Microsoft rdc for mac

I have a MacBook Pro (13" new July 2012) and have upgraded to Mountain Lion. Has anyone had success downloading and using Microsoft's Remote Desktop for Mac?

I've know a few people who have had trouble getting CoRD to work correctly with their PPC mac. Personally I've not had any problems. I know the later version seems to work better.
As MS RDC, in an ideal world it would be nice if that could be resolved. I have been playing about with that myself a few times now. At first I thought it was a firewall problem on my Mac. After many hours of fiddling with this, it still had the same problem. This problem is the same for my MacBook pro too.
Many user forums seem to be suggesting config change, but I find it odd how it works fine with Windows XP, but connecting to anything else has problem. Could it be a configuration problem in Windows I wonder? Should you come across a resolution, then let us know here on the Support Community.
Best of Luck.

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    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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    I've know a few people who have had trouble getting CoRD to work correctly with their PPC mac. Personally I've not had any problems. I know the later version seems to work better.
    As MS RDC, in an ideal world it would be nice if that could be resolved. I have been playing about with that myself a few times now. At first I thought it was a firewall problem on my Mac. After many hours of fiddling with this, it still had the same problem. This problem is the same for my MacBook pro too.
    Many user forums seem to be suggesting config change, but I find it odd how it works fine with Windows XP, but connecting to anything else has problem. Could it be a configuration problem in Windows I wonder? Should you come across a resolution, then let us know here on the Support Community.
    Best of Luck.

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    VNC & RDC (a.k.a.: RDP) are separate and for the most part have nothing to do with each other.
    Did you mean VPN (virtual private network) instead of VNC? (Virtual network computing protocol.)
    More than likely, you need to configure the firewall at work to allow incoming RDC sessions.  (i.e.: configure port forwarding) or use a VPN.  The VPN connects your remote computer "directly" onto the office's network, bypassing the firewall.  Creating a VPN is not trivial.  But configuring the firewall or VPN will probably require you to contact your network administrator to get the proper settings anyway.

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    Hi Todd,
    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
     I am afraid to inform you that still the function of audio is not supported by MRD MAC OS x 8.0.9.
    Thanks for your understanding and support!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

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    MacBook Pro 13'' 2011
    Microsoft Word for mac 2011
    OS X Yosemite 10.10

    Message was edited by: leroydouglas
    better yet, try this solution:

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    Take a look here:
    If that doesn't help, I'd suggest you take up the question in Microsoft's own forums or with Microsoft support.

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    No it is not possible.
    You can use office for mac, on OSX, but not on windows.
    You need to use the windows version, on windows 7.

  • I lost my ability to use Microsoft Offic for Mac, when I upgraded my MAC from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion! HELP!

    HELP !
    After I upgraded my operating system on my mac, (from  Snow Leopard (10.6 ? ) to Mountain Lion (10.8.2), virtually ALL of my documents (recipes, update logs, information of untold things), have been denied to me with my Microsoft Word for Mac (which I have used since I purchased my mac in Aug.2008).
          I now get a window that tells me "You can't open the application "Microsoft Word" because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." (Needless to say, I cannot use Excel or anything else, either!)
          Yet, I can still access them, fully (read and even print fro them), individually, by dragging a file into my PREVIEW program!
          What gives?
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         What can I DO?

    You need to upgrade your copy of MS Office. You're using a version that is 8 years old (at least). You can buy Office 2011, which will work. You could also get a copy of Pages from the App Store, which is cheaper and will open Word files (though not perfectly). Or you could get a free Office clone, like OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

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    Pages '09 will open .doc files from Word 2004. The Mac OS is not what is in question. Pages '09 opens Word 2004 documents and if the same version of Pages will run in Lion and in Mountain Lion ..... Thats all that matters.
    I trust you were using MS Office 2004 and would now like to buy Pages?

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    Use any number of free alternatives to your nearly decade old version of MS Office.
    LibreOffice (donation-supported)
    NeoOffice (free)
    OpenOffice (free)
    In addition to the above I also recommend Apple's Pages ($19.99). I use OpenOffice and Pages and have been completely Microsoft - free for years. Life is better without Microsoft.

  • Microsoft Office for Mac open recent File menu option causing AFP to crash

    Hi all,
    We have an Xserve running Mac OS X Server Leopard 10.5.8. The Xserve hosts three file shares for about 60 users. Our network is 99% Mac based running mostly 10.5.8 with a few 10.6.x. We have historically over the past several years had the AFP service become unreliable and crash frequently. Late last week the AFP service crashes constantly. The quick solution to getting it up and running is to delete the AFP.conf file in /etc.
    We have troubleshot one cause of AFP crashing to the Open Recent... File menu option in Microsoft Office for Mac applications. That is, through some amount (haven't been able to narrow it down to how much) of opening documents on the share via the Open Recent menu the AFP service will crash.
    Here's what's happening in the AppleFileServer .crash file:
    Process: AppleFileServer [26065]
    Path: /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer
    Identifier: AppleFileServer
    Version: ??? (???)
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [1]
    Date/Time: 2010-04-12 13:25:54.666 -0700
    OS Version: Mac OS X Server 10.5.8 (9L34)
    Report Version: 6
    Anonymous UUID: 273147DD-D725-4DAB-B403-95391FF85FE1
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x0000000000000015
    Crashed Thread: XX
    ******** blah *********
    Thread XX Crashed:
    0 AppleFileServer 0x0004bc15 operator+(OSException&) + 103513
    1 AppleFileServer 0x00064988 operator+(OSException&) + 205260
    2 AppleFileServer 0x0006da4e operator+(OSException&) + 242322
    3 AppleFileServer 0x000711f3 operator+(OSException&) + 256567
    4 AppleFileServer 0x00071446 operator+(OSException&) + 257162
    5 AppleFileServer 0x00076686 operator+(OSException&) + 278218
    6 AppleFileServer 0x000790d7 operator+(OSException&) + 289051
    7 AppleFileServer 0x0004560c operator+(OSException&) + 77392
    8 AppleFileServer 0x00044269 operator+(OSException&) + 72365
    9 AppleFileServer 0x00044343 operator+(OSException&) + 72583
    10 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9587c155 pthreadstart + 321
    11 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9587c012 thread_start + 34
    This is followed by a lot of these entries in AppleFileService.log file:
    IP xx.xx.xx.xx - - [12/Apr/2010:13:25:54 -0800] "Login username" 0 0 0
    IP xx.xx.xx.xx - - [12/Apr/2010:13:25:54 -0800] "No matching key: username" 1271103954 1271103943 1
    ** - - [12/Apr/2010:13:26:15 -0800] "Mounted Volume VOLUME1" 0 0 0
    ** - - [12/Apr/2010:13:26:15 -0800] "Mounted Volume VOLUME2" 1 0 0
    ** - - [12/Apr/2010:13:26:15 -0800] "DiskArbStart -" 0 0 0
    Our solution is to have all our users turn off the open recent option in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Not an ideal solution but it may get the AFP service running "good enough."
    Has anyone had an experience like this before or can anyone duplicate the AFP service crashing when trying to open documents on a share via the open recent menu? Any other ideas?

    I have been able to consistently reproduce a problem where the AFP service will crash if a file that a user has an alias to is moved to a folder and the user is denied access to .
    1. On your Mac create an alias to a file or folder, that you have access to, that is stored on a share served via AFP. The alias can be in the Places section of a Finder window, on the Desktop, or anywhere an alias can be created. Lets call what the alias points to the target.
    2. Move the target to a folder on the AFP share and deny the user or group Read & Write access to that folder.
    3. Try accessing the target via the alias created in step 1.
    The AFP service should crash.
    Can anyone reproduce this crash scenario too?

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    I am using a verizon email address and microsoft office for mac outlook program to manage my emails.   Does any one know if  the apple outlook version offers the ability to save emails as a pdf so that I can save it to my hard drive and how to access?

    This is the Microsoft forum site that parallels what Apple has:
    Office for Mac forums
    It's not uncommon for MS employees who work with the Mac side of the business to help there. All in all a useful resource for Office:Mac

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    Try calling MS support and explaining the situation, maybe they will issue a new key.
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