Migration from APEX 3.1 to APEX 4.0

Dear All,
We are currently upgrading our APEX application from Apex 3.1 version to 4.0. We have done this in two ways .
+1. Upgrade the Apex from 3.1 to 4.0 along with the application+
+2. Export from 3.1 and import into 4.0 version.+
Both the ways we are getting issues
The issues we are getting are:
First method:
+1. The reference IDs of fields in tabular form are getting changed and hence the Javascripts are not running.+
+2. Since the references are changed, the validations have to be re-looked.+
We made changes to pick the current reference ids, but still the scripts are not running (not even identified by the system. When we check with Firebug in Firefox, it shows the scripts does not exist/not recognised?!)
Second Method:
+1. The reference IDs are changed only for very few.+
+2. Javascripts are not fully imported by the system and it leaves few scripts. Hence few scripts are missing after import.+
Is there something which we are missing?What is the best way to migrate when there are javascripts involved?
Kindly reply.
K Tanna.

the session number is generated by Apex each time the end user logs in at your application.
This should give no problem when you migrate to a newer version.

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    Hi Mark,
    Take a look at some of the usage reports within APEX (sessions, page views etc) to get an overall feel for where the time is being consumed.
    You'll also find it useful if you can run a statspack report (or AWR, ASH etc) during a busy period to be able to drill down into where that CPU is being spent.
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    Blog: http://jes.blogs.shellprompt.net
    Work: http://www.apex-evangelists.com
    Author of Pro Application Express: http://tinyurl.com/3gu7cd
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

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    Hi Prabodh,
    This is the error i am getting
    Timestamp: 11/30/2012 5:03:02 PM
    Error: TypeError: ((f.event.special[r.origType] || {}).handle || r.handler).apply is not a function
    Source File: http://testserver:8000/i/libraries/apex/minified/desktop_all.min.js?v=
    Line: 3
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    Finally finally found the problem.
    The login page 101 was using a page template called "login". This template's Footer had a #FORM_CLOSE# text substitution tag that was commented out. As soon as I uncommented the tag out it worked.
    Obviously this tag wasn't so critical in pre 4.1 and 4.2 hence why the problem wasn't previously exposed.
    This is what the #FORM_CLOSE# tag causes to be generated within the HTML. I'm guessing that the page submit handler is looking for the hidden MD5 checksum item in order to prevent page manipulation of sorts. Because it can't find the tag it's throwing the error message.
    <input type="hidden"
           value=""  />
    <input type="hidden"
           id="pPageChecksum" />
    NOTE: The original template did not have a closing </form> html tag, so not sure how it ever worked in apex 4.0 or prior. It's certainly not visible looking at the HTML. Perhaps Apex 4.0 is less sensitive about that.

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    919342 wrote:
    VC, I have tried, the logic you suggested . It dosen't seem to work. However I have notice that the alignment issue occurs only in IE8 , when i open my application in chrome. The GUI seems to work fine. What did you do? sorry for the confusion..I meant you to inspect the element and copy and paste the html code here from inside the above div in your view source

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    Just want to report back that I found an answer to this, it is enough to import this string:
    So what i did was use Notepad++ and regexp to filter out the needed data:
    Search for: ^.+(INTERFACE.+$)
    Replace with: \1
    and then another replace for ";" with nothing.
    Then I ended up with:
    which could be imported with the mentioned scripts in my original post.

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    Triggers in forms will NOT work EXACTLY like they do in Forms, that is the nature of the beast.. APEX runs under a browser and you are running with html events to trap on..
    Suggestion, the Forms conversion tools converts only so much, you will have to do some work to get what you want. Also, I would suggest re-evaluating your application, since it was probably a client server based application, moving it to the web will involve some re-engineering..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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    <html lang="&BROWSER_LANGUAGE." xmlns:htmldb="http://htmldb.oracle.com">
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    <style type="text/css">
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  • Problems with saving after Migration on ApEx 2.2

    we migrated from HTMLDB 2.0 to ApEx 2.2.
    Now our end-users have problems.
    They want to save their changes and after pressing the change button an empty page appears.
    So they go back with the internet explorer back-button and press the save button again. Now the changes are saved in the database.
    Does anybody have the same problem?
    Is there a solution to fix this problem?
    Thank you in advance

    Yes thank you very much. This is the solution.
    But it's a pitty that we have to change the CSV endcoding option for all our applications after migration manually.
    Kind regards Ulrike

  • Multilevel Report Migration to APEX

    I have an Oracle 6i Report which I have to migrate in APEX. I have converted the file to XML and uploaded it in the project but the problems which I am facing during migration are: -
    *1.* When I click on the uploaded oracle XML file I am able to see this error: -
    ERR-1904 Unable to compute item default: type = Function Body computation_type= declare
    l_clob clob := empty_clob;
    v_print     varchar2(4000);
    select e.cdata into l_clob
    from   wwv_mig_rpts a,
    wwv_mig_report b,
    wwv_mig_rpt_data c,
    wwv_mig_rpt_datasrc d,
    wwv_mig_rpt_datasrc_select e
    where  a.project_id = :MW_PROJ_ID
    and    a.security_group_id = :flow_security_group_id
    and    b.id = :P112_ID
    and    a.id = b.file_id
    and    b.id = c.report_id
    and    c.id = d.data_id
    and    d.id = e.datasrc_id;
    *2.* During Application creation I am able to see about 10 reports generated, whereas i have uploaded only one and these reports are of the various SQL Query join in single report.
    Please help me with this issue..

    Can any one please help me out with this error....

  • Preventing automatic log out from Apex Developer session

    I've noticed that I am frequently being logged out of my Apex Developer session whenever I am tryng to 'return' to application builder after running/testing my application (using Apex Developer). It seems quite random as to whether it happens or not, but since migrating to Apex v4.2 it appears to be happening more frequently ( based on my first week of using this version). Is there any setting that can be applied to prevent this happening or to extend the timeout/inactivity period before it does happen,
    thanks in advance,

    Login as INTERNAL / ADMIN and go to Manage Instance > Security. There, you can define the maximal
    Maximum Session Length in Seconds      
    The help says:
    "Enter a positive integer to control how many seconds an application session is allowed to exist. This setting is superceded by the application level setting. Leave the value null in order to revert to the default value of 8 hours (28800 seconds). Enter 0 to have the session exist indefinitely. This session duration may be superseded by the operation of the job that runs every hour which deletes sessions older than 12 hours."
    and the
    Maximum Session Idle Time in Seconds
    The help says:
    "Enter a positive integer to control how many seconds a session may remain idle for Oracle Application Express applications. This setting is superceded by the application-level setting. Leave the value null in order to revert to the default value of 1 hour (3600 seconds). Set to 0 to prevent session idle time checks from being performed."
    Denes Kubicek

  • Migration of apex 3.2 Interactive Reports tpo 4.0

    I am currently involved with the update of APEX 3.1 to 4.0. Is it possible to have the user-saved IRs in 3.1 migrated to APEX 4.0? My understanding is that the users will lose their reports once the migration takes place.

    Hi Ajay,
    If you are upgrading then there shouldn't be any problems.
    Only issue raised was when moving the app from one instance to another instance with different application ID's.
    For more information see Preserving User Saved Interactive Reports

  • How to send BI Publisher reports as email attachments from Apex

    Hi there,
    Before I start working on this new endeavor, I would like to check if it is even possible...
    Here we have Apex 4.0.2 and Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise 10.1.3. We use the Apex integration with BI Publisher to generate PDF reports.
    Now there is a requirement that those reports should be optionally sent by email as attachments (ideally from Apex itself or from a database procedure in the Apex application schema.)
    I am not sure how to do it, as such reports are generated by calls to URLs like this:
    http://server/apex/f?p=123:0:3370070991917144:PRINT_REPORT=reportname:NO::PARAM1:123 => opens a PDF in the browser window
    Is it possible to be done? If so, how?

    there is no native support for directly faxing a report. you could e.g. use a fax-software that has a printer-driver that supports this.
    the oracle reports team

  • Calling Oracle Discoverer Report from Apex

    How to call Oracle Discoverer Report from apex application?

    The report is on a different data base ... need to create a process to get the data into the view behind the report and then materialized view in Apex etc .Then recreate the same report in Apex. But I am trying use the disc report url to invoke the report directly from apex.
    Any suggestions or thoughts are greatly aprreciated.

  • Unable to pass parameters from APEX to Oracle EBusiness suite R12 forms

    We are trying to access a standard Oracle EBusiness form i.e. service request and are invoking this Form through a link from APEX.
    We are trying to pass parameters via this URL
    The EBusiness suite form is launched correctly but we are not able to read the parameter value through custom.pll code.
    if (event_name = 'WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE') then
         IF form_name='CSXSRISR' and block_name='SR_BSC_QUERY' then
              FND_MESSAGE.DEBUG(' ');
              lC_incident_number :=name_in('PARAMETER.INCIDENT_ATTRIBUTE_15');
              FND_MESSAGE.DEBUG('Incident Number'||lC_incident_number);
              IF lC_incident_number IS NOT NULL THEN
              END IF;     
              FND_MESSAGE.DEBUG(' ');
         END IF;
    END IF;
    Is this the right way of passing the parameters?
    all technical inputs are welcome.

    We are trying to access a standard Oracle EBusiness form i.e. service request and are invoking this Form through a link from APEX.
    We are trying to pass parameters via this URL
    The EBusiness suite form is launched correctly but we are not able to read the parameter value through custom.pll code.
    if (event_name = 'WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE') then
         IF form_name='CSXSRISR' and block_name='SR_BSC_QUERY' then
              FND_MESSAGE.DEBUG(' ');
              lC_incident_number :=name_in('PARAMETER.INCIDENT_ATTRIBUTE_15');
              FND_MESSAGE.DEBUG('Incident Number'||lC_incident_number);
              IF lC_incident_number IS NOT NULL THEN
              END IF;     
              FND_MESSAGE.DEBUG(' ');
         END IF;
    END IF;
    Is this the right way of passing the parameters?
    all technical inputs are welcome.

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    Hello, When I try to create a "Create User" Request, I got this Error: <Feb 7, 2013 4:50:28 PM COT> <Error> <oracle.iam.oimdataproviders.impl> <BEA-000000> <ORA-00904: "USR"."USR_UDF_ES_USUARIO_RPT_S_N": invalid identifier java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorExce

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    Hi all. I have a single question, I know that I can install the OSM in Oracle Solaris 10, but, can I install the OSM Administrator tool in the same Operating System "Oracle Solaris 10", or this must be installed in Windows? Thanks in advance. Lucas.

  • Access Controlled Business Object ??

    Hello, Can anyone share few views about Access Controlled Business Object and RBAM Data. I have never used them before and wanted to know more about these like how it affects the security and all. Please dont point to any reference links or pdf's to