95a7a79a CAGuard::WaitUntil(unsigned long long) + 70
    5               0x95a78f3f HP_IOThread::WorkLoop() + 759
    6               0x95a78c43 HP_IOThread::ThreadEntry(HP_IOThread*) + 17
    7               0x95a69480 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 96
    8   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90926055 _pthread_start + 321
    9   libSystem.B.dylib                       0x90925f12 thread_start + 34
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x00000000  ebx: 0x0009e8fe  ecx: 0x00000001  edx: 0x0107f000
      edi: 0x186b8940  esi: 0x186b8940  ebp: 0xbfffe7c8  esp: 0xbfffe770
       ss: 0x0000001f  efl: 0x00210282  eip: 0x0009e93f   cs: 0x00000017
       ds: 0x0000001f   es: 0x0000001f   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x00000037
      cr2: 0x0000002c
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -   0x4fffff +com.yourcompany.Sphere ??? (???) <f7c2b0a788413da6927f15cbf1665ed7> /Applications/
      0x56b000 -   0x575ff3 +libAVerBase.1.0.0.dylib ??? (???) <c0f817480b8b3b1e93acfaa715b5cdfe> /Applications/
      0x57b000 -   0x580ffb +libAVerMacSystem.1.0.0.dylib ??? (???) <7d7ab1c093e73eacb72caa7378839ad8> /Applications/
      0x585000 -   0x618fe3 +libAVerSocialNetwork.1.0.0.dylib ??? (???) <b6ea2ada18a931bebe40559dac9c3355> /Applications/
      0x638000 -   0x686ffb +libAVerDocCamDirectCore.1.0.0.dylib ??? (???) <7ce00b3227cc357c89b6380576b039c1> /Applications/ b
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      0x7bd000 -   0x836fe3 +QtDBus ??? (???) <1978cb6b3385a6a506849d535c8ff202> /Applications/
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    0x103a000 -  0x103dff7 +libAVerSupportCrypto.1.0.0.dylib ??? (???) <6279e58c463d38c2924fdf78693026b1> /Applications/
    0x1040000 -  0x1043ff7 +libAVerSupportGeneral.1.0.0.dylib ??? (???) <cf7af01f8b1e3e879ea29b0315801101> /Applications/
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    0x1178000 -  0x1195ffb +libqqt7engine.dylib ??? (???) <9c4b928ca3761ad6f92c0ed85063c721> /Applications/
    0x11a0000 -  0x11abff7 +libqtmedia_audioengine.dylib ??? (???) <29adeb116e1e002e0a524167aa952468> /Applications/ ylib
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    0x27fe000 -  0x317afef +QtGui ??? (???) <0bfe5cdbc200d5a4f7cb07122c2c0db8> /Applications/
    0x1704b000 - 0x1705dff0 +com.AVerMedia.AVerVDig ( <90c4277c83c6375a01fe65b19115e165> /Library/QuickTime/AVerVDig.component/Contents/MacOS/AVerVDig
    0x1706b000 - 0x17074ff7 3.4.9 (3.4.9) <ea4061ec718fddebf2cf952e8606ae87> /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle/Co ntents/MacOS/IOUSBLib
    0x1707e000 - 0x17089ffb +com.aver.AVerVirtualVDig 1.2.2024.40 (1.2.2024.40) <8693b4a6443231a68759294fb1128c06> /Library/QuickTime/AVerVirtualVDig.component/Contents/MacOS/AVerVirtualVDig
    0x17090000 - 0x170a6fff +libAVerVisionBridgeServer.1.dylib ??? (???) <b0e30d4212a13a2fb1e9eb43280eb5b3> /Library/Application Support/AVer/dylibs/libAVerVisionBridgeServer.1.dylib
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    0x18116000 - 0x18151fff 7.6.9 (1680.9) /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeFireWireDV.component/Contents/MacOS/QuickTim eFireWireDV
    0x1815e000 - 0x18167fff 1.9.5 (1.9.5) <889959011cb23c11785c378264400284> /System/Library/Components/IOFWDVComponents.component/Contents/MacOS/IOFWDVComp onents
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    0x18225000 - 0x183aafe3  GLEngine ??? (???) <052e02d9a452a45d014ffbd2a84a4e7c> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine
    0x183d8000 - 0x18431ff7 1.5.48 (5.4.8) <806d3030842b46995c46c9059046f2fc> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelGMA950GLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Apple IntelGMA950GLDriver
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    0x198a0000 - 0x19909ff7 +libqsqlite.dylib ??? (???) <01a276e06357373b9b9f4b74b1528a34> /Applications/
    0x19915000 - 0x19918fff 1.0.6 (1.0.6) <51c811377017028f8904ad779e6a1344> /System/Library/Extensions/AudioIPCDriver.kext/Contents/Resources/AudioIPCPlugI n.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AudioIPCPlugIn
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    0x908c6000 - 0x908c8ff5  libRadiance.dylib ??? (???) <73169d8c3fc31df4005e8eaa0d16bde5> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib
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    0x908ca000 - 0x908f3fff  libcups.2.dylib ??? (???) <2b0ab6b9fa1957ee940835d0cfd42894> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x908f4000 - 0x90a5bff3  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <be7a9fa5c8a925578bddcbaa72e5bf6e> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x90a5c000 - 0x90e1afea  libLAPACK.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
    0x90e1b000 - 0x90e3ffff  libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <c372568bd2f7169efa0faee6546eead3> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x90e40000 - 0x90e6ffe3 402.3 (402.3) <dba512e47f68eea1dd0ab35f596edb34> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
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    0x90e9c000 - 0x911a4fe7 1.5.6 (???) <eece3cb8aa0a4e6843fcc1500aca61c5> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
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    0x91806000 - 0x9193fff7  libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <f2819243b278259b9a622ea111ea5fd6> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x91940000 - 0x919e7feb 3.11.57 (???) <35f058678972d42b88ebdf652df79956> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
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    0x9281d000 - 0x92c2dfef  libBLAS.dylib ??? (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
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    0x93133000 - 0x93135fff 3.0 (30817) <2b2854123fed609d1820d2779e2e0963> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/SecurityHI
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    0x93733000 - 0x93752ffa  libJPEG.dylib ??? (???) <6d61215d5adfd74f75fed2e4db29a21c> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib
    0x93753000 - 0x9381efef 4.5.4 (4.5.4) /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
    0x9381f000 - 0x939aefe7 3.08.0 (3.08.0) <5382f0ce050d3edd8f5979b8a87557bf> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAUC.framework/Versions/A/CoreAUC
    0x939af000 - 0x939cdfff  libresolv.9.dylib ??? (???) <0e26b308654f33fc94a0c010a50751f9> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x939ce000 - 0x939cfffc  libffi.dylib ??? (???) <a3b573eb950ca583290f7b2b4c486d09> /usr/lib/libffi.dylib
    0x939d0000 - 0x939d4fff  libGIF.dylib ??? (???) <ade6d93abe118569a7a39d11f81eb9bf> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
    0x939d5000 - 0x93a02feb  libvDSP.dylib ??? (???) <f39d424bd56a0e75d5c7a2280a25cd76> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
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    0x93a6c000 - 0x93a6cfff 136 (136) <98a5e3bc0c4fa44bbb09713bb88707fe> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
    0x93a6d000 - 0x93a6dffd 1.4.2 (Accelerate 1.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
    0x93a6e000 - 0x93a79fe7  libCSync.A.dylib ??? (???) <f3228c803584320fde5e1bb9f04b4d44> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib
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    0x93bd0000 - 0x93c4fff5 1.2.2 (1.2.2) <3b5f3ab6a363a4d8a2bbbf74213ab0e5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
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    0x93cb0000 - 0x93d3dff7 1.5.2 (???) <7a3cc24f78f93931731203854ae0d891> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
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    0x94f05000 - 0x94fb7ffb  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <d02f7e5b8a68813bb7a77f5edb34ff9d> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
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    0x95bdc000 - 0x95c1bfef  libTIFF.dylib ??? (???) <2afd7f6079224311d67ab427e10bf61c> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x95c39000 - 0x95c40ff7  libCGATS.A.dylib ??? (???) <8875cf11c0de0579423ac6b6ce80336d> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGATS.A.dylib
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    0x9621e000 - 0x96258fe7 1.2 (62) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
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    0x966c2000 - 0x96700fff  libGLImage.dylib ??? (???) <2e570958595e0c9c3a289158223b39ee> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x96701000 - 0x96853ff3 1.5.3 (1.5.3) /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x96a28000 - 0x96b08fff  libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <3ca288b625a47bbcfe378158e4dc328f> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x9788c000 - 0x979d6feb 7.6.9 (1680.9) <fe987e6adf235d5754399dcdae6e5a8e> /System/Library/Frameworks/QTKit.framework/Versions/A/QTKit
    0x97a19000 - 0x97ad4fe3 228.1 (228.1) <9c640e79ad97f335730d8a49f6cb2032> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
    0x97b49000 - 0x97b49ff8 6.5 (???) <e064f94d969ce25cb7de3cfb980c3249> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
    0x97b4a000 - 0x97b4affe 1.2.0 (1.2.0) <a2b462be6c51187eddf7d097ef0e0a04> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MonitorPanel.framework/Versions/A/MonitorPane l
    0x97c3a000 - 0x97c62ff7 1.0.1 (1.0) <37e4b08cfaf9edb08b8682a06c4ec844> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Shortcut.framework/Versions/A/Shortcut
    0x97c96000 - 0x97c96ffa 32 (32) <2fcc8f3bd5bbfc000b476cad8e6a3dd2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
    0x97ca4000 - 0x97d00ff7 68 (1.1.3) <fe87a9dede38db00e6c8949942c6bd4f> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering .framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering
    0x97d01000 - 0x97d5effb  libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <04b812dcec670daa8b7d2852ab14be60> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x97d5f000 - 0x97d66fe9  libgcc_s.1.dylib ??? (???) <f53c808e87d1184c0f9df63aef53ce0b> /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
    0x97d67000 - 0x97deeff7  libsqlite3.0.dylib ??? (???) <aaaf72c093e13f34b96e2688b95bdb4a> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib
    0x97def000 - 0x97defffd 3.4.2 (vecLib 3.4.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x97df0000 - 0x9811bff6 7.6.9 (1680.9) <024f122335016a54f8e59ddb4c79901d> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
    0xfffe8000 - 0xfffebfff  libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0xffff0000 - 0xffff1780  libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

    Looks like it may be this:

  • SCOM 2012 RC - SCVMM 2012 RC - Virtual machine manager management group is not getting monitored

    Hi All,
      I have integrated SCOM 2012 with SCVMM 2012 environment. I could see two strange behaviors. All these instance are running on Windows 2008 R2 + Sp1 OS along with SQL 2008 R2 for database.
    1) I could see two instance of VirtualmanagerDB
    in the Database State view under the Microsoft SQL Server, out of that
    one is showing as monitored and another one is
    showing as not monitored. Why it is showing two instance of the same database? How can I remove the not monitored one?
    2) In the distributed apps- Virtual machine manager management group is not showing as a monitored item. However the SCVMM server is getting monitored.
    I'd appreciate if someone could help me out in understanding and resolving this.

    I opened up a connect ticket on this on 17th Jan so sorry for not noticing your post earlier. The response was:
    Health State dashboard view is targeted to two state views. "Agent Watcher State" and "Agent State". "Agent State" view (view with duplicate entry) is targeted to an abstract class "VMM Agent" which has below child classes.
        VMM Library Agent
        VMM Host Agent
        Guest Agent
    For the Dashboard view, we need to taget the view to "Host Agent" not "VMM Agent". When we install VMM, it adds itself as a Library server and that is the reason for duplicate entry (VMM Library Agent).
    Regards Graham New System Center 2012 Blog! -
    View OpsMgr tips and tricks at

  • VMM is unable to perform this operation without a connection to a Virtual Machine Manager management server.

    I'm running SCOM and VMM integration. For the most part everything is working. However I get lots of alerts generated in regards to my scvmm server.
    This is a the guide I used:
    SCOM + VMM 2012r2 Ur4
    One of the Errors(which appears to be root issue):
    The PowerShell script failed with below
    System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: VMM is
    unable to perform this operation without a connection to a Virtual Machine
    Manager management server. (Error ID: 1615)
    Use the Get-VMMServer cmdlet
    or the -VMMServer parameter to connect to a Virtual Machine Manager management
    server. For more information, type at the command prompt: Get-Help Get-VMMServer
    -detailed.At line:109 char:12
    + $vmm = Get-SCVMMServer $VMMServer -Credential
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    input, Hashtable errorResults, Boolean enumerate)
    System.Management.Automation.PipelineOps.InvokePipeline(Object input, Boolean
    ignoreInput, CommandParameterInternal[][] pipeElements, CommandBaseAst[]
    pipeElementAsts, CommandRedirection[][] commandRedirections, FunctionContext
    Script Name:
    One or more workflows were affected by
    Workflow name:
    Instance ID:
    Management group: OMGRP82

    Can you connect from powershell? get-vmmserver <VMMServerComputerName>
    If this doesn't work it's likely that your VMM server doesn't work. Check Application log to see if there are errors related to VMM service.
    You can also collect traces as described
    here and attach them to this thread.
    Are you using a domain administrator account?  (this is the default allowed after SCVMM is installed - until other users are added).
    also try restarting VMM server or VMM services once.
    this occur if the SQL database owner is indicated as NULL.  Try adding the SQL SA account as db owner.
    refer this once -
    Thanks, S K Agrawal

  • How to enable microsoft system center virtual machine manager Management Pack IP Pool monitoring

    How to I enable how to enable IP Pool monitoring in the Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Management? The IP Pools show up in the IP Address Pool Health dashboard, but the state is "Not Monitored". How to I get these to light up
    as monitored?

    Have you integrated VMM and SCOM?
    Hope the links below could be helpful:
    Operations Manager Integration and PRO Improvements in SCVMM 2012
    Integrating VMM 2012 and OpsMgr 2012
    And please also search for "IP address Pool" under monitors or rules, hope you may find something related there.
    Yan Li
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Manager Manager and Prompt Manager going out of service

    I have set up RTMT to email me syslogs so I can see if there is a problem with UCCX.  
    Whenever I upload a new prompt or create a new folder I am seeing error messages saying that Manager Manager and Prompt Manager are in partial service.
    But when I look at Network Services in Serviceability, there's nothing there - everything is in service. 
    So the error messages could be incorrect, or the managers are going out of service and then back again into service quickly.
    How can I track down this problem/stop it happening?
    In one sense it isn't a real problem, but it is annoying as I may ignore real issues.
    UCCX 8.0

    Did you try to set it up as new device again? How to back up your data and set up as a new device

  • CRS 5.0.2 What Does the Message "%MIVR-MGR_MGR-1-MGR_PARTIAL_SERVICE: Manager Manager in partial service"

    What Does the Message "%MIVR-MGR_MGR-1-MGR_PARTIAL_SERVICE: Manager Manager in partial service"
    CUCM 6.1.2a
    CRS 5.0.2_SR03
    CRS is HA
    Thanks by advance for your help

    Manager Manager is the controller of other Managers... File Manager, Document Manager, Script Manager, etc. If you expand Manager Manager which one of the Managers do you see in Partial or Out of Service? Based on that you would troubleshoot from there. For example if Document Manager is in Partial you need to make sure all of your XML documents are properly uploaded.
    If you need TAC assistance to troubleshoot this the best thing for them is if you restart the CRS Engine amd confirm Manager Manager is still in partial service, if so provide the \program files\wfavvid\log\MIVR\ciscoMIVR.log covering the startup event.
    I hope this helps.

  • NAC Guest " Account Management Manage Accounts

    I'm having trouble to access:Account Management > Manage Accounts on my NAC guest server after I created some accounts. The web page stays blank.
    Anyone seen this?
    My Guest server is running version 2.0.1

    Check on bug CSCsz80188 works and helps a lot.
    When experiencing the issue I check for HTML source on the web page I cannot displayed getting an ivalid month date error.
    Changing Number Format under:
    User Interface > Templates > Common
    make it works!
    **********************************************ERRATA CORRIGE************************************************************************************************************
    I've experienced a similiar issue while configuring NAC guest server demo for a customer.
    Check on bug CSCsz80188 doesn't help me.
    I created a new sponsor associated to the DEFAULT template, but althought I'm able to create guest account Manage Accounts section under Account Management on the sponsor webpage shows nothing.
    Is it possible this is because I'm using a demo license?
    Currently I've configured two sponsor and only one is correctly displaying Manage Accounts  page.
    Thank you
    **********************************************ERRATA CORRIGE************************************************************************************************************

  • Inventory Management 0IC_C03 customizations

    Dear Experts,
    I have a task in hand to implement Inventory Management in SAP BW 3.5. Now, this is the first time that we will be implementing anything related to Logistics and I havenu2019t done so earlier in my support projects. I have got 10 hrs of downtime.
    I need to fetch the report for both Trading as of now.
    The fields needed in the report by the customer are:
    Plant Description
    S. Loc.
    S.Loc. Description
      Opening Stock Qty,
      Opening Stock Value,
    Receipts against PO Qty,
    Receipt against STO  Qty,
    Receipt against return SO  Qty,
    All Other Receipts  Qty,
    Miro Differences,
    Issue against SO  Qty,
    Issue against STO Qty,
    All Other Issues Qty,
      Closing Stock Qty,
    Book Inv Qty,
    Physical Inv Count.
    I am planning to define these as Zkey-figures and write routines in update rules based on processing keys to capture each qty and value separately.
    My questions are:
    1) What are the fields from above that can be pulled from standard BI Content Reports (if possible, please specify which report)? OR fields (or combination of fields) that are already in the cube?
    2) For every above field, customer has given standard movement types.
    For ex: for Receipts against PO = Mov Types 101,105,123,162 (Doc Type IN/IM)
                for Receipt against STO = Mov Types 351, 352 (Doc Type UB)
    But when brought in BI, all routines are based on processing keys (BW Transaction key). Where can I find mapping of each processing key to the corresponding movement type?
    If you know which processing key can be used for above fields, please let me know.
    3) What are the other fields that need to be considered in routines. If possible please specify field wise.
    4) Should I extend the 0IC_C03 with these new custome KFs creating a new zcube or should I add only required fields in zcube.
    If I follow the latter, will there be any impact on standard BF/UM runs as in If I load till PSA and from PSA I follow my customized update rules terminating into my customized cube?
    Thanks friends.

    My questions are:
    1) What are the fields from above that can be pulled from standard BI Content Reports (if possible, please specify which report)? OR fields (or combination of fields) that are already in the cube?
    ~ You will get fields from the Cube only.
    2) For every above field, customer has given standard movement types.
    For ex: for Receipts against PO = Mov Types 101,105,123,162 (Doc Type IN/IM)
    for Receipt against STO = Mov Types 351, 352 (Doc Type UB)
    ~ Check this Table in Source system for BW Keys : TMCLVBW
    But when brought in BI, all routines are based on processing keys (BW Transaction key). Where can I find mapping of each processing key to the corresponding movement type?
    If you know which processing key can be used for above fields, please let me know.
    Check this table
    3) What are the other fields that need to be considered in routines. If possible please specify field wise.
    That depends upon your requirement in the report or Check the standard Dcoument for Inv management in SDN search.
    you will get lot of help.
    4) Should I extend the 0IC_C03 with these new custome KFs creating a new zcube or should I add only required fields in zcube.
    If I follow the latter, will there be any impact on standard BF/UM runs as in If I load till PSA and from PSA I follow my customized update rules terminating into my customized cube?
    ~Best Practice and even SAP Recommends Make a ZCUBE and then enhance or customize to fullfill your rek.
    No impact follow IM steps for BW.
    Make sure you keep these things in Mind:
    There are 3 SAP delivered transactional data sources for stock management.
    2LIS_03_BX : Always needed to carry the initialization of the stocks.
    2LIS_03_BF :  Initialize this in source if you need historical data else an empty init can be done for this to load only future delta records. If the Source system is new then no need to do an initialization. 
    2LIS_03_UM : Only needed if revaluations are carried out in Source. This data source is helpful if adjustment in material prices is done time to time otherwise it wonu2019t extract any data.
    2.  Check list for source system. Needs to be carried out before initialization of the above 3 data sources .
    A.   Table TBE11 : Maintain Entry u2018NDIu2019 with text u2018New Dimension Integrationu2019 and activate the flag(Note 315880)
    B.   Table TPS01 : Entry should be as below(Note 315880)
    PROCS u2013 01010001
    TEXT1 u2013 NDI Exits Active
    C.   Table TPS31 : Entry should be as below(Note 315880)
    PROCS u2013 01010001
    APPLK  - NDI
    D.   Tcode u2013   MCB_  
    In most cases you need to set the industry sector as u2018standardu2019. For more info please see Note 353042
    E.    Tcode u2013  BF11
    Set the indicator to active for the Business warehouse application entry. This entry may needs to be transported to the production system. (Note 315880)
    3.  After running the setup data, check the data for the fields BWVORG, BWAPPLNM, MENGE. If no data available in these fields then some setting mentioned in the above checklist are missing in R/3. Correct the issue and rerun the setup data.
    4.  Data staging with DSO for BX extractor is not allowed. Data should directly load from extractor to Cube only once. Choose the extraction mode as u2018Initial Non-cumulative for Non-cumulative valuesu2019 in the DTP.
    5.  DSO is possible for BF. If you are creating a standard DSO then choose the fields MJAHR,BWCOUNTER,MBLNR,ZEILE as key fields. Some of these fields wonu2019t be available in the standard data source but the data source can be enhanced using LO Cockpit (LBWE) to add these fields. In addition to these other fields depending upon the DSO structure is also possible.
    Note  417703 gives more info on this.
    6.  Point-5 is valid for UM also. The Key fields could be a combination of MJAHR,MBLNR,ZEILE,BUKRS  fields. Note 581778 
    7.  Data load to the cube should follow the below process
    A.      Load the BX data. Compress the request with stock marker(uncheck the marker option).
    B.      Load the BF and UM init data. Compress the loads without the stock maker(Check the marker option).
    C.      The future delta loads from BF and UM should be compressed with Stock marker(uncheck the marker option).
    8.  If in future the cube needs to be deleted due to some issues then the load process should also be carried out as above. (only init of BF and UM should be loaded first and then the deltas should be processed)
    9.  To check the data consistency of a Non cumulative cube the standard program SAP_REFPOINT_COMPLETE can be used. To check the compression status of the cube the table RSDCUBE can be refered. Before the compression of BX request, the u2018REFUPDATEu2019 field should be blank and after the compression the value should become u2018Xu2019. Check Note 643687 for more info.
    10. After BX data load to cube the data wonu2019t be visible by LISTCUBE. Only after compression the data can be seen by running a query on the Non cumulative cube.

  • XMP metadata to manage ad copy ?

    I'm currently looking for a solution to manage ad copy and I'd like to explore the viable use of XMP metadata to do so.
    I've created custom XMP pallets I can edit through Bridge but what happens when my packaging is updated and my image is deleted and replaced by another? All of my XMP metadata is lost and I have to re-enter it?
    Is there any way to store all of my XMP in a separate file to allow me to replace the image without losing my XMP data?
    Any insight would be appreciated!

    The short term solution is to export an XMP "Template" (right arrow in upper right corner) from each of the current images with systematic file names (.xmp). Each is a standalone copy of the XMP packet. You probably need to edit this down to the significant metadata for your application, deleting the camera-specific and date-specific metadata. When an image is replaced, the corresponding Template can be imported and appended to the new file's XMP.
    If you are careful, you could edit metadata prior to template export via the Advanced panel, and then Cancel out of the File Info Window after the export, or not Save the changes to the image file.
    A longer term solution would be to save the metadata in an external database, referenced by an assigned Ad Copy ID field. The user would be required to enter the Ad Copy ID field into the replacement image, and then it would be used to populate the other fields from the database. This is feasible with Pound Hill's MetaGrove Plug-ins for CS3, and with File Info CS4 fully custom panels.
    Carl Rambert

  • Need to pass custom metadata with Managed Attachment in EBS

    Hi All,
    I have enabled Managed attachment in EBS.
    I also want to pass few custom metadata along with managed attachment.
    I have followed the section  "6.5 Configuring Managed Attachments Settings"
    from the Application Adapter's guide at
    but still i dont see the custom metadata in the Managed attachment checkin screen.

    Hi Swapnil ,
    You will need to apply the following patch :
    Patch 13943045
    Read me file has all the steps required in addition to the patch to get Custom Parameters sent with EBS request , please check it and complete the steps .
    Once done , check to see if OAF is able to send the parameters .
    If not , then check the request / response files from EBS to get more details .

  • Performance Management Plan - Customization

    This is regarding the Performance Management Plan in Oracle Performance Management. Currently my client uses a custom concurrent program which creates appraisals by calculating the job anniversary date. The client is using yearly appraisal. But the program is scheduled to run every two weeks and picks the teammates who have completed their job anniversary in that period and creates appraisals for them.
    There is no goal setting or tracking process implemented currently. The client is not using PMP now. I would like to propose PMP to the client. The PMP would create appraisals based on the hierarchy - Supervisor, supervisor Assgn, Position, Organization.
    If a teammate is hired on 01-jan-2008 the first appraisal should be in 01-jan-2009 as per the client req now. If PMP is used it would create an appraisal in the year 2008 itself-- which is wrong as per the client requirement. Is there an option in PMP to exclude him in the current PMP and include in the next year's PMP?.
    Thanks in advance

    Using the PMP plan is ideal in case where the appraisal period is same across the organization. In organizations where the appraisal period differs depending on factors like hiredate, the PMP would be of a big maintenance. You will have to create PMP for each individual employee in the organization.
    I suggest instead use objective assessment also in your appraisals and not use the PMP.

  • Where can I learn to operate and manage (maybe customize) file download?

    file downloading seems to be a forgotten step-child. Am I missing something? as it is now, I must wait for a file download to complete before I can even begin to list another file for next to be downloaded.

    Do you still have the xml files of the default search engines in the searchplugins folder in the Firefox program folder?
    *(32 bit Windows) C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\
    *(64 bit Windows) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\
    If not then you need to reinstall Firefox.
    You can find the latest Firefox release in all languages and for all Operating Systems here:
    *Firefox 18.0.x:
    If they are there then delete the search.json file and a possible search.sqlite file in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    You can use this button to go to the Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder

  • OIM10g Users-Manage Page Customization

    How can I add a Custom field with dropdown values in OIM10g Users-Mange page search criteria.

    Thanks for the Reply,I did see your message but i culdn't find the correct form to map the Lookup in Formmetadata.I tried mapping it in User Mangement Section but culdn't see the change come through.Please can you tell the form i need to map the Lookup in Formmetadata.xml
    I have created a lookup like Lookup.WebClient.Users.EmployeeType

Maybe you are looking for

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    I'm having an issues when others go to print out a document and don't make sure the document is set to print in actual size and we lose the scaling on the document. Is there a way to lock the print settings on a pdf so they are always correct?

  • Acrobat 9.4.2 hangs on name changes when "file as"

    Running Windows 7, 64 bit. If I accept the filename, all works well. If i click in the name to modify it, computer hangs. If I wait long enough (I think) it finally works, but takes MINUTES.

  • I can't sync music to my iPhone 6?

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  • Accessing data from tables P2050, P2051 and P2052

    Hello all, I am trying to access the data stored in P2050, P2051, and P2052.  I cannot access this data directly.  Is there a way to get this data through another tables?? Thanks SL

  • IPhoto Library Management

    I've been running iPhoto 4, since 2002. I have hidden the libraries from iPhoto by renaming them for 2002, 2003. My 04,& 05 seem to have overlaped and are each reading in "get info" as 1.67 GB and 2.60 GB .......... yikes is this why I've seen a lot