Mixing scriplets within droplets question? newbie question

I am trying to retrieve data from a droplet and store it in csv format. For this purpose, i am planning to use a stringBuilder, iterate the data returned using for each and append this string builder. At the end of the code i am planning to use scriplet to read this string buffer. Below is my code.
First issue is : As soon as i add scriplet within <dsp:getvalueof> tag my page stops working
Second issue : So you think scriplet at the end of code is correct?
Thanks in advance
Any help on topic will be appreciated.
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" %>
<%@ taglib uri="dsp" prefix="dsp" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.FileInputStream" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.BufferedInputStream" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.File" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.IOException" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.List" %>
<%@ page import="java.net.URLConnection" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.BufferedOutputStream" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream" %>
<%@ page import="java.io.FileOutputStream" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.zip.ZipEntry" %>
<dsp:importbean bean="/xyz/droplet/NikeProductsDroplet"/>
<dsp:importbean bean="/xyz/core/util/ProductCatalogUrlBuilderDroplet"/>
String testVar ="" ;
StringBuffer writer = new StringBuffer();
     <dsp:droplet name="ABCProductsDroplet">
          <dsp:oparam name="output">
DisplayName, Part Number, Vendor Name, URL
               <dsp:droplet name="/atg/dynamo/droplet/ForEach">
                    <dsp:param name="array" param="allProducts" />
                    <dsp:oparam name="output">
<dsp:getvalueof id="displayNameTest" param="element.displayName" idtype="java.lang.String">
testVar = displayNameTest;
     ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
     InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
byte[] outputByte = new byte[4096];
          while(in.read(outputByte, 0, 4096) != -1)
               out.write(outputByte, 0, 4096);

First issue is : As soon as i add scriplet within <dsp:getvalueof> tag my page stops working
You must be getting some error in console.Please post that error.
directly use :
<dsp:getvalueof id="displayNameTest" param="element.displayName" idtype="java.lang.String">

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    Hi csuebele,
    The only requirement is that the final result is 1500 x 1000 px.  The black is used to fill in the sides/tops as necessary.  Since this is to be automated, I need each new file to have a unique name of course (otherwise succeeding files will overwrite their predecessor).
    For example, say I have a file called image001.tif that is cropped to 2400w x 3000h px. I need this to fit a container that's 1500 x 1000 px, with black filling this out.
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    2. Place the 2400x3000 px image in the black tiff.
    3.  PS then resizes and centers the image to fit, while preserving the aspect ratio. 
    4. Thus the image is now sized to be 800w x 1000h px , with black filling the sides equally; i.e. 750 px of black on either side.
    5. I then save that "new" version of the black file for the web, and then close w/o saving.
    6. End result is a 1500x1000 file called image001.JPG.
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    Example of a portrait image:
    Example of a landscape image:

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    Try something like this:
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    graphics.drawString("Hello in Image", 0, 0);
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    Unfortunately you cannot add drop shadows to text in Muse.
    You could create the text in Photoshop and import it in, using the "Place Photoshop button" under the file menu. (you would create the, normal, hover, active states in Photoshop layers)

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    I strongly suggest taking the time to learn about cascading style sheets and how you can use css to control <div> tags to layout your page over attempting a table based layout. There are many places online to find tutorials about css, one of my favorite references is http://www.w3schools.com they also have a walk through tutorial for css that will help you on your way, away from nested table layouts.
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    Yes you can. You can call from your computer to any phone in the US or Canada. You can call from your mobile with a skype app while you are on wifi.
    If you found a post useful, please give Kudos. If it helped to fix your issue, mark it as a solution to help others.
    Thank You!

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    I'm fairly desperate.  Thanks!

    See this thread for a workaround:
    This bug has been fixed in Premiere Pro CS5.5.

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    Currently there are two paragraph styles in the book to appear in the TOC in their own styles (so four paragraph styles in total - Chapter Number, Chapter Name, Chapter Number TOC and Chapter Name TOC).
    They currently generate in their simplest form in the TOC as:
    Chapter 1
    An introduction to your new home ................8
    I simply want the chapter name to appear on the same line.
    Chapter 1 An introduction to your new home ................8
    Thanks for any help anyone.

    Peter Spier wrote:
    Peter G,
    I don't do XML, but I think the answer is basically the same as initially outlined. If it's one paragraph with some sort of magic line break character, that character is going to be carried into the TOC and create a line break there as well, and if it's two paragraphs sepatated by a magic separator, it's going to remain two paragraphs. Break characters don't just disappear on their because we decide we don't want to see them -- they have to be deleted, and styles cannot add or remove text, only change the formatting.
    The  neat thing about the No Break style (which never occurred to me before this morning), is precisly that it doesn't depend on any break characters to work, only the supposition that the second part of the paragraph will be too long to fit unbroken on the same line as the first part, and that it will fit on a new line. ID simply breaks the text at that point because it has no better choice. This is not, unfortunately, guaranteed to work for all paragraphs as it depends on column widths and text length to work in combination to force the break.
    The No Break approach is a good solution if the TOC text frame and paragraph properties can be made to wrap at the allowed break position.
    I was trying to find a counterpart to FrameMaker's run-in paragraph feature, but as you verified, it's not possible. FYI, here's how it looks in FM:
    The source document uses ChapNum paragraph format (aka "ID paragraph style" for "Chapter number 1:" which is all in the autonumber part of the paragraph. The ChapTitl paragraph format is used for the "Chapter title" text.
    As in ID, the two paragraph formats/styles are designated to be extracted by the TOC process. FM's TOCs are always generated as independent files. In the TOC document, ChapNum format/style becomes ChapNumTOC, and ChapTitle format/style becomes ChapTitleTOC. The *TOC styles can be styled differently from their source paragraphs. So, ChapNumTOC is given the run-in property which allows the next paragraph in the document - here it's the ChapTitlTOC paragraph with "Chapter Title" text - to follow it on the same line. However, you can see the green pilcrow at the end of the ChapNumTOC paragraph, which identifies it as a true paragraph, that happens to lack the property that starts it on a new line. Once the TOC's formatted properly, every subsequent TOC process is completely "hands off," i.e., no manual touch up needed, nothing to forget. This is why I keep submitting an enhancement request for this ability, and also encourage others.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Setting XML based exam to where there are two correct answers in a question

    I have an exam which pulls in questions from an XML file and to indicate what the correct answer is you would indicate in the XML as such:
    PROBLEM id="1">
                    <QUESTION>What is the State Capital of California:</QUESTION>
                    <CHOICE letter="a">San Fransisco.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="b">San Diego.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="c">Los Angelas.</CHOICE>
                    <CHOICE letter="d" correct="true">Sacremento.</CHOICE>
    There is one question, that is structured so there are two right answers, but when I add correct="true" to both answers I want as right only one is calculated correctly in the scoring. I thinking I need to make an adjustment in the code that pulls in the XML, but not sure where. Hoping someone can help.
    Here is the AS code.
    package exam {
        import flash.net.* //to create URLRequest and load XML file
        import flash.events.* //for Load events
        //import flash.display.* //for testing purposes - remove when testing complete
        //This class downloads the XML document, and then inserts info into arrays and variables.
        //Also provides text of questions and correct answers when requested.
        internal class XaMLDiplomat extends EventDispatcher {
            //for loaded XML doc
            private var myXML:XML;
            //for loading in XML
            private var examLoader:URLLoader;
            private var numQstns:Number; //count of total questions in a section
            private var sectStart:Number;
            //contains exam questions - ALL ARRAYS ARE ZERO RELATIVE -> actual question numbers = array index + 1
            private var questions:Array;
            //contain associated answer choices
            private var choiceA:Array;
            private var choiceB:Array;
            private var choiceC:Array;
            private var choiceD:Array;
            private var choiceE:Array;
            private var choiceF:Array;
            //array of the correct answers
            private var answers:Array;
            //use custom Mixer class to randomize order
            private var myMixer:Mixer;
            private var isRandom:Boolean;
            public function XaMLDiplomat () { //NEED TO ADD ARGUMENTS (docLocation)
                //create URLRequest from argument
                var examSite:URLRequest = new URLRequest("protected/exam.xml");
                //create a loader for the XML
                examLoader = new URLLoader();
                //add listener for load completion
                examLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fullyLoaded);
                //var ugly:Mixer = new Mixer(25);
            //Load listener - creates XML object, and checks it for multiple sections. If multiple, it asks users
            //which section they want - FIRST it needs to check database for any completed sections.
            //If single, it goes ahead and starts array creation for first (& only) section
            private function fullyLoaded (e:Event):void {
                myXML = new XML(examLoader.data);
                //myXML.prettyPrinting = false;
                //still need to pull out SYSTEM data and pass it along...
                var system:XMLList = myXML..SYSTEM;
                var sysObj:Object = new Object();
                sysObj.examTitle = system.TITLE.toString();
                sysObj.totalMin = system.MINUTES.toString();
                sysObj.retakePW = system.RETAKEPW.toString();
                var numSections:Number = myXML..SECTION.length();
                if (numSections == 1) {
                dispatchEvent(new MultiSectEvent(MultiSectEvent.SECTIONS, numSections, sysObj));
            //Assigns arrays to instance variables for the selected section
            internal function generateArrays (sectn:Number):void {
                var whichSection:XMLList = myXML..SECTION.(@id == String(sectn));
                var probList:XMLList = whichSection.PROBLEM;
                numQstns = probList.length();
                sectStart = Number(probList[0].@id);
                questions = new Array();
                choiceA = new Array();
                choiceB = new Array();
                choiceC = new Array();
                choiceD = new Array();
                choiceE = new Array();
                choiceF = new Array();
                answers = new Array();
                for (var i:Number=0; i<numQstns; i++) {
                    var curProb:XMLList = probList.(@id == String(i+1));
                    if (curProb.QUESTION.hasSimpleContent()) {
                        questions[i] = curProb.QUESTION.toString();
                    }else {
                        questions[i] = dropTags(curProb.QUESTION[0]);
                    choiceA[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "a").toString();
                    choiceB[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "b").toString();
                    choiceC[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "c").toString();
                    choiceD[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "d").toString();
                    choiceE[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "e").toString();
                    choiceF[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "f").toString();
                    answers[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(hasOwnProperty("@correct") && @correct == "true")[email protected]();
                //randomizing test
                //var makeRandom:Boolean;
                //system.RANDOM.toString() ==  'true' ? makeRandom = true : makeRandom = false;
                //myMixer = new Mixer(numQstns,makeRandom);
                trace("Question: "+questions[3]);
                trace("a: "+choiceA[3]);
                trace("b: "+choiceB[3]);
                trace("c: "+choiceC[3]);
                trace("d: "+choiceD[3]);
                trace("\r\n answer: "+answers[3]); */
            //method for external classes to acquire text of current exam question
            internal function getQuestion (qnum:Number):Object {
                var returnObj:Object = new Object();
                var randomQ:Number = myMixer.getRandomNumber(qnum-1);
                returnObj.q = questions[randomQ];
                returnObj.ca = choiceA[randomQ];
                returnObj.cb = choiceB[randomQ];
                returnObj.cc = choiceC[randomQ];
                returnObj.cd = choiceD[randomQ];
                returnObj.ce = choiceE[randomQ];
                returnObj.cf = choiceF[randomQ];
                returnObj.num = qnum;
                return returnObj;
            private function dropTags (txt:XML):String {
                var txtString:String = "";
                for each (var child:XML in txt.*) {
                    if (child.nodeKind == "text") {
                        txtString += child.toString();
                    }else {
                        txtString += " " + child.toXMLString();
                return txtString;
            private function dropTags (txt:String):String {
                var sliceStart:Number = txt.indexOf(">");
                var sliceStop:Number = txt.lastIndexOf("<");
                return txt.slice((sliceStart+1), sliceStop);
            internal function getAnswer (num:Number):String {
                return answers[num];
            internal function getQCount ():Number {
                return numQstns;
            internal function getSectStart():Number {
                return sectStart;
            internal function getRealNum (num:Number):Number {
                return myMixer.getRandomNumber(num-1);

    this may or may not be the probel, but as it stands right now, when you select and anser it becomes hi-lighted and when you click off and select another answer the previous answer is deselected and the current answer is hi-lighted. I need to allow for multiple selections. This code is what is doing to current select/de-select functionality.
    package exam {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.text.*;
        //This class displays the current question, and contains the Choices for the question
        public class QMachine extends Sprite {
            private var QObject:Object; //object from XaMLDiplomat, containing necessary text
            private var limit:Number;
            private var QNumTxt:TextField;
            private var QTxt:TextField;
            private var txtStyle:StyleSheet;
            private var choiceA:Choice;
            private var choiceB:Choice;
            private var choiceC:Choice;
            private var choiceD:Choice;
            private var choiceE:Choice;
            private var choiceF:Choice;
            public function QMachine (hite:Number) {
                limit = hite;
                var style:Object = new Object();
                style.fontFamily = "Arial";
                //style.fontWeight = "bold";
                style.fontSize = "16";
                style.color = "#333333";
                txtStyle = new StyleSheet();
                QNumTxt = new TextField();
                QNumTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
                //QNumTxt.embedFonts = true;
                QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>1) </p>";
                QNumTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
                QNumTxt.x = 10;
                QNumTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
                QTxt = new TextField();
                QTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
                //QTxt.embedFonts = true;
                QTxt.width = 300;
                QTxt.multiline = true;
                QTxt.wordWrap = true;
                QTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                QTxt.htmlText = "<p>Question 1</p>";
                QTxt.x = 35;
                QTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
                choiceA = new Choice("a");
                choiceA.x = 350;
                choiceB = new Choice("b");
                choiceB.x = 350;
                choiceC = new Choice("c");
                choiceC.x = 350;
                choiceD = new Choice("d");
                choiceD.x = 350;
                choiceE = new Choice("e");
                choiceE.x = 350;
                choiceF = new Choice("f");
                choiceF.x = 350;
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectResponse, true);
            internal function newQuestion (obj:Object, prior:String = ""):void {
                QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.num + ".</p>";
                QTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.q + "</p>";
                choiceB.y = choiceA.height + 5;
                if (obj.cc == undefined || String(obj.cc) == "") {
                    choiceC.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                    choiceC.visible = true;
                if (obj.cd == undefined || String(obj.cd) == "") {
                    choiceD.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                    choiceD.visible = true;
                if (obj.ce == undefined || String(obj.ce) == "") {
                    choiceE.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                    choiceE.visible = true;
                if (obj.cf == undefined || String(obj.cf) == "") {
                    choiceF.visible = false;
                }else {
                    choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                    choiceF.visible = true;
                var curHite:Number;
                if (choiceF.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                }else {
                    curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
                if (prior != "") {
                    if (prior == "a") {
                    }else if (prior == "b") {
                    }else if (prior == "c") {
                    }else if (prior == "d") {
                    }else if (prior == "e") {
                    }else if (prior == "f") {
            private function shrinkText() {
                choiceB.y = choiceA.y + choiceA.height + 5;
                choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                var curHite:Number = 0;
                if (choiceF.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                    curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                }else {
                    curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
            private function selectResponse (e:MouseEvent):void {
                var letter:String = e.target.parent.getLetter();
                dispatchEvent(new ResponseEvent(ResponseEvent.SELECTION, letter));
            internal function setPriorResponse() {

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