Missing Push Buttons in Pie Chart

The above pie chart is in the development mode, where there is no push buttons in the canvas...like 2014,2013,2012,2011,2010
Here when the same pie chart is taken in preview mode, there appears push buttons to select the year and find the respective cast numer in respective year, i could not find any option in the properties of pie chart.....Would be thankful if someone can plz clarify me..
Thanks and Regards

You can not see it in the canvas because it is checked as hidden in the object browser. If you want to display this in design time, uncheck the hide option.

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  • Drawing pie chart in applet

    The following is an applet I've written as an assignment in school. The applet runs well on appletviewer (here I mean drawing the pie chart). But when I run it on my browser, the pie chart is not drawn. Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
    import java.applet.*;import java.text.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.awt.Graphics;public class x2 extends Applet implements ActionListener {               private Button draw,reset;        private TextField thigh,tmedium,tlow,tno;     private Label banner,l1, l2, l3, l4;     double rhigh,rmedium,rlow,rno;     double high, medium, low, no, total, high2=0, medium2=0, low2=0, no2=0,low3, no3;     String something="";          public void paint(Graphics g){     setBackground(Color.white);               if(something=="in"){     try {               rhigh=Double.parseDouble(thigh.getText());     rmedium=Double.parseDouble(tmedium.getText());     rlow=Double.parseDouble(tlow.getText());     rno=Double.parseDouble(tno.getText());     } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {     }     total=rhigh+rmedium+rlow+rno; high=(rhigh/total)*100; medium=(rmedium/total)*100; low=(rlow/total)*100; no=(rno/total)*100; high2=high*360/100;     medium2=medium*360/100;     low2=low*360/100;     no2=no*360/100;          low3=high2+medium2;     no3=low3+low2;               g.setColor(Color.red);     g.fillArc(100,100,200,200,0,(int)high2);     g.setColor(Color.blue);     g.fillArc(100,100,200,200,(int)high2,(int)medium2);     g.setColor(Color.green);     g.fillArc(100,100,200,200,(int)low3,(int)low2);     g.setColor(Color.pink);     g.fillArc(100,100,200,200,(int)no3,(int)no2);     }     }          public void init(){          draw=new Button("Draw pie chart");     reset=new Button("Reset");     thigh=new TextField("",10);     tmedium=new TextField("",10);     tlow=new TextField("",10);     tno=new TextField("",10);     l1=new Label("High Risk  :$");     l2=new Label("Medium Risk:$");     l3=new Label("Low Risk   :$");     l4=new Label("No Risk    :$");     banner=new Label("Welcome");           add(banner);           add(l1);     add(thigh);          add(l2);     add(tmedium);     add(l3);     add(tlow);     add(l4);     add(tno);                         add(draw);     add(reset);                   draw.setActionCommand("Draw");     draw.addActionListener(this);        reset.setActionCommand("Reset");     reset.addActionListener(this);     }          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){          if(e.getActionCommand() == "Draw") {               something="in";               repaint();                    } else if(e.getActionCommand()== "Reset") {               something="";               thigh.setText("");               tmedium.setText("");               tlow.setText("");               tno.setText("");               repaint();          }     }}

    import java.applet.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    public class x2 extends Applet implements ActionListener {
         private Button draw, reset;
         private TextField thigh, tmedium, tlow, tno;
         private Label banner, l1, l2, l3, l4;
         double rhigh,rmedium,rlow,rno;
         double high, medium, low, no, total, high2=0, medium2=0, low2=0, no2=0,low3, no3;
         String something="";
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
                   try {
                   catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }
                   total=rhigh+rmedium+rlow+rno; high=(rhigh/total)*100;
         public void init(){
              draw=new Button("Draw pie chart");
              reset=new Button("Reset");
              thigh=new TextField("",10);
              tmedium=new TextField("",10);
              tlow=new TextField("",10);
              tno=new TextField("",10);
              l1=new Label("High Risk :$");
              l2=new Label("Medium Risk:$");
              l3=new Label("Low Risk :$");
              l4=new Label("No Risk :$");
              banner=new Label("Welcome");
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if(e.getActionCommand() == "Draw") {
              } else if(e.getActionCommand()== "Reset") {

  • Drawing pie chart

    import java.applet.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    public class x2 extends Applet implements ActionListener {
         private Button draw,draw2,reset;
         private TextField thigh,tmedium,tlow,tno;
         private Label banner,l1, l2, l3, l4;
         double rhigh,rmedium,rlow,rno;
         double high, medium, low, no, total, high2=0, medium2=0, low2=0, no2=0,low3=0,no3=0;
         String something="";
         public void paint(Graphics g){
         throw new NumberFormatException();
              DecimalFormat F=new DecimalFormat("###.000");
    g.drawString("THE INVESTMENT ARE:",250,100);
    g.drawString("Pie Chart",450,100);
    g.drawString(F.format(high)+" "+"% High Risk",250,140);
    g.drawString(F.format(medium)+" "+"%High Risk",250,180);
    g.drawString(F.format(low)+" "+"% Low Risk",250,220);
    g.drawString(F.format(no)+" "+"% No Risk",250,260);
    g.drawString("High Risk Investment",520,320);
    g.drawString("Medium Risk Investment",520,350);
    g.drawString("Low Risk Investment",520,380);
    g.drawString("No Risk Investment",520,410);
         catch(NumberFormatException e){
    g.drawString("Invalid value click the reset button and reenter your value",300,200);
              else if(something=="bar") {
         throw new NumberFormatException();
    DecimalFormat F=new DecimalFormat("###.000");
    g.drawString("THE INVESTMENT ARE:",250,100);
    g.drawString("Bar Chart",530,100);
    g.drawString(F.format(high)+" "+"% High Risk",250,140);
    g.drawString(F.format(medium)+" "+"% High Risk",250,180);
    g.drawString(F.format(low)+" "+"% Low Risk",250,220);
    g.drawString(F.format(no)+" "+"% No Risk",250,260);
    g.drawString("High Risk Investment",520,320);
    g.drawString("Medium Risk Investment",520,350);
    g.drawString("Low Risk Investment",520,380);
    g.drawString("No Risk Investment",520,410);     
         catch(NumberFormatException e){
    g.drawString("Invalid value click the reset button and reenter your value",300,200);
         public void init(){
         setLayout (null);
         draw=new Button("Draw pie chart");
         draw2=new Button("Draw bar chart");
         reset=new Button("Reset");
         thigh=new TextField("",10);
         tmedium=new TextField("",10);
         tlow=new TextField("",10);
         tno=new TextField("",10);
         l1=new Label("High Risk :$");
         l2=new Label("Medium Risk:$");
         l3=new Label("Low Risk :$");
         l4=new Label("No Risk :$");
         banner=new Label("Welcome");
         banner.setBounds(new Rectangle(200,50,100,20));
    l1.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,100,100,20));
    thigh.setBounds(new Rectangle(120,100,100,20));
    l2.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,140,100,20));
    tmedium.setBounds(new Rectangle(120,140,100,20));
    l3.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,180,100,20));
    tlow.setBounds(new Rectangle(120,180,100,20));
    l4.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,220,100,20));
    tno.setBounds(new Rectangle(120,220,100,20));
    draw.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,260,100,20));
    draw2.setBounds(new Rectangle(120,260,100,20));
    reset.setBounds(new Rectangle(20,290,100,20));
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              if(e.getSource()==draw) {
              }else if(e.getSource()==draw2) {
              if(e.getSource()==reset) {

    import java.applet.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    public class x2 extends Applet implements ActionListener
         private Button draw,draw2,reset;
         private TextField thigh,tmedium,tlow,tno;
         private Label banner,l1, l2, l3, l4;
         double  rhigh,rmedium,rlow,rno;
         double  high, medium, low, no, total, high2=0, medium2=0, low2=0, no2=0,low3=0,no3=0;
         String something="";
         Double  d1;
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    //          rhigh=Double.parseDouble(thigh.getText());
    //          rmedium=Double.parseDouble(tmedium.getText());
    //          rlow=Double.parseDouble(tlow.getText());
    //          rno=Double.parseDouble(tno.getText());
                   rhigh   = get_double(thigh.getText());
                   rmedium = get_double(tmedium.getText());
                   rlow    = get_double(tlow.getText());
                   rno     = get_double(tno.getText());
                        throw new NumberFormatException();
                   DecimalFormat F=new DecimalFormat("###.000");
                   g.drawString("THE INVESTMENT ARE:",250,100);
                   g.drawString("Pie Chart",450,100);
                   g.drawString(F.format(high)+" "+"% High Risk",250,140);
                   g.drawString(F.format(medium)+" "+"%High Risk",250,180);
                   g.drawString(F.format(low)+" "+"% Low Risk",250,220);
                   g.drawString(F.format(no)+" "+"% No Risk",250,260);
                   g.drawString("High Risk Investment",520,320);
                   g.drawString("Medium Risk Investment",520,350);
                   g.drawString("Low Risk Investment",520,380);
                   g.drawString("No Risk Investment",520,410);
              catch(NumberFormatException e)
                   g.drawString("Invalid value click the reset button and reenter your value",300,200);
    //     rhigh=Double.parseDouble(thigh.getText());
    //     rmedium=Double.parseDouble(tmedium.getText());
    //  rlow=Double.parseDouble(tlow.getText());
    //  rno=Double.parseDouble(tno.getText());
                   rhigh   = get_double(thigh.getText());
                   rmedium = get_double(tmedium.getText());
                   rlow    = get_double(tlow.getText());
                   rno     = get_double(tno.getText());
                        throw new NumberFormatException();
                   DecimalFormat F=new DecimalFormat("###.000");
                   g.drawString("THE INVESTMENT ARE:",250,100);
                   g.drawString("Bar Chart",530,100);
                   g.drawString(F.format(high)+" "+"% High Risk",250,140);
                   g.drawString(F.format(medium)+" "+"% High Risk",250,180);
                   g.drawString(F.format(low)+" "+"% Low Risk",250,220);
                   g.drawString(F.format(no)+" "+"% No Risk",250,260);
                   g.drawString("High Risk Investment",520,320);
                   g.drawString("Medium Risk Investment",520,350);
                   g.drawString("Low Risk Investment",520,380);
                   g.drawString("No Risk Investment",520,410);
              catch(NumberFormatException e)
                   g.drawString("Invalid value click the reset button and reenter your value",300,200);
    private double get_double(String s)
              d1 = d1.valueOf(s);
         catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
    public void init()
         setLayout (null);
         draw    = new Button("Draw pie chart");
         draw2   = new Button("Draw bar chart");
         reset   = new Button("Reset");
         thigh   = new TextField("",10);
         tmedium = new TextField("",10);
         tlow    = new TextField("",10);
         tno     = new TextField("",10);
         l1      = new Label("High Risk :$");
         l2      = new Label("Medium Risk:$");
         l3      = new Label("Low Risk :$");
         l4      = new Label("No Risk :$");
         banner = new Label("Welcome");
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

  • Issues with multilevel pie chart drill down with push button

    I am new to Xcelsius. I am trying to build a multilevel pie chart drill down (one pie chart drilling down to another etc) and I am able to achieve that. Now I want to add a Back Button using Push Button so that I can go up.  When I preview, the Push Button goes into two state and I have to double click to go back.  Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong. I am using the latest Xcelsius. [The source code is here|http://www.woofiles.com/dl-195360-3lTyVM8Z-piechartdrilldownwithpushbutton.xlf]

    Hi Murali
    This is exactly the same what i tried to do,
    Drill down to 4 levels State -> City-> store etc with 4 pie charts and similar push button to close each level to
    go back to previous chart, first run from 1 to 4 works fine, then after closing all the levels and when i am at the pie chart 1
    if i click any pie slice it will jump to Pie chart 4 straight,
    I tried tracking the issue, all i could find is some how the previous dynamic visibility values are back even after erasing
    the data with the PUSH button (Destination cell insertion with blank or 0).
    did you find a solution for this issue ?

  • Missing labels on pie charts

    Hi All,
    We are making use of pie charts and noticed that sometimes the labels are not being displayed in the charts for certain fields. Upon hovering over the field, the relevant % and data series value are displayed correctly, so there are definitely no issues with data here. Was wondering if anybody has encountered this.. Any thoughts on why this could be happening?

    Hi Prachi,
    I think this is related to the size of the graph... If you make it a little bit bigger, you'll probably see the missing labels (at least that's what happened to me).

  • Pie chart missing after web deployment

    Running on Windows 2000,
    via the Oracle Report Builder, I created a report containing a pie chart.
    I then deployed this report ( .RDF) file along with the .ODG file onto my Unix
    machine (Solaris) where my Report Server resides.
    When I bring up the report in my browser (HTML format), I can see the report
    but not the pie chart - there is only a shadow where the pie chart should belong.
    Any ideas and/or suggestions?

    I am having the same problem, been through everything I can think of - works fine on NT, moved to 2000 (carefully checked the locaton of the files and the specification of the paths in the registry). Also checked the path/file info in the report. NOT working, help...
    here is the error that displays in the window says that it cannot get the job output.

  • WAD: Push button not displaying some Web Items

    Hi All,
    I have a web template 7.x in which there is a push button for "Export to PDF". There are some changes carried out to this web template, to include one radio button web item. My requirement is to display this Web Item on the export to PDF page.
    I have included this radio button web item in "Export to PDF" button list. However still it is not displayed on Export to PDF page.
    Is there any other setting which i am missing?
    Appreciate your quick response.

    Hi Samruddhi,
    As per SAP Note 1069368 which talks about the limitations of Export to PDF functionality in WAD 7, the following webitems alone are supported on Export to PDF:-
    Supported Web items
    Analysis item
    Report item (see also the section 'Web application export with report items')
    Chart item
    Map item
    Information item
    Text item
    List of conditions
    List of exceptions
    Images (only from the MIME repository, see Note 484390)
    Thus Radio Button cannot be included in the exported PDF.

  • Pie Chart summarizing grid data

    New to Flex.  Searched for a method to build a pie chart based on a column in the grid we've created.
    So Far:
    The grid gets created based on info passed in a form.
    I can get two pie charts to be created based on specific columns in the data.
    The pie charts currently have 1 slice per row of data.
    Am I missing an easy way to build a Pie Chart that summarizes this?
    Instead of One Pie Slice per record, how do we get one pie slice per unique value in the data column?
    For instance:
    a datagrid of   source IP | Dest IP | Dest Port | Action
    I'd like a pie chart showing the percent of data per source IP.
    Is there something built in to Flex to handle this?

    Cool...  So if my XML looks like this:
      <datetime>2008-04-21 14:15:49</datetime>
    And datagrid dataprovider is {eventData},
    eventData = event.result.option as XMLList;
    would it be:
    var ipSummary:Object = {};
    for each (var record:Object in eventData) {
      ipSummary[record.srcip] = (ipSummary[record.srcip] || 0) + 1;
    var pieData:Array = [];
    for (var key:String in ipSummary) {
      pieData.push({ srcip: key, activityCount: ipSummary[key] });
    The PieChart would look like:
    <mx:PieChart id="piechart2" dataProvider="{pieData}" showDataTips="true">
      <mx:PieSeries id="pieact" displayName="Source IP" field="activityCount"/>
    Obviously I'm New at Flex...  

  • Need help to make a Pie Chart

    I am trying to draw a pie chart for the Uptime Report.
    I have the Following table definition.
    create table downtime_detail ( env_code number, down_start date, down_end date );
    insert into downtime_detail values (1,to_date('26-JAN-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('26-JAN-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('26-JAN-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('26-JAN-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('01-FEB-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('03-FEB-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('15-FEB-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('15-FEB-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    insert into downtime_detail values (2,to_date('26-FEB-2008 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('28-FEB-2008 03:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') );
    Now the Below Query returns me the values val1 and val2 on the basis of which I need to draw a Pie Chart.
    select round((DOWN/TOTAL)*100,2) val1 , round(100-((DOWN/TOTAL)*100),2) val2
         (select sum((DOWN_END - DOWN_START)*24) DOWN from DOWNTIME_DETAIL where ENV_CODE=2 ) a ,
         (select ((sysdate - to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY')) * 24) TOTAL from dual ) b
    VAL1 VAL2
    3.64 96.36
    Can someone help me try do this ?
    Actually I tried but I couldnt put my custom query to get this Pie chart. Or if there is any other better approach please let me know.

    I believe all that you are missing in your sql is a NULL. Below is the help text for creating a Flash pie chart.
    Specify the SQL query that will populate your chart, for example:
    select null, ename, sal
    from emp
    Alternatively you can write a PL/SQL function return a SQL query, for example:
    return 'select null, ename, sal from emp';
    Your query should then read:
    select null,round((DOWN/TOTAL)*100,2) val1 , round(100-((DOWN/TOTAL)*100),2) val2
    (select sum((DOWN_END - DOWN_START)*24) DOWN from DOWNTIME_DETAIL where ENV_CODE=2 ) a ,
    (select ((sysdate - to_date('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY')) * 24) TOTAL from dual ) b

  • SSRS Report Builder 3.0 - Pie Chart

    I have Pie chart that displays Number of  items by Country,
    My data set is pulling the correct values.
    The 3D effect is true for the pie chart and the Series Labels are set to diplay out of the Slice.
    I used the collected style to be SingleSlice and not using percentages but just the values less than or = 5 to be collected to other countries slice.
    for labels format I am using a column value from the query where I Concatenate the Value and Name of the country as string as I am not showing the legend on the chart for more space
    All the values are showing up right except for one value for one slice which is added extra numbers at the beginning of the number part of the string.
    For Example , if for USA there are 320 items  it should should show up as USA - 320  as that is the value that the query bring and I double checked that. But that value dipslays USA - 12320 for some reason and this is happening only with one
    I might be missing somethign silly but if someone can save my time and help me it would be appreciated.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Hi Chaitanya,
    Sorry for the delay.
    I am unable to reproduce the issue in my test environment. The issue seems rather odd. Here, I suggest that you create a new report and design the Pie Chart from scratch, and then check the issue again.
    If the issue persists, please post the expression of the label data as well as the CustomAttributes settings of the target series of the Pie Chart. 
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • I have no idea how to set up a pie chart for tracking spending with categories

    This is what I want to do to help me track my credit card spending.
    I want to make a Numbers sheet where i can jot down how much money i spent on a item, and what category that item would go with (example, food, electronics, gas, so on).
    and then i want to have a pie chart that will show much how much money i'm spending in each category and how much of a percentage of the total each category takes up of the whole.
    I have no idea how to set this up in a sheet. I tried typing it in a few times and every time i go to make a pie chart, it never shows me any of the results i want to see.
    can someone please help me set up a sheet to be able to get this information to display correctly in a pie chart?

    Create a table with the categories and the data (for now you can make up the data):
    Now add a chart from the Charts menu in the toolbar:
    Now click the "Add Chart Data" button just below the chart.
    Now select data (from column B) in the table.  Last trick is to click the menu at the bottom-left corner of the window and change the selection to "Plot rows as series" :
    Now add formulas to the table to properly summarize the data from your data entry table using the sumif() function.

  • How do I link to a table from a slice of a pie chart?

    My project manager is after me to add a feature to a pie chart built on one of my tables. The code that selects from the table for the pie chart is this:
    select 'http://apexdevapp1.ci.raleigh.nc.us:7777',activity_type,count(ID) total FROM eba_ver2_cust_activity
    group by activity_type,'http://apexdevapp1.ci.raleigh.nc.us:7777';
    She wants to be able to click on a slice of the pie ("activity_type") and link to another page showing a report limited to that activity_type, selected from the same table. I know how to link from one interactive report to another, but I don't know how to do it from a slice of a pie chart. Does anybody know how?
    I'd appreciate some guidance on this.
    Steve the n00b in Raleigh NC

    Denes Kubicek wrote:
    Have you compared that link with any of your apex application links in the browser? ;) :)
    Denes Kubicek
    -------------------------------------------------------------------I may be missing the point of your question, Denes, but all my links are implemented from the Link Column section under Report Attributes. They are not mentioned anywhere in the Select statement, unlike yours.
    Steve "the n00b" in Raleigh NC

  • Histogram works, Pie Chart doesn't :(

    I have a simple form, which has 1 block, a block level "when-new-block-instance" trigger and 2 bean_area under the block (beans don't have any trigger code). This simple form is called from within another form when a button is pressed. The histogram (bar chart) works, but the simple pie chart doesn't work (only displays a single circle - not the slices on the pie). The related trigger code is below. Can anybody see what is wrong with the pie chart code ?
    -- Set the bean area properties
    SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BLOCK1.BEAN_AREA1',1,'SET_TITLE','Order Count By WHIP#red#b#14');
    SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BLOCK1.BEAN_AREA1',1,'SET_Y_LABEL','Move Your Mouse To View The Value For Each Bar');
    -- Use the following for a nice 3D look (if users want)
    -- This should populate and display the data on the graph by using the related PJC
    ordercount NUMBER(10);
    whipname VARCHAR2(25);
    vData VARCHAR2(200);
    vDelimiter VARCHAR2(1);
    cursor c1 is select distinct interface_name from pps_order order by interface_name;
    vDelimiter := ',';
    open c1;
    fetch c1 into whipname;
    while (c1%found) loop
    select count(*) into ordercount from pps_order where interface_name=whipname;
    vData := 'Total Order Count Per WHIP'||vDelimiter||whipname||vDelimiter||ordercount;
    fetch c1 into whipname;
    end loop;
    close c1;
    SET_CUSTOM_PROPERTY('BLOCK1.BEAN_AREA2',1,'SET_TITLE','Order Count By WHIP#red#b#14');
    -- This should populate and display the data on the graph by using the related PJC
    ordercount NUMBER(10);
    whipname VARCHAR2(25);
    vData VARCHAR2(200);
    vDelimiter VARCHAR2(1);
    cursor c2 is select distinct interface_name from pps_order order by interface_name;
    vDelimiter := ',';
    open c2;
    fetch c2 into whipname;
    while (c2%found) loop
    select count(*) into ordercount from pps_order where interface_name=whipname;
    vData := 'Total Order Count Per WHIP'||vDelimiter||whipname||vDelimiter||ordercount;
    fetch c2 into whipname;
    end loop;
    close c2;
    This uses the FormsGraph.jar file implementation as you can see. I know Frank Nimphius is the only expert when it comes to FormsGraph.jar at Oracle, but currently he is on vacation - so no official support to an unofficial (unsupported) charting implementation - but I thought there might be others who have done this before.
    Can someone who implemented a pie chart share his/her code here - a simple pie chart, nothing fancy (like the one that comes with the graph90.fmb file, which I followed but did not figure out why my implementation is not working). Something with the vData string or number of vData strings requirement? no explanation in the FormsGraph.jar doc and I am not a java programmer to figure it out from the java source code. I am looking for a simple trigger code for the pie chart - not like "look at the forms90.fmb that comes with the demo package" kinda answer.
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    Any idea ?

  • How to Display result value on Pie chart in wad

    Dear Experts,
    I'm useing WAD to create web template, in that I have a requiremnt to develop Pie chart and it should show material cost according to material type for each slice on Pie chart. I have developed a WAD template for the same and Pie chart as well but I can not see the respective material type cost on Pie chart, where as I can see those values in tool tip when I move mouse over the pie chart, I understand I'm missing a small setting can you please help me to find that setting so that user can see values directly on pie chart without moving the cursor on the same.
    Thanks and Regards,

    are you r using wad 7.0 or 3.5
    in 7.0  right click on the graph, edit  nyou wil be in the wizard go on step 3 and try to change the series and make sure visilibility is checked
    if this doesnt work then click refine and go to series and make sure show lables are checked.
    try this.

  • Pie Chart -- legend texts are cut (with "...")

    Hello Experts,
    when I*m using pie charts with displaying the legend, longer texts are cut (e.g.: "220/35V  60W yellow...")
    What can I do to show the complete text?
    Thanx a lot

    Good Day Nics,
    the cuts are due to the size of the pie chart. you can resize your pie chart for the legends to show properly.
    Kindly tell me if im missing something.
    John Vincent

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