Mixed Manufacturing Strategies at Different Levels in BOM

Dear colleagues,
We have a situation where the BOM is about 5 levels deep. At the top level, the business needs a MTO type of solution.  At the semifinished level i.e the assemblies need to be made after the receipt of sales order.   Therefore, we can call the assembly level as either Assemble to order or Make to Order.  However at subassembly level, forecasts are likely to be keyed in. Therefore, this is a make to stock.
We have some solutions that we have thought about so far.
1)  I would like to hear if any of you have implemented multiple strategies within a single BOM structure and what challenges / issues you may have faced?
2)  I would like to know if any you came across a situation where MTO production order in one level of BOM drives another MTO production order in another level?
3)  What is the best way to manage and establish a hard pegging between different levels of BOM in R3?  ( I know that this is easier in APO)

We have implemented following scenario.
1st level - FERT - MTO strategy - type 20
2nd level - HALB - No strategy
3rd level - ROH/VERP - No strategy

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    Are the measures from 'Incident' , repeated for a given incident where it has more than one record in the Unit table ? If so, then the sum(indicent.measure) will give an incorrect result, no ?
    What requirement is there to physically merge the tables together outside of OBIEE? With OBIEE you could have one logical 'fact' table to present to report users, which sourced from seperate Incidents and Units tables and would stop the incorrect aggregations occuring. A common modelling piece in the same way would be Order Headers and Order Lines, quite common in OBIEE to have a logical 'Orders' fact which contained both Order header measures and Order line measures, this translates to your Incidents -> Units relationship.
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    Yes you can.
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    You can still do this in BI 4.0, if you use the old 'legacy'  MDX OLAP.unv from Universe Designer tool .
    Yes, with the BICS connection,  you are getting a native hierarchy, as it would be displayed in an OLAP environment.

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    Hi Vinod,
    The scenario provided in the link above doesnt match to my issue.
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    You can make use of CrossJoin function in MDX, I give a sample MDX based on the AdventureWorks database:
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    Hi swami,
    Many people suggesting to assign an aggregation level for these two factsThis is a workaround i think where you need to create aggregate tables(not levels) and then use them for your purpose.(OR) you dint define the logical source table properly either correct it.
    Another work around i could suggest is,take the 2 fact tables columns needed into one alias table and make it as fact and join this fact table to dimension table and you can get all columns.
    Hope it helps you.
    Best Wishes,

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    The second question is how to use a combination of TODATE and AGO so that if I calculate the current period (of which only 2 weeks are passed), I also only want to include the same two weeks for that period one year ago in order to make a correct comparison. How do I do that???

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    Hi there!
    I have two movie is two different levels,
    Level 5 is my base movie and I am loading another movie on
    top of this into level 10.
    Once the user clicks onto a button within the movie on level
    10, I would like the animation in level 5 to stop (the animation
    runs on the main root timeline of level 5).
    Once the user clicks on a different button within the movie
    on level 10, I would like the animation on the main timeline of the
    movie in level 5 to start again from the point where it previously
    left off.
    Is this possible?
    It would be great if someone could help me out with this.
    Thanks, midi_ie

    midi_ie wrote:
    > Hi there!
    > I have two movie is two different levels,
    > Level 5 is my base movie and I am loading another movie
    on top of this into
    > level 10.
    > Once the user clicks onto a button within the movie on
    level 10, I would like
    > the animation in level 5 to stop (the animation runs on
    the main root timeline
    > of level 5).
    > Once the user clicks on a different button within the
    movie on level 10, I
    > would like the animation on the main timeline of the
    movie in level 5 to start
    > again from the point where it previously left off.
    > Is this possible?
    Use your regular action to target timeline or movie clips,
    just define the level number at the beginning of the path.
    Pretty much it :)
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    Happy New Year
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Entering budget data on different levels

    Dear experts,
    I have a question concerning posting budget data on different levels in BCS. In Former Budgeting there was an automatic check for budget entry which was not allowing greater amounts on lower level commitment items than on higher levels.
    Now with BCS there is not a hierarchical structure when entering budget data so you can enter a greater amount on subordinate commitment items than on superior ones.
    Do you have an idea if the budget entered on the lowest level can be totaled up automatically to the higher levels of the hierarchy or consistency checks should be defined in order to control budget amounts on the different levels???
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    Dear SAPPSM,
    In the Budget Control System (BCS) there exists no hierarchical budget structure which would take into account some funds center hierarchy, for example.
    This was standard function in Former (or Classical) Budgeting, but is not available in BCS only from EhP 603 on, you will be able to have multi-level budget structure but still in development phase.
    As a consequence, when you enter budget, budget values are only created at the level of budget entry (for example, at the 3rd level). Furthermore, BCS does not provide functions like "Distribute budget"
    or "Total up budget".
    However, you can "simulate" a totalling up of budget values via reporting. For example, for Report Writer reports like FMRP_RW_BUDGET you can use funds center groups (FM menu, Master Data, Funds Center), created by transaction FM_SETS_FICTR1. You can use such funds center groups with the Report Writer reports, which then automatically sum up the budget values according to the funds center group.
    BCS is a complete system with more possibilities than FB and you will be able to define strategy derivation for controling budget or posting address according to business process. Please check the documentation available in help.sap.com and in BCS node from SPRO configuration.
    I hope I could help you
    Kind Regards,

  • Macro - multiply numbers at two different levels

    Hi Folks,
    I am trying to write a macro which takes KF at a detailed level and multiplies it with another key figure at a different level of aggregation. Any ideas in this direction will help.
    A - B
    KF 1 = 10 %
    A - C
    Kf 1 = 20%
    KF 2 = 100
    I want to write  a macro that gives following result
    A - B
    KF3 = 10 ( 10% * 100)
    A - C
    KF3 = 20 ( 20% * 100)
    Edited by: Sachin Ganesh Shetty on Feb 12, 2009 4:57 AM

    I had a similar requirement of running a macro at 5 level and use a data at 3 level as one of the inputs.
    what i did was i wrote a Z function module which called /sapapo/msdp_data_read and retrieved the value at 3 level.
    Thus i was able to extract a 3 level value and use it to run a macro at 5 level.
    Please let me know if this helps.

  • Multiplying data at two different levels

    I have Actual Forecast Bias data generated at a particular level (%Bias). I want to multiply this against other data that is at a different level in the same cube so as to adjust the forecast in line with actual performance. The Bias% data is at Battery Part# level. The data that I want to multiply it against is Appliance/Battery level. When I run it, the multiplication operates against a rolled up consumption level for all appliances that use a particular battery. I need the Bias % to operate at the battery level, not the rolled up level..
    I'm a newbi at this so any help welcome
    See the code below
    FIX (Batteries, @IDESCENDANTS ("A Size Family"),appliances,ww,@idescendants(NA));
    "New forecast %" = #Missing;
    "Bias %" = #Missing;
    "Bias %" = ("trade units" -> Actual/"trade units");
    FIX("wif 1")
    FIX (@LEVMBRS(appliances,1),@levmbrs(Batteries,0), @IDESCENDANTS ("A Size Family"),ww,@idescendants(NA));
    "New forecast %" = consumption*"Bias %";
    FIX("wif 1")
    CALC DIM (WW, Supplies, Printers);

    Hi Johnnie
    I assume the important bit is the bit within the second fix:
    "New Forecast" = Consumption * "Bias %";
    The way you have your fix statement set up it is looking at level 0 members in your Appliances and Batteries dimensions (I'm reading your post as if they are separate dimensions). I assume your issue is that the one piece of data is at level 0 interesections of appliances and batteries but the other piece is not possibly at level 0 of one dimension and level 1 or higher of the other, Bias% being the one at the higher level?
    If that is the case then I think you need to look at a way of getting from the level 0 member to the correct intersection point(s).
    Have you had a look through the technical reference at functions like @PARENTVAL, @ANCESTVAL or the multidimensional options for the same @MDPARENTVAL and @MDANCESTVAL, it sounds like your formula needs to be something along the following lines
    "New Forecast" = Consumption * @PARENTVAL(Appliances, "Bias%");
    What the above would do differently to your original code would be to get the Bias % value from the parent of the current level 0 member of the appliance dimension being calculated. While this might not be exactly what your requirement is hopefully it will steer you in the right direction.
    Hope this helps

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