Method to obtain filename apart from path

I have a string
String myString = C:\foo\bar\myFile.txt;I wish to obtain only the value myFile.txt, that is the name of the File.
I use the File object
File fileObj = new File( myString );
String fileName = fileObj.getName();Running this in one environment yeilds the desired "myFile.txt". But in another environment it yeilds "C:\foo\bar\myFile.txt".
How can this be?
Thanks for any help

I'm going to assume what may be obvious and that is that the method works only within the current operating system. In another words, it's not a "all knowing" method that can parse a filename from a string using the separator characters of each operatiing system "\" and "/". So it's not an effective means to accomplish what I need when the information is going from one OS, to another...
Yes - It's in the API docs which I'm reading now. I don't know why I made this mistake, unless I was confused by the following..."This class presents an abstract, system-independent view of hierarchial pathnames". But immediately following it says that the prefix strings to the filename are system-dependent.
Edited by: nantucket on May 16, 2008 1:32 PM
Edited by: nantucket on May 16, 2008 1:36 PM

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    Hi bharath,
    DATA : path LIKE pcfile-path.
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    'jverd' is right but if you are just trying to split the INPUT into a path + filename then why not just look for the last '\'. i.e.
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    I had to do a custom JTree to get my editor to work the way you wanted.
    I needed mine to allow a double mouse click. Then when in edit mode have the text default to a 'select all'.
    All of the 'Rollup' items are custom objects but this should give you an idea of what to do.
    class CustomUI extends BasicTreeUI
        protected boolean startEditing(TreePath path, MouseEvent event) {
            // default to standard behavior
            boolean result = super.startEditing(path, event);
            // start editing this node?
            if (result) {
                // start peeling the object to get a handle to the editor
                RollupTree rollupTree = (RollupTree) event.getSource();
                RollupTreeEditor editor = (RollupTreeEditor) rollupTree.getCellEditor();
                // set Icon if node a trader
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                if (node.isTrader()) {
                JTextField textField = editor.getEditor();
                // they want to default so that the edit text
                // is in selected mode when they first start to edit the field
            return result;
        }I also did a custom default editor which looks like:
    class RollupTreeEditor extends DefaultTreeCellEditor
        public RollupTreeEditor(final JTree tree, final RollupTreeCellRenderer renderer) {
            super(tree, renderer);
         * Allow people to toggle the icon when in edit mode
         * @param editor Icon
        public void setEditorIcon(Icon editor) {
            editingIcon = editor;
         * If the <code>realEditor</code> returns true to this
         * message, <code>prepareForEditing</code>
         * is messaged and true is returned.
         * @param event EventObject
         * @return boolean
        public boolean isCellEditable(EventObject event) {
            if (event instanceof MouseEvent) {
                // double click for edit
                if (((MouseEvent) event).getClickCount() == 2) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        public DefaultTextField getEditor() {
            return (DefaultTextField)this.editingComponent;
    }Then in my custom JTree I set these up like...
            // turn on tooltips
            // used by two setters so create reference
            RollupTreeCellRenderer renderer = new RollupTreeCellRenderer();
            // customizing the icons for the tree
            // setting the folder icons
            // renderer.setOpenIcon(IconLoader.getIcon("Open.gif"));
            // renderer.setClosedIcon(IconLoader.getIcon("Folder.gif"));
            renderer.setLeafIcon(null); // drop the icon
            // add renderer to highlight Inventory nodes with Red or Blue text
            // set the editor
            setCellEditor(new RollupTreeEditor(this, renderer));
            // set UI to over ride editing event method
            setUI(new CustomUI());A nice touch is to add a mouse listener so if the user clicks out of the editor it cancels the edit mode. So here is the simple call:
            tree.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
                public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                    // get handle to tree
                    RollupTree tree = (RollupTree) e.getSource();
                    // exit editor if in edit mode
                public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                    if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
              , e.getX(), e.getY());
            });Does this help answer your question?

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    Hi Mars-
    It sounds like your NI-DAQ installation may have become corrupted. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the DAQmx 7.4 driver to correct this problem and ensure that you're up to date. This download is available here: NI-DAQ 7.4
    If the problem persists you may want to uninstall and reinstall LabVIEW and then NI-DAQ in that order. The error message will usually give an indication as to which VI the error occurred in. Please let us know which VI is failing if you're unable to avoid the error with these suggestions.
    Have a good day-
    Tom W
    National Instruments

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    Using Time Machine is the simplest way to back up.
    debasencio wrote:
    They don't fit on a standard data DVD and when I try to back it up to my 500GB external hard drive it says its not formatted to files that size.
    How is the drive formatted?
    If it's DOS/FAT32, you can only size file sizes up to 4GB.
    If you are using it on a Mac only, format it Mac OS X HFS+.

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    Just unzip all Instant Client zip files in the same directory, they all have "instantclient_11_2" as first path element,
    so everything will end up in the right place in this directory.
    If your Instant Client directory has a different name, unzip the package somewhere and move all files and
    directories in it to your instant client directory.
    Laurenz Albe

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    I have created a webdynpro application and created a webdynpro Iview in portal and attached this view to a role.  I am looking for any standard function module or method which returns the full PCD path of the webdynpro iview, when it executed from portal.
    H.K.Hayath Basha.

    Well in ABAP, we don't have portal APIs to access potal catalog info.
    The only available Portal Interface is IF_WD_PORTAL_INTEGRATION

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    Object instanceVarValue = myInstance.getVar("myInstanceVarName");
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