Microsoft LLDP protocol driver

Unable to setup Server 2012 Network Adapter without the Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver. I have searched for the driver but have had no luck. My question is where is it located on the Server 2012 CD

The Microsoft Link-Layer Discovery Protocol service is a kernel mode driver. Please check if the mslldp.sys file exists in Windows folder under system disk or not.
In general,
the system files may come as part of the operating system.
If mslldp.sys file is missing, you can try to restore it from your Windows 2012 installation media. Besides,
Windows OS uses a .wim file to store all system files, you can check the
install.wim file on your CD.
If mslldp.sys file exists, maybe it is due to Microsoft Link-Layer Discovery Protocol fails to start, you can check if any error is logged.
Best regards,

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    Hii ..
    need help on this ..
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    //ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
                    DataExportLevel "Level0";
                    DataExportOverwriteFile ON;
                    DataExportColFormat OFF;
                    DataExportDimHeader OFF;
    /*DATAEXPORT "File" "," "/home/hypadmin/samtest.txt";*/
    DATAEXPORT "DSN" "Abhitest" "sample" "sa" "welcome1";
    out put as below:
    Now In sql I created only 3 columns with name Jan/Sales/Actual and when I run this script again with comments removed .. I get the same error as what I have got in my first test case with other application ..
    but when I create the columns with same name as what its in export
    It created the new rows successfully ..
    So with this I think the error which I am getting with my other application might be because of the same column issue  .. but then I have created all the columns by looking at the export file only as I did in sample ..
    Any idea would be helpful ..

    First make sure you add
    DataExportRelationalFile ON;
    to your set commands it is missing
    I alwats like to also add
    DataExportColHeader dimensionName;
    so I am sure what dimension is getting put into the columns.
    Then count the number of dimensions in your outline (exclude attribute dimensions). You need at least that many columns in your table  -1 + the number of  members you will be returning as columns in the export
    Taking your example Sample basic has 5 dimensions
    Since you did not specify a dataexportcolheader it took the dense dimension Scenario as the columns. Your fix statement is limiting that to one member. Doing the math
    5 -1 + 1 = 5 columns in your table which is what you found works.  Suppose you fixed on bothe Actual and budget in scenario then you would need 6 columns 5 -1 +2

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    Hi Tripplec.
    Thanks for the reply. I am away from home at present without my ThinkPad, so will try it at the weekend. I am an experienced computer user but this is a brand new machine and I have never had a laptop that produced error messages without providing any suggested fixes. It seems that Lenovo is not suitable for ordinary home users, but only for computer engineers. Sadly that is not me... so before I plunge in, can I just check some details?
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    2. You also suggest that I go to Network Connections via Control panel, properties of adapter, Install and select the desired Protocol(s) and install them.  Is that an alternative fix  to 1 above - or an essential follow-on after removing the offending adapters?  (Last week I searched the machine and the Lenovo support page of drivers - and never found a TCP/IP protocol driver. If you know where one can be found, I would prefer to instal a new driver, rather than delete other devices and hope that the machine reinstalls them later!).
    Much obliged for your assistance.

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    "where a.RQM_VC_DTRTMNT_INVLV='Technology' ");
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    RQD_IN_STTS_ID_FK = 4"+
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    According to your description, I did a test with your script, and got the same message as your post. Usually, by default, the Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv) supports the four extensions file, such as *.asc, *.csv, *.tab, *.txt. To solve this issue,
    I recommend you try to save the LST file in the above format, then use OPENROESET to get data from the supported extensions file in SQL Server.
    In addition, the
    OPENROWSET function is mainly used to retrieve remote data from an OLEDB data source, when you use OPENROWSET without BULK, provider_name is a necessary parameter in the script. However, the OPENROWSET (BULK...) is mainly called from a SELECT…FROM clause
    within an INSERT statement, when importing bulk data from a data file into SQL Server table. Thus if you need to import bulk data, you should use the basic  syntax: INSERT ... SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK...), also there are some alternatives, such as
    BCP .
    Lydia Zhang

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    Thanks for the help.

    Hi, PalomaMouse, et al. - There is a new KBase article containing the solution to this issue, here:

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    public void insertDatabase( ){
                String rule = "fty";
                double weight = 0.245;
                    String sql = "INSERT INTO [Sheet2$] ( Rule, Weight ) " +
                      "VALUES ( '"+ rule +"', '" + weight + "' )";
                     int row = myStatement.executeUpdate(sql);
                     myResultSetPapar = myStatement.executeQuery("Select * from [Sheet2$]");
                catch(SQLException e){

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    You can download MS Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive from the MS website, also. Here is the link:
    MS Office 2004 for Mac Test Drive Download
    iMac Intel Core Duo 20", 1.5 GB RAM, LaCie 200 GB FW HD   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   eMac 1.42GHz, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB HD, SD; iPod w/ video 30 GB

  • [Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'RECOVER'

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    The db version: On RAC on Linux 5.8 x86-64Bit
    Errors in file /d01/oracle/TEST/11.2.0/admin/TEST1_dbtest/diag/rdbms/prod/TEST1/trace/TEST1_reco_11909.trc:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    [Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'RECOVER'. {28000,NativeErr = 18456}
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from HIS_CUST
    The file /d01/oracle/TEST/11.2.0/admin/TEST1_dbtest/diag/rdbms/prod/TEST1/trace/TEST1_reco_11909.trc
    Contains many repeated lines like below
    *** 2015-01-21 06:34:40.209
    ERROR, tran=21.24.51311, session#=1, ose=0:
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    [Oracle][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'RECOVER'. {28000,NativeErr = 18456}
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from HIS_CUST
    Could any please help why is this happening.

       You have customers who are running distributed transactions using a gateway which need to be rolled back.  However, the gateway has not been correctly configured for distributed transactions.  To roll back a transaction on the SQL*Server database a connection is made as the user defined in the parameter  HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT in the gateway init<sid>.ora file but this user has not been created in the SQL*Server database with the password defined in HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD. This user also needs to own the transaction log table.
    I assume you are using the Database Gateway for SQL*Server (DG4MSQL) as the Database Gateway for ODBC (DG4ODBC) doesn't support distributed transaction.
    If you have access to My Oracle Support have a look at this note -
    How to Setup DG4MSQL to Use Distributed Transactions (Doc ID 227011.1)
    Otherwise, check the Gateway documentation.

  • Microsoft office test drive

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    My only option was to open my already registered copy of word, excel, etc. and open the file I wanted. This is workable solution, but not I am not enthused.
    I have removed Test Drive and now when I try to open a document U get an error message saying "The operation cannot be completed. An unexpected error occured (error code -10660)."
    So the computer is obviously trying to locate the Test Drive version that is no longer there. How can I make my registered version the default? I tried searching the message board, but I only found people who were having problems uninstalling Test Drive.

    The Office Test Drive version should be removed from the hard drive before installing the full version. The following was copied from Microsoft's Mactopia website:
    Note: You should remove the Test Drive version of Office 2004 before installing the complete version.
    I'm afraid you need to remove Office 2004 and re-install it.

  • How can i load  microsoft SQL Server driver in the classpath ?

    i need to have microsoft SQL Server driver in the classpath , how can i do that to run the following code :
    String driver = "";
    with best regards

    Just as information, if you need to load a JDBC driver dynamically without previously knowing its name (meaning you can't add it to the classpath manually in your startup batch), the following will not work:
    // register the SQL driver as necessary
    // connect to the DB by using the driver.
    String connString = "my_dbserver:1433;databasename=my_database";
    String strDBConnect = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://" + connString;
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(strDBConnect, userName, passwd);
    This is because the DriverManager.getConnection checks if the loaded class was loaded by the same class loader than itself. And for dynamic scenarios, you need a new classloader for the new classes.
    Above, the class will be loaded correctly, but getConnection will fail.
    This behaviour costed me several hours while developing a dialog for adding drivers dynamically, until I saw the reason.
    But a solution has been posted in the forums, which goes like this:
    // jdbcLoader is my individual class loader, you can construct it with the driver url
    Class driverClass = Class.forName(driverName, true, jdbcLoader);
    currDriver = (Driver)driverClass.newInstance();
    // problem: classes which were loaded in custom class loader are not recognized by DriverManager. So the following would fail:
    // conn = DriverManager.getConnection(...)
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.setProperty("user", (String)paras.get("youruser");
    prop.setProperty("password", (String)paras.get("yourpwd");
    conn = currDriver.connect((String)paras.get("yourURL", prop); // this one works for all classloaders
    But in your case, it seems to be enough to add the file manually, as was described in previous replies...
    Christian Sy

  • Java.sql.SQLWarning: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database

    I am updating a table in sql server 2000 using PreparedStatement but as im trying to updateit. SQL is giving error or rather we can say warning.
    java.sql.SQLWarning: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Database changed to BRSHere BRS is my database name.
    no error is generated .all the PreparedStatement is executes normally.
    Can any one tell me anything about this

    All the PreparedStatement is executes normally.But data is not updated in the database.

  • [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC] Broken pipe

    I have Web App in which I am connecting to MS SQLServer 2005. I have created a datasource on the server and used Microsoft's free JDBC drivers i.e. msutil.jar,mssqlserver.jar,msbase.jar. Now every now and then I am getting the following error when trying to connect to the SQLServer
    [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Broken pipe;nested exception is: java.sql.SQLException:[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Broken pipeAny ideas what might be wrong and how to take care of this issue.

    DataDirect driver is certified with Oracle Application Server accessing SQLServer, here is an example of a data source entry for SQLServer in OralceAS 10.1.2.x.
    Here shows a SQLServer managed data source example and a SQLServer native source example in OracleAS 10.1.3.x:
    SQLServer Managed Data Source
    <connection-pool name="ConnectionSqlserver"
    url="jdbc:oracle:sqlserver://myserver\\myinstance;User=msuser;Password=mspass" >
    <property name="serverName" value="myserver\\myinstance"/>
    <managed-data-source connection-pool-name="ConnectionSqlserver"
    name="mysqlserver" />

  • Microsoft Shared Fax Driver Missing

    I have been using Windows Fax and Scan to send faxes from my Pro 3500 desktop. Suddenly, the print driver for this utility no longer works. When I double click on the "fax" selection in the print device list, I get a message that says I must select a printer. When I right-click on the fax device, and look at properties,  I get an error message that says: "The Microsoft Shared Fax Driver is not installed on this computer." Any advice on how I can re-install this driver? I could find nothing on Microsoft's site.

    Hi emjersey,
    I am sorry, but to get your issue more exposure, I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums, since this is a commercial product. You can do this at
    I hope this helps!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Apple screwup on Microsoft Office test drive

    I got my mac all setup and transfered my files from my old pc I need to save for work and home information. Tried to start Microsoft Office test drive to convert some things to text to save in mac and the program informs me my version has expired,,,,, it seems in was installed on the HD in October way before I ordered the imac on November 28 lol. Anyone else with this problem? I plan on ******** just a little about it.
    mmmm not to bright ,, rather stupid actually lol
    I still love my imac tho,, it is a beautiful awsome little bundle of joy
    imac 17" 1gig mem   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   saved from a windows world

    It doesn't make sense to me that you would have a
    problem like this. I have bought 2 iMacs this year.
    One of them was about 7 weeks old when I got it and
    my installation of the test drive worked just fine.
    Bought a 3 month old e Mac last year and used the
    test drive for 30 days while awaiting delivery of my
    full version of Office.
    It has nothing to do with the date the software was
    installed but from the date it was first opened.
    Wierd problem. Did you buy this Mac new?
    yes brand new, from the apple store online at,, I talked to some guy on the apple help chat thing and he said my machine was manufactured on 10/22/05 I ordered it 11/28/05. Anyway I did trash it lastnight and am going to try and reinstall it it. The tech suggested it then he said he didnt think it would work lol. I also downloaded the program suggested and it works well also.. so either way Im covered now.

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