Microsoft project 98 and oracle 8i

I'm trying to save a project from MS project 98 into an oracle 8.1.6 database (located on an AIX Server).
I installed Net8 on the client (NT4), the Oracle ODBC driver, and MDAC 2.5.
The connexion test is Ok.
When I tried to save the project into my ODBC source, I first got the ORA-3127 error. If I enable 'Force Retrieval of Long Columns', I have another error which is ORA-01461.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem.

I've seen reports on newsgroups of people having this problem, but I've never heard of a resolution. I suspect that Project is doing something dunderheaded, but I can't prove that. You might search deja in case someone has posted a fix.
Your best bet is probably to contact Oracle support. I suspect someone needs to sit down and try to figure out what Project is trying to do here. Unfortunately, this would be a pretty significant undertaking, so I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope for a quick resolution.
On the other hand, perhaps someone in the forum has managed to get this working properly.

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    BluShadow wrote:
    3360 wrote:
    Yes it is. The Oracle database wasn't initially designed to be ANSI compliant. As you correctly state the ANSI standards weren't around when it was initially designed, so the statement is perfectly correct. ;)Ok, in one sense it may be correct but it is a completely misleading statement. Not sure why you think it's misleading.Because there was no ANSI standard, so making it sound like a design choice The Oracle database wasn't initially designed to be ANSI compliant. would suggest to most readers that there was a standard to be compliant to.
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    Please see "Oracle Project Management User Guide", Chapter 5.
    Applications Releases 11i and 12
    The following documents should be also helpful.
    Note: 277096.1 - **FAQ Integration with Microsoft Projects**
    Note: 236522.1 - Oracle Project Management Release & Installation Notes
    Note: 236585.1 - Oracle Project Management Documentation
    Note: 804746.1 - Is It Possible To Use Microsoft Projects Integration Without Oracle Project Management?

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    Thanks for your post.
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    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Project and Project ServerFAQs
    Project Server Help BLOG

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