Missing regular weight of installed font Roboto

Roboto font (by Google) is installed on Windows 7 system, but the regular weight is missing in Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign (both CS6 and CC, and same issue in Windows 8).
The font: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/roboto
All weights are installed properly, the only one not listed in adobe programs is Roboto-Regular.ttf

I fixed the Roboto 2014 fonts. They did indeed misbehave in desktop apps (Windows, OS X).
Link here: http://lilfile.com/E0uhtH
ROBOTO 2014 FONTS (version 2.000980)
Licensed under the Apache License.
CHANGELOG 2014-10-14
TTF and OTF: corrected and converted with FontLab TransType 4
WEBFONTS: converted from OTF source with FontSquirrel
All fonts: correctly set the (style map) Font Family name to avoid conflicts in most desktop software. Maximum four fonts can share the same Font Family name.
Black + Black Italic: correctly set Font weight (usWeightClass) to 900.
The OTF fonts have better antialiasing on Windows, and are slightly more compact in file size. Apart from that, they render exactly the same (line spacing, kerning, ...).
There is an alternative weight 200 for the Light font, in case the weight 250 doesn't work for you.

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    And have you applied the patch at Crash | Launch, selecting Type tool?

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    Thanks Jesseham, a good suggestion. All fonts within the families are ticked like you say, and I've just performed a clear out of the caches but still no success I'm afraid.
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    If you've already searched Google for something like "install fonts on mac 10.6" and have followed the instructions on the first link (under "Locations where fonts can be stored") then you'll have to post more details for us to help you. For example:
    Which fonts are they? (Not all fonts can be used by a Mac, like Type 1 fonts for Windows. Give us the complete name of the font, hopefully with a file extension.)
    How do you know they are missing? (Sure, when you open up the document it gives you a missing font warning, but it might just be a font naming problem, like InDesign is looking for "Helvetica Neue LE Regular" and your font is called "Helvetica Neue Regular." You can use Find Font under the Type menu to find & replace if necessary. If you don't see the missing font warning when you open the file, how do you know the fonts are missing?)
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    and there are other minor possibilities like
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    Are you sure that the fonts aren't damaged? (What size are the files? Are they still in a zipped folder? Maybe they were broken when you downloaded them from your email.)
    et cetera

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    I can't find any reference to a handwriting font named Bradshaw anywhere. Are you sure you have the name right? ITC Bradley Hand Regular, along with Papyrus and the Lucida (no "n") family are all included with recent versions of Windows, though, and should be in your font list in CS5 if you are, in fact, running Windows.
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    All versions of Photoshop get their fonts from your OS.  Just install any missing font wherever Windows keeps fonts.
    I don't do windows myself.

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    In addition to Kappy's advice.
    Font Book won't activate any fonts for Classic unless you tell it to use "classic Mac OS" as the activation method (before 10.3.5). It then puts installed fonts in the OS 9 (Classic) /System Folder/Fonts/ folder. In that location, both OS 9 and OS X can use the fonts.
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    ...when I tried installing each individually, they never show up, even after restart.
    If what you're talking about is Type 1 PostScript fonts, you may not have copied everything over. Type 1 PostScript fonts are a set. One file is a suitcase containing all of the low res bitmap screen fonts. The rest are the outline printer fonts. As an example, here's Adobe Garamond.
    Adobe Garamond
    The first file which I highlighted in green is the font suitcase of bitmap screen fonts. The rest are the outline printer fonts.
    1) The files for a Type 1 PostScript font must have both the screen and printer fonts for a given set in order to work. They also must be in the same folder.
    2) The suitcase of bitmap fonts will work alone, but output will be terrible since the system will print the fonts using the 72 dpi screen fonts in the suitcase if the outline portions are missing.
    3) Having only the outline fonts will not work. You will get exactly what you are having problems with. You can see the fonts, but they will not load. That's not a problem with Font Book, Suitcase or other font manager. None of them, nor the system itself will load outline fonts from a Type 1 PostScript font without the matching suitcase of screen fonts present.

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    That's correct.
    You say you copied these OpenType fonts to C:\...\Adobe InDesign CS4\Fonts. They should be available to ID from there. Some fonts don't appear in the lists the alphabetical order you expect (They get sorted by language family and by typeface family), but that shouldn't affect find font or the missing fonts warning. You really copied these files, not just a shortcut to some removeable media that you removed?
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    I can´t belive it, but the new version of Pages (5.0), is very very different than the old version, fonts, templates and others stuffs can´t work.
    Please, what can we do . . . We need read the manual, or that situation is for the changes and you work in there?
    Comment please, we need your help.
    PS. How can install fonts (fonts presents in the old version) for the new version?
    Hola a todos:
    No puedo creerlo, pero la nueva versión de Pages (5.0), es muy muy diferente a la versión anterior, fuentes, plantillas, formatos y otras cosas no funcionan en la nueva versión.
    Por favor, que podemos hacer... Necesitamos leer el manual, o eta situación es por los cambios y están trabajando en ello?
    Comenten por favor, necesitamos su ayuda.
    PD. Como instalo fuentes (fuentes presentes en la verrsión anterior) para la nueva versión?

    Yes Pages 5 is very different and has many features and templates missing.
    You do not install fonts in Pages, you install them in the System. Purchase/Download them and double click on them to install.
    The manual for Pages 5 is online. Click on the link under the Help menu.

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    Installed fonts in the Windows folder(which have been installed for agaes), are now not showing up in Illustrator CS6 since we have installed the suite. The font name shows in the box, but it has an astericks next to it. It is getting annoying not being able to use our regular fonts, as other people from different companies send us their artwork to change, and we can't display the fonts in the file, dispite them beiong "installed" into the system. We have tried re-installing them , and this ocassionaly works once, but when illustrator is re-installed or computer is re-started...they go back to being "unavaliable.
    Please help! Is this a common bug in CS6? It is driving the whole team crazy!

    Delete the system's font cache and any adbefnt.lst files you may find. Also make sure to run with sufficient user privileges.

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    I need to install fonts without rooting my LG G2. Is there an easy way to do this? If I have to root, will it void my warranty?
    Long version:
    I'm a Japanese major and want to install Japanese font on my LG G2 (3.4.0-perf-gdf89a11). There are only 6 default font types in LG G2 (SmartGothic, Travel, Foxrain, Coffee, Purewhite, Serif, Roboto) and none of them can display Japanese correctly, i.e. Chinese characters are used instead of Japanese kanji. The difference is analogous to using greek letters to display English which looks very wrong to the trained eye. There are apps that can install fonts but most require me to "root" my device. I don't know much about rooting and it sounds like I might void my verizon warranty which I don't want. Is there an easy, "verizon-legal" way for me to install free fonts I like? Thanks!

        w1225612, I understand the need to change the font. While there are third party keyboards that offer Japanese input, the font throughout the phone cannot be switched to something other than the defaults provided.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Where are the installed fonts?

    I did an upgrade from Pagemaker 7.0 to InDesign 5.5. I used my installed fonts in Pagemaker without problems. Now, if I opened a Pagemaker document in InDesign there was missing the font. If I'm using MS Word the font will be avaliable.Also it works in an old Photoshop version (5.5).  Now I realised when opening the document in Pagermaker again the error comes "Font not found". What can I do to use my installed fonts in new Adobe products?

    Is Pagemaker still installed? (InDesign will show the path to fonts used, I'm not able to recall if Pagemaker has a similair function, but it may be looked into)
    What OS?
    5.5 would not be an old Photoshop...
    Did you intstall a Creative Suite or InDesign alone?

  • Firefox 4.0b1 and b2 rendering incorrect weight of some fonts

    Firefox 4.0b1 and b2 rendering incorrect weight of some fonts
    The first thing I had noticed when I upgraded from FF 3.6 to 4 beta 1 was that Firefox was incorrectly rendering fonts as bold. After some digging I found out that it was the font-family:"helvetica neue" line in the css file that was causing the ugly bolded font (black weight, actually). After editing the css to "Helvetica 55 Roman", the font displays okay.
    Example site: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/?browse=featured
    The thing happens in the very mozilla addons site.
    Also have noticed that the same bug occurs on different fonts, where the font name in css is specified in alternative namings, as in "나눔 고딕" for NanumGothic (korean font).
    The bug didn't seem to have fixed in beta 2, nor could I find any other thread/document on the web with the same problem. I doubt it's my own problem, since it worked just fine in older versions and I have the very same font files installed since the start.
    Screenshot: http://i25.tinypic.com/zy9co2.jpg
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Open certain websites with css font-family:"helvetica neue" in the stylesheets

    I sympathize with you all, and I spotted Kimatg at the Bugzilla forums. My Firefox 3 is all right with Helvetica and Neue Helvetica in PostScript, TrueType and OpenType. However, my Firefox 4 Beta 7 through 9 goes nuts.
    Compared to the situations above, all I can say is: at least you are getting your pages in the right font family or even in the right typeface. Attached are some pages in Helvetica that my Betas are showing. They don’t even come close to ''a typeface'', let alone Helvetica.
    It’s not just Helvetica. Our in-house Arial substitute, Lucire, is also displaying oddly on some pages unless the font is embedded.
    Cor-el, I know you are one of the most helpful folks here, and I thank you for your continued generosity. I have to make one correction to your statement: PostScript on Windows generally does not have a bitmap component, unlike on a Mac where it had suitcases. So all these fonts are vector-based.
    It shouldn’t make a difference to Firefox’s rasterizer anyway, but, for some reason, on 4 Beta, it does.

  • Installing font indesing cs6

    i need to install fonts for using on a indesing document, i recevived the fonts, but indesing doesn't recognize them and I have fontexplorer doesn't recognize them too.
    I have tried to copy the fonts in the library folder of the systam (mac) and in the fonts folder of indesing, but when opening the document, it says the fonts are missing.Indesign cs6.
    I don't know why the files show zero bytes
    any idea?

    We used to see this when burning CDs, though it's more than ten years since I worked at that company
    Well, looking at the file dates in the screenshot, it's been more than ten years since these files were created. Reassembling resource and data fork is doable, but it's been ten years since I knew how.
    fireblade, if you have access to the source Mac then make sure that the files aren't already zero K there. In ye olden days the secret was to avoid zipping and only use Stuffit, but unless the source Mac is running 10.3 or whatever, then I doubt that this trick will help you.
    I see a reference to "afm" in that screenshot. I recall that as a dead giveaway that these files were originally compiled on Windows. Did Mac T1 fonts have the separate afm and pfm files as they did on Windows? Once again, this is all too far in the past for me to have clear memories.
    Dang it, when did I get old? I forget that, too

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