Missing source video/little yellow warning on clips

So I made a movie using lots of video clips, and I guess I moved the folder that the source videos were in or renamed it or something. I know in Windows movie maker, I was just able to find that file and it would be fine, is there a way to tell the computer to find the missing file or do i have to re-enter and re-cut every video into the movie.

Your Project file (it is actually an RCPROJECT file) is a text file that provides links to the video in the events, in and out points for each clip in your project, audio, titles, transitions, etc.
You can open the RCPROJECT file in a text editor and try to see where the project thinks the Events should be. BBEDIT works well, but TEXTEDIT will also work.
Be sure to make a backup of your project before trying this. YOu can use control-click "Open With" and select the text editor of your choice.

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    After importing the video, editing the footage, and then quitting the program, when re-opening iMovie it shows me the edited version created previously, but displays a "missing source video" note in the playback screen.
    If I re-import the original video all is well, but that is not always possible.
    What gives? Am I overlooking the obvious? Am I mental?

    Your Project file (it is actually an RCPROJECT file) is a text file that provides links to the video in the events, in and out points for each clip in your project, audio, titles, transitions, etc.
    You can open the RCPROJECT file in a text editor and try to see where the project thinks the Events should be. BBEDIT works well, but TEXTEDIT will also work.
    Be sure to make a backup of your project before trying this. YOu can use control-click "Open With" and select the text editor of your choice.

  • On the imovi project I have created there are now yellow warning triangles saying the the clip is missing. How do I get the clip back?

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    I don't use the latest iMovie version, so the steps may be different....... but, you can try a couple of things:
    when you got the warning that the clips couldn't be located, was there an option to "find them"? If so, click on that and then navigate to that folder on your desktop (after that, leave the folder where it is - iMovie will need to find them again the next time); or
    attach your camera and see if you can get iMovie to 'find' them there, or
    simply try to import the clips (File > import) and see if you can integrate them that way.
    The next time you start a project, I'd suggest you either
    leave the camera attached when you work on the project (as that is where iMovie expects them to be) or
    download everything from your camera to your desktop into a folder. Then import into iMovie from there. Do not throw out or move that folder until your project has been finalized,, exported, shared, or burned - those processes will result in having a complete project which includes all the files, clips, etc. Until then, iMovie just "finds" all the files it needs in their original location.

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    It's hard to say - as You can select to use another one in another location - which I know nothing about.
    • to find out where iMovie tries to find material - As I remember it one put the pointer arrow ontop of one yellow exclemation mark and "Hands off" for some secondes - and it will tell.
    I use to do a quick - [Shift+cmd+3] to do a screen dump - so that I can read this address in full and try to set all material back to this location. iMovie can not be set to find it elsewhere - only alt is to re-insert material and now not move it - but this is most often a more tedious way - than just move material back to where iMovie tries to find it.
    • To set iPhoto to another Library
    - Start iPhoto - BUT KEEP - alt-key down during full up-start (also called the option key)
    - Now You can select another one
    Yours Bengt W

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    I've never had a warning sign like this emerge in connection with anything else I've put together with iMovie. Why is it there, and why are the music clips inoperative? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi !
    I have a question. I had that little warning sign as well but in the clip I had just imported into the event library... I don't understand because when I went to the folder in which iMovie copies the clips I import, it was right there. Same name, same size, same runtime... and it played perfectly; and I could preview the clip in iMovie. But the thumbnail was gray with that little sign. Also, I couldn't delete the clip from my library.
    I closed iMovie, started it again... the clip is in the library, no more gray thumbnail and little yellow sign.
    How is that possible ?!

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    Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly received.

    I've just found a solution to this problem, a big thanks to David Burwell:
    Close iMovie
    Back up iMovie files just in case we blow something up!!!
    Download "Plist Edit Pro" from Apple (see below)
    Go to the folder where your iMovie Project is stored, mine was at...
    User/Movies/iMovie Projects
    Right mouse click on the Video Project (mine was called Rachel Video)
    Select "Show Package Contents" from the drop down menu
    You'll see a number of Folders and Files
    Right mouse click on the file called "Project"
    Select "Open With" and browse to the "Plist Edit Pro" file you just downloaded (if you don't already have it)
    Expand the $objects list
    I scrolled down until i found the missing music file (Ship.mp3 - it will list the entire path)
    If you know the file name you can Edit/Find it instead
    Change the location pointer of the file (new path and file name)
    Select File/Save from the Plist Edit Pro menu
    Quit Plist Edit Pro
    Open the project in iMovie

  • Missing source clip in project

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    Implementation-Vendor: Gunnar Grim
    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.1
    Implementation-Title: DOI Studio
    Specification-Vendor: Gunnar Grim
    Application-Name: DOI Studio
    Permissions: all-permissions
    Specification-Title: DOI Studio
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    Codebase: *
    Name: ....
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    Are you signing your app with a 3rd party codesigning certificate ? Self-signing wont work anymore.

  • TS2289 A yellow warning icon appears at the start of each clip.What does that mean?

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    I have just discovered Imovie and started to download movies from Iphoto to imovie.
    Everything went well untill this morning when i noticed a yellow warning icon at the start of every clip, and now the clips will not play.
    How can I diagnose the issue.Is it a lack of space on the hard drive.?

    The yellow warning sign usually means that iMovie cannot find the Event clips that the project needs to do the movie. This can happen if the Event was on an external drive and the external drive is no longer attached.
    It can also happened if the Event clips have been moved, renamed, or deleted.

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    I am sorry to confuse you. Here are the facts -
    -- the files have been backed up for the past 6 months.
    -- by accident, my 7 year old deleted some files while in premiere pro. He was on it for about 1 minute.
    -- I shut down premiere pro and the computer. Premiere pro did seem to give me some trouble while shutting down. It seemed to have hung up. But, was able to shut down the computer.
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  • Source video in iMovie

    Got some questions concerning iMovie 8:
    1. When I try to trash "rejected clips", a dialogue box says I can't, and that I don't have enough disk space! I did empty the trash, as the instructions said. I am using an external hard drive to hold the source video.
    2. While experimenting, I trashed a converted movie folder from the 'movie events' folder on the external hard drive (source video). The 'project' pane in iMovie for that movie now has little yellow triangles containing and exclamation point. What's with that?
    3. Does trashing the event folders on my external hard drive have any effect on the 'project' files I've already created and shared in iMovie? I'd like to save some space on that drive.
    Thanks in advance for helping!

    1. When I try to trash "rejected clips", a dialogue box says I can't, and that I don't have enough disk >space! I did empty the trash, as the instructions said. I am using an external hard drive to hold the >source video.
    Then you move rejected clips to trash, you can actually remove rejected frames from clip, while keeping the rest of the clip intact. So I would imagine, imovie would need to make a copy of the clip while writing out the frames that are being kept. May need space for that. Also, it may need a swap file depending on how much memory you have installed. If you have a bunch of applications open and it has been a while since you rebooted, you may not have room for another swapfile.
    2. While experimenting, I trashed a converted movie folder from the 'movie events' folder on the >external hard drive (source video). The 'project' pane in iMovie for that movie now has little yellow >triangles containing and exclamation point. What's with that?
    The iMovie project file contains no video. It is a text file that contains pointers to the Event file. Once the Event file is gone, there is nothing to point to. This means you can not do further edits on your project, and you cannot Share your project to additional formats. If you still need to work on your project, drag the Event from the trash back to where it was. If you don't, you can leave it in the trash. Deleting an Event will not trash any copies of your completed movie that you may have placed in the Media Browser or in iTunes.
    3. Does trashing the event folders on my external hard drive have any effect on the 'project' files >I've already created and shared in iMovie? I'd like to save some space on that drive.
    No. Trashing Event files does not impact project files.
    You can delete Project files, but be aware that you are also deleting your Media Browser copy when you do this.

  • Yellow warning signs with ! in it

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    One possibility for the yellow warning sign in the Project Library is that you have deleted the event or the clip that the library used for the video. When you import video, the raw footage goes into the event library. Then you use those events to create a project. If you do that and then go ahead and delete the clip from the event library, you will get the warning sign you mentioned. You won't be able to make any more changes to your project. I'm not even sure if the project will continue to work properly.

  • Sequence quality much lower than source video

    I guess this is the right place to post for FCP 7?
    I have a video project in which I've imported high quality video files (1280x1024 screen capture, AVI). I've made sure that my sequence settings match the same dimensions as the source clips and that compression is set to "None." The clip settings can't be modified, and there's no pop-up when I import a clip to the timeline asking if I want to change my sequence settings. I've removed all the attributes to the clips, but there's none applied. I do have to render, though.
    When I preview the source video in the viewer it looks great, but in the canvas it looks like it's at half the quality or worse. The render comes out the same - horrible quality, despite being the right dimensions.
    I have no idea what I'm missing. Why would it appear fine in the viewer but not in the canvas? Especially if my sequence settings aren't any lower?
    I used the default settings when I created the project. If it wasn't set to "use settings from first clip," and somehow that's the issue, how can I change the project's settings without having to redo my whole film? Going to project properties in the edit menu doesn't give me any options for quality, size, etc.

    Here's something else for comparison...one of the clips makes me select to change the sequence settings, the other does not. This is a screenshot of the viewer of that clip, next to the sequence with that clip for which it's been set to the exact same settings. Yet you can see a clear quality difference in the full size version...this is what it's like throughout the whole project, whether it's text, image, or video.
    I feel like there has to be some simple setting somewhere...like a draft view...that would explain this.

  • How can I display & split the audio & video from the same digitized clip?

    I digitized a scene into iMovie that I edited on a professional system which I don't have access to anymore. The whole scene is 1 clip. Now I see a few tweaks that I want to make, so I was hoping to do them in iMovie.
    I want to "pull up" the audio in one section - meaning I want to take cut about 20 frames of audio from the end of a shot, and then move all the other audio up to fill the hole. To compensate for the missing 20 frames, I'll cut video off the head of the next shot. Some call this prelapping. Some call it an L-cut. Some call it asymmetrical trimming. Either way, I can't figure out how to do it in iMovie.
    My clip appears in the timeline as one track - a single track that contains the video and 2 audio tracks. How can I display the audio that's tied to the video on its own track? Then I think I could split audio & video wherever I wanted and trim things up - but I can't figure out how to do it.
    Am I asking too much of this software?
    BTW, I never see the option to "Split audio clip at playhead". I'm not displaying clip volume or waveforms. Choosing to display waveforms doesn't show me anything. Maybe iMovie thinks I'd only want to see waveforms of audio that isn't tied to my video-and-audio clips?
    Thanks in advance for any help...

    "Am I asking too much of this software?"
    No, you're not.
    You first want to select your clip(s) and choose Advanced>Extract Audio.
    This will copy the audio from the video clip and place it on one of the two separate audio tracks while lowering the audio level to zero in the original video track.
    You can now edit and move the audio independently of the video.
    With the audio clip selected, you'll find you now have access to Edit>Split Selected Audio Clip at Playhead.

  • The quest for a good multi-source video workflow

    I frequently have to mix together several sources, and the Multi-Camera Source Sequence in Premiere Pro should in theory be the best way to go.
    However, it's seriously underdeveloped and for a single camera with separate audio, I end up doing a sequence instead.
    Mix and scrub audio in Audition, tag and comment source video in Prelude, import both to Premiere Pro and put them together on a sequence so I can use that sewuence as a source for other sequences.
    Why don't I use a multi-camera sequence? Because you have to tag syncronization points before you put everything together, because audio and video is often recorded out of sync, with several video recordings per audio recording etcetera. It ends up a mess. We don't live in an ideal world, and not wanting to waste time (and make the talent lose focus) organizing things, recording happens pretty much on the fly with all that includes in differing methods, ideals and so on. We need to know how to cut resources (and this includes not using the most exåensive editing tools) but there's always room for improvements.
    I like to slap everything loosely together post-production and fine-sync on audio waves on the run, but this means you can adjust the multi-camera source sequence after you have put it together.
    This isn't possible in Premiere Pro, at least not without putting it into a sequrnce first and that's the next step you want to do after all the syncronizing is done, not something you want to while cutting up the sources in a sequence.
    I believe most of what I need for this is already programmed but it's mostly a matter of politics. Just please understand, synchronizing and preparing sources is different from working with a sequence, but it can be a substantial piece of work on it's own and it's not enough to just put it together in a menu and think that's all fine. (And not by far at that.)
    What I need is to be able to edit a multi-camera source sewuence on a timeline like I would edit any other sequence. And call it a multi-source sequence, it isn't just video.
    Then audio from different sources can be mixed together on the timeline like you do in a sequence, expoerted to audition as a multi-track session for more advanced audio processing (and no, single tracks aren't enough, I often need the real-time effects in audition not just the processing of whole tracks. And I mix together several audio sources, both mono and stereo tracks some from cameras but mostly from a separate, 24-bit audio recorder with inputs from hand or tie mics, environment and perhaps a gun with a boom. (I'm the audio guy with perhaps a camera on the side, others handle the main camera(s).
    And video from several cameras can be put together, one track per camera on a timeline and not just one clip per track, one camera can have several clips taken on a timeline.
    Then, when all this is put together it can be used as a source, like we use a multi-camera sequence today.
    I believe it's possible, and would increase the value of your offers. If this isn't done, I may end up looking for other software.

    Hi gino_76ph,
    You can compare different Nokia phone models and their features on Nokia developer website. Just follow the link below:
    Audio player features can be found under multimedia section, with differences highlighted.
    Hope this helps,
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

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