MIDI Step Input Recording

Whenever I initiate step input recording Logic creates a one-bar region. If I enter notes beyond one bar I can see the notes in the piano roll editor and event list editor but not the score editor. After I finish I have to manually expand the size of the region. Is that the way it's supposed to work?
Also, the documentation says that to initiate step input recording you just need to activate the midi input in one of the editors. The only way I've been able to do it is bring up the step input keyboard and play at least one note on the keyboard. Otherwise I cannot do step input from my external keyboard. Again is that correct?

I have the same results.
After step recording, Have to manually expand (drag right to lengthen) the midi region in the arrange.
But, before I can step record, I have to manualy insert the blank midi region, open it as matrix (piano roll) and then engage midi IN button, play keyboard and notes are entered. I don't have to
bring up the step input keyboard.

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    The best place to ask would be in the Logic Express forum.

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    Have you opened the Audio MIDI Setup app on your mac? It's found in your Launchpad app (on your doc) and Other folder it should be in there. Make sure your MIDI keyboard is recognized and configured for the mac. Also look at your MIDI settings within Logic as well.

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    Tsk tsk, Nigel, don't you see: this is a story - with a cliffhanger... he said he tried... but he never clarifies if he succeeded or not... but still, he has to do it. It's stronger than him, bigger than him, there's no escaping the step-input and midi-input via usb-keyboard scoring... it's fate I tell you! Fate!

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    Have you opened the Audio MIDI Setup app on your mac? It's found in your Launchpad app (on your doc) and Other folder it should be in there. Make sure your MIDI keyboard is recognized and configured for the mac. Also look at your MIDI settings within Logic as well.

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    Did you find an answer for you question?

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    Add this And check it,
    stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;

  • Lsmw (batch input recording)

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    Hi Neela,
    These are the steps to be followed while doing a Batch Input Recording.
    LSMW STEPS (Batch Input Recording)
    1. Maintain Attributes:
    Here you have to choose the second option and you can do the recording how this should work. Then assign the same to the Batch Input Recording name.
    2. Maintain Source structure:
    Create a structure name
    3. Maintain Source field:
    Create a structure like the Input File
    Name - LIFNR
    Description - Account number or Vendor Number
    4. Maintain structure relations:
    This will link the structure to the input file.
    5. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules:
    You can choose the Auto Filed Mapping under Extras Menu. Yopu can also do coding, depending upon the code you have written or assignment you have done the values will get picked up from the file and get processed.
    6. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules:
    If you have any fixed values you can define here.
    7. Specify files:
    Specify the input file path and type.
    8. Assign files:
    This will assign ur file to the Input file
    9. Read Data:
    This will read ur data from teh file.
    10. Dispaly Read Data:
    You can see the uploaded data
    11. Convert Data
    This will convert the data to the corresponding format for processing
    12. Display Converted data:
    13. Create batch input session
    Here this will create a batch input session for processing
    14. Run Batch Input session:
    By clicking on the session and process (Back ground or Display Errors)
    Refer the Below Links
    Reward Points if Useful

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    I often have to reselect the complete chord by mouse and then change the length.
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    Jandu1, Tengo hayer desde el Mismo Problema me de han dejado de sonar 3 Notas del Teclado sol si re del C1, Pero él probado el Teclado en Otro descargas estafa Maschine y Funciona Perfectamente, Creo Que Es Un Problema de lógica, si no hay respuestas Haber dan .

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    I dont think that this has directly something to do with LSMW.
    It is more related to the transaction your try to post in the batch input.
    Search OSS with the error message number. I had seen some notes for number SE001, but your message is actually twice in the message table, and you did not tell the message number.
    If it is message SE001, then you may find programm corrections in OSS.
    Otherwise just log out and in again and try, or open a message at OSS yourself if the problem still persists

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