MobileMe Calendar Beta not syncing....

anyone else having issues with the calendar syncing? none of my entries are showing up on my iPhone....

I thought it was no longer a BETA.
If the online calendars and calendar events are being kept synchronized with Outlook on your PC but not with your iPhone, on your iPhone go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Select your MobileMe account. Turn Calendars off for over the air syncing. A warning message will be provided indicating this will delete your calendars and calendar events from your iPhone. If you are also provided a prompt to save the calendars and calendar events locally on your iPhone, decline this prompt. Follow this by turning Calendars back on for over the air syncing. Test if this resolves it.

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    This is the situation with Snow Leopard and existing iCloud accounts:
    You will be able to access email and calendars on the iCloud website at provided your browser is reasonably up-to-date.
    You will not be able to sync contacts or bookmarks from a pre-Lion Mac.
    You will be able to enter the server settings for email manually in the Mail application and access your email.
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    Some people have been able to set up calendar syncing by using the method detailed here - this is an unsupported hack and may not be reliable, and may stop working at some future point.
    Address Book won't sync: this page has a convoluted hack to make it sync which has been reported as working (and as not working by others). I've not tried it.
    There are a couple of alternative syncing services you might like to consider, though they're not particularly cheap:
    Soho Organizer can sync Calendars and Contacts with iCloud on Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion. A single user licence (multiple machines allowed) is $99.99.
    Fruux syncs Calendars, Tasks and Contacts beetween a wide variety of devices (not using the iCloud server) including Snow Leopard and above, Windows Outlook and Thunderbird, Linux Thunderbird, and iOS and Android devices - see their compatibility chart (click the blue 'i' for a caveat about Snow Leopard). It's free for one user, two shares, two devices; above that pricing starts at €4 per month.
    (I have no connection with these firms and have not tried Soho Organizer, though both have had good reports and I've found Fruux to work well.)

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    Gapam wrote:
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    You have to select the Google/Gmail account as the location where to save the event. In the screen where you are adding the info to create the event there is a spot for choosing which calendar to save it to. This is where you pick the Gmail calendar.

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    Hey jimneeds,
    Thanks for the question. This feature was discontinued with OS X Mavericks:
    iOS: Syncing your data with iTunes
    What you can sync
    […] - Contacts*
    *To sync this content on an iOS device using OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later, use iCloud or another cloud-based service.
    Matt M.

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    Please try to collect IIS log and then use "activesync" as keyword to have a search.
    Also we can use logparser to analyze the log.
    Besides, please try to test if the issue would occur when we use those problematic iphone to sync with working user's mailbox.
    Xiu Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Go to Sytem Preferences>iCloud on your Mac and make sure Calendars is checked.  Also, make sure you are adding the calendar events on your Mac to your iCloud calendar, and not a non-iCloud calendar such as On My Mac.  (Only your iCloud calendar syncs with iCloud.)  Go to the calendar preferences on your Mac, and on the General tab be sure you have selected your iCloud calendar as your default.

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    Hello barrydyc, 
    Sorry to hear about your issue. 
    Have a look at the following article which may help you out with your issue. 
    Unable to perform a wired synchronization of calendar entries created on the BlackBerry smartphone
    Let us know how you make out and if you have any other questions. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Only if you have iCloud enabled on both the iPhone and your Mac.
    Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices
    You can check iCloud system status anytime here.

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    First check that all your settings are correct, that calendar syncing is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the calendars you are using are in your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone' or other non iCloud account (you can do this by clicking/tapping the calendar button in the top left corner of the application ), non iCloud calendars will not sync.
    If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your calendars are in the iCloud account, you might try unchecking calendar syncing in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling calendar syncing settings.

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    Hello whereizben,
    I see you have posted same post in another thread.  I have already replied to that posting with a solution.  Please see the following link for my reply:
    Re: Calendar will not sync with Exchange Server
    Thanks, again, for posting!

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    Unchecking the birthdays option definitely knocked something loose - but iTunes still had old stuff listed.
    I had good results with removing everything from the ~/Library/Calendars folder and emptying the trash (with iTunes & iCal) both exited. I started iCal and it was back to the default - as if I had never used it - but then for reasons I'm not totally sure of, everything showed back up. My subscriptions all reappeared and I had calendars of the same name as my subscriptions appear in the regular section. I deleted all those and then quit & restarted iCal. When I started iTunes, everything was perfect - now everything appears normally and everything syncs.
    As always, YMMV.
    Good luck!

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