Missing songs and incorrect audio configuration

I've downloaded 8.1 this morning it has managed to crash my computer 3 times, 4 of the songs I tried to download cannot be found anywhere on the system however when I try to re purchase the money has been deducted and it says I've already downloaded them, and an error bar comes up saying my audio configuration is wrong so the 2 songs that did download and all the rest of my library wont actually play anymore! Please Help, I've never had any problems downloading or playing sons before this upgrade.

*an error bar comes up saying my audio configuration is wrong*
Have you had a chance to look at this troubleshooting page? It may be of some help: iTunes for Windows: iTunes has detected an audio configuration problem

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    Message was edited by: Argelius

    Argelius wrote:
    Here's my story. I synced my iPod a week ago before vacation (and this was backed up with Time Machine). When I returned and launched iTunes, I found that all my playlists and podcasts had disappeared. I also noticed that on my iPod I had ~4500 songs; iTunes has only 4100, so I'm missing about 400 songs.
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    Message was edited by: Argelius

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    If you didn't make a back-up of your purchases to restore from then I'm sorry to say that the policy on lost purchases is that you have to pay to download them again:
    "Once a Product is purchased and you receive the Product, it is your responsibility not to lose, destroy, or damage the Product, and Apple shall be without liability to you in the event of any loss, destruction, or damage." iTunes Store: Purchased content can be downloaded only once
    You could try contacting the iTunes Music Store Customer Service and you might be able to persuade them to sanction a second free download. There have been occasional reports in the iTunes forum of this happening, however just be aware that they are not under any obligation to do so. If you click on the link at the bottom of this page you'll be able to email your query: iTMS Customer Service
    You might also want to check out these pages for future reference:
    How to back up your media in iTunes
    Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive

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    Drive I bought: http://www.lacie.com/products/product.htm?pid=10844

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    You could try contacting the iTunes Music Store Customer Service and ask them to sanction a second free download. There have been occasional reports in the iTunes forum of this happening, however just be aware that they are not under any obligation to do so. If you click on any of the links on this page you'll find a space at the bottom to email your query: iTMS Customer Service

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    don't you just love the way Apple answers your questions in this forum?

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    I think I should have done a “Consolidate” on the old machine first, but is there a way to salvage this without starting completely from scratch?

    Authorize the computer.
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1420 - and another helpful post: https://discussions.apple.com/message/17828050

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    I recently picked up a copy of techtool pro and thought I'd bring it and give it a try, but as I haven't used it yet myself I'm not sure of it's full capabilities. I also have some recovery software i can try. Is she best to just leave the computer as is for the next 2 days till we can run some programs or should she try running disk utility or something else?
    I realize it's an older computer, though she's had no problems before this, and now is not the time to be buying a new one if possible.
    Sorry for the length of this, just trying to be thorough for you. Any help/advice would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: x2pher

    Thanks for the reply. I'll look into that program, but from what I just read about it, it sounds like the copy of Techtool Pro I have will do all of that and more, but hey, everything helps.
    So, I just got here last night and this morning is the first chance I've had to look at the computer so thought I'd give a bit of an update.
    From what I can see it's like random files have just gone missing. There's no trace of certain files, a number of the iPhoto "date" folders are missing, of the ones still present, half of them are completely empty not even containing the "data", "thumbs", or "originals" folders. Most of the folders that still contain images, are still missing the "data", "thumbs", or "originals" folders that should accompany them. And when I open iPhoto, it says the library is empty, it's almost as if the Library.data file (3mb in size) has been corrupted or that iphoto is just looking in the wrong place for the iPhoto Library. I'm a little lost here as it's not like with iTunes where you can select the location of your Library.
    The missing songs in iTunes, are just missing songs and are easily replaced, but the missing photo's are obviously important. I have a data recovery program I'm going to try, but if we could prevent this from happening in the future that would be great. Though to do that we need to know what's happened.
    Oh, and as for the missing address book link in the Mail program, it's not just that, the entire address book program is no longer on the computer, the only remaining files related to it are those in the users > name > application support > address book folder.
    Haven't looked to see what else may be missing, but as far as my friend can tell, she says nothing else is missing that she knows of.
    So far I've only run Verify Disk permissions/Disk, and that turned up nothing.
    It's like someone's just gone through and deleted all these random files/programs, but why in such a random pattern?
    Message was edited by: x2pher

  • Anyway to automatically relink random missing song files in iTunes library? Random songs have "!" while other songs in same album folder are fine.

    I can manually relink a missing song by navigating to the album folder in my iTunes media folder where all of my music is stored, but there are hundreds of "missing" songs in my 100+ GB Library. Any way to get iTunes to reconcile the library in a more automated fashion? I am fearful of solutions that may introduce a ton of duplicates.
    Would also like to know why this has happened so I can prevent it in future. Why are some songs in an album coming up missing and others in the same root folder playing fine?? It's not like my library is missing, 80% of my music is fine.
    My MAC iTunes library is organized by iTunes and all new media is copied into the iTunes folder (which I have "living" on an external USB 500GB hard drive, which I sometimes use with my PC Laptop when I travel - I don't do this often and it has never caused a problem before.)

    UPDATE: I contact the developer fo the iTunes Track CPR script just to give him some feedback. His reply, "
    Thanks for letting me know. CPR needs a good looking at. But have you tried "Music Folder Files Not Added"?
    I used that script and it found all of the MIA "missing" songs and then added them back to my iTunes library (took about 7 hours to auto add about 2000+ songs.) This process also created duplicates, but I was able to use the "Manage Duplicates" feature of iTunes under the File menu to see a list of all duplicates; then I deleted all of the songs with the"!" next to their names (took about 45 minutes.)
    So I think in the end this did save me a lot of time and aggrevation.
    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Chris!

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