MI 7.1 GETLIST filter by user

Hi experts,
I'm trying to send to the user getlist RFC sync (I'm adding it as a default in the backend, taking it from "Object Data Communication header field SEND_USR" I put a breakpoint on the call of meteodo "GET_KEYS" of adapter class and after making a "delta download" I see in the debugger that the structure "mbo_message_comm_hdr" is completely empty, what's going on?

Are you doing a Key Push?

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    If I am understanding you right, you can try the below option:
    In your report, currently there would be a static filter on flag='Y', but you need to include both 'Y' and 'N' flag values in filter when user selects a particular date on dashboard. If this is what you are looking for then, assign a presentation variable to the date column in the dashboard prompt (say varDate). Next in your report, add another filter. This filter would apply flag='N' clause in case if date is selected in the prompt. Hence in your report you should have filters like one given below :
    FlagColumn = 'Y'
    FlagColumn = case when '@{varDate}{1900-01-01}' <> '1900-01-01' then 'N' end

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    Hi Alastair,
    I've used nqudmlexec.exe in following way:
    I've created a txt file userexport.txt:
    where Group ASL AVELLINO is the group which must contain the user.
    I've launched script as following:
    nQUDMLExec -U Administrator -I "C:\Documents and Settings\giancarlo murino\Documenti\userexport.txt" -B "C:\OracleBI\
    server\Repository\TerPermissions.rpd" -O "C:\OracleBI\server\Repository\TerPermi
    where TerPermissions.rpd is the repository to modify.
    Procedure completes successfully, and I can view my new User under Administration Tool.
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    Username: MFNC44R288
    Password: MFNC44R288
    but i see error: Authentication failed
    But if I log in as:
    Username: MFNC44R288
    Password: <empty>
    I can access.
    Why password setted in my txt file is skipped? What I wrong?????
    All Regards
    EDITED: I have modified my txt file and replaced my password MFNC44R288 with your encrypted password: 'D7EDED84BC624A917F5B462A4DCA05CDCE256EEEEEDC97D54A286E822D97C35C7AD5C43AD4F2A09EAC4D07C3A079829F'
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    Password: welcome1 (decrypted password)
    and it works.
    Now I would know which alghoritm have you used to obtain encrypted version of password "welcome1" ?
    Edited by: user5380662 on 8-apr-2010 3.05

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    Hi ,
    I have set a filter Custom ( Just two values) for Version which is set as user point of view .
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    Thanks and Regards

    I know what you are referring to. What you did was create a filter only for your user id and not for the report. That option in the FR Studio is very misleading, it makes it appear as if the report was limited to those 2 members. It is only for the user id of the person developing the report when you preview the report.
    What you can do is put Version in the Grid POV. There you can limit the members users will see when they run the report. Unfortunately, it's not very pretty and a bit confusing for users.

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    I don't believe you can use the CSSImportExport utility to assign filters to users, this is because even though you assign the filters in Shared Services this information is still stored on the essbase side.
    You should still be able to use maxl to grant the access to the filters even in Shared Services mode.
    e.g. grant filter Sample.basic.exampleFilter to essUser;

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    Any suggestions?

    Hi Prakash,
    it's only since some minutes )
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/library/kmc/implementing resource list filters for flexible ui navigation/index.htm

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            oCreationParams = SBO_Application.CreateObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoCreatableObjectType.cot_FormCreationParams)
            oCreationParams.BorderStyle = SAPbouiCOM.BoFormBorderStyle.fbs_Fixed
            oCreationParams.UniqueID = "MySimpleForm"
            oCreationParams.FormType = "MyForm"
            oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.AddEx(oCreationParams)
            '// add a User Data Source to the form
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            oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("CombSource", SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_SHORT_TEXT, 20)
            '// set the form properties
            oForm.Title = "Simple Form"
            oForm.Left = 400
            oForm.Top = 100
            oForm.ClientHeight = 80
            oForm.ClientWidth = 350
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            oFilter.AddEx("MyForm") 'my form
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    * Show all users
    * Only show users that own objects
    * Only show users that own objects excluding Synonyms
    * Only show users that own objects excluding Synonyms and Temporary Tables
    This would be really useful for me, as our database has a ton of users that have no objects. :-)
    Thanks for a cool product that works on my Mac!

    It is great to have this feature, but at our site it is VERY slow - so much so that I thought that SQL Developer had hung.
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    On another point, selecting this option effectively removes an already saved filtered user if it doesn't have any available objects. This seems to include checking against schemas with availble objects when expanding the "Other Users" node, which now takes significantly longer than when this option is not set - taking 60 seconds to expand the node which is filtered to just eight schemas out of the 235 with available objects.
    Going back to the Other Users Filter to switch off this option appears to simply hang SQL Developer for the ~ 90 seconds that it takes to query the list of schemas with available objects.
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    Hi All,
    In the PO Approval Preview, I need to validate the user names before getting displayed when the user clicks the button 'Find'.
    Could any one specify the correct BADI.

    You can use BADI BBP_CHNG_AGNT_GET .
    See the foll related threads;
    Re: Replacing approver
    Re: SRM: Add approver - restriction of the selectable agents
    <b>Pls reward points for useful answers.</b>

  • GPO - WMI Filter - AD User Attributes

    Hello! I am creating a GPO for shares drives and the only way I can do this for a specific group is by pointing it the AD user account. (The below 2 Attributes have been decided by the AD Administrator)
    General - Office: "Site Location" (this will have 3 different site locations)
    Telephones - Pager: "Home Based"
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    Any assistance on how i could create the WMI, and if it is possible as I have never created an AD WMI related query. If i am not clear, please let me know!
    GPO - 2008 R2
    Thanks in advance

    > Hi Alex, yes i have looked at this way. Unfortunately, the OUs are so
    > scattered with other GPO attached at various levels that this is not
    > possible. I may need to look down ILT with an LDAP query so, assumed WMI
    > was the way forward.
    In this scenario, WMI is not the way, but ILT with LDAP queries should
    do the job perfectly :)
    Mal ein
    gutes Buch über GPOs lesen?
    Good or bad GPOs? - my blog…
    And if IT bothers me -
    coke bottle design refreshment (-:

  • Sa520 Web filter per user?

    Is there a way in the sa520 to enable HTTP filtering per user or per group?  I simply want to add a "executives" group that do not get blocked out as much as Normal users.

    Hi John,
    If you use the standard Content Filtering of your SA520, then you  cannot segregate client access.  Either all clients are blocked or all  are allowed.
    If  you buy a license for ProtectLink Gateway, then you are able to block a  group of users from viewing certain sites, while predefining a list of  clients that will have access to the sites in question- in this case your Executive Group.  However, they  will have access to all sites.  Clients will either be blocked or  allowed to visit sites that are to be filtered.

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    unfortunately it does work, the ticket (with status confirmed or withdrawn) still appear in the homepage of our processor in "my messages"
    We would like to hid ticket with status "confirmed" (closed) or "withdrawn"
    Help would be grateful.

    Sames as
    Run time Error

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    business partner who logs into Portal.
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    Is there any way i can fetch the Portal User id
    during the execution of BW report? so then i can filter
    records by writing code in user exit.
    I tried using variable sy-uname, but it populates
    the BW user id and not portal user id.
    Please reply if anybody knows solution to this query.
    Thnx in advance.

    Abhijit ,
    My understanding:
    You need to filter the query by the Business Partner ID and not by User name and Business Partner number and BW User ID are both different.
    If you want to filter by User name:
    Why don't you try using SSO through EP and that way you would get the ID of the person logged in.
    If you are using user mapping:
    Or what you could do is maintain the mapping in an info object/table in BW and query against the same.
    If you are using Business Partner:
    Populate the business partner master which will have the user name attached and that way you would be able to get the Business partner ID.

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    We have installed Service Pack 2 and June 2014 CU recently will this effect ?
    Can any one throw some light on this??
    Geeth If you feel that the answer which i gave you is Helpful please select it as Answer/helpful.

    Hi Geetha,
    Which IE version are you using? First I'd try to add the URL to the compatibility mode sites, then to the trusted sites (if it is not done already). Then I'd try to set the default browser as IE8 or 9 (pressing F12, developer tool).
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

  • Identifying user selection of drill filter

    Hie Guys,
    I am creating a report that contains a single hyperlink to different reports based on the user selection of the drill filters. I need to be able to identify what drill filter the user selected in the form of a formula so that I can direct the user to the appropriate report when they click on the hyperlink.
    For e.g.
    If user selects drill filter for month, take them  to report 1
    If user selects drill filter for department, take them to report 2.
    If user selects drill filter for Unit, take them to report 3..

    Hi Jeewan
    First you need to know if a filter selection was made ,
    DrillNumMonth=Count([Month - Key])
    Second Obtain the value of selection
    DrillMonth=ReportFilter([Month - Key])
    Third Evaluate
    =If(([DrillNumMonth]=1; Link_Month ; If([DrillNumDim2=2; Link_Dimension2 .....
    I hope this help you

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