Mime::lite installation procedure

Hi, we have a Perl program that uses the command mime::lite on a a current Windows server. We need to change the server and move the programs to the new server.
Does anyone knows how to install mime::lite so I can use the command "use mime:lite" in my perl program? We use Perl 5.10 for win32 for Essbase V11.1.1.2. Thanks all

If you are seeing the Testin/Readme you reviewing the incorrect readme. See http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/RJBS/MIME-Lite-3.027/README
Which is in the 'special files' section of the URL I originally provided.
It will install itself within your existing Perl folder structure -- just follow the instructions in the readme.
John A. Booth

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    With regards,
    With regards, Gopinath.

    Copy the patch files to the server
    Run the patch file and follow the on-screen instructions
    Select the instances that you wish to patch
    Allow the patch to finish
    Reboot if a reboot is required (the patch will tell you if there were any locked files)
    For more info refer this link
    Please Mark this as Answer if it solved your issue 
    Please vote this as Helpful information if it helps to solve your issue

  • Installation Procedures Proven Best Practices 10 Years...

    I wish to address two topics under this posting:
    1. The intentional use of the v1.1 Combo update
    2. Recommended pre-installation procedures that have proven to work for me over the last 10 years. I make the following statements for inferential purposes: I use my macs to make a living: professional video, film, for broadcast, as well as technical work in industrial engineering, both elec. and mech. I do all my own maint. and repairs, hard and soft.
    1. Someone had mentioned that the v1.1 combo update was applicable to only a handful of machines that had problems using the original 10.6.3 combo update. Well this is obviously not true as Apple has removed the original 10.6.3 combo update download from their support downloads and replaced it with the v1.1 combo update. Additionally, the details of the v1.1 combo update do not specify specific machines... obviously, there was something amiss with the original 10.6.3 combo updater download.
    2. Prior to executing major updates I always follow these procedures and policies, most of which I must credit to a gentleman who posts on this site under the name "Kappy", who has helped me numerous times over the last 10 years, is very approachable, and knowledgeable:
    A). Never perform major updates on a "bread-n-butter" (i.e. a mac you use to make a living) machine if you need to use it within a week of doing the update.
    B). Plan on doing a full restore, taking the appropriate precautions such as cloning / backing up, etc...Hopefully you'll be presently surprised and won't need to restore.
    C). Monitor the support discussions for at least a week before doing the update.... patients is a sign of wisdom. "Fools rush in where angles fear to tread"...
    D). Set energy saver (system preferences) not to engage, then Run all other mac and 3rd party software updates
    E). Download the required update from apples support downloads. Important: if it is a OS update, ALWAYS download and install the "combo" updater. It contains additional fixes, etc. that the regular update does not, and that you may have missed. Always download major updates, do not use the OS auto updater (various reasons).
    F). Reboot, and using Disk Utility, verify the target disk, and repair permissions.
    G). Repair preferences and run OSX Cocktail (both are free, google them for download sites)
    H). Reboot, Run Diskwarrior ($100 from alsoft.com)
    I). Run Drive Genius repair utility ($99 prosoftengineering.com)
    J). Reboot, Run Drive Genius defrag utility
    K). Reboot, Run Disk Warrior again
    L). Boot into "safe mode" by holding down the shift key while restarting. (this disables any 3rd party software, virus software, etc. that very often causes failures during major intalls / upgrades).
    M). Install your update from the previously downloaded update file (item E, above).
    N). Reboot, and perform items D, F, G, H, I, J, K again.
    Hope this helps!
    Your Pragmatic Apple Fan

    Hi Kappy, thanks for weighing in. Hope all is well with you. With regard to using software updater. I choose not to use this feature for major updates because it eliminates another external variable which has potential to cause a problem with the download and installation process (e.g. LANs, WANs, etc.). The download and install process becomes one while a "hick-up" in either can cause problems. Circumnavigating the software updater allows me more control. I also always choose to use the combo updater because, while it includes integral updates that are suppose to be found in the singular updaters, I assume that the code for the combo updaters is written subsequent to the singular updaters and thereby, in effect, supersedes the previously released updates. I do not, however lay claim to knowledge of Apple software team's configuration control protocols. I would assume that they have many similarities to the Configuration Control/Management. procedures I use, DoD MIL-STD 973 / ANSI-EIA 649. Knowing this, there is undoubtedly some degree of fallibility, however minute. Additionally, I would also assume that using a combo updater serves to possibly "reset" certain system settings / code, that may have become corrupted over time. Stemming from this rational, is my preference to always use the combo updater; not required, but preferential. I will say though, I never suffer the problems codified in these forums by other users, with respect to installation problems. I must conclude this is due to the aforementioned protocols I follow. However, I always remain open to your suggestions and instructions as they have served myself and others quite well over the years.
    Take care Kappy, and good to hear from you again.

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    u cn have a look at these links also.hope its useful to u.......
    /thread/423554 [original link is broken]
    Message was edited by:
            Armin Reichert

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         I am Kishore, new to sap and am interested in learing Sap Basis. Can any one send me a step by step installation guide for installing sap 4.6c and 4.7.
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    Thanks and regards,

    HI sowmya,
    Follow these steps:
    you should enough space in your  C drive (20gb)
    1) Install  OS(Windows XP)
    2)Install Microsoft Loopback adapter - Goto Control panel->Add new hardware->Choose Network adapter ->Microsoft loop back adapter.
    3)Goto My Network places, you can able to see LAN. Give IP address.
    4) First install Kernal CD for that you have to click R3SETUP.exe(don't know exactly, but setup file start with R3SETUP) file in your , it will ask you Data1 cd and then Data2 CD.
    5)Finally again it will ask kernal CD.
    6)Finally install GUI.
    here is the link
    Let me know if you have any queries.
    if it is useful assign points
    Senthil Kumar.P
    Message was edited by:
            Senthil Kumar

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    It is essentially the same as on Windows. This release is a vast improvement over 7.1.4.
    All you need is in the install guide. Even though it is not so environmentally friendly you will be well served to print the entire installation chapter.

  • Qosmioplayer installation procedure

    Hi Forum users,
    Have someone of you experience with installation of Qosmioplayer? Is it mandatory to configure or prepare HDD for Qosmioplayer intallation? How can I do it rightly?
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    Many Thanks

    There may very well be other ways to install the player but the below methods worked for me. The installation can be tricky as Toshiba uses a "hiden" partition for the player. In some countries the Qosmio Notebook is sold without the TV tuner, so the Qosmio Player is not installed. Therefore, this "hiden" partition must be created by the Qosmio Player Recovery CD.
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    After creating the free HDD space, boot the unit with the Qosmio Player Recovery CD by pressing "C" on the keyboard on start-up. Then Qosmio player will be installed to a hide partition on the HDD. By the way, this hiden partition can not be recognized by Windows XP's nor Partition Magic's disk tool.
    The other way to install the player, which I tried once, is first install Qosmio player from the Qosmio Player Recovery CD on a free HDD with no partitions i.e. no OS, no nothing. The CD is bootable and when you start the notebook press the C button to boot from CD/DVD. For a new installation, choose option 1. After a few minutes installation procedure is finished.
    After that I have installed OS using the Recovery DVD and choosing the Expert mode option. In expert mode it is possible to choose the partition on which the recovery file should be installed. If the HDD has no partition, the Recovery Utility will generate one. The size of this partition can be adjusted. The size field is marked, just insert the desired size in MB.
    Finally, re-run the Qosmio Player Recovery CD i.e. do a re-install, in order to re-set the boot order of the Qosmio player and the WinXP operating system.
    I hope this works for you, for me, I can watch DVD movies now, but I will have to wait until the TV Tumer is release in my country,
    [Edited by: admin]

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                  with regard's,
    [email protected]

    Hi nilesh,
    please follow the folowing link it may help you in your installation

  • Installation procedure needed

    Hi Friends,
    Can any one give installation procedure for
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Satish
    The following are the links where you will get enogh info
    Hope this helps you

  • Need installation procedure

    Hi Friends,
    Can any one give installation procedure for
    Thanks & Regards

    can you please check the following link.
    On the left hand panel of links, select SAP Components->SAP R/3 Enterprise
    There you will have many options, select the 4.7 set which you are installing
    eg. 1.SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 2.00 (SR1)
    2. SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 2.00
    3. SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 / Ext. Set 1.10 (SR1)
    after selecting the appropriate link you can find all installation / configuration documents on the right side of the web page.
    you may download the required guide.
    hope that helps,

  • What is the 3rd party software installation procedure

    I am new to mac, so this may be a basic question. Third party software installation files usually have the dmg extension. What is the procedure to install apps that come in this form? I know that once I double click the dmg file, a virtual disk appears on the desktop. Can I copy the disk to the applications folder and delete the dmg file? Actually I have tried to do this and mac wont allow me to delete the dmg file beyond trash. What is the procedure that should be followed?
    I also realize that my understanding of this disk image and disk utility concepts is weak. If you can, please explain these terms too.
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    What you've done is copied the .dmg to your applications folder, not the application itself.
    a .dmg file is a 'disk image' which will mount a 'virtual disk' when double-clicked. A virtual disk behaves as though it was a real physical disk - even though it's all software.
    In your case the virtual disk contains the Firefox application. The window you posted on Flickr is the contents of this virtual disk - with a useful (or confusing) diagram telling you to drag the application to your Applications folder.
    Since you've put Firefox into your dock without first copying it to your Applications folder, OSX is running it from the virtual disk, not from your real disk.
    When running 3rd party applications normally, you shouldn't need to have any virtual disks on your desktop.
    What you need to do is this:
    -Take Firefox out of your dock
    -find the .dmg file you downloaded and double click it to mount the virtual disk
    -drag the Firefox application (.app file) into your Applications folder
    -drag the virtual disk to the trash to unmount it
    -drag the .dmg file to the trash to delete it
    -put Firefox back in your dock, from your Applications folder
    Hey Presto
    PowerBook G4 1Ghz 15   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

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