"Mobile number now not active or invalid"

For some reason my phone is able to text but incoming and outgoing calls are not working. When I attempt to make a call I get a "Mobile number is now inactive or invalid" automated message. I have never missed a payment on my phone and the other phone on my plan is currently working. I would like to assume some towers went down but I don't see why I can text message. Verizon has been on fire this month, how do we fix THIS issue?

What phone?
What zip code?

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        Congratulations on your new phone Gramps5019! Let's make sure we fix this asap. All you have to do is go to Settings from your phone, the More>Select 'Default SMS App' and choose "Messages" instead of "Messages ". This will fix it. 
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport 

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    Hi, Atiya85, and welcome to the Community, Please first check if the instruction in this FAQ article does not resolve this problem:https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA10615/why-am-i-not-receiving-calls-to-my-skype-number Otherwise, please contact Skype Customer Service for further assistance in diagnosing and rectifying the issue.  We here in the Community do not have the tools to do this. Regards,Elaine

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        Congratulations on your new phone Gramps5019! Let's make sure we fix this asap. All you have to do is go to Settings from your phone, the More>Select 'Default SMS App' and choose "Messages" instead of "Messages ". This will fix it. 
    Follow us on Twitter at @VZWSupport 

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