Mode manuel\automatique

bonjour à toute l'équipe!
en fait j'ai un programme en labview qui marche sous 2 états, automatique et manuel, je m'explique, en mode automatique la variable visible sera en mode enable, par contre le mode manuel permet à l'utilisateur de changer sa valeur,
mais on ne peut utiliser le mode manuel que lorsqu'on saisie un identifiant et un mot de passe, pour ouvrir l'acces aux variables,
si c'est juste, on peut utiliser ce mode,
mon probeme ici:
1/ au niveau du sous vi, et en cas ou l'utilisateur a bien saisi le mot de passe, la fenetre identif se ferme, et le mode manuel s'active (je n'arrive pas a le faire)
2/ au niveau de la présentation du sous vi, l'interface est -elle presentable professionnellement!! (vos avis)
merci bien pour vos suggestions et vos aides!  
Pièces jointes : ‏17 KB ‏24 KB

Bonjour malmou,
Pour ce qui est de la sécurité tu peux utiliser le module DSC (catégorie "Sécurité"), qui est conçu pour gérer les groupes, utilisateurs et mots de passe de manière très efficace (en local ou en réseau).
Autrement, et je crois que c'est ton cas ici présent, tu souhaites passer par un identifiant + mot de passe inscrit en dur dans le programme (je n'ai pas pu ouvrir tes VIs, je suis en LV 12). En partant de cela, il te suffirait de faire une vérification des chaines de caractère simple pour l'identifiant et le mot de passe comme suivant.
Si ce bout de code se trouve dans sous-VI, il suffit de faire ressortir la valeur "Désactivé" en commande et la câbler ensuite au noeud de propriété de ta commande.
Pour ce qui est de la présentation je ne pourrais pas me prononcer pour la raison citée plus haut =).
En espérant t'avoir aider.

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    Best Regards

    Hi Mary,
    Put your code between in a Try Catch block. In the Catch part use the following:
    oApplication.MessageBox("CompError: " & oCompany.GetLastErrorCode.ToString & ", " & oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription & vbCrLf & "Message: " & ex.Message)
    This should give you a clearer idea of what the error is all about.
    The most likely reason is that there is something wrong with your XML file.
    Vítor Vieira

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    You should be fine. The only reason that I think it would wipe everythingis if the song information has changed. (Like the artist name is spelled different, or the song name is now capatilized, etc). Since you are still syncing with the same library, it probably won't wipe everything. Also, it's a great idea that you have everything backed up and also on your computer!
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    Thank you in advance.
    Message was edited by: George Notaras
    Improved descriptions of example documents.

    To add to this, if you prefer you can separate your JavaScript from your JSF pages.
    Add a folder (I named mine 'js') to your application's ViewController project's public_html folder.
    Via JDeveloper, create a new JavaScript file inside your newly created folder and place your JavaScript functions inside it.
    You can then 'load' the .js file using the method Shantala described, with the addition of an added 'source' property to the af:reference tag.
    (This can also be a URI reference to a JavaScript file hosted on a web server)
    <f:facet name="metaContainer">
      <af:resource source="/js/myJsFile.js" type="javascript"/>
    </f:facet>The benefits of this 'split' are cleaner JSF page source and also code-highlighting and formatting within the .js file making finding and fixing bugs in your JavaScript much easier.
    It appears however, that when using <af:resource> to load scripts, once the page has been submitted even once, the JavaScript is no longer available to the page. Which isn't very useful.
    A solution is to use <trh:script>.
    Add xmlns:trh="" to your <jsp:root> tag and install the library.
    then in place of the above code use:
    <f:facet name="metaContainer">
      <trh:script id="script1" source="/js/myJsFile.js"/>
    </f:facet>Now after a page submit the JavaScript still functions.
    Edited by: Matthew Carrigy on 12/08/2009 10:39

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    #Once the Add-on Manager has opened in a new tab, click the ''Extensions'' button on the left side of the window.
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    #Note that some add-ons require a Firefox restart to be removed completely. To perform a Firefox restart after the add-on removal, click the ''Restart now'' link in the message.
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    [[Disable or remove Add-ons]]
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]

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    A couple questions:
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    2) do I just need to be more patient and let mail do its thing when switching from training mode to automatic?
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    Powerbook 15" Aluminum   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    Powerbook 15" Aluminum   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    Powerbook 15" Aluminum   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    1) will rebuilding a mailbox cause duplicates?
    When should one use rebuild?
    This question doesn’t have a simple answer in the case of Mail 2.x and POP accounts.
    2) do I just need to be more patient and let mail do its thing
    when switching from training mode to automatic?
    I think so.
    3) is 7000 messages considered too many for a single mailbox?
    There is a limit on the overall size of individual mailboxes rather than on the number of messages stored in them -- see Overstuffed mailbox is unexpectedly empty.

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    "Database log mode" should be set to
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    Do not mix up "Database log mode" with
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    From documentation:
    The mode of the database in which Oracle copies filled online redo logs to disk. Specify the mode at database creation or by using the ALTER DATABASE statement. You can enable automatic archiving either dynamically using the ALTER SYSTEM statement or by setting the initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_START to TRUE.
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    * Recover the database to any desired point in time.
    To protect the ARCHIVELOG mode database in case of failure, back up the archived logs.
    Configuring ARCHIVELOG Mode For the Database<a>
    Or you can check this tutorial from Oracle:
    Disabling Automatic Archiving
    Or something like this:<br>
    sqlplus /nolog
    connect / as sysdba
    startup mount exclusive
    alter database noarchivelog
    alter database open
    And I don't know if it's needed to have automatic archival enabled since the database will not be in archive mode.

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    Doubtful if Apple will answer why - not here anyway. The only thing you will get here will be an educated or non-educated guess or speculation as to why.

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    If I bought a second Apple Extreme dual-band router, and configured it to Extend Wireless Network and Allow Wireless Clients, could I then leave it on the default radio mode of Automatic? It seems like either router would then be able to tell if the wireless clients were N or G, but communication between the routers would be N. I want to keep the maximum bandwidth for my N devices.
    Thanks in advance

    I have a new Apple Extreme dual-band router, and it works just great. My N devices all get the maximum bandwidth, and the G devices connect easily as well. I have a section of my house that gets weak reception, and want to extend the network with a second router.
    If I bought a second Apple Extreme dual-band router, and configured it to Extend Wireless Network and Allow Wireless Clients, could I then leave it on the default radio mode of Automatic? It seems like either router would then be able to tell if the wireless clients were N or G, but communication between the routers would be N. I want to keep the maximum bandwidth for my N devices.
    Thanks in advance

  • Chgangement de mode

    bonjour à toute l'équipe!
    en fait j'ai un programme en labview qui marche sous 2 états, automatique et manuel, je m'explique, en mode automatique la variable invisible sera en mode enable, par contre le mode manuel permet à l'utilisateur de changer sa valeur,
    mais on ne peut utiliser le mode manuel que lorsqu'on saisie un identifiant et un mot de passe, pour ouvrir l'acces aux variables,
    s'il les a bien saisi, on peut utiliser ce mode,
    mon probeme ici:
    1/ au niveau du sous vi, et en cas ou l'utilisateur a bien saisi le mot de passe, la fenetre identif se ferme, et le mode manuel s'active (je n'arrive pas a le faire)
    2/ au niveau de la présentation du sous vi, l'interface est -elle presentable professionnellement!! (vos avis)
    merci bien pour vos suggestions et vos aides!  
    Pièces jointes : ‏18 KB ‏22 KB

    Il existe 2 moyens de fournir la référence d'une commande/indicateur à un noeud de propriété:
    - La référence implicite (via le clique droit sur le noeud puis lié à ...)
    - La référence explicite ou on vient créer une référence qui pourra être donnée comme entrée à un sous VI
    Dans ton cas, il faudra utilisé la deuxième technique étant donné que la propriété visible de ta commande "Invisible" doit être modifiée dans le sous VI
    Tu trouveras la marche à suivre et un exemple dans le lien ci-dessous:
    Updating a Control or Indicator of a Top Level VI from a SubVI
    Bonne journée,
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

  • Laptop-mode / laptop-mode-tools lcd brightness issue

    I have an issue with my lcd brightness config in laptop-mode tools
    here is the brightness values
    [venky@ARCHROCKS ~]$ cat /proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/brightness
    levels: 72 24 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 100
    current: 72
    [venky@ARCHROCKS ~]$
    following is my lcd-bightness.conf file under /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d
    # Configuration file for Laptop Mode Tools module lcd-brightness.
    # For more information, consult the laptop-mode.conf(8) manual page.
    # LCD brightness settings
    # Using these settings, you can make laptop mode tools automatically adjust
    # your LCD's brightness settings. The settings are extremely simple -- they
    # only allow for the execution of a command, nothing more. The reason for this
    # is that LCD brightness settings are very different between laptop vendors.
    # Suggestions for commands:
    # * If your system has the file "/proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/brightness" (VID may
    # be VID1 or similar), use this file as BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT, and use
    # the command "echo <value>". The possible values can be listed using the
    # command:
    # cat /proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/brightness
    # * If you have a file /sys/class/backlight/.../brightness, then you can use
    # that file as BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT, and the command "echo <value>".
    # As far as I understand it the values are between 0 and
    # the value contained in the file /sys/class/backlight/.../max_brightness.
    # * For Toshiba laptops, use the command "toshset" with the -lcd or -inten
    # command. Read the toshset(1) manual page for more information on the
    # parameters for this command. If you use this command, set
    # BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT to "/dev/null".
    # IMPORTANT: In versions 1.36 and earlier, these settings were included in the
    # main laptop-mode.conf configuration file. If they are still present, they
    # overrule the settings in this file. To fix this, simply delete the settings
    # from the main config file.
    # Should laptop mode tools control LCD brightness?
    # Commands to execute to set the brightness on your LCD
    so basically while in AC power i want full brightness when on battery i want one notch more than the minimum brightness and when laptop-mode is not running i want 2 notches less than maximum brightness.
    the battery mode works fine when i unplug the computer but when i replug the AC power it goes to 72 instead of 100. I mean laptop mode is running coz when I remove ac power it goes to 24 again.
    Am I doing something wrong?

    When you plug in AC power, laptop-mode probably turns down, so LCD brightness is set to 72. It depends on if you have set in /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_ON_AC to 0 or 1.

  • HP LaserJet M1536dnf MFP doesn't automatically answer faxes

    My new HP LaserJet M1536dnf MFP does not automatically answer fax calls.  I do not have a phone hooked up or an answering machine/voicemail.  The 'Answer Mode' is 'Automatic'.
    We use an analog converter to connect it to our internal digital VOIP phone system.  The prior MFP that was connected didn't have any issues with answering/printing faxes.
    I can see "Incoming call" on the display but it just rings and rings.  If you press the 'Start Fax' button when it's ringing, then it will proceed with connecting and receive the fax, otherwise it eventually drops the call.  This is not good seeing that a lot of faxes come in when the office is closed or otherwise unattended.
    I tried the "Fax/Tel" setting, but that didn't work either.
    Please help!
    Thanks, much!!!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @DW-OH, 
    I see by your post that the faxes won't come through when set to automatic or Fax/Tel, but you can manually receive the fax. I can help you with this.
    Update the printer's firmware.
    HP LaserJet Pro M1536dnf Multifunction Printer Drivers.
    Select your operating system, click next, click the link for firmware.
    Please check your private messages for the reset for the printer, I have seen this resolve this issue previously.
    In the forum beside your handle name just click on the envelope to view it.
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Lost Mode - useless when Location disabled, even online ?

       My iPhone was stolen by a (not so close) friend !
       I went last week to a party. Only close and casual friends. At some point we talked and compared some apps between our
    phones, I locked/unlocked mine several times, in front of the others, they did the same. However, after some time, everyone of us has been engaged in other activities
       At some point I received a call on my other iPhone, and I went outside to be able to understand each other, because it was a pretty loud party ;-)
       Anyway, I left my primary iPhone (for business) on the table.
       When I came back, surprise, my iPhone was missing. Naturally, I suspected a joke or a prank for one of my closest friends. To not embarrass myself, I just tried to use Find my iPhone and see the state of the missing device.
      It was Offline, probably the thief turned it off. I think it was one of us which, when playing around with apps, he saw my LockScreen code when I tapped it to unlock the phone.
      I left the party. after a while, I tried again Find my iPhone.
      Surprise again ! The iPhone was Online but Location Services Off. I tried to put it in Lost mode, but without phone number and
    message, just to locate, not to alarm the thief. Result was the same, "Online. Location Services Off "
      After one day, no matter how many times I tried, the thief (probably knowing that I have unlimited plan) continued to use my phone and it appears the same, "Online. No Location Available" (on iCloud, on Web Browser window) and  "Online. Location Services Off" on Find my iPhone app , on my other iPhone.
      My business phone was iPhone 4S, with iOS 6.1.6 (last iOS 6 update). I didn't upgraded iOS on this one because I needed a quicker response when I receive important calls or updates, mail documents etc. And, indeed , it worked like a charm !
      So not being able to locate and get back my iPhone, I was forced to erase it (at least I hope it was erased OK). As a result, I couldn't locate it anymore.  
      Thanks God I had nothing compromising, or business sensitive on that phone! I changed, anyway, all my mail passwords, deleted from iCloud all my reminders and notes etc. Good Bye, good old iPhone !
       I have to mention again, I have unlimited plan, voice and data traffic, so I was not afraid of higher payments, but I thought I should go to the telephone company and request a detailed list of calls after I lost it, maybe I could find a clue, with police help, of course. But I initially thought and trust it would be a breeze to find my iPhone with iCloud, Find my iPhone, Data Roaming, unlimited data traffic if, eventually, it would be lost.
       And I'm absolutely sure I have all of these services active, all my iDevices have the same security settings.
       But, to be absolutely sure, I tried the same thing on my other (personal, non business) phone. iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.1, this time.
       So I double-checked all security settings I could and deactivated only Location Services, from Privacy.
       Results were absolutely identical ! Even in Lost Mode, my only left iPhone was impossible to be found via iCloud (Web Browser) or from my iPad, no matter how many times and what I tried, after switching off Location Services (again, GSM/3G/Cellular/EU Internet - active - unlimited data plan), Data Roaming On, WIFI On, only Location Services disabled from Privacy settings.
    ( My only big mistake, I think, was to reveal and use my Lockscreen code in front of my friends. But I thought we are all friends, why wouldn't ?)
      I tried even to put my iPhone outside to have a clear view to satellites for GPS. No change !
      And a major issue (or forgotten maybe, extremely simple feature) is still to not being able to change Lock screen
    code/Password, once it was set already no matter what iOS is installed (6-7-8...)
      So, the big Question remains the same. What is the (REAL) utility of Find my iPhone app/Service, when, just switching
    off Location Services, even Lost Mode can't remotely enable it ?  Contrary to what Apple claims.
      What should I do in the future to avoid a similar situation ? What I missed/messed ?
      Please help me to understand, anyone who can help me and really knows what he/she's talking about. I'm sick of suppositions, and neverending questions/ideas off topic.
      Thank you !
    Below are some pictures taken during testing Lost Mode on my only (now) iPhone:
    Started "Find my iPhone" on Web Browser, I switched off Location Services on my iPhone :
    Until now, everything's OK, as expected.
    As advertised, Lost Mode rest assures us that will enable (temporary) Location Services, until unlocking:
    To be sure it's a working data link, I tested "Play Sound", worked OK, then entered a number and message for testing purpose
    Starting/activating Lost Mode...
    Lost Mode activated with success, Location Services not. Still, my iPhone locked and displays 1234 call
    and the message "This iPhone has been lost. Please call me".
    I even put my iPhone outside, under clear sky, for 15 minutes, still nothing new on iCloud.
    Of course, after unlocking my phone (Lost mode deactivated automatically), but still nothing (normal, in this case, without Lost Mode) and turning back ON Location Services, my iPhone was magically found . I even received a notice on mail, claiming my iPhone was found near my actual position
    Here are my screenshots with my iPhone with all data services on, being locked on purpose.
    So, what's wrong with Lost Mode, why it doesn't do what it should ? What I'm doing wrong ??
    Please help me understand. Thank you !
    P.S. I found yesterday that my phone was bought by someone identified by the police. They asked me what I want to do. I asked buyer's name, it's nobody I know, I let him in peace, no further complains. I moved on...     but disappointed by claimed features in iPhone (regardless iOS 6-8) which are not working at all
    (at least for me)...
    P.P.S I had to remove some pictures (warned when trying to post - to many images)

    It shouldn't work like that.
      Apple says contrary, even when you press Lost Mode, the following message appears :
    "Lost mode enables Location Services. Find my iPhone and other apps will be able tu use the location of this iPhone until it's unlocked".
    Pretty clear to me and tested but No Location detected by Find my iPhone/iCloud. At the other hand, if you looked at the pictures I posted, you'll see on my testing iPhone the little arrow which indicates the Location Services were started in Lost Mode. Just not detected in iCloud/Find my iPhone/Lost Mode. So, useless or not functioning properly (at all, in fact). Why ?
    And, from the Apple support page (the link is below)
    "If your device is online when you put it in Lost Mode or lock it, it locks and tracking begins (if applicable). If Location Services is turned off on the device, it’s temporarily turned on to track your device’s location."
    iCloud: Use Lost Mode
    And they claims the same for ALL iOS last versions since iOS 6 (since they introduced Lost Mode)
    And yes, my phone which I still have, and the lost one, were both Online, so it could transmit location data, during Lost Mode, just it doesn't happens.

  • Having to turn Protected mode off to view Microsoft webpages

    I'm in the process of building a corporate image and I have just found out that if we go to these types of webpages and Protected mode is turned on for Internet under security the active parts of the pages do not expand
    or collapse (they stay static in their load arrangement). Turn Protected mode off and restart IE and they work.
    I don't think it is only Protected Mode that has to be on but a combination of a couple of settings as I have another machine that doesn't do it with Protected Mode on.
    The machines I have this fault with are 32 bit Windows 8.1 Enterprise
    Does anyone else get this and know why it is happening as I would like to keep Protected Mode turned on but I can't if it produces this error.

     would like to keep Protected Mode turned on but I can't if it produces this error.
    Try putting that host name in the Trusted sites zone.  That would have the effect of having Protected Mode on automatically when going to those pages but otherwise leaving it off for pages that were just in the Internet zone by default.
    Robert Aldwinckle

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    i have recently bought a mac. how do i request a platform swap for my cs5 from pc to mac?

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    I have an Iphone 4s and I have the NFL redzone and am wondering if there is a way to hook it up to my HDTV. I have not bought an adapter yet and do not want to unless someone else has had luck with NFL redzone. I have seen that netflix works.

  • Need to reenumerate Vector after removing element(s)?

    Hi, I'm using a Vector to hold a collection of Hashtables, and periodically I call a cleanup routine on the Vector as the contents change quite frequently. My question is: after I enumerate the Vector in order to walk through its contents to remove a

  • How to cross two tables?

    Greetings community, This is totally beginner's question, so accept my apology for bothering you with such a basic thing. At first I blamed Microsoft for giving us LINQ that was so easy to use and on the other side much slower intellisense in SSMS wh