Setting XML based exam to where there are two correct answers in a question

I have an exam which pulls in questions from an XML file and to indicate what the correct answer is you would indicate in the XML as such:
PROBLEM id="1">
                <QUESTION>What is the State Capital of California:</QUESTION>
                <CHOICE letter="a">San Fransisco.</CHOICE>
                <CHOICE letter="b">San Diego.</CHOICE>
                <CHOICE letter="c">Los Angelas.</CHOICE>
                <CHOICE letter="d" correct="true">Sacremento.</CHOICE>
There is one question, that is structured so there are two right answers, but when I add correct="true" to both answers I want as right only one is calculated correctly in the scoring. I thinking I need to make an adjustment in the code that pulls in the XML, but not sure where. Hoping someone can help.
Here is the AS code.
package exam {
    import* //to create URLRequest and load XML file
    import* //for Load events
    //import flash.display.* //for testing purposes - remove when testing complete
    //This class downloads the XML document, and then inserts info into arrays and variables.
    //Also provides text of questions and correct answers when requested.
    internal class XaMLDiplomat extends EventDispatcher {
        //for loaded XML doc
        private var myXML:XML;
        //for loading in XML
        private var examLoader:URLLoader;
        private var numQstns:Number; //count of total questions in a section
        private var sectStart:Number;
        //contains exam questions - ALL ARRAYS ARE ZERO RELATIVE -> actual question numbers = array index + 1
        private var questions:Array;
        //contain associated answer choices
        private var choiceA:Array;
        private var choiceB:Array;
        private var choiceC:Array;
        private var choiceD:Array;
        private var choiceE:Array;
        private var choiceF:Array;
        //array of the correct answers
        private var answers:Array;
        //use custom Mixer class to randomize order
        private var myMixer:Mixer;
        private var isRandom:Boolean;
        public function XaMLDiplomat () { //NEED TO ADD ARGUMENTS (docLocation)
            //create URLRequest from argument
            var examSite:URLRequest = new URLRequest("protected/exam.xml");
            //create a loader for the XML
            examLoader = new URLLoader();
            //add listener for load completion
            examLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fullyLoaded);
            //var ugly:Mixer = new Mixer(25);
        //Load listener - creates XML object, and checks it for multiple sections. If multiple, it asks users
        //which section they want - FIRST it needs to check database for any completed sections.
        //If single, it goes ahead and starts array creation for first (& only) section
        private function fullyLoaded (e:Event):void {
            myXML = new XML(;
            //myXML.prettyPrinting = false;
            //still need to pull out SYSTEM data and pass it along...
            var system:XMLList = myXML..SYSTEM;
            var sysObj:Object = new Object();
            sysObj.examTitle = system.TITLE.toString();
            sysObj.totalMin = system.MINUTES.toString();
            sysObj.retakePW = system.RETAKEPW.toString();
            var numSections:Number = myXML..SECTION.length();
            if (numSections == 1) {
            dispatchEvent(new MultiSectEvent(MultiSectEvent.SECTIONS, numSections, sysObj));
        //Assigns arrays to instance variables for the selected section
        internal function generateArrays (sectn:Number):void {
            var whichSection:XMLList = myXML..SECTION.(@id == String(sectn));
            var probList:XMLList = whichSection.PROBLEM;
            numQstns = probList.length();
            sectStart = Number(probList[0].@id);
            questions = new Array();
            choiceA = new Array();
            choiceB = new Array();
            choiceC = new Array();
            choiceD = new Array();
            choiceE = new Array();
            choiceF = new Array();
            answers = new Array();
            for (var i:Number=0; i<numQstns; i++) {
                var curProb:XMLList = probList.(@id == String(i+1));
                if (curProb.QUESTION.hasSimpleContent()) {
                    questions[i] = curProb.QUESTION.toString();
                }else {
                    questions[i] = dropTags(curProb.QUESTION[0]);
                choiceA[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "a").toString();
                choiceB[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "b").toString();
                choiceC[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "c").toString();
                choiceD[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "d").toString();
                choiceE[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "e").toString();
                choiceF[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(@letter == "f").toString();
                answers[i] = curProb.CHOICE.(hasOwnProperty("@correct") && @correct == "true")[email protected]();
            //randomizing test
            //var makeRandom:Boolean;
            //system.RANDOM.toString() ==  'true' ? makeRandom = true : makeRandom = false;
            //myMixer = new Mixer(numQstns,makeRandom);
            trace("Question: "+questions[3]);
            trace("a: "+choiceA[3]);
            trace("b: "+choiceB[3]);
            trace("c: "+choiceC[3]);
            trace("d: "+choiceD[3]);
            trace("\r\n answer: "+answers[3]); */
        //method for external classes to acquire text of current exam question
        internal function getQuestion (qnum:Number):Object {
            var returnObj:Object = new Object();
            var randomQ:Number = myMixer.getRandomNumber(qnum-1);
            returnObj.q = questions[randomQ];
   = choiceA[randomQ];
            returnObj.cb = choiceB[randomQ];
   = choiceC[randomQ];
   = choiceD[randomQ];
            returnObj.ce = choiceE[randomQ];
   = choiceF[randomQ];
            returnObj.num = qnum;
            return returnObj;
        private function dropTags (txt:XML):String {
            var txtString:String = "";
            for each (var child:XML in txt.*) {
                if (child.nodeKind == "text") {
                    txtString += child.toString();
                }else {
                    txtString += " " + child.toXMLString();
            return txtString;
        private function dropTags (txt:String):String {
            var sliceStart:Number = txt.indexOf(">");
            var sliceStop:Number = txt.lastIndexOf("<");
            return txt.slice((sliceStart+1), sliceStop);
        internal function getAnswer (num:Number):String {
            return answers[num];
        internal function getQCount ():Number {
            return numQstns;
        internal function getSectStart():Number {
            return sectStart;
        internal function getRealNum (num:Number):Number {
            return myMixer.getRandomNumber(num-1);

this may or may not be the probel, but as it stands right now, when you select and anser it becomes hi-lighted and when you click off and select another answer the previous answer is deselected and the current answer is hi-lighted. I need to allow for multiple selections. This code is what is doing to current select/de-select functionality.
package exam {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.text.*;
    //This class displays the current question, and contains the Choices for the question
    public class QMachine extends Sprite {
        private var QObject:Object; //object from XaMLDiplomat, containing necessary text
        private var limit:Number;
        private var QNumTxt:TextField;
        private var QTxt:TextField;
        private var txtStyle:StyleSheet;
        private var choiceA:Choice;
        private var choiceB:Choice;
        private var choiceC:Choice;
        private var choiceD:Choice;
        private var choiceE:Choice;
        private var choiceF:Choice;
        public function QMachine (hite:Number) {
            limit = hite;
            var style:Object = new Object();
            style.fontFamily = "Arial";
            //style.fontWeight = "bold";
            style.fontSize = "16";
            style.color = "#333333";
            txtStyle = new StyleSheet();
            QNumTxt = new TextField();
            QNumTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
            //QNumTxt.embedFonts = true;
            QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>1) </p>";
            QNumTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
            QNumTxt.x = 10;
            QNumTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
            QTxt = new TextField();
            QTxt.styleSheet = txtStyle;
            //QTxt.embedFonts = true;
            QTxt.width = 300;
            QTxt.multiline = true;
            QTxt.wordWrap = true;
            QTxt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            QTxt.htmlText = "<p>Question 1</p>";
            QTxt.x = 35;
            QTxt.mouseEnabled = false;
            choiceA = new Choice("a");
            choiceA.x = 350;
            choiceB = new Choice("b");
            choiceB.x = 350;
            choiceC = new Choice("c");
            choiceC.x = 350;
            choiceD = new Choice("d");
            choiceD.x = 350;
            choiceE = new Choice("e");
            choiceE.x = 350;
            choiceF = new Choice("f");
            choiceF.x = 350;
            addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectResponse, true);
        internal function newQuestion (obj:Object, prior:String = ""):void {
            QNumTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.num + ".</p>";
            QTxt.htmlText = "<p>"+ obj.q + "</p>";
            choiceB.y = choiceA.height + 5;
            if ( == undefined || String( == "") {
                choiceC.visible = false;
            }else {
                choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
                choiceC.visible = true;
            if ( == undefined || String( == "") {
                choiceD.visible = false;
            }else {
                choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
                choiceD.visible = true;
            if (obj.ce == undefined || String(obj.ce) == "") {
                choiceE.visible = false;
            }else {
                choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
                choiceE.visible = true;
            if ( == undefined || String( == "") {
                choiceF.visible = false;
            }else {
                choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
                choiceF.visible = true;
            var curHite:Number;
            if (choiceF.visible) {
                curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
            }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
            }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
            }else {
                curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
            if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
            if (prior != "") {
                if (prior == "a") {
                }else if (prior == "b") {
                }else if (prior == "c") {
                }else if (prior == "d") {
                }else if (prior == "e") {
                }else if (prior == "f") {
        private function shrinkText() {
            choiceB.y = choiceA.y + choiceA.height + 5;
            choiceC.y = choiceB.y + choiceB.height + 5;
            choiceD.y = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
            choiceE.y = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
            choiceF.y = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
            var curHite:Number = 0;
            if (choiceF.visible) {
                curHite = choiceF.y + choiceF.height + 5;
            }else if (choiceE.visible) {
                curHite = choiceE.y + choiceE.height + 5;
            }else if (choiceD.visible) {
                curHite = choiceD.y + choiceD.height + 5;
            }else {
                curHite = choiceC.y + choiceC.height + 5;
            if (curHite > (limit-150)) {
        private function selectResponse (e:MouseEvent):void {
            var letter:String =;
            dispatchEvent(new ResponseEvent(ResponseEvent.SELECTION, letter));
        internal function setPriorResponse() {

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