Mi ipod touch se vuelve loco!

, se empieza a manejar solo, no me deja hacer nada, ya lo restaure pero sigue igual!

Google translate:
my ipod touch is crazy! , You start to drive alone, will not let me do anything, I restore but still the same!
Restore to factory setting/new iPod if you have not done so already. If you still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem and service is required.

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    iOS: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.

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    a que se devera que mi touch pad de vuelve loco cuando lo pongo  a cargar con un cargador alternativo 

    Buen día 175915648, 
    Gracias por su mensaje.  Con gusto le asistiremos con el problema del touchpad que no funciona correctamente. Para diagnosticar y reparar el equipo, por favor siga los pasos a continuación si su cargador alterno cumple con los requerimientos de fabrica del equipo de lo contrario será necesario hacer uso del cargador de fabrica para resolver el problema:
    Asegúrese de que no haya un ratón u otro dispositivo USB externo conectado al sistema y pruebe el botón del touchpad. Si ésta no funciona, conecte un mouse externo para los siguientes pasos.
    Presione la combinación de teclas Fn+F1 simultáneamente para habilitar el touchpad.
    Apague y luego reinicie la computadora y, en el momento en que la computadora se esté apagada, presione el botón ASSIST para iniciar la aplicación de Recuperación de VAIO. Si la almohadilla táctil (touchpad) no funciona apropiadamente mientras se ejecuta la aplicación de Recuperación de VAIO entonces el problema está relacionado con hardware y se requerirá servicio para resolver el problema. Si la almohadilla táctil funciona apropiadamente, continúe con el resto de este procedimiento.
    NOTA: A menos que usted desee hacerlo, o como un último recurso para resolver este problema, no será necesario continuar con ninguno de los procedimientos de recuperación, ya que puede perder todos sus datos. En caso el equipo requiera ser enviado a reparación, refiérase al final de este correo.
    Para configurar el TouchPad a sus valores de fábrica, por favor siga los pasos detallados a continuación:
    En el escritorio, presione simultáneamente las teclas "Windows+I" y haga clic en Control Panel (Panel de control).
    En la ventana Control Panel (Panel de control) haga clic en Hardware and Sound (Hardware y Sonido), y bajo Devices and Printers (Dispositivos e Impresoras), haga clic en Mouse.
    Haga clic en la pestaña de Device Settings (Ajustes de dispositivos) y haga clic en Settings (Ajustes).
    En la ventana de ajustes vera un botón al lado izquierdo de la ventana que dice Por defecto o Defaults también se puede llamar restablecer, dele click y luego en la ventana que aparezca para restablecer los valores por defecto del panel selecciones OK o aceptar.
    Si te fue útil esta solución, favor dar clic al botón que dice ''Aceptar como Solución''.

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    Google translate:
    hello, I wanted to update my ipod touch and for some reason is stuck in a flashing display. It only shows the apple screen goes black within seconds, this repeatedly. I can not not even unlock screen appears. Someone can help me? Thank you!
    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer          
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    Any help greatly appreciated.
    ps. not sure if the problem corresponded with an upgrade of the Ipod software to OS 3.1 from 2.x....

    See this previous discussion:
    FIX for iPod Touch Home Button: Apple Support Communities

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    Message was edited by: 2009 IPOD TOUCH

    I have the same problem. Brand new two days ago. I synched the touch with Itunes but wasn't hooked up to the internet at the time so didn't do the software upgrade right away. Then I downloaded about a dozen apps (free and paid) with wifi directly to the touch. They all worked fine. Then I plugged it back in to Itunes and had it upgrade it to 3.1.2. It locked up Itunes several times since then and the downloaded apps no longer work (they start to open then disappear).
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    Message was edited by: IPatronius

  • 1st Generation iPod Touch No Longer Recognized by Windows 7 PC

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    I have the latest version of iTunes as well as the most up-to-date Windows updates. I have already followed all the steps listed here (iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows) multiple times with no success.
    I also have tried following the instructions listed here (Re: For those Windows users who suddenly cannot see their device in iTunes. Here's a solution that has worked.) but this also hasn't worked since the iPod isn't recognized in the Device Manager and I am not given the option of updating the drivers, manually or otherwise.
    I have uninstalled/re-installed iTunes and all related Apple services multiple times. The Apple Mobile Device Service is functioning normally. iTunes diagnostics indicate that there is no device connected no matter what I do. I have reinstalled my Windows USB drivers and changed the settings on the USB Root Hub in the Windows Device Manager to disable power saving options.
    I have tried connecting the device to another PC which detects and syncs another apple device (iPhone 5) with no issues, and had the exact same result: the computer doesn't even recognize an iPod is connected.
    I can't update the Apple Mobile Device Drivers because the device is not recognized by my machine in any way.
    I even completely reset my iPod and that just left me with a unactivated iPod that still isn't detected.
    I am really unbelievably fed-up with the useless "try checking your USB cable"-style advice that people seem to offer on this forum. If anybody has dealt with this issue and has any serious advice other than "re-install iTunes," it would be much appreciated.

    You said "I am really unbelievably fed-up with the useless "try checking your USB cable"-style"
    - Did you try another cable?
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    Try on another computer

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    I'm not a techhie expert, but I generally know my way around computers, however I could not resolve this.
    I called the Apple technical support desk, where I spent 1 hour 45 minutes with 2 different advisors who could not resolve this. We installed and re-installed various components from drivers to itunes to anti virus software, however nothing could change. There was simply no recognition of the ipod at all when connected.It does give a pop up message to restore the ipod, however you can't actually click on the restore button because to have to get rid of the pop up message first, then the screen with the restore facility disappears.
    Windows xp is continually popping up a message saying " FOUND NEW HARDWARE WIZARD There was a problem installing this hardware. Apple Mobile USB driver. An error occured during the installation of the device. The system cannot find the file specified."
    You then have to click on finish, however the message keeps coming back. We kept going round and round in circles with the technical support people, where it was left that I should start removing programmes on my computer to see if any of those are causing a problem. I have had the same spyware for the last 12 months now and never had a problem before, nor any other programmes.
    I booked a genius appointment at my local Apple store today where the assistant reset the ipod to factory settings so it could at least work. I explained the situation, however 15 minutes was never going to be long enough to look into it, and a restore was all they did. Obviously all of my programmes were lost, however when I got home and plugged it back into the computer again, it could not be recognised by itunes and i got the same pop up message. Luckily we have not spent alot on downloads, however my son has lost his music now and it cannot be connected or upgraded. It's under guarantee however a software upgrade by Apple has totally messed my computer up. I really don't know who to turn to now as both the service support and store has not rectified this, something I feel has been caused by Apple.
    Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    Does the iOS device connect to other networks?
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on your router
    .- Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network       
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • IPod Touch will no longer sync...error message.

    For some reason my older iPod Touch without a camera on it will not sync any more and I am getting an error message saying this iPod cannot be synced. Now I had it set up to sync over Wi-Fi and I would occasionally hook up to the computer with the cable and got error messages on both. Now I read something about removing the SC Info Folder. If I do that will that mess things up with syncing my iPhone? 

    What is the exact wording of the error message?

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    Yes. You can sync an unlimited number of iDvies that you control to one iTunes library/account. If using the same iTunes library on the same comutr just make sure that yu go to the ap. music and other pane for the iPod in iTunes and select sycn selected items. Not the the whole library.  That way each iPod can have it own contents.

  • Delete file from ipod touch

    How can I delete any music file from iPod touch? I couldn,t by iPod nor iTunes.

    - With iOS 5 yuo can swipe the cong and a delete button shows up. Tap the delete button
    - You can also connect the iPod to your computer and unckeck/deselect the songs in iTuns on the computer and then sync.

  • I'm trying to get the ios 4.2.1 on my second generation iPod . Is there a way to install it directly on my iPod touch because my iTunes on my computer is not working. Please help Apple! I need the update. Just give me a link.

    Im trying to get the ios 4.1.2 on my iPod touch 2nd generation. Can I install it directly on my iPod . My iTunes on my computer isn't working!

    you have to have itunes installed but check out http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4623.

  • I am trying to put the music from my ipod onto my new computer. After installing itunes and connecting my ipod touch a message comes up saying that my ipod is already synced with another library. What can I do to sync it with a new library?

    I recently got a new computer and got rid of my old one. I am trying to put the music from my ipod touch onto my new computer but keep getting a message saying that my ipod is already synced with a library and cannot be synced with more than one. How do I access that library on my new computer and if I can't are their other ways for me to put the music on my ipod into my new computer?

    Syncing to a new iTunes library or computer will erase your ipod. Only if you back up your iPod manually before syncing, you can restore your device from that backup again. A manual backup does not include the sync process.
    Disable autosync in iTunes, connect your iPod to your new computer and right click on it in the device list and choose backup. iTunes will backup your ipod without syncing.
    Transfer your purchases the same way, choosing "transfer purchases" this time.
    When you connect your iPod for the first time, all media content will be erased. But you can restore your settings and app data from your manual backup afterwards.
    Don't forget to set up at least one contact and event on your new computer to be able to merge calendars and contacts when you sync the ipod for the first time.
    Music is one way only, from the computer to your device, unless you bought the songs in itunes and transferred your purchases.
    There is 3rd party software out there, but not supported by Apple, see this thread:http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2013615&tstart=0
    About backups and what's saved: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4946
    How to back up and restore:http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1414
    How to download apps for free again:http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2519
    Saving other data is also described here. How to back up your data and set up as a new device

  • Have Macbook Pro & 4th gen iPod Touch. Downloaded & installed iOS 4.3.2 yesterday. Upgrade went without a hitch, but now iTunes on My Macbook Pro will not open. I get an error that says "iTunes" Data too new to be used with this version of iTunes.

    Have a Macbook Pro and a 4th gen iPod Touch. Downloaded and install iOS 4.3.2 yesterday. Upgrade went without a hitch, but now iTunes on My Macbook Pro will not open. I get an error that says --The file "iTunes Library" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes--. I am running iTunes 10.1.  I searched for Updates to my MacBook Pro (running 10.6.7), but comes back saying no updates available. WHAT IS GOING ON??

    Is your computer still authorized in the Store menu in iTunes?
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization
    When I changed to my new MacBookPro I had to authorize it although I used TimeMachine to transfer my settings and data.
    Did you try to deselect Wi-Fi syncing and enable it again after that?
    iTunes 10.5 and later: Troubleshooting iTunes Wi-Fi syncing
    Did you already transfer your purchases and manually started a backup?

  • What do i do if my internet is wep and i need it to be wpa2 because my ipod touch 4th gen connects to the internet but when i click on safari or itunes it says safari cannot open the page because its not connected to the internet

    what do i do if my internet is wep and i need it to be wpa2 because my ipod touch 4th gen connects to the internet but when i click on safari or itunes it says safari cannot open the page because its not connected to the internet. i have contacted apple support and they said to change from wep to wpa2 but when i change it to wpa2 and type in password and connect on my laptop it says the saved setting on this computer for the network do not match the require ments of the network

    My 2nd gen works fine with WPA2 and AES encryption.
    You may need to go back and start over.  Reset the router back to factory defaults, log on as the admin, set up security, DHCP, and make sure the IP address pool has enough IP addresses to lease to ALL of the computers/devices that will connect to that the router.

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