Missing apps on Apple TV

Hello everybody
I use AppleTV in Switzerland - with the Swiss Store of course. But if I do so, the app "NHL Gamecenter" is missing. If I change the Store to US for example, the NHL app is visible and works fine, but it is missing again once I change the store back to Switzerland. How can I make the app available while using the Swiss store? Is there any possibility? Can't understand the reason, why I can't see it at the moment...!?
Thanks in advance for every hint and best regards,

Some things are country dependent.
Don't think we get NHL in UK.

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    ORA-06512: at line 1
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    What happens in Vegas...
    Pacifist 2.0.1 is a shareware application that opens Mac OS X .pkg package files, .dmg disk images, and .tar, .tgz, and .tar.gz file archives and allows you to extract individual files and folders out of them. This is useful, for instance, if an application which is installed by the operating system becomes damaged and needs to be reinstalled without the hassle of reinstalling all of Mac OS X.
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    After activating your iPad, go to the App Store and search for your free apps:
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    2. Numbers
    3. Keynote
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    Unless I misunderstand the question, you can't do what you're asking to do. Apple doesn't allow you to bypass their store and host public apps on a website. The exception is an enterprise app, which requires an Enterprise account with both Apple and Adobe. This type of enterprise app can be distributed only within the company. If that's what you want to do, you can learn more here:
    Digital Publishing Suite Help | Creating viewer apps for private distribution
    Distributing enterprise iOS viewer applications with Digital Publishing Suite | Adobe Developer Connection
    Another option is to add the development app to several devices and use those for your demo.

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    The App store is a problem for many and I have not seen a solution.
    What is "wrong" with your Apple ID?
    Try the following:
    - A reset. Nothing is lost
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    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.

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    You have been mislead. Other users report that what you have been told by the Hack is not true. The apps will appear to have disappeared, but if you try to update an app at first the MAS will appear to be selling you the app, but if you continue, as if to buy the app, the MAS will realize that you previously purchased the app and download it for free. You can test this for yourself using a free or inexpensive app.

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    Hi again
    I am from Panama, and i am using apple tv, i bought it cuz i wanted to used hbo go and fox play apps, also netflix and crackle wich they are already installed on the apple tv, but hbo go and fox play dont, i use them thru airplay, hbo go is really good cuz i dont need to duplicate the screen of my iphone, and i can still use my phone and apps while hbo go is playing thru airplay but fox play dont work that way, i have to duplicate the screen and you all might know, its really high battery consuming while seeing a movie etc, so to the point, i would like to request if apple support can add hbo go and fox play native apps on apple tv for Panama, if it i not possible how can i do with fox play would apple support repair it? i mean that it only works thru airplay on duplicate screen if it is possible to work like hbo go?

    Proper agreements need  to be made before apps can be added, there may also be other things preventing it, those are currently only available in the US. As for AirPlay, that is up to the developer to enable in the IOS app. They also have the choice to block that functionality.

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