Might Mouse Side Buttons stiff

As the topic suggests, I really have to SQUEEZE my might mouse to trigger the side buttons. Is this normal? I don't think a child would be capable of clicking them, that's how hard mine is?

Mine are the same....I'm hoping they'll loosen up over time!

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    Before messing with the mouse, please find the Caps Lock key on your keyboard and turn it off
    The mighty mouse side buttons can be configured to do ONE thing only as far as I know - they both operate as a single button. In the mouse configuration tab of System Preferences you can set the buttons to a pre-specified option or you can tie it to running an AppleScript. Perhaps using an AppleScript you can figure out how to make this work.

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    The Apple mighty mouse has always been a OS 10.4.x and higher specifications mouse.
    You might have success with usb overdrive: http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/7115/usb-overdrive-x
    I didn't bother with such things though. I got the Logitech LX3 and it comes with
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    Good luck!

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    [Discussions on working of Mighty Mouse|http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20070103082828118]
    [How to clean your Mighty Mouse|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1537?viewlocale=en_US]
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    Hi dogstar20
    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    For the last 2½ years I've had to leave the blasted touchy side buttons turned off!
    There's just something about the way I grip the mouse, no matter what system I use, mine, my (friends & neighbors), even the new models on display at BestBuy and the Apple Store.
    Go to: *Apple / System Preferences / Keyboard & Mouse / Mouse* and turn the Side Buttons off.

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    Squeeze = F11 Desktop Exposé
    Option + Squeeze = F10 Application Windows Exposé
    Command + Squeeze = F9 All Windows Exposé
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    PowerMac G5 2.0DP   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   4.5GB RAM, 2 x 300GB HD, X800 XT

    Okay I just figured it out like 2 minutes after I made the post! Hopefully this will help others if they are looking to do the same thing:
    Just go to the "Dashboard & Exposé" Preference Pane and hold down the key you want to use as a modifier as you select the mouse button you want to use from the menu (in this case Button 4 is the side buttons). Simple. So simple I overlooked it!
    Until next time....

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    Message was edited by: Dean Lehwalder

    Kroky wrote:
    Is there any way to do that??
    See Christoph Drösser's post here:

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    It's because there is nothing to go back to, so it plays the "alert/error" sound.
    Just like it would if you were to hit the shortcut key....

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    Those are not buttons; they're just part of the case design. The Apple Pro Mouse is a single-button mouse.

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    Stihlmania, the arrow can be anywhere on the page. Does not have to be placed on the back or forward browser buttons and/or arrorws.
    I found this out by accident when I kept flipping through browser pages when I first got my G5 iMac which included the Mighty Mouse. So I had to get into the habit of keeping my finger off of the scroll nipple until I needed to scroll and/or flip through browser pages.
    I am new to OS X. I did not want to change the "default" settings of MM until I got use to Tiger. Still learning to use Tiger but, I got the hang of MM so I am keeping the "default" settings for now.

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    i think you're looking too deep. you can configure your mighty mouse buttons from within system preferences --> keyboard and mouse preferences. also, see the apple might mouse web site for more info.
    hope this helps!
    brian cometa
    <edited by host>

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    lol if only it was that easy, unfortunately they don't offer those commands unless I'm totally missing something. I found a program called SteerMouse that lets you but you eventually have to buy it.

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    There was conflicting settings between the mouse pane and the spaces pane.
    All Solved

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