Migrate database using streams

does anyone migrated a database using streams?
I need migrate a database with zero downtime.

Hi Serge
For you migration, did you just fallow the oracle documentation for logical standby or did you use a dedicated documentation / whitepaper or someting similar describing this kind of migration?
Im looking for migrating a 9i DB to a 10g DB. During this migration we would also like to change the OS from HP-UX to Linux.
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    We have two database (oracle9) DB1(src) and db2(dest) in windows 2000(prof) platform
    1. The insert,Delete are working fine, when ever changes are made to the source it gets reflected in destination, but in case of update statement.only the source gets updated but not the destination.
    Any suggestions..pls help?

    As u are using oracle streams can u suggest me configuration for same.
    I configured source instance as given below but i am getting error ora-4031(unable to allocate <> bytes of memory)
         Database Mode = archive
                   Share_pool_size=52m &
                   share_pool_reseved_size= 5m (10% of share pool Area)
                   Archive log mode =true
                   log_archive_dest_1 :='location =E:\oracle\archive1 reopen=30"
                   log_archive_dest_2 :='location =E:\oracle\archive2 reopen=30"
    can u mail me
    at [email protected]

  • Migrate database using RMAN

    hi masters,
    we are going to shift our current production database to a new server. we are currently using oracle 10g R2 on Linux platform.
    apart from another options, i would like to know what are the steps that one should follow while doing this migration???
    actually i want to convince my seniors that RMAN is safe and easy way to carry out this stuff..
    what are the steps and what care should be taken while doing this???
    are we going to use RMAN backup file on new server with RMAN of new database with same database name as of old??
    what are the steps??
    any suggestion will be value addition.
    thanks and regards

    Hi V.D.,
    You can use RMAN's Duplicate Database command to clone your production on the new server.
    1. Create a password file for the duplicate instance
    2. Add TNS entries in tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files Reload the listener
    3. Create init.ora for the duplicate database
    CONTROL_FILES=(<newserverpath>/<duplicate_database_name>/control01.ctl, <newserverpath>/<duplicate_database_name>/control02.ctl, <newserverpath>/<duplicate_database_name>/control03.ctl)
    4. connect & start the duplicate database in NOMOUNT mode
    5. connect to RMAN. connect to original database (TARGET), the recovery catalog (CATALOG) and duplicate database on new server (AUXILIARY)
    rman TARGET sys/password@<target_database_name> CATALOG rman/rman@<rman_catalog> AUXILIARY /
    6. dupicate the database as follows:
    DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE TO <duplicate_database_name>;
    Hope it helps.

  • Error upon inserting data in sql Database using stream analytics job: Datatye error conversion

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    Message: Conversion from 0 to System.Boolean failed. 0 was of type - System.Int64.
    Conversion from 0 to System.Boolean failed. 0 was of type - System.Int64. Exception message at level [1], exception number [0], parent exception number [0]: Conversion from 0 to System.Boolean failed. 0 was of type - System.Int64.
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    into a bit data type when inserting in sql table.
    I'm wondering if you already have encountered this problem. Could you help me resolve this problem?
    Thank you.

    Azure Stream Analytics does not have Boolean type. On input we will convert JSON Boolean value to bigint.
    Here is the list of supported types and conversions:
    You  can fix this erro by changing column type from bit to int in SQL table schema.

  • Data is not replicated on target database - oracle stream

    has set up streams replication on 2 databases running Oracle on windows.
    Steps for setting up one-way replication between two ORACLE databases using streams at schema level followed by the metalink doc
    I entered a few few records in the source db, and the data is not getting replication to the destination db. Could you please guide me as to how do i analyse this problem to reach to the solution
    setps for configuration _ steps followed by metalink doc.
    Set up ARCHIVELOG mode.
    Set up the Streams administrator.
    Set initialization parameters.
    Create a database link.
    Set up source and destination queues.
    Set up supplemental logging at the source database.
    Configure the capture process at the source database.
    Configure the propagation process.
    Create the destination table.
    Grant object privileges.
    Set the instantiation system change number (SCN).
    Configure the apply process at the destination database.
    Start the capture and apply processes.
    Section 2 : Create user and grant privileges on both Source and Target
    2.1 Create Streams Administrator :
    connect SYS/password as SYSDBA
    create user STRMADMIN identified by STRMADMIN;
    2.2 Grant the necessary privileges to the Streams Administrator :
    In 10g :
    2.3 Create streams queue :
    queue_table => 'STREAMS_QUEUE_TABLE',
    queue_name => 'STREAMS_QUEUE',
    queue_user => 'STRMADMIN');
    Section 3 : Steps to be carried out at the Destination Database PLUTO
    3.1 Add apply rules for the Schema at the destination database :
    schema_name => 'SCOTT',
    streams_type => 'APPLY ',
    streams_name => 'STRMADMIN_APPLY',
    queue_name => 'STRMADMIN.STREAMS_QUEUE',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    source_database => 'REP2');
    3.2 Specify an 'APPLY USER' at the destination database:
    This is the user who would apply all DML statements and DDL statements.
    The user specified in the APPLY_USER parameter must have the necessary
    privileges to perform DML and DDL changes on the apply objects.
    apply_name => 'STRMADMIN_APPLY',
    apply_user => 'SCOTT');
    3.3 Start the Apply process :
    v_started number;
    SELECT decode(status, 'ENABLED', 1, 0) INTO v_started
    if (v_started = 0) then
    end if;
    Section 4 :Steps to be carried out at the Source Database REP2
    4.1 Move LogMiner tables from SYSTEM tablespace:
    By default, all LogMiner tables are created in the SYSTEM tablespace.
    It is a good practice to create an alternate tablespace for the LogMiner
    4.2 Turn on supplemental logging for DEPT and EMPLOYEES table :
    connect SYS/password as SYSDBA
    Note: If the number of tables are more the supplemental logging can be
    set at database level .
    4.3 Create a database link to the destination database :
    STRMADMIN identified by STRMADMIN using 'PLUTO';
    Test the database link to be working properly by querying against the
    destination database.
    Eg : select * from global_name@PLUTO;
    4.4 Add capture rules for the schema SCOTT at the source database:
    schema_name => 'SCOTT',
    streams_type => 'CAPTURE',
    streams_name => 'STREAM_CAPTURE',
    queue_name => 'STRMADMIN.STREAMS_QUEUE',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    source_database => 'REP2');
    4.5 Add propagation rules for the schema SCOTT at the source database.
    This step will also create a propagation job to the destination database.
    schema_name => 'SCOTT',
    streams_name => 'STREAM_PROPAGATE',
    source_queue_name => 'STRMADMIN.STREAMS_QUEUE',
    destination_queue_name => 'STRMADMIN.STREAMS_QUEUE@PLUTO',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    source_database => 'REP2');
    Section 5 : Export, import and instantiation of tables from
    Source to Destination Database
    5.1 If the objects are not present in the destination database, perform
    an export of the objects from the source database and import them
    into the destination database
    Export from the Source Database:
    Specify the OBJECT_CONSISTENT=Y clause on the export command.
    By doing this, an export is performed that is consistent for each
    individual object at a particular system change number (SCN).
    exp USERID=SYSTEM/manager@rep2 OWNER=SCOTT FILE=scott.dmp
    Import into the Destination Database:
    Specify STREAMS_INSTANTIATION=Y clause in the import command.
    By doing this, the streams metadata is updated with the appropriate
    information in the destination database corresponding to the SCN that
    is recorded in the export file.
    5.2 If the objects are already present in the desination database, there
    are two ways of instanitating the objects at the destination site.
    1. By means of Metadata-only export/import :
    Specify ROWS=N during Export
    Specify IGNORE=Y during Import along with above import parameters.
    2. By Manaually instantiating the objects
    Get the Instantiation SCN at the source database:
    connect STRMADMIN/STRMADMIN@source
    set serveroutput on
    iscn NUMBER; -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Instantiation SCN is: ' || iscn);
    Instantiate the objects at the destination database with
    this SCN value. The SET_TABLE_INSTANTIATION_SCN procedure
    controls which LCRs for a table are to be applied by the
    apply process. If the commit SCN of an LCR from the source
    database is less than or equal to this instantiation SCN,
    then the apply process discards the LCR. Else, the apply
    process applies the LCR.
    connect STRMADMIN/STRMADMIN@destination
    source_database_name => 'REP2',
    instantiation_scn => &iscn );
    Enter value for iscn:
    <Provide the value of SCN that you got from the source database>
    Note:In 9i, you must instantiate each table individually.
    In 10g recursive=true parameter of DBMS_APPLY_ADM.SET_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION_SCN
    is used for instantiation...
    Section 6 : Start the Capture process

    You must have imported a JKM and after that these are the steps
    1. Go to source datastrore and click on CDC --> Add to CDC
    2. Click on CDC --> Start Journal
    3. Now go to the interface Choose the source table and select Journalized data only and then click on ok
    4. Now execute the interface
    If still it doesn't work, are you using transactions in your interface ?

  • Want a complete migration guide to upgrade to database using DBUA..We are implementing R12.1.3 version and then have to migrate the default 11gR1 database to version. Please help with some step by step docs

    Want a complete migration guide to upgrade to database using DBUA..We are implementing R12.1.3 version and then have to migrate the default 11gR1 database to version. Please help with some step by step docs

    Upgrade to -- Interoperability Notes Oracle EBS R12 with Oracle Database 11gR2 ( (Doc ID 1585578.1)
    Upgrade to (latest 11gR2 patchset certified with R12) -- Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 and 12.1 with Database 11gR2 (Doc ID 1058763.1)

  • Use of non-migratable database link not allowed in OSB

    Hi All,
    I have a procedure in which tables are invoked using Database links.
    Now I have created a business service which uses this procedure. However I am getting below error
    The invocation resulted in an error: Invoke JCA outbound service failed with application error, exception: com.bea.wli.sb.transports.jca.JCATransportException: oracle.tip.adapter.sa.api.JCABindingException: oracle.tip.adapter.sa.impl.fw.ext.org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: servicebus:/WSDL/E2xInterface_V1/WSDL/GetEWOStatus [ GetEWOStatus_ptt::GetEWOStatus(InputParameters,OutputParameters) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'GetEWOStatus' failed due to: Stored procedure invocation error.
    Error while trying to prepare and execute the SP_GETEWOSTATUS API.
    An error occurred while preparing and executing the SP_GETEWOSTATUS API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed
    can we use dblink in procedure while accessing through business service. Please let me know.

    hello gurus . i have same problem on my stored procedure what is a non xa datasource. how can i create on my weblogic server

  • Use of non-migratable database link not allowed ERROR

    We have a notification process (on disabled user) in OIM that needs to connect to a schema in another instance to check some information before the notification is sent out.
    We have OIM in an instance A and the other schema lives in the instance B. We created a database link from A to B, some synonyms, and grant the right permissions for OIM to select the tables in the schema on instance B.
    We can login to OIM using SQL Developer and execute the query without any problems.
    However, when the query is executed in the Disable User process task, we got the error:
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed
    We tried to create a view in OIM that is similar to the one that lives in the schema in instance B. However, the same error exists.
    How can we work around this error?

    with all the info you have put here all I can say is : (with some help from google ;-) )
    ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed
    Cause: The transaction, which needs to be migratable between sessions, tried to access a remote database from a non-multi threaded server process.
    Action: Perform the work in the local database or open a connection to the remote database from the client. If multi threaded server option is installed, connect to the Oracle instance through the dispatcher.

  • Use of non-migratable database link not allowed - weblogic

    Can somebody help me with this error?
    The application use an entity bean for a view that use a dblink for accesing a table from another oracle database.
    Thank you.
    javax.ejb.EJBException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is:
         Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.2.v20100323-r6872): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed
    Error Code: 24777
         at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.unwrapRemoteException(RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.java:120)
         at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.java:102)
         at $Proxy190.queryVCommentMonitoring(Unknown Source)
         at ro.uct.capone.viewcontroller.Utils.getStatus(Utils.java:36)
         at ro.uct.capone.viewcontroller.forms.WatchListForm.validate(WatchListForm.java:114)
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processValidate(RequestProcessor.java:942)
         at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:255)
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482)
         at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:507)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:707)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:26)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at oracle.dms.wls.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(DMSServletFilter.java:330)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.doIt(WebAppServletContext.java:3684)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3650)
         at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
         at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2268)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2174)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1446)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.2.v20100323-r6872): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed

    I've gotten past this by creating the dblink as SHARED.
    The SQL is
    CONNECT TO "dbuser" IDENTIFIED BY "dbuserpassword"
    AUTHENTICATED BY "dbuser" IDENTIFIED BY "dbuserpassword"
    USING 'databasename';
    note the quote character use.
    You can also use SQL Developer to adjust this.
    This does depend on shared database connections between your db's.

  • Using streams to capture data from physical standby database.

    Does anybody know if it is possible to use streams to capture data from physical standby database instead of PROD database? The standby database is in read only mode. We use Oracle 11gR2.
    Thanks in advance.

    physical are closed : how will it managed the queues and overspill queues when target is not present? Also the data dictionary must reflect the primary but If you run capture, then you introduce rules that are not on primary: How ?

  • Migrating database from 10g to 11g

    Hi gurus,
    how we can migrate the database from 10gr2 to 11gr2 using rman.
    thank you!

    Pl see these MOS Docs
    Upgrading Database Version Online Using Streams and RMAN [ID 782444.1]
    RMAN Restore of Backups as Part of a Database Upgrade [ID 790559.1]
    The recommended method is to use DBUA as outlined in the link posted above

  • Migration Strategy Using The Golden Gate

    Hi All,
    I am a DBA and new to the Golden Gate area. We are planning to migrate the one of our database (24/7 availability).
    RDBMS Version:
    Os: HP-UX
    Size: 2TB
    RDBMS Vesrsion:
    OS: Linux (x86)
    What is the best approach to migrate the data using golden gate ? Which method of initial load will be preffered ?
    I appreciate if some one shared their experiences (preffered method/time lines).

    You would pay to license GoldenGate, but are using a desupported release of Oracle? If you are on support, simply upgrade to 10g and use transportable tablespaces. That's a no-brainer. Or, for whatever reason you cannot upgrade to 10g, use multiple streams of export/import. Or, use Streams. At face value, your combination of Oracle and wanting to use GoldenGate sounds like you aren't paying for either one.Yes, we are aware of 9i database support but we didn't get a chance to upgrade for all good reasons(old vendor app doen't support anything but 9i untill now. But we are going to
    migrate the database to new platform(linux) and to 10g (as vendor certified th 10g but not 11g ).

  • How To Store pdf or doc file in Oracle Database using Java Jdbc?

    can any one help me out How To Store pdf or doc file in Oracle Database using Java Jdbc in JSP/Serlet? i tried like anything. using blob also i tried. but i am able 2 store images in DB not files. please if u know or else if u have some code like this plz send that to me, and help me out plz. i need that urgent.

    Hi.. i am not getting error, But i am not getting the original contents from my file. i am getting all ASCII vales, instead of my original data. here i am including my code.
    for Adding PDF in DB i used image.jsp
    Database table structure (table name. pictures )
    Name Null? Type
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*,java.sql.*,java.io.*" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
    String path = request.getContextPath();
    String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
         Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger");
         PreparedStatement ps,pstmt,psmnt;
         ps = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO pictures VALUES(?,?)");
    File file =
    new File("D:/info.pdf");
    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file);
    int i = ps.executeUpdate();
    out.println("<h2>PDF inserted successfully");
    out.println("<h2>Problem in image insertion");
    catch(Exception e){
    out.println("<h2>Failed Due To "+e);
    O/P: PDF inserted successfully
    i tried to display that pdf using servlet. i am giving the code below.
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    public class DispPDF extends HttpServlet {
         * The doGet method of the servlet. <br>
         * This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
         * @param request the request send by the client to the server
         * @param response the response send by the server to the client
         * @throws ServletException if an error occurred
         * @throws IOException if an error occurred
         public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
                   throws ServletException, IOException {
              //response.setContentType("text/html"); i commented. coz we cant use response two times.
              //PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
                   InputStream sPdf;
                        Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger");
                        PreparedStatement ps,pstmt,psmnt;
                   psmnt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT image FROM pictures WHERE id = ?");
                        psmnt.setString(1, "4"); // here integer number '4' is image id from the table.
                   ResultSet rs = psmnt.executeQuery();
                        if(rs.next()) {
                   byte[] bytearray = new byte[1048576];
                        int size=0;
                        sPdf = rs.getBinaryStream(1);
                        while((size=sPdf.read(bytearray))!= -1 ){
                   catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Failed Due To "+e);
                        //out.println("<h2>Failed Due To "+e);
    PDF-1.4 %âãÏÓ 2 0 obj <>stream xœ+är á26S°00SIá2PÐ5´1ôÝ BÒ¸4Ü2‹ŠKüsSŠSŠS4C²€ê P”kø$V㙂GÒU×713CkW )(Ü endstream endobj 4 0 obj <>>>/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]>> endobj 1 0 obj <> endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <> endobj xref 0 7 0000000000 65535 f 0000000325 00000 n 0000000015 00000 n 0000000413 00000 n 0000000168 00000 n 0000000464 00000 n 0000000509 00000 n trailer <<01b2fa8b70ac262bfa939cc786f8770c>]/Root 5 0 R/Size 7/Info 6 0 R>> startxref 641 %%EOF
    plz help me out.

  • Creating a new access database using JDBC

    Hi Forum,
    I have a problem in hand. Let me describe the problem:
    I want to create an "access database" from java at runtime. "Access database" is file based, so for a database named test, it will have a file test.mdb.
    Now, everything's sweet and wonderful, if somebody creates an "empty access database" at the client machine and i then connect to it and create the tables i require.
    But the issue is i want to create the database at runtime (the database name and tables are determined at runtime).
    Using the JDBC:ODBC bridge driver , i am able to connect to an existing database, but any "create database" statements are not supported.
    A last ditch solution would be that i create an empty database using access and copy the file contents in the SQL server database as a a blob object. Then when i want to create a new access database at runtime, i create a file in a particular folder , with an .mdb
    extension, copy the file contents from the SQL server (i also have an SQL server connection) BLOB object, and then try to connect to the
    .mdb file.
    But this approach seems a "quick hack" and can have problems (which i can't see as of now).
    Can you suggest a better alternative for the problem.
    See the Java Sun forum at this address for a discussion of a similar problem, but sadly with no solution.

    I have an applet that was previously connected to Oracle 9i. I am faced with connecting to MS Access temporarily for testing purposes.
    I have been unable to successfully code connection in java. I have set up the DSN and can access in SQL Worksheet in JDev.
    I saw your question regarding creating an access db, and thought you might be so kind as to help me code the connection to access!!!!
    Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I have a huge application to finish with alot of sqlj already completed. Connectivity is not my area of expertise!
    Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated!!!
    I am not sure if I have to use bridge? Am I progressing in right direction to migrating to SQL Server if need be?

  • Partial replication of tables using streams

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