MLA/Pages Question

Hi, my school uses MLA as a primary format, and I was wondering if there is a way to place the heading at the top automatically. The box at the top of a blank page, i know it repeats what you type onto every page, but i need each page to have a different number. i.e., I need a heading at the top of each page that says "Smith #", "Smith 1" on page one, "Smith 2" on page two, ect.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks so much!

That box at the top is the header and if you put the cursor up there and choose *Page Number* from the Insert menu it will put the page number there - and the number will change with the pages.
If your instructor wants you to omit the header on the first page - many do including me - open the Inspector palette and click on the second icon along the top. This is the Layout inspector. Click on the little tab below labeled Section and near the bottom you'll see a checkmark box for First Page is Different. Click it. Set up your first page and then once you've begun typing on the second page, go up to the header and type in your name and insert the page number. The page # won't appear on the first page.

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    please delete me from your mailing list.  tks.
    Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:01:23 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Text Replacement in scanned page question
    I must be doing something incredibly wrong because I cannot get text to be replaced in a scanned OCR document. I am using Acrobat Pro 9.
    Before getting to that, let me ask this question: If I am scanning a document created using a readily available font like Times New Roman, why does Acrobat even bother using the scanned page for displaying text? It knows the text, the OCR was 100% accurate. Why not replace the 300 dpi scanned bitmap image with real, vector-based text? I don't understand that.
    OK, now to just trying to replace what amounts to fuzzy looking text with vector text. I've read how to replace text using Tools-> Advanced Editing-> TouchUp Text Tool where I select text, right click on it, go to properties and change the text. Here's what happens when I do that:
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    alienbogey wrote:
    I'm pretty frustrated with Pages and have some questions.
    Data: MacBook with 1.83ghz dual core Intel, OS 10.4.11, 1 gig RAM, lots of hard drive space available. I'm working in Pages on a novel that is around 200,000 words. Software Update reports no new updates available.
    I will repeat what I wrote in an other post.
    I assumes that your 200,000 words document is about a 1,000,000 characters one.
    In AppleWorks, it will uses 1,800,000 bytes on disk.
    In Pages, with the description of every styles parameters, it becomes something about 4,000,000 bytes long. This block of data will be saved as is in a XML file then this one will be gzipped in a 100,000 bytes file then the XML file will be erased.
    I must add that these numbers are those met on a raw text document. Always the same font, size and style.
    Only some words are in a different colour. With bells and whistles, you may quickly double the size of the XML file.
    I assumes that this explain easily the differences encountered.
    That's rather a pain when I'm used to hitting Save between sentences.
    Most often on this forum we read from users which save only after four hours of typing.
    My guess is that for users working as you do, the typing part of the job would be better done in a simpler tool.
    For this kind of duty I uses Bean which is a free application more powerful than SimpleText, less powerful than Pages.
    When the "kilometer typing" is done the document enters in Pages and this is a new story.
    2. Spell check - why so slow? I've hit Spell Check and have timed spinning beach balls that take up to 64 seconds before the Spell Check dialog box comes up - in the mean time I can do nothing, Pages won't respond at all. Spell check is essentially useless.
    As I often wrote, it's the drawback of what I describe as a design flaw. The document is described in memory as a verbose XML document. The SpellChecker has a very heavy duty to scan the real text in the mountain of descriptors.
    3. Spell check - I've tried highlighting just one word before selecting Spell Check so I can get the checker to learn that word, and once again I wait through a 60 second launch of the spell checker. Is there a way to just check the one word - QUICKLY - via the spell checker?
    It was responded by an other helper
    4. The Comments feature, which I find very useful, has a default font size of 9 (very tiny). I can manually reset the size every time I make a Comment, but how can I reset the default font size in Comments?
    At this time, you can't. It's one of the numerous default parameters for which I wish that Apple offer a Preference setting. I wish to add that the choice of 9 is not really foolish. It was made to balance the space occupied by the comments' column(s) and the space remaining for the doc itself.
    Many users wrote abot the reduced size of the real page.
    5. The disappearing cursor symbol: When I hit the return key to start a new paragraph the blinking cursor disappears. It is evidently there at the new line but is invisible. This is very frustrating and stupid - I hit return, pause for thought, look back at the screen and there is no cursor to be found. Is this truly the way Pages works? The cursor sits there blinking, visible as it should be, for everything but after hitting the Return key to start a new line. What gives?
    As other helpers wrote, I never met this oddity. Perhaps it would be fine if Apple was offering the ability to choose a cursor fitting our own requirements.
    6. Fonts: Listed font names no longer appear in their own fonts, I end up highlighting text, picking a font, looking to see how the highlighted section looks, picking another random name, looking, etc. Is there no way - as there was in AppleWorks, to open the font menu and see all the fonts as they actually will appear?
    How many fonts are you using in a single document?
    I guess that if you are a pro, the response is less han 5.
    In the Font dialog, put these fonts in the favourite set so, the next time you will need to change the font, open the Favourite item and you will get your fonts in their own fonts. It's something like Christopher Colombus's egg.
    Trying to keep up with the march of technology I've converted my novel from AppleWorks to Pages but these items I've listed are VERY annoying, especially the glacial spell check. I'm tempted to convert back but I'm hoping that I'm just being stupid and there are settings changes I just haven't found.
    I'm always surprised when I met professional users changing their tools without checking seriously if the new , well publicized one really match the true needs
    I worked more than 30 years as a potter. I was often offered new tools for this or that. At then very end I replaced less than 10 % with new ones (and for some, I had no choice, the original tool is no longer available).
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 27 janvier 2008 20:59:18)

  • Code for Embedding Quicktime Movies in Web Pages-Question

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    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    QT_WriteOBJECT('', '644', '76','','controller','true','autoplay','true','showlogo','true','cache','false' ,'enablejavascript','true');
    // --></script>
    and I put at the top of the page, right before </head>
    <script src="AC_QuickTime.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    I forgot where I got this code. Perhaps from someone on this forum, or elsewhere. It seems to work with the default settings on most browsers.
    I have a couple questions, however, regarding fine-tuning it a little more.
    1) If it takes a while for the movie to load, users who open my pages see a static Q QT icon. How would one make the icon flash, with flashing text that says "Loading", so that the user knows that the video is loading? (I have seen that on other sites, and don't know how to do that.)
    2)As said the javascript works with most browser default settings, as most have javascript enabled by default. But what if a user does not have javascript enabled? Could the code sense that, and if non-existent, tell the user to enable javascript? Or, if javascript is disabled, could the embed and/or object tags be activated?
    3) The code above, that I got from someone, says "cache=false". That means that each time someone sees the movie, it has to be reloaded from the net, and not from the browser cache, correct? If so, why would one want it to be set that way? If it's a large movie, a user with a slower computer and/or internet connection would certainly prefer if it could play from the cache the next time, loading much faster. Is there any reason to prefer "cache=false"?
    4)Is there any code that could be put in, to allow the user, if they prefer, to download the file,(perhaps with a right-click or CTRL-Click), instead of playing it in the browser?
    Thank you very much in advance, to whomever can help with these code questions.

    Thank you for your reply, Kirk,
    1)Yes, I do have "fast start" enabled in my files, and they were made with QT Pro, newest version. So no, there is no "trouble with my files".
    However, I would still like to have that flashing "Loading" icon when the file is loading, as I see on other sites. (And yes, even with "Fast Start" enabled, depending on the size of the file, the speed of the computer and internet connection, it can take a little time beforeit starts.) Anyone know how to create that flashing "Loading" icon, rather than just the static Q?
    2)I just wondered if there was a way for the javascript to recognize if the user does not have javascript, and bring up a message if that is the case, telling the user they need to enable it to see the content. (As would happen if the user does not have the QT plugin installed.) Yes, I realize it would not work to include in the normal way the embed and object tags as well, I wondered if there was a way to invoke them only if the user doesn't have javascript. Perhaps impossible, but I thought I'd ask, in case someone knows of a way to do that.
    4)Yes, I guess I could just put a separate direct text link to the movie file for downloading. I just wondered if there was a way to put that in the javascript, so that if someone right-clicks on the QT icon, they can download rather than view it, rather than use a separate link. That may also be impossible, but I thought I'd ask, and see if there is a way to do that.
    Your question to me regarding dimensions--I forget which was the QT movie, that I took that sample from. Yes, I have some in unusual sizes. They are not normal movies. I don't have time to explain more now though, and that has no bearing on the questions I asked.
    Once again, thanks for replying, and if you or someone else could help further with my questions, I would appreciate it very much.
    Have a nice day!

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    By holding any icon for a short while, all icons will appear to wobble, then they can be dragged about to be ordered in any way you wish. By dragging an icon to the edge of the screen the iPhone will allow the icon to be placed into the next home screen.

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    Patrick Cook

    Found the answer to my own question. It's done with PHP.
    Anyone who's interested, look here: directory/

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    Thanks Michael,
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  • Removing but keeping old pages Question.

    Hi there.
    This is my first post.
    I have looked to see if there is a thread similar to my question and cannot see one so sorry if its a duplicate.
    Using i-web I have a site currently online.
    I want to take a couple of pages off the site but I don't want to simply delete them.
    Can I store them where i can see them but omit them from being published when I update my website?

    Create a second website in iWeb and drag these pages down to it.
    Now publish all.
    If you are publishing to MobileMe, the site with the extra pages will be published but not viewable from the URL for the top site.

  • Order page question  will this link redirect us to the my verizon page that will ask what lines to upgrade, and allow two upgrades at once...Thanks

    AnnistonMedic wrote:
    It says " Existing customers come back on". Sounds like that is the page we are supposed to come back on
    yeah I figured that but I guess my question should have been... are you going to have to do each line one at a time or can you check the box (like you can now) and upgrade two or more at once as one transaction. The way it is now I can sign in under the main line, click the upgrade link, and all my lines show up. Two of which have upgrades ready to go. There is a box that I can mark under both. Then click next and choose what phone for each.Then continue on through the process..I am just making sure it will be the same process for this..I know it will only be speculation until 3am on the 3rd but just getting my game plan on if you will

  • Dynamic page question (or class=RegionHeaderColor)

    Hi there,
    i have a couple of portlets, the top-left-portlet showing a background image.
    however my dynamic-page portlet doesn't show the image
    because in the source i see this:
    <TR><TD class="RegionHeaderColor" WIDTH="100%">
    <H2>Example of A Dynamic Page</H2>
    the problem is the class.
    when i remove it, i see the image...
    my questions are:
    1. where can i remove the class
    2. how can i change the class.
    thanx in advance,

    If your question is related to editing of dynamic pages exposed as a porltet in a particular page then,
    1)Edit the page
    2)Check the name of the component (dynamic page component) created, and the name of the application.
    3) In the applications tab, navigate to the corresponding application and edit the component in question.

  • Reentrant page question (dynamic component generation related).

    I am trying to build a test site where a question will be asked on a page then submitted, then the next question will show up on that same page then submitted, until all of the questions are answered.
    Since each question can have a variable number of answers, I decided to dynamicaly build the answer list as a group of radio buttons. The first time I come to the test page, everything works just fine. The question along with the radio buttons that correspond to the possible answers show up, but when the user hits submit, instead of the next question showing up, the same one continues to display every time.
    I verify that in the test page's constructor the next question is being loaded and the old components are cleared out before I rebuild them.
    The entire code in the test page's constructor looks something like this:
            Map testToQuestionMap = session.getTestNameToRandomizedAnswersListMap();
            String selectedTest = getSessionBean1().getSelectedTest();
            int    currentIndex = getSessionBean1().getCurrentQuestionIndex();
            List questionList = (List)testToQuestionMap.get(selectedTest);
            Question question = (Question)questionList.get(currentIndex);
            //Clean up the page
            //Ask the question
            StaticText questionText = new StaticText();
            List answerList = question.getAnswerList();
            Iterator answerIter = answerList.iterator();
                RadioButton rb     = new RadioButton();
                String      answer = (String);
        }So, what do you need to do to allow the same page to be updated dynamically each time it is called besides what I am already doing?
    Is it a caching thing maybe?

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  • MLA Format Question

    I've almost completed work on my template for MLA format in Pages 09.
    I've done the auto-insert page number into the right-hand corner of each page.
    However, I'm having trouble because I don't know how to insert my last name to the left of the auto-inserted page number in the top right corner of every page.
    So, instead of
    1 in the right hand corner
    It would be
    Last name 1 in the right hand corner
    And so on and so on with every page thereafter.

    Use the header or footer, anything you put in there will repeat on each page. You will find the header or footer is a fixed text box at the top and bottom of your page. If you move the mouse over them you will see their outline and can click inside them.
    Or go:
    +Menu > View > Show Layout+ to see all the boxes on the page.
    To do what you want: click in the header, type +*Last Name*+ followed by a space, then:
    +Menu > Insert > Page Number+
    Each page will now have "+*Last Name*+ 1" etc. The number will be whatever the page number is. The rest stays the same.
    see *Using Headers and Footers* p51 of the Pages09_UserGuide.pdf downloadable from under the Help menu.

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    Thanks for any help you can give.

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  • Silly Landing Page question

    With Landing pages in Teaming I see we have the option to Hide the Masthead, the Sidebar, the Main Menu Bar and the Footer.
    No problem with any of that.
    But if I hide all the menu that lets me get into edit it, how do I get back in to edit the landing page?
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    I see!
    I just tried it and it removed the menu bar from its regular location and adds a new version at the bottom of the page.
    Very nice.

  • Basic working/Master Page questions

    Beginner - creating 80 pg catalog in ID -
    I'm a little confused with using  ID master pages and don't have time to go through a lot of tutorials at the moment. I created a new doc with 4 master pages (all spreads) to use at will throughout, intending to swap out text and images in page layout mode once the master pages are dragged down into the page layouts section of the palette.
    After dragging pages from the Master Pages section down into pages palette, creating new spreads, the page layouts can't use any of the elements until I select them and then choose Override Master Page Items? So none of the text formatting/picture boxes/elements are ready to use by default? I don't get it … master pages are by default meant to be background elements only?
    Switching from Quark, where all Master Page elements are ready to swap in text and images after dragging them into the page layout panel. How to best accomplish having the Master page elements immediately available for use in page layouts? Template?
    LMK if I need to provide more info...
    ID 6/CS4  Macos10.6.8

    Master objects in ID are not like they are in Quark. If they have content in them you must override them before you can alter them. Empty master frames can receive content via File > Place... without overriding. You can override any master object by holding Cmd + Shift and left click on it.
    The general principle for using master objects in ID is if they need to be overridden to use them, you really need a darn good reason to put them on the master page at all since you defeat the purpose of having them on the master when you do that.
    TheOriginal150mph wrote:
    I'm a little confused with using  ID master pages and don't have time to go through a lot of tutorials at the moment.
    You'd be much better served if you did spend some time training. You'll never get good at ID as long as you continue to think like a Quark user.

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