Mobile Data Limits

Am I the only person out here that wants to allow family members (E.g. kids) to have data usage on their handsets without exposing me (the account holder and bill payer) to surprise, large uncontrollable bills?
There appears to be no "cap" facility for mobile data usage; just penalty rates for excess over-plan usage (or the new opt-in automatic $10/GB addition when a user exceeds the limit). So it seems that customers in my position have two options: (1) request data/Internet barring on a mobile service, thus not allowing the family member ANY data access, or (2) hope that kids will react responsibly to SMS usage warnings so that I don't get a bill that I can't afford.
Surely Telstra could offer mobile plans or options where data usage CEASES once a pre-arranged limit is reached? (Or is slowed down without penalty cost, such as BigPond broadband?) 

 Thank you ProfessorPhone. I'll try your link, though as mentioned in a different thread's reply to you I had fallen for Telstra's emailed statement that "If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them - just let us know on our CrowdSupport forum at" Telstra once again doubles my workload. Thank you also Lunaseruka for your well-intended reply. However there being no way to "cap" data was precisely why I submitted the post (to "Ideas"). As for the app, I'm the odd-man-out in my family in that I prefer to use my phone as a phone and choose to do my online work through my home broadband - easier (for me) and cheaper. I assume that I can achieve similar results using the "My Account" website. However, I object to having to spend time constantly monitoring the data usage of several family mobiles, then having to request data barring each time one approaches its limit, then having to remember to request access resumption at the beginning of each bill cycle. Technology was supposed to make life easier and save us time!

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    Hello Everyone,
    i need some information, or some material or some example's for creating custom transactions that will invoke the standard good issue transaction of sap from the handled device using the RF , so can anybody give some reference which will help me in creating custom transaction for a RF enabled handled device, which will invoke the standard sap goods issue transaction( mb1a) ,, there are some LM-transaction which do goods issue from the RF enabled handled device, but in my case i want to do goods issue using reservation as my input, so can anybody guide me or send some reference material matching to my problem, i would really appreciate it..
    thanks in advance...

    Hi Hussaini,
    Here are the steps.
    1> Customization needs to be completed in SPRO. Logistics Execution -> Mobile Data entry section. Also compare entries with LM01 for understanding.
    2> In the 'Define menu management', you can create dynamic menus. For Menu or transaction type, if you enter "1", a menu appears; if you enter "2", a transaction appears. Custom transactions can be created and assigned here.
    Once that is done, when you execute LM01 you will see your custom transactions come up. Make sure that these are created keeping in mind the RF device screen size and limitations.

  • Ellipsis 7 tablet - drops wi-fi and goes to mobile data w/o telling you, and for no reason?

    I don't totally hate my Ellipsis 7 tablet.  It does have a nice, bright screen, and it does have a fairly fast processor.
    This is where the compliments stop.
    1.) It's glitchy.  As others have stated, icons do seem to disappear. 
    2.) It seems to "lose communication" with my high-end Sandisk micro-sd card (that has no other problems when used in my smartphone.)
    3.) The battery life could be a lot better - you will charge it every day, even with minimal use.
    but my biggest problem with this tablet (which I got from my local Verizon store) is it's "sneaky behavior" with mobile data.  I am nearly convinced that these devices are designed, intentionally, to use up your mobile data whenever possible, even when solid wi-fi is available.
    Have any of you Verizon Ellipsis 7 users, that use these primarily at home with wi-fi available, noticed a rather large increase in the mobile data being used?
    This is sort of long, so I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read this...
    Here's my scenario; which I can duplicate.
    I live in a place with 2 strong wi-fi networks available.  The tablet accesses both of them with no problem.  Speed tests show 10Mbps download and 0.768 Mbps upload, the speed we pay for.
    One night, I get the text messages from Verizon that I'm close to using all my mobile data. (which I appreciate)  But I'd been getting so many texts, emails, etc., that day I didn't look to see what the alert was.  My bad!  So, I'd gone over and approved $10 to upgrade with one more GB of data.  I figured it was a fluke; that somehow I had turned off my wi-fi, or it had gone down, or somehow something happened that made the tablet switch over to mobile data.
    ...but I was watching more closely now...
    less than 24 hours later, I'm getting those messages again!  I'd used one GB in less than 24 hours???  So I called Verizon, and we went through the normal putting limits on the device, etc., so it couldn't happen again.
    So then, I asked him the simple question?  When not 1, but 2, strong wi-fi signals are available, why would this device switch over to mobile data, WITHOUT letting you know???
    He couldn't answer that. He transferred me to someone else that was "higher" in techincal support.  She was a sweet girl, and really wanted to help me, but she never understood my problem.  At one point I said to her, "Look, it's simple.  These devices always default to wi-fi if available.  What would make them disconnect from wi-fi and go to mobile data instead?"  Her answer was that she needed to look up if a tablet was supposed to connect to wi-fi first...  uh, OK.
    At the end of a very frustrating call, she offered to send me a box to ship it back to Verizon in.  They would then decide to repair or replace it.  I would be without a tablet for a minimum of two weeks.  I said Thanks but No Thanks, I would just disable mobile data entirely.  The lady I spoke with did not seem pleased with my decision, but what could she do?  And we ended the call.
    So, I'm still trying to figure out what is making this thing kick over to mobile data (remember I just shut mobile data off entirely before I hung up with Verizon) and I was currently connected to an external bluetooth speaker (which shouldn't have anything to do with anything, I realize), when I started a video on YouTube. 
    Now, mind you, I was ALREADY showing connected to a strong wi-fi network.
    And up comes a dialog popup, asking me to turn the wi-fi back on, even though I would incur additional charges!
    This message doesn't come up when it tries to switch over from wi-fi to mobile data unless you have completely shut off mobile data.
    I only mention that I was connected to an external bluetooth speaker because it is the only way (SO FAR) that I have been able to duplicate this "silent switchover" repeatedly.
    If I'm on Youtube first, not connected to my bluetooth external speaker, the device will stay on my wi-fi network when I pause the video, connect to the bluetooth speaker, and then restart the video.
    If I'm already connected to the external bluetooth speaker, and then open a browser window or youtube video, the device will attempt to change its connection from wi-fi to mobile data.  There is no reason for this!
    Yes, yes...  I realize that being connected to an external bluetooth device should have absolutely nothing to do with whether the tablet should keep its wi-fi connection or switch to mobile data...
    except that it does!  And there may be other circumstances that I haven't found yet...  I don't know, but I'm watching!
    At the end of the day, ANY DEVICE THAT IS GOING TO SWITCH FROM A WI-FI NETWORK TO MOBILE DATA, FOR ANY REASON, SHOULD TELL YOU IT'S GOING TO SWITCH, AND LET YOU DECIDE TO ALLOW THAT CHANGE OR NOT, especially when there is NO REASON for the device to switch in the first place.  In the same household are my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and husband's Galaxy S5.  They never exhibit this behavior, and yes, we use internet on our phones at home rather frequently.
    Watch your mobile data folks...
    Oh, and the Verizon lady called back about 30 minutes later...  asking me again to agree to send my tablet in.  I explained to her that I could now duplicate the problem.  I told her that it would be easy enough for them to check and see if all devices are doing it (which I'm guessing they all do!  there's not enough memory to download any apps, so I doubt it's that...)  I said that with the millions of Ellipsis 7 devices they have, someone in tech support can grab one and try it.  Still no luck, and she still wanted me to send it back and be without a tablet for 2 weeks or more.  I declined.
    Anyway, if you've read this far, I thank you!  I would like opinions as to whether you think this should be happening or not, and whether you have had this happen to you or not with this tablet.  Thank you for your time!

    Hello this is happening to us also (minus the Bluetooth speaker).  We can't figure out what is causing the data usage.  I turned off mobile data as soon s I activated the device, and got the message that unless I am connected to WiFi.....(that is exactly what I wanted). We watched Netflix for about three hours, then the alerts started.  Like you we have many devices connected and never used over 2GB now all of a sudden we have used it in a matter of hours.  My husband called Verizon  and got the usual doubting Thomas response.  I understand that they don't know my device settings.  So over the phone we check all the settings and turned  off every possible culprit eating up the data and end the call.  By now I have purchased another gig for the month!  Assured we are NOT using mobile data, we continue on the IE path to bliss.  HA!  A few hours later I check the mobile data usage on the Verizon website and that darn thing is still using data.  After two more phone calls and two VERY uneventful trips to the local store we were told to take out the sim card.  This has stopped the data usage, but it defeats the purpose of having the data plan.  I could have just stuck with my Surface.  Verizon sent us a new sim card.  Its been installed and I have set my homepage to Verizon mobile data usage (just kidding) but I am on that site a lot.   I am surprised at the number of complaints about this device.  When we called the Verizon support acted as though this was the first time they had heard about this.   Loved your post, you should write for a living.

  • Mobile data use limit

    Most mobile operators tend to have pretty measly (by todays standards) data limits. Mine is 1GB & after that I get charced 10c for every MB over the 1GB limit. Is there any way, or an App, that stops you using data beyond your limit so that you don't get charged? My data allowance is being eaten up at an alarming rate. So it would be cool if I could just stop my phone (or stop myself I should say) going over the limit by telling me I've reached it then even blocking automatically or at least warning me? I've got an App for my mobile provider that notifies me of data usage when I look. But of course it doesn't stop me from spending 10c for every MB I go over!!

    nbar wrote:
    The Best Data Usage Tracker for iPhone - Lifehacker
    Looks good. I'll buy that for a dollar

  • IPhone 4s mobile data does not stay turned off.

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    If there is a fix other than having to reset and not use my backup I would love that, as nothing else I seem to try works.

    Clean the iPhone charging port with a clean dry toothbrush.
    If still problem, iPhone 4S has full Warranty, make Genius Reservation and take iPhone to Apple for resolution.

  • Problem on ios 7.0.4 on iphone  enable your mobile data uncheck to green (enambled) works great ring and shows who ringing may work on 4s and five not tested please try get back to me thanks

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    I'm sorry, but you are going to have to try a little better to explain your issue and what your question is, or post in your native language.

  • Windows 7 Pro x64 does not detect HP Mobile Data Protection Sensor (accelerometer)

    Hello there.
    I installed win7pro x64 yesterday and already came across a serious problem that makes my way of using the notebook a bit dangerous for my precious data.
    When I was working on HP-branded Vista 32bit (from recovery partition etc), there was a device called HP Mobile Data Protection Sensor together with HP ProtectSmart (or Protect Smart) software. In other words, the HDD accelerometer that parks HDD's heads when it "feels" it's falling or something, and software for it. It worked brilliantly.
    Until I decided to install Win7... Then, surprisingly after a driver-install failure and taking a look at the Device Manager I noticed that there's no such device! I checked it three times, looked at every device's property, even reinstalled Vista 32bit back - it showed again - and installed Win7 - not detected again. There's nothing that has Device ID's HPQ004! I remember people saying that after fresh Windows install, there were 6 unknown devices or more. I had only 5. [Fingerprint device, 3x MemCard reader and IR receiver]. There was no accelerometer... Also, when I try to install the drivers/software, the windows pops up:
    ProtectSmart Hard Drive Protection: with text Property.AccelerometerNotPresent
    and then another one saying something like Features were not installed because of installation error or unsupported feature.
    So now I'm stuck with a notebook that is unsafe to travel with, because the disk is no longer protected
    I already installed all the drivers available from HP page, even downloaded newest ones from Intel (chipset) etc.
    Is there a solution to this? Has anyone else encountered this problem?
    Windows 7 is officially out and available as RTM version, not beta, so I think HP should open support for it and release new drivers for win7! And most importantly, fix this issue ...
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Well, thanks to myself, I fixed it. After some thinking I remembered that ACPI = BIOS-related. It appears that there is a problem with the newest (F16) BIOS.
    F.16 changelog is below:
      Version: F.16 A  (26 May 2009)       Fixes  
    Updates the Intel MRC Code to version 2.7.
    Updates the Intel AHCI OP ROM to version iSrc 1.20_E.0012 11252008.
    Updates the BIOS to support Microsoft Windows Vista Operating Systems with Service Pack 2 (SP2).
     I went back to version F.14 and... boom! New (unknown) device found And guess what, it's ACPI/HPQ0004... So now my HDD is protected again ^^ yay!
    I don't know which of these changes cause that, but it looks that that can be fixed.
    I'll go back to F.16 again to see if the device will disappear and then contact HP support on that case.
    EDIT: Well, F.16 breaks things again, so it's definetely a BIOS problem. Thanks for... umm... well... at least spread the word, guys I hope this helps if someone has the same problem.
    Message Edited by dark_skeleton on 08-22-2009 07:08 AM
    Message Edited by dark_skeleton on 08-22-2009 07:11 AM

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    I am having the same issue even with the newer 7.1. I have a 1-100 KB data push on both my husdand's and my phone every hour on the hour (i.e. my will be at :23 of the hour and his will be at :13 of the hour and it will change). This is whether we are on a WIFI and with all apps, background refreshes, push notifications, etc turned OFF.

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    I have been incurring huge charges from Vodafone as a result of "mobile data downloads" ...which always occur at midnight when I am connected by wifi
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    "Songpop" said this was a problem with my ISP but this has been ruled out as there aren't any drops in internet connection from by my ISP (they have looked at connection logs).
    The official response from "Songpop" on their forum is that this an "Apple Support" issue. See here: ncurring_download_data_charges_for_3g_useage?utm_content=topic_link&utm_medium=e mail&utm_source=reply_notification
    Can anyone throw any light on this issue  as I have a very expensive bill to pay from Vodafone and I have not downloaded anything to my phone by 3G ...  and I rarely use 3G when away from home ... and if I do use away from home then I do not stream videos etc.
    Please help

    Without looking at specific parts of your issue, here's how to turn cellular access off completely but keep your WiFi active:
    Go to Settings > Airplane Mode and turn it on.
    After doing that, go to Settings > WiFi and turn that on.
    Then you will have WiFi and no cellular access.

  • Mobile data(3g and edge) on lumia 620

    i have problem with connecting my Lumia phone to mobile data, i tried connecting through 2g, the browser was working but not my messenger apps including WhatsApp, so i tried connecting through 3g and WhatsApp, Skype and none of my messenger apps seem to work with 3g data too, with wifi all these work fine, has anybody faced similar issue, please help

    There may be a problem with your apn settings. Your phone is designed to retrieve the settings from your sim card. Unfortunately not all sim cards support this especially iof you have an old sim or sometimes the sim could be faulty. My suggestion for the moment are to make sure you have the latest version of the Access Point app on your phone and if that does not resolve then contact your provider so see if function is supported or try a replacement sim. 
    You can doenload the latest version of Access Point using the Link to the QR code below.​Nokia-Windows-Phone-8-App-Updates/td-p/1640082

  • Use Mobile Data For: Settings - Why does Settings need a cellular data connection?

    iPhone 5 iOS 8.1
    Settings > Mobile > Use Mobile Data For: Settings
    Just curious, why does the iPhone need this turned on? Why does the settings app need a cellular mobile data connection?
    If you turn it off, you're pestered to turn it on every time you go into settings?

    Because, that's the way Siri needs an Internet connection...requests are sent to Apple's servers. No Internet, no Siri.

  • My iPad is being used at home on wifi but some how running up 8gb in a month of mobile data charges??? It's a pad 2

    As above since getting my iPad replaced I used almost 6gb last month but was using it on 3G for a week. In July only used it on home wifi network but orange say I have used 8gb of mobile data and slapp me with a 250 quid bill. Help! I am not thick i have turned off mobile data but have not used it at home on wifi.

    You've somehow already pinpointed the problem, of course (Office).  Many people seem to run it successfully. Maybe re-install it? 
    Anyway, if this were happening to me, I would be looking more closely (via Activity Monitor) at how the RAM is being used.  With "All Processes" being shown, sort by "Real Memory" and see who is the hog.

  • Since upgrading Iphone to iOS 5.1.1 it does not automatically use wifi internet when wifi is available. It has been draining my mobile data. I can only manually change settings with cellular data everytime I get home. Any other solutions?

    Since upgrading Iphone to iOS 5.1.1 it does not automatically divert to my wi-fi internet when wifi is available in my home. It has been draining my mobile data I  now have very high bills from my mobile carrier for high data usage. I can only manually change settings in the Network and turn cellular data on and off everytime I get home and leave the home. This is very frustrating as it wasn't a  problem until the upgrade. I have spoken to a few people that this has happened to. Has anyone found this problem and does anyone have other solutions?

    Please disregard this question. I'll submit a shorter and more direct question. Thanks.

  • How do I only use the wifi internet because I don't want to use my mobile data because I don't have Internet on my price plan?

    How do I only use the wifi internet because I don't want to use my mobile data because I don't have Internet on my price plan and its costing me money?

    Well, if you are running iOS 6.0 or later.
    The option supposed to be in Settings>General>Cellular>Cellular Data---Off & Enable 3G---Off
    I think you'd better check the settings in Privacy>Location Services.
    Some items in it need Cellular data like"setting time zone" and "Find my iPhone'.

  • What are the settings in i phone 4s for connecting internet in mobile data ?

    what are the settings in i phone 4s for connecting internet in mobile data ?

    Did you ever get a reply to this.  I have the same problem.  I have the same problem when even when I reply to an email... no photo shows up in my new reply message.  The only way I have figured out is to use the "forward" option.
    But this still does not solve the problem when people email me back... I have no idea what photo they are speaking of.  Instead of a photo... there is a <photo name of some sort>.
    Let me know if you ever hear on this one.
    Many thanks.

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