Mobile Scrolling

So on every mobile site i have tested in Muse there is always ONE issue I face... It jumps... Whenever You scroll down on a mobile device it ALWAYS jumps. I don't have any "Magnetic Anchor" widgets, or Anchors for that matter! What's the issue?

Increase the height of the tablet/mobile breakpoint view, make it bigger than the normal device browser resolution and you can use that extra space in the height (both are portrait modes). When viewing, the scroll bar will appear.

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    How can I stick an accordion navigation MENU on top of a mobile scrolling page and make it work properly?
    As I can't pin it, I keep it on top of the page with scroll effect 0.
    It collapse, shows the menu buttons but doesn't close back once it reaches the anchorpoint.

    Muse won't let you, at least not that I know of. You could find the class in the code that muse gives it position: fixed…I think. You could paste it into the head area of your page properties to override the class. I believe something like this would give you persistent nav bar, pinned at the very top, on mobile:
    #youmuseclass {position: fixed;}
    I wouldn't use any parallax on mobile either, the performance is terrible.

  • Set a "mobile" scroll behaviour to a scrollable List on a desktop app

    We're looking for some help on a Flex 4.5 AIR app deployed on a touch desktop environment.
    We're developping a kind of a kiosk app originally made for desktop machines (mouse). Recently we've tested it on a touch screen used with a stylus or fingers (not a mobile device but a touch screen connected to a PC), everything run smoothly without any changes as the touch events on the screen are interpretated as a mouse interaction by the driver.
    So everything works well but of course the UI is not designed to be manipulated with fingers and especially the behaviour of List scroll is not adapted : the desktop AIR app displays vertical scroll bars and buttons to scroll the list up and down but usually on a touch screen you scroll list by swiping it (touching an element and swiping up or left, the element is not selected because you've moved the finger before moving it up)
    I know that this behaviour for a Scroller exists in flex 4.5 within a "Mobile Project" (apparently it is possible to compile a "Mobile Project" into a desktop AIR app...?)
    So my questions are :
    1) Is it possible to set up this "mobile" behaviour of a scrollable List to a desktop AIR app ?
    2) Generally speaking, is it possible to set at the installation (by configuration or so) the "style" of the app (by "style" I mean the size and the behaviour of the components in order to be manipulated by a mouse or by a finger). It seems possible as the logic behind the component doesn't change, just the size (if it is a button and/or the bahaviour of the scroll if it is a List, and so on...). Is it something related to a Skin? or maybe a Theme?
    3) What the difference between a "desktop AIR app" and a "mobile app" in Flex Builder 4.5? (both project seems to have the same compiler's arguments, etc...)?

    Hi there,
    Yes I use the mx datagrid because I need the drag and drop handling. The spark datagrid does not support this yet :-(
    So I can write my own drag and drop handlers for the spark datagrid or a touch scroll function for the mx version.
    I really think that componenents in Flex should be backwards compatible...

  • Flex 4.1 / Flex 4.5 Mobile Scroller ?

    Hi all,
    I would just like to know:
    1) can flash detect if the application is running on mobile?
    2) How do I configure a scroller to work for mobile, because when I test my application on mobile I need to drag the scrollers to scroll, it's very bad. As far as I know only Burrito Flex 4.5 can create Mobile Applications.
    Do I need to create a Mobile Application so my scrollers work for mobile as they are supposed to or There is some attribute I need to set on the Scroller to change to mobile mode or something like that ?
    Thanks in advance!

    1) can flash detect if the application is running on mobile?
    I would have thought that the Capabilities class would tell you, but oddly Android or Blackberry do not seem to be in the list: es.html#os
    That said, you should not try to develop an app for a specific OS.  You should develop for the availability, or lack thereof of the feature, such as a GPS or Camera or touch inputs, etc..
    2) How do I configure a scroller to work for mobile, because when I test my application on mobile I need to drag the scrollers to scroll, it's very bad. As far as I know only Burrito Flex 4.5 can create Mobile Applications.Do I need to create a Mobile Application so my scrollers work for mobile
    as they are supposed to or There is some attribute I need to set on the
    Scroller to change to mobile mode or something like that ?
    Use the Mobile Theme.  In a Flex Mobile Project and your scrollers should automatically be the "Mobile Scrollers".  You may also try setting "InteractiveMode" equal to touch.  You could also try adding the mobile theme as a library on your "non mobile project" and setting the skin on your your scroller to use the scroller's mobile skin.

  • Mobile scroller -- adding arrows to scroll left or right

    Hi, I have a scroller around an hgroup that holds a buttonbar.  In a mobile app, the scroll bar does not display.
    However, I'd like to have an arrow that displays on either side only if there are buttons to scroll to in that direction.
    Also, the scroller is within the actionContent, if that makes any difference.
    I'm not sure exactly how to go about this, any ideas or threads you can direct me to?
    Here's the segment of code:
            <s:Scroller id="cardScroller" width="500" height="100%">
                <s:HGroup height="100%" id="barGroup">
                    <s:ButtonBar id="buttonBar" requireSelection="true"
                            <s:HorizontalLayout gap="-1" columnWidth="80" variableColumnWidth="false" />
    this works great and scrolls as it should, but I'd like to display arrows so that it is obvious to the user that there are more buttons to scroll to.

    You'll probably want to look at changing the cardScroller.viewport.horizontalScrollPosition on the click handler of your arrow button.
    You might want to look into the cardScroller.viewport.width and cardScroller.viewport.contentWidth to figure out whether the current scroll position is at the start or end of the Scroller.

  • Problem creating a Flex 4.5 mobile Scroller

    I have created a 'new' Scroller component by copying all the code from the spark Scroller into a new actionscript file, renaming it, updating import statements and adding any files I need to include to the local directory. I'm having to do this because I need to change something in a private method and basically I don't know any other way.
    Everything seem to work fine except a couple of lines in the ensureElementPositionIsVisible method.
    This one
        var delta:Point = layout.getScrollPositionDeltaToAnyElement(element, elementLocalBounds, entireElementVisible);
         var eltBounds:Rectangle = layout.getChildElementBounds(element);
    I am getting these errors 'Call to a possibly undefined method getChildElementBounds', and 'Call to a possibly undefined method getScrollPositionDeltaToAnyElement'. There is a little bit of code before this that sets the layout variable to either a GroupBase layout object or SkinnableContainer layout object.
         if (viewport is GroupBase)
                         layout = GroupBase(viewport).layout;
         else if (viewport is SkinnableContainer)
                         layout = SkinnableContainer(viewport).layout;
    My hunch is that there is a problem with the viewport not being defined somehow, or possibly the skin. If anyone knows how I can fix this so that I can change the Scroller classes private methods, then I would be truly grateful.

    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
        <local:Scroller width="800" height="600">
            <s:Group id="myGroup">
                <s:Image id="img" source="@Embed(source='assets/test.jpg')"/>
    In the same folder as this mxml file create the folder spark/components and copy the file from the sdk into it. Also copy the spark/styles folder and the file core/ It compiles with no error. Edit and the change is seen in the compiled swf.

  • Scroller with rollovers

    Hi all... Hope you're all ok.
    Right i have a scroller that i have made with people on it,
    and when i hover the mouse over the right hand side the scroller
    moves to the right, and to the left when the mouse rolls over the
    left hand side.
    This is cool... but what I would like to happen is that when
    somebody either hovers over a certain person or clicks on them a
    box to appear like an alt tag or to fly in and display the persons
    I have tried this but have had no luck, when i do it within
    the scroller movie clip it does not seem to want to function, when
    done outside of the movieclip it works like i want it.
    I have made an idea of what i would like it to look like so
    if someone would like to see please feel free and i will gladly
    email you the files.
    Hopefully someone may be able to help me, thank you!!

    Did you get anywhere with this?
    I couldn't find a good mobile scroller, so I ported the ScrollView from PastryKit, which is Apple's (unreleased, partially obfuscated) JS library used in their web apps (iPhone User Guide, for instance). It supports paging - I'm pretty sure it has a similar API to the native one, although I'm guessing as my Objective C knowledge is only slightly better than zero.
    I'll try to get it on my github at some point, if anyone will find it useful. Anyway, it runs off Sprite using scrollRect, so it's much faster than the Flex one.

  • Scroller with Paging function

    I'm looking for a component or a way to create a scrollview with paging mode enabled.
    Same component than the scroller on IOS photogalerie (swipe to go to the next image and move with finger position).
    I find a FLEX example here
    But the code is not optimised for mobile (it works with some tweak but very slow).
    In IOS native dev, I used uiScrollView with pagedEnabled parameter. There is something like this in the Air SDK ?
    Thank for your help

    Did you get anywhere with this?
    I couldn't find a good mobile scroller, so I ported the ScrollView from PastryKit, which is Apple's (unreleased, partially obfuscated) JS library used in their web apps (iPhone User Guide, for instance). It supports paging - I'm pretty sure it has a similar API to the native one, although I'm guessing as my Objective C knowledge is only slightly better than zero.
    I'll try to get it on my github at some point, if anyone will find it useful. Anyway, it runs off Sprite using scrollRect, so it's much faster than the Flex one.

  • Buritto/Hero 4.5 (MobileApplication) Scrollbar always visible?

    I've tried for 3 to 4 days now...
    To make a scrollers scrollbar always visible.
    It seems to me extremely counterintuitive to make a scollbar not visible within a scroller that has (for example) a textarea in it.
    You can't see that the text goes beyond the viewport and should be scrolled. Usually a scrolls purpose is to help identify there is more to scroll to.
    Enough said there, making the scrollbar invisible or fade away is really bad (DESIGN Flaw).
    Trying to make it appear initially is ultimately currently impossible from what I can tell (BUG & DESIGN flaw).
    Don't recommend turning visiblity or alpha on. That was the first minute of four days no success.
    ScrollerPolicy is only about should it appear when the content is larger and that is also not the issue.
    You see for some backwards thinking reason the scroller only appears when your actually scrolling and then fades away when done.
    I did override to disable fade out potentially (not perfect example for animated sliding action).
    Well first I replaced the skin with something people can actually see too instead of the thin line of black on black. (using a spark skin not the default)
                import spark.skins.spark.VScrollBarSkin;
                public function init():void {
                    xtc.getTextFor(title, contentTextArea);
                    contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.setStyle("skinClass", Class(VScrollBarSkin));
                    contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bringMeBackPlease);
                public function bringMeBackPlease(e:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("bringMeBackPlease: " + e.type);
                    trace("MOUSE: " + e.localX + " " + e.localY);
                    var ai:AnimateInstance = contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.activeEffects[0];
                    if(ai != null) {
                        if(ai.animation != null) {
                            ai.animation = null;
                            contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bringMeBackPlease);
    Okay well that reminds me I totally replaced the skin with a Catylist built one two but this animated fade functionality resides clearly in the Scroller class I think.
    You'd possible be able to replace the Scroller class via Catylist but it only has a few simple objects to play with No textarea, no Scroller, etc.
    I couldm't find a different none mobile spark scroller that isn't disfunctional in this way (fadeing scrollbars).
    I even delved into using Effects to Fade it back
                //private var restoreSliderFade:Fade = new Fade();
    skipping code it did fade the dcroller to view but I could not also make the scrollbar fade back.
    I tried simulating drag operations, mousedown, move events etc. nohting can actually get the f!ng scrollbar to appear that I can find.
    It's rare I result to forums so I'm hopeful people at Adobe in development see this stuff and actually realize the need a boolean on the MobileApplication Scroller Class that is something like autohideScrollbars with a default of false.
    Please help ASAP anyone any work around??!!!
    At this point I'm forced to try and make the scroller cut a line of text in half so the user thinks Oh I should scroll now... but where's the scrollbar?!
    I've dynamically loaded the textarea in init and that resizes the thing.
    I've added manually draging of the textarea (also seems wrong and should work by default)
                private function draggingContent(me:MouseEvent):void {
                    trace("draggingContent" + me.toString());
                    switch(me.type) {
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN:
                            dragging = true;
                            dragOrigin = contentScroller.contentMouseY;
                            scrollStart = contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.value;
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE:
                            if(dragging == true) {
                                contentScroller.verticalScrollBar.value = (scrollStart + (dragOrigin - contentScroller.contentMouseY));
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP:
                        case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT:
                            dragging = false;
    with listeners in initi()
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, draggingContent);
                    contentTextArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, draggingContent);
    I could go on with all the ways I looked at ever class property and function, delved through the debug viewer inspecting values before and during states of visibility.
    Is there a way to access all the automation and disable certain ones like fading with my hack breaking other more useful smoothings, or override the ones I loath?!!
       Your angry MobileApplication Burrito Beta Testing Victim

    I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems with this, but thank you for providing this feedback on here.  It's really helpful for us to hear experiences like this so we can work to make things easier.
    1. "making the scrollbar invisible or fade away is really bad (DESIGN Flaw)."
    Native iOS and Android applications also fade away their scrollbars the same way, but they do initially show the scrollbar for a short time when the view is first loaded before fading them away.
    Here's an enhancement request for allowing scrollbars to always be visible:
    2. "Trying to make it appear initially is ultimately currently impossible from what I can tell (BUG & DESIGN flaw)."
    This is something we thought about doing, but didn't have the time to implement in this release.  See attached ZIP for an example of how you might do this.
    There is an enhancement filed here:
    3. "ScrollerPolicy is only about should it appear when the content is larger and that is also not the issue."
    When you're using a mobile Scroller the horizontalScrollPolicy/verticalScrollPolicy govern whether scrolling is allowed in that direction.  It doesn't have any further connection with the visibility of scroll bars like it does in a desktop Scroller.
    4. "Well first I replaced the skin with something people can actually see too instead of the thin line of black on black. (using a spark skin not the default)"
    The skin for the scrollbars has been updated since the preview release and will stand out more in the final release.
    5. "I couldm't find a different none mobile spark scroller that isn't disfunctional in this way (fadeing scrollbars)."
    On a desktop application you can hook up your own HScrollBar/VScrollBar directly to have more control over things like this, but in a mobile application only Scroller currently is able to handle touch-based scrolling.
    It might make sense to enable touch scrolling without needing a Scroller.  Here's the enhancement request for this:
    7. "I tried simulating drag operations, mousedown, move events etc. nohting can actually get the f!ng scrollbar to appear that I can find."
    Interesting idea, but faking a touch scroll is quite tricky and won't really get the results you are looking for in the final release so I would recommend not going further down this approach.
    8. "It's rare I result to forums so I'm hopeful people at Adobe in development see this stuff and actually realize the need a boolean on the MobileApplication Scroller Class that is something like autohideScrollbars with a default of false."
    This relates to the first two bugs listed above.
    9. "Please help ASAP anyone any work around??!!!"
    See the attached ZIP for an example application that demonstrates how to keep the scrollbars always visible, as well as a sample way of implementing the initial show and fade functionality.
    It was a bit tricky to figure this out because both Scroller and ScrollerLayout affect the visibility of the scrollbars and change includeInLayout/scaleX/scaleY when things are not visible.
    10. "Your angry MobileApplication Burrito Beta Testing Victim"
    Again, thank you for your detailed feedback.  I know working with preview releases can be very frustrating at times, but hopefully the information in this post helps ease the pain a little.
    Please feel free to vote and comment on any/all of the bugs listed above.

  • Mobile mouse 4000 horizontal wheel scroll doesn't work with Publisher 2007 or 2010

    I installed a new Mobile Mouse 4000 on my W7 64 bit Dell laptop.  Installed Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center,  Drivers are up to date. The horizontal scrolling via lateral press on the wheel does not work properly with
    Publisher 2010 or 2007.  The scroll bar moves, but not the graphic. It works properly with Word and Excel.  Is this mouse not compatible with Publisher?  I have uninstalled and reinstalled the mouse and the mouse software.

    That's correct. Also, same problem with the same mouse on another laptop running W8.1. I tried your suggestion and Ctrl + Left and Right Arrow moves the graphic OK. I have since tried the mouse with Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 and found that the lateral
    press on the wheel has no effect at all. The mouse software (Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center) has a selection box for applications that do not respond properly to wheel scrolling; I selected Publisher and Photoshop from the list but this had no effect
    either. The horizontal scroll works properly with MS Picture Manager, Power Point and Access in addition to Excel and Word. Publisher is the only Office app that has a problem. The Office suite on the W8 laptop is a new install with all current updates. I
    ran MS Office Diagnostis which said it repaired some issues, but didn't solve the Publisher scroll problem.

  • Mobile drop down menu won't disappear once I have clicked one of the links in the drop down to take me to an anchor further down the page. I want the drop down to disappear upon clicking and scroll at the same time.

    Basically I have a drop down menu, which i have tried to create numerous times with different widgets available in muse or as freebies on the net.
    The menu within the drop down is a manual menu and each button links to an anchor on the page, so that when clicked the page scrolls to that anchor.
    My problems is that once I have clicked one of the links to go to the anchor further down the page the drop down remains. For the purpose of User Experience and fluidity across the mobile design i would like the drop down to disappear on click of the anchor link. Is this possible?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Brad,
    At the moment I have used an downloaded widget which utilises the acordian style to create the drop down. Here is a link to the Mobile version of the site -
    Many thanks,

  • Jerky scrolling on mobile devices with Muse website

    We have just built and published our first website on all three platforms (desktop, tablet and phone) but the vertical scrolling on the Phone and Tablet pages is jerky, and struggles to render the text smoothly compared to other websites when scrolling. All our images are optimised to the minimum size, and the pages are just simple html with images, with no complicated actions or behaviours. They appear jerky across both Apple/Android and Windows devices and also across the various browsers on each device. Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?
    Thanks in advance. Phil

    Hi Gaurav,
    Thanks for the response.
    Since I posted the question, we have solved the problem by removing the sticky navigation bars which appeared to have default scroll effects applied to them. Do mobile devices not like the parallax scroll effects from within Muse, as obviously we would like to reinstate the sticky navigation if possible in the future?

  • Mobile vertical scroll bar in Responsive Theme header

    This may be a simple resolution; however, after several searches on this forum, I am unable to find the answer.
    I am using RH 11 with HTML5 (version
    While generating the HTML5 Help, the vertical scroll bar present in the Responsive Theme header was successfully resolve for desktop and tablet.  However, the vertical scroll bar is present in mobile.  Could someone please tell me how this can be resolved?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    How long is your project title? If your title is long and you are using browse sequences, the header may need to scroll to fit everything.
    Kind regards,

  • Scrolling Mobile List in Pure AS3?

    I'd like to use a scrolling list in one of my AS3 mobile projects. I like the one built for Flex, but I do not wish to use flex as that would be overkill and I already have the project written in AS3.
    Does anyone know of any pure AS3 scrolling list components for mobile?

    That's the flex component I wish to immitate. But since I am not using Flex, I cannot use the spark component. (I wish I could use spark components, but Adobe built them in such a way that is nearly impossibnle to use in a non-flex project.)
    I am hoping there is a pre-built nonFlex, pure AS3 equilevent. 

  • Scrolling issues in mobile Browsers

    it seems that anything related to scrolling or changing the size of any of the columns or the gantt chart is not possible/very difficult with touch mobile browsers (tried chrome, firefox, and the default android internet browser)  all of these browsers
    can scroll through other scrollable places online easily, is there something I can change or enable to get them to work better on the project web app site?

    Scrolling is an issue on a PC. The scrolling engine goes way to fast for modern processors. The Office apps are just now being updated for touch control, so I think you'll need to wait a bit longer for Project to be touch enabled.
    Gary Chefetz, MCITP, MCP, MVP msProjectExperts
    Project and Project ServerFAQs
    Project Server Help BLOG

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