Mid-roll Ads

Hello Does anyone know how to go about create a mid-roll ad
on a video player.. .the way youtube runs their invideo Ads?
any help would be appreciated!

For me, I implemented midrolls using a similar approach described in a webcast that Jodie O'Rourke put out, basically it uses a proxy element and swaps out the real media for the midroll as necessary, it works quite well and does not affect the duration of the real media.
You can find the webcast here:
https://experts.adobeconnect.com/_a204547676/p82986027/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbM ode=normal
Hope that helps!

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      The below are my questions
      1. How can I deliver VAST compliant video advertisements which are mid-roll in nature?
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    You can start with the presentation the Brian Riggs did at Max this year:

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    2p Worth

    I was sad to read this story as well.
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    For me, I implemented midrolls using a similar approach described in a webcast that Jodie O'Rourke put out, basically it uses a proxy element and swaps out the real media for the midroll as necessary, it works quite well and does not affect the duration of the real media.
    You can find the webcast here:
    https://experts.adobeconnect.com/_a204547676/p82986027/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbM ode=normal
    Hope that helps!

  • Playing midi through piano-speakers

    embarassing problem;
    i create a midi-roll, try to play it back, and it plays through the built-in speakers of my digital-piano (via USB).
    Thing is, only option i have in Preferences - Devices - Core Audio is "Built-in input" and "Built-in output".
    How to i get the track to play through my on-board soundcard?

    You will need a cable which connects from the audio out (headphone plug) at the back of the computer. This is a 3.5 mini stereo plug. Typically this comes in a Y adapter style that has RCA female ends. These ends then connect to a standard RCA cable. Get the length you need to reach your stereo and utilize one of the line inputs on your stereo.
    Hope this helps,

  • 10/14/2014 - Release - Flash Player 15

    The next version of Flash Player is available for immediate download.  In today's release we've updated Flash Player with important security updates and bug fixes.  We recommend users update to the latest version.
    Security update details can be found here: Security Bulletin (APSB14-22)
    New Features for Flash Player 15:
    Relaxing Stage3D Render Target Clear
    In previous versions of Stage3D, after switching the render texture through Context3D::setRenderToTexture, you were required to clear it before drawing. In this release, we're removing this limitation and optimizing the use of render textures. This change will allow you to further optimize and reuse depth and stencil buffers between different render textures.
    For additional information, please see Relaxing Render Target Clear Operation in Stage 3D.
    Improved support for browser zoom levels - Windows 8
    Flash Player now has improved support for browser zoom factors other than 100% on Internet Explorer on Windows 8.x.  Devices, like the Microsoft Surface tablets, default to a zoom level of 150%.  In the past, this could cause problems with Flash Player and some 3D content.  With our new implementation, we can now scale the content and 3D buffers to keep everything aligned.  In addition, Flash Player introduces an option to render to an increased Stage3D back buffer, rather than scaling, on browser zoom to keep the resolution of the rendered content high. This option allows to the stage3D buffer to change in size in synch with the change in the browser zoom factor.  Developers are notified of this change with a new ZOOM_FACTOR_CHANGE event.
    For additional detail, please see the article Improved Resolution of Stage3D Content on Browser Zoom
    Flash Player Fullscreen Orientation Change - Windows
    Flash Player will now detect and appropriately scale your content to fit best in a fullscreen display when your device orientation is changed.  This change is specific to Windows and is implemented across all browsers.  We're focusing on providing the best tablet experience possible.  A resize event will fire when in fullscreen mode and the device orientation changes.  Developers, if your content does not resize, you will need to handle the resize event appropriately.  Additional details will be made available in a separate blog post.
    For additional details, please see the Guide for Supporting Screen Orientation with Full-Screen Flash Player Content.
    Hardware video decoding on Chrome (PPAPI) for Windows
    We're pleased to announce that hardware video decoding is now enabled by default for Chrome users on Windows.  This feature will drastically reduce the CPU usage and improve performance on supported videos players.  We're working closely with Google to bring this feature to OS X and will provide additional details when available.
    Automatic software fall back with StageVideo
    Flash Player 15 now supports a Software version of StageVideo that provides an automatic failover to the software version when hardware StageVideo is not available. To leverage this automatic failover, the swf apps need to be compiled for Flash Player 15 and above.
    When the swfs are compiled for Flash Player 15 and above, and when hardware StageVideo is unavailable, the app will get a StageVideoAvailability event as earlier, but instead of being "Unavailable" it will ALWAYS be "available", and the reason will always be "noError". The app will no longer need to implement a Video object failover as the failover is automatic inside flash player. The apps can still choose to use Video object instead of StageVIdeo if needed.
    Hardware StageVideo availability is dependent on a number of factors, including:
    Browser hardware rendering support: If available, all wMode based apps will support hardware StageVideo. If not available, wMode=direct based apps will be the only ones that will support hardware StageVideo, unless there are other exceptions, like the ones mentioned below.
    On Windows:
    IE11: IE has an accelerated pipeline and the FlashPlayer is HW accelerated in all wmode, so StageVideo should always be available. Note that the decision to use the HW accelerate rendering pipeline reside in IE.
    Firefox: There is currently no HW accelerated pipeline available in Firefox on windows and only wMode direct will have StageVideo available all other wMode should generate a unavailable event.
    Chrome: Pepper has HW acceleration in all wMode, but some restrictions apply. For example Chrome will refuse to use HW acceleration on Windows XP and it has its own driver blacklisting mechanism. It is also possible for the user to disable the HW acceleration in the settings panel. Chrome exposes a somewhat useful page to allow one to see the status of its gpu acceleration: chrome://gpu/
    On Mac:
    Safari: All wMode should expose StageVideo
    Firefox: All wModes should expose StageVideo
    Chrome: All wMode should expose StageVideo, with the same limitations as the windows version.
    Driver version: Certain older drivers may not support hardware StageVideo
    User settings: If a user turns off hardware acceleration, then hardware StageVideo will not be available
    Full Screen: Hardware StageVIdeo is always available in Full Screen mode.
    When the hardware StageVideo fails because of browser support, wMode, driver version or user settings, starting with Flash Player 15, SW StageVideo will be used automatically without needing any configuration or code in the app.
    For complete information please see our release notes.
    Fixed Issues
    [Win8.1][IE11] Resolves an issue introduced with Flash Player that affected Dragon Quest Monster Parade (3818827)
    [Win8.x][IE10+] printJob.addPage() no longer throws an erroneous exception (3822297)
    [Win8.x] Fixes an issue where Print To Printer only printed the first page (3825794)
    [Win8.x][MSFT 654468] Full-Screen content is incorrectly scaled when the user requests Full-Screen Mode after zooming in or out with the browser zoom (3822208)
    [Win][Firefox] Fixes an issue where FileReference.browse() file dialog was opening behind the browser window (3822025)
    [Mac] Resolves an issue introduced with Flash Player  Using the volume keys on the keyboard now works as expected in Adobe Connect (3827641)
    [Mac] Resolves an infrequent issue where the Flash Player installer could not determine the correct OS version for users on MacOS 10.8+ (3814718)
    [Mac 10.9+] Resolves an issue where Flash Player would use a large amount of CPU if the network was disconnected while a video using the Adobe Video Engine was playing (3811674)
    Stage3D Content is now available on the Nvidia Tegra K1 (3809317)
    WebVTT Captions are now correctly displayed after a mid-roll ad is inserted into a video stream (3809912)
    [HTTP Live Streaming] The lowest possible bitrate i-frame stream was not being used if TrickPlay was enabled (3812854)
    Current Flash Player desktop users that have enrolled in the "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" or the "Notify me to install updates" update options will receive an update notification dialog within 7 days from today (please note that Windows users will need to restart their system to receive the notification dialog.)
    Please note that both Flash Player for Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows 8.x are updated using different mechanisms.  Flash Player for Google Chrome updates will occur during regular Chrome updates.  Flash Player updates for Internet Explorer on Windows 8.x will be provided by Microsoft though the Windows automatic update feature.
    If you would like to install the update immediately, please use one of the links below:
    Flash Player 15 desktop for Windows XP, Vista and 7 and Internet Explorer (ActiveX):
    Flash Player 15 desktop for Windows XP, Vista and 7 and Other Browsers (NPAPI):
    Flash Player 15 for Internet Explorer on Windows 8.1 (64-bit machine):
    Flash Player 15 for Internet Explorer on Windows 8.1 (32-bit machine):
    Flash Player 15 for Internet Explorer on Windows 8 (64-bit machine):
    Flash Player 15 for Internet Explorer on Windows 8 (32-bit machine):
    Flash Player 15 desktop for Mac (NPAPI):
    Flash Player 11.2 desktop for Linux (NPAPI):
    Flash Player 13 Extended Support Release for Windows and Macintosh:
    Previous versions of Flash Player can be found on the Flash Player Archive page
    If you encounter a problems with broken or missing links, please clear your browser cache and try again.  If the problem persists, please create a new post in our forum or send email to [email protected].

    Sometimes the release version has a later build number than the last beta we received, which in a way can be even worse than if the build is the same. The thing that has caused some confusion is that a few posts here have been answered with "we've fixed that and it will be in the next build", and the next build turned out to be the same as the previous build.
    So, I think the truth is that those things are fixed in the next build that appears on labs, and the release one doesn't count as a new beta build. I don't know when the next labs build will be.

  • Smart Strings "More..." menu not working for me

    iPhone 4
    iOS 6
    Newest GarageBand
    I manually type in a Smart Strings part. Wanting to change a note to pizzicato, I tap it and then tap "More..." as I have in previous versions. Instead of giving options for pizzicato, instrument change, etc. like it used to, the whole menu just disappears and I'm left looking at the MIDI roll again. I've played old songs that I made in previous versions of GarageBand and they play the notes pizzicato but the same thing occurs with the "More..." menu when I tap a note.
    I've submitted a bug report, does anybody here have any ideas what's causing this or how I might fix it? If you can't tell, I like to use pizzicato a lot.
    Thanks for any help.

    you can download the help files here:  http://helpx.adobe.com/pdf/flash_reference.pdf
    the context sensitive help on windows that works, works with the online help.
    i don't have my mac flash cc activated this weekend so i can't test there.

  • Advertisement Demo

    I need to embed a streaming video preceded by a disclaimer.  The Advertisement plug-in demo at the below address seems to fit the bill:
    http://osmf.org/dev/latest/advertisement-demo.html (in particular the pre-roll ad)
    I downloaded Strobe Media Playback from:
    Next, I tried to recreate the demo by downloading the page and the accompanying javascript files.  I couldn't find the plug-in file anywhere except http://osmf.org/dev/latest/AdvertisementPlugin.swf, so I just saved the file from Firefox (I've never tried that before with an SWF file, but it seemed to work).
    So, with all of the files in place, and correcting the paths within the JavaScript, I have the videos playing with various parameters, but I cannot successfully load any ads.  Each of the videos loads just as in the demo, but the ads simply don't appear.  It seems to me that the plug-in's SWF file is not loading, and nothing I have tried has worked.
    Here are my questions:
    - Is saving the SWF file within a browser a valid way of acquiring the plug-in SWF?
    - Is there more to installing this plug-in than putting the SWF in the right place?
    - The parameter showVideoInfoOverlayOnStartUp is also not working; I don't need this, but are the issues related?
    - Is there a simpler way to embed a video with a pre-roll ad?
    Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your helpful response.  I am still sifting through the myriad of information in an effort to find the best path to move forward.  Although it was not my initial intention to become engrossed in learning video player development, I have none-the-less been on this journey for awhile testing out basic Flex builds and then moving on to a trial of Flash Builder and OSMF.  Still a newcomer to flex/flash, my true goal is to find a non-branded video player “widget” that can be configured via object/embed tags to play copyrighted video content along with pre-roll and post-roll ads.  I’m not looking to re-invent the wheel, but simply to satisfy this requirement.  Perhaps you are aware of an existing player(s) that will suit this need?
    I’ve recently been looking into the VAST/MAST plugins and am wondering if this might be the way to go?  These seem centered around flexibility with third party providers, which is not my intention at this juncture, although it could become useful down the road.  From what I understand, it would require some reconfiguration of my web application to generate XML files in the correct format to feed to the plugin.
    Currently, we are using .flv format for both our videos and advertisements.  No real basis for this, and it could be changed as our understanding of the best practices surrounding compatibility, quality, and other unknowns are clarified.
    Thanks again.

  • Interrupting video playback to play an ad

    I looked at the MASTPlugin sample that allows adding pre-roll and post-roll ads using SerialElements. What I am not clear is a way to show ads during the middle of the video stream. In other words, I would want to interrupt the current video, show an ad and resume the video. The video element controls when an ad should be shown. How is this possible with the framework? I am still trying to understand the framework features. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Great questions.
    a) If the media player has control of the experience, then it should simply load the media from the ad plugin at the moment that it's needed, and insert it into the media presentation.  So the media player would define the composite experience (whether that be a SerialElement with multiple children, or a switching ProxyElement), and insert the MediaElement from the ad accordingly.  Since ad media isn't intrinsically distinct from other media, typically this means that the media player will need to associate some metadata with the ad resource, and the ad plugin will only handle that resource if it has that piece of metadata.  There's no need to unload the plugin -- keep in mind that the loading of a plugin and the loading of the plugin's media are distinct operations.
    So to drill down into your example: I would create a switching ProxyElement (as suggested above) where the primary child is the main video.  At (or just prior to) the one minute mark, the switching ProxyElement would load the MediaElement from the plugin (via MediaFactory.createMediaElement) and switch to it.  (Note that this assumes that the player has loaded the plugin already.)  The key distinction between this and my previous post is that the switching ProxyElement is defined within (and controlled by) the player application, and the plugin simply serves up a single, simple MediaElement.
    b) The generalized statement of this problem is "the player needs to signal to the plugin when to do something".  That's the intent behind MediaElement-level metadata.  The player's MediaElement could signal (via events) the presence or absence of metadata that the plugin can use to decide that an ad needs to be displayed.  So you'd still have a switching ProxyElement at the plugin level, but the plugin wouldn't have control over when to switch (and show the ad).  Instead, it would listen for a metadata event from the primary VideoElement it wraps, and do the switch at that point.  The signal could also come from cue points, which may be a more natural approach.
    These are high-level descriptions of how to tackle these problems, but I've left out much of the detail.  Let me know if this makes sense, and if there are specific areas we should go deeper on.

  • Default Duration of a video element

    when I set the defaultDuration property of a video element it hasnt no function. The video is playing to the end. Is that a bug or a miss implementation by me?

    The defaultDuration property isn't meant to control the duration of playback.
    Once the media is loaded, the actual duration is used rather than the defaultDuration.
    Sounds like what you want might be subclips instead - something like this?
    var resource:StreamingURLResource = new StreamingURLResource(REMOTE_STREAM);
    resource.clipStartTime = 10;
    resource.clipEndTime = 25;
    return new VideoElement(resource);
    And now for more than you may want to know about the defaultDuration property:
    This property exists in case you want to set the duration for an element before it is loaded.
    For example, in a serial composition you might want to play 3 videos, two which are content, and one which is a mid-roll ad.
    Each video doesn't get it's duration set until it is loaded - but you want to have a scrubber bar UI element that allows you to move across from beginning of the 1st video to the end of the 3rd video. You don't get the total duration of all 3 videos until they are loaded, which happens "just in time", too late for your scrub bar.
    So you can manually set the "defaultDuration" of the video. This manually set duration defines the duration that the element's TimeTrait will expose until the element's content is loaded. By manually pre-assigning a duration to each piece of media, the total composition duration can be calculated. This duration can be used by user interface controls (such as a scrub bar).
    Hope that helps!
    P.S. Ideas to improve the docs are VERY welcome. Here are the two places we talk about this feature now:
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/OSMF/1.0/AS3LR/org/osmf/elements/VideoElement.html#defaultDura tion

  • Is there a way to prevent roll-over ads from opening? Some sites are almost impossible to navigate because of this new nuisance.

    For instance, www.roughstock.com is a country music website where you can see lyrics and chords for popular songs that contributors have sent in. From the main page you click on the "Cowpie" tab to enter the page where you can search for songs. If you do this I am quite sure you will experience one of the roll-over advertisements I am talking about. They are small ads which, if you touch any portion of their area, will TAKE OVER the screen and play until the advertisement is finished or until you are able to find a usually obscure 'close' button.
    I've got 'pop-ups' disabled, but this new kind of ad is already resident on the page you wish to view so it is beating the system.
    Also, I'm not spamming for that site, it's just the most recent site where I've experienced this problem.

    It's going to get worse with crap like that as more web sites adopt HTML5 and HTML5 compatible browsers are released. There's all sorts of new tags in HTML5 that will probably be misused for displays like that.

  • Why can't i see my midi in the piano roll of logic

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    This guy posted your solution on another message:
    Re: Deleted Fax Modem from Tiger and Now I can't create a new one.
    Posted: Jul 28, 2006 9:43 PM in response to: Mitch G.
    The Fax modem printer is formed when you choose Fax PDF... from the PDF button of the Print... dialog box. In other words, do it once, even if you do not complete the fax, and it will be there.

  • Is there a way to show/reveal the piano roll (or score) from a midi input when recording an audio track in Logic 9?

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    Just open the piano roll fro the regions you want and deselect the chain icon at the upper left.

  • Displaying multiple midi regions in piano roll

    I have overdubbed some midi tracks and would like to view and edit them in one window of the piano roll.
    The manual says "Ensure that View > Show Selected Regions Only is switched off."
    Well for the life of me, I cannot find any option in either view menu (arrange window or piano roll) for "Show Selected Regions Only."
    Am I missing something?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Not sure if this will help or not, but if you select all the MIDI you have, and then open piano scroll view, all the MIDI will be there. The drag is it is a litle hard identifying one from the other.
    I have two Ultrabeat tracks and selected both tracks, then opened Piano Scroll and both were there.
    Not sure if that helps or not bro but it is what I have done to address the problem

  • Separate midi drum channels not showing in piano roll, only kick

    hey ya'll!  I separated my midi drum notes on to separate mudi tracks. But now only the kick track shows up in the piano roll window.
    I am using AD and need to be able to edit the drum midi tracks. I use the piano roll window for this. Can someone help me?

    You can select multiple regions in the arrange window and they will all show up in the piano roll. If you color each drum region a different color and select "region colors" in the piano roll view menu you can easily tell which regions are whoch.

Maybe you are looking for

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