Modifier larguer impulsions STEP et DIR carte 7334

Nous disposons d’un RobotCylinder 3 axes construit par IAI. Chaque axe du robot est connecté à un contrôleur PCON (IAI). Le contrôleur PCON reçoit, via un UMI-7774, les signaux STEP et DIR générés
par une carte PCI-7334. Pour être assimilés par le PCON les niveaux des signaux doivent être maintenus pendant 6 ms (p.26 du manuel PCON First Edition).
Les pulses générés par la carte PCI-7334 doivent donc avoir au moins une largeur de 6 ms.
Nous avons connecté, en parallèle au montage, un oscilloscope sur la sortie STEP de la carte. Les impulsions ont une largeur bien inférieure à 6 ms ce qui expliquerait peut être pourquoi les bras de notre robot refusent d’avancer (noter que le robot fonctionne en utilisant la programmation directe des PCON via une interface RS232 et un logiciel IAI).
Notre question est la suivante :
Nous avons consulté la documentation de la carte PCI-7334 et exploré les différents menus du logiciel Measurement & Automation. Nous n’avons pas su trouver le moyen de contrôler la largeur temporelle des pulses délivrés par les sorties DIR et STEP de la carte PCI-7334.
Pouvez-vous nous renseigner sur ce moyen s’il vous plaît ?
Bien cordialement  Pierre CAFARELLI (Université Paul Sabatier)
[email protected]

Bonjour PCAF,
Les attributs du train de pulse vont varier avec les 3 paramètres suivants:
vitesse de l'horloge
Duty Cycle
la vitesse d'horloge va dépendre de la carte utilisée. La 7334 et 7344 possède toutes les 2 une horloge interne de 16 MHz clock alors que par exemple la 7350 a une clock de 40 MHz. La largeur de pulse va correspondre 2 cycle d'horloge pour la plus grande vitesse et à 255 cycles d'horloge en plus basse vitesse.
Les valeurs vont être tronquées à 2 ou 255 cyclessi vous essayez d'aller plus vite ou plus lentement que ce qui n'est permis. La durée du pulse est déterminé comme suit::
Durée = (1 / VH)*N

VH >> Vitesse d'horloge
N >> Nombre de cycles d'horloge.
En conséquence, une largeur de pulse ~126 nanoseconds ( (1/16e6)*2) sera débitée à la vitesse MAX de la 7334 (16 MHz Clock). En contrepartie à vitesse minimale ~16 microseconds ( (1/16e6)*255 ).
De plus le duty cycle peut être changé à 25% ou 50%. la fonction Set u32.flx peut être utilisée pour cela.  Vous pouvez le configurer sur les cartes 733x, 734x, et 735x series.
Il n'est pas possible de changer directement la largeur de pulse. Les méthodes explicités plus haut sont le seul moyen indirecte de le faire. 
Si vous désirez avoir un contrôle complet de votre largeur de pulse vous devrez utiliser une PWM. ces cartes ont le moyen de le faire en utilisant les pins du port DIO >>Hardware and Software User Manuals for more information.
Romain DUVAL || Application Engineer Specialist ||Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA) || Certified TestStand Architect (CTA)
National Instruments France

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      Yes - You can activate SL Approval BC using SCPR20 t.code. Before you activate.. you have to make sure the SLAPPROVER attribute has been updated with prefix 'US' and approver user id and also make sure the approval limit and spending limit has been maintained in SU01 user id pernelization tab.

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    Hey bestware,
    You need to get a reference to the step: RunState.Sequence.Main["MyActiveXStep"]
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    Once you have that you can do whatever you'd like with it.  You can read in the help more about this.  Search for ActiveXModule.
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    Hope this gets you pointed in the right direction. 
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    Eromero -
    The ResStr function retrieves a string from the TestStand language resource files. We call this a table. The funtion requires a category and tag value name. Review the Creating String Resource Files section in Chapter 3, page 6 of the User Manual for more details.
    So the strings that you are already referencing are in the IviStepTypes.ini file in the
    Components\NI\Language\English directory. You could add your new strings that you require to a sister file that you would create under the Components\User\Language\English directory, or you can remove the call to ResStr and just hardcode the string with your step type if you do not want the ability to translate the string for other languages.
    The call that is probably failing is:
    ("IVI_STEP_TYPE", ((Step.Operation==0) ? "CONF FREQUENCY" : ...
    Also, right now the call to ResStr("IVI_STEP_TYPE", "Counter", "Counter") is probably failing and just using the default value you supply in the call.
    Scott Richardson - NI
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

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    Hi Dkuud,
    According to your description, you created a job then the owner of job was changed by DBA. After that, you would like to be granted permissions to modify the job steps.
    Based on the Permissions section of this article(, it’s clear that only members of sysadmin can update a job step owned by another user.
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    Open SQL Server Management Studio.
    Login with Administrator.
    Open Security\Logins, right click “your login” then choose Properties.
    Click Server Roles on the left pane, check the sysadmin box, click OK.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

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    We had the same problem: it was due to wrong settings for iVIEW property.
    Check for role concerned repository inside portal iVIEWS dedicated to Shopping Cart. One of them should have :
    - for property value SAP_SRM/sc/display
    - for Configuration Name value /SAPSRM/WDAC_I_FPM_OIF_SC_PROF
    - for Application Parameters value like sapsrm_mode=DISPLAY&sapsrm_botype=BUS2121&sapsrm_tx_context_id=Professional%20SC&sapsrm_portalbaseurl=<Portal.BaseURL>&sapsrm_pcdlocation=<IView.ID>&sapsrm_kw_id=XXXX
    If not, make necessary modifications.

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    A different article that was listed here​74F58946FF8E4B86256DB20074803C?opendocument#1
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    Jemuel Ong
    National University of Singapore
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for replying!
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    Jemuel Ong
    National University of Singapore

  • Data Acquisition Step Type

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    if there is anything like this at the moment can you possibly reply. If there is not,  is this a something which will be avaible in the future ?
    Message Edited by ds1638 on 12-09-2008 02:44 PM

    Data Acquisition usually refers to a DAQ board from NI so I think what you are looking for is a generic NI-VISA step type and a specific RS-232 step type. I have a NI-VISA step type that was originally written with LabVIEW 6.1 and for use with TestStand 2. I've atached that below. I don't have the .ini file handy and don't have time to recreate it but from the code, you should be able to see what needs to be added to the step properties. The basic step is a modified Pass/Fail Step.
    It's not that difficult to create your own custom steps. I've done a lot and it only takes a little while longer than doing a code module in LabVIEW or CVI. The extra time is in creating the edit step.
    I've got an RS-232 step type but part of it is product specific so it is proprietary and I can't post that. Look at the VISA example and the other examples of custom step types that are on the developer zone and see how far you get.
    VISA ‏188 KB

  • Displaying Custom field in shopping cart header

    Hi all, I know how to add a field to header and item levels of the shopping cart.
    - In the note 672960 it says 'Note that the header fields cannot be displayed for the shopping cart. If you define fields on the header, they can only be filled in BADIs.'
    We are able to fill in the name of the shopping cart on the third step, which is also a part of header information. Is there a possibility to add a custom field(the user must be able to fill it) and display it in that screen???

    <u>To add custom fields to the shopping cart, please try this process -></u>
    <b>Please refer to these links for details -></b>
    Re: SC header CUF ?
    Re: MAP USer SRM defined fields in backend for PO
    Re: HI SRM experts...
    Custom fields to a Bid Invitation
    Addition of custom fields in Contract and mapping it with the fields in SRM
    urgent help request - How to add custom fields to  header BID.
    Re: Add custom fields to Contract Transaction in SRM 4.0
    Custom Fields
    custom fields in Carry out sourcing screen..
    Custom Fields Not Display In Basic Data In SRM 5.5 Server..
    SC : Extended  Search on Header Customer field
    Re: customer field in 3rd step of shopping cart
    Adding fields in shopping cart
    Custom Field in the header of Shopping Cart
    <b>Please refer to these SAP OSS notes -></b>
    <u>Note 458591 - User-defined fields: Preparation and use
    Note 672960 - User-defined fields 2
    Note 822424 - CUF. Customer fields cannot be changed in the bid
    Note 809630 - Customer field in bid invitation and bid - How does it work?
    Note 809628 - Table like customer fields from bid invitation in bid
    Note 798731 - Bid: Bid Inv. Customer fields not visible
    Note 762984 - SRM40-SUS: Implementation of customer enhancement fields</u>
    <b>Please go through the documentation of following 3 Business Add-Ins using SE18 transaction.</b>
    BBP_BUPA_GET_CUF Customer Fields for Vendor Master Data
    BBP_CUF_BADI-Customer Fields. Call-up of User-Defined Screen
    BBP_CUF_BADI_2-Customer Fields. Use of Standard Table Control
    Hope this definitely help.
    - Atul

  • Unit of Measure missing in Shopping Cart

    Hi all,
    Currently, we have implemented BADI BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER to map Unit of Measure from z-table, based on shopper's backend system. The mapping is done successfully when it return to Shopping Cart (e.g. PAC (catalog UoM) -> PAK (backend system's UoM)).
    When I am at "Step 2: Shopping Cart", I've tried to view Item details (click on Magnifier icon in 'Action' column), and I noticed that mapped UoM 'PAK' is still there. However, when I click on 'Check' button, I found that the following error message returned:
    "Enter a unit of measure"
    I am wondering why UoM will be missing, and I notice that when the time I click on 'Check' button, it went through to BADI BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI of Method BBP_SC_CHANGE. I have checked import table IT_ITEM and found out that IT_ITEM-UNIT is missing.
    Although I have put an breakpoint in Method BBP_SC_CHANGE, I discover that IT_ITEM-UNIT is missing ONLY when I click on 'Check' button from Item detail page above.
    Is there any steps missing in config, or otherwise?
    Many thanks.
    Best regards,

    Hi Muthu,
    Thanks for following up.
    There is no 'Incomplete PO status', and what I can see in History is that (there are two line of messages):
      - First message, "Follow-on Document Created";
      - and second message, "Error in Process".
    I have checked tcode CUNI (under Unit of measurement button with No Dimension from drop-down menu), UoM 'PAK' is exist with the following info:
      - Internal Measurement Unit = 'PAK'
      - Commercial = 'PAC'
      - Technical = 'PAC'
      - ALE/EDI --> ISO Code = 'PK' with Primary code checked
    with the above, the Catalog Item's UoM is "PAC", when it comes to BAdI BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER, table CATALOG_CONTENT has the UoM ISO code of 'PK', which mapped from Commercial 'PAC' based on CUNI config.
    If I removed my code (bespoke table mapping) in the above BAdI, Internal UoM "PAK' is being picked up. When it returns to Shopping Cart, PO is still managed to be created.
    Do you have any idea on this?
    Many thanks.

  • Customizing OI to add step progress bar

    Hello custom RTOI experts!  I am attempting to make a customization to the full-featured LabVIEW RTOI (for TestStand 3.0) in order to provide the seemingly simple feature of a step completion progress bar on the execution page of the tab control.  Let me explain a little behind the concept I'm going for.  There are some steps in my sequences that take a relatively long time (15 minutes or so).  During this period, a requirement of mine is to have a progress bar that gets updates every so often such that by the time the step would ordinary complete, the progress bar is at 100%.  Initial attempts involved a separate VI that managed the progress bars, but having yet another window is not the ideal UI design...  Instead, I was hoping to integrate this functionality into the RTOI so that each time a new step begins executing, additional custom data (the expected step duration) is (optionally) sent to the RTOI providing the progress update portion of the RTOI code the necessary data.
    Is there any sample code out there that performs some similar task so that I can get a better feel for how the pieces fit together?  In particular, there are a few things that are befuddling me:
    1) What is a good way to store this custom information (step duration) in the sequence file?  Should I modify the basic step types to add a new duration field which can be optionally set to something greater than the default, 0?
    2) How should the step duration get passed to the RTOI?  My current thought is to override the PreStep engine callback to send the custom duration field in a custom UIMessage, but that may be partly because I'm not familiar enough with the structure of the data is that is that is accessible via the sequence context...
    3) How do I link the progress bar data to the actual execution page that is currently being viewed.  Up to 4 executions can be running using the parallel model or the batch model in my sequences, so something would clearly need to be done so that when execution 1 is visible, the associated progress bar is shown, etc...  I'm assuming I can trap on some event when the user clicks on an execution in the list bar, but there is no similar code in the out-of-box RTOI - all that appears to be managed automatically by linking the controls to the execution manager.
    Thanks for any pointers or code samples (or even suggested reading) that anyone can give.

    Thanks for the response.
    I may indeed want to use the ProgressPercent message, but I'm not so sure just yet.  I did not want to leave the responsibility of sending UIMessages up to the VIs and other code modules called by the sequence - I was hoping for a simple solution to provide a new field (ExpectedDuration) that can be set for any given step.  In this way, the RTOI can manage updating the progress simply by counting seconds.  Perhaps there is some timer callback that can be leveraged to perform this function?
    What I have so far is as follows: I have a new step type called PassFailTestWithDuration.  It is a copy of the PassFailTest step type with the addition of a ExpectedDuration property and a new PreStep which calls the PostUIMessageEx with a custom event (10001).  The expected duration and the RunState.TestSockets.MyIndex both get passed as parameters.  Inside the RTOI, I have added a UserMessage callback VI which stores the data in the appropriate slot of a global (indexed by socket index).  (The global array is implemented as what I've heard called an action engine - there are init, read, and write actions that it can perform on data stored in the VI, and it is set as non-reentrant so that race conditions cannot occur).  Each entry in the global array has 2 fields - the expected duration, and the current elapsed time.  My idea was to continually update the current elapsed time for all active executions and simply show a progress bar for the "active" execution by displaying its elapsed time/expected duration in each necessary event...
    I think my main question now is - how do you determine the RunState.TestSocket.MyIndex of the active execution in the execution manager (or application manager)?  It seems like such an obvious thing to want to know, but I don't see it anywhere.
    Thanks again for any hints you can provide!

  • Change the Deadline -latest end from step before or other WF

    I have the following situation.
    We create a wait event step with a lasted end calculated previously.
    The problem is that the values for calculate changes after the wait step is created, so we need to change the lasted end too.
    How this lastest end be modified from other step or Workflow?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Francisco,
    What is the exact problem
    You have a Wait step with the Latest end - set with reference to the "Work Item" and the Time set as "x" hours or days.
    Now when the workflow reaches the Wait step, u want to change the "x" hours into "y" hours .
    Is this requirement.?
    May b u can try the following
    U can calculate the Latest Time for the Wait step , in a background activity , before the Wait step and then use the calculated value as "Expression" (i.e. calculate "x" from the expression) for Time in Latest end.
    Hope this helps.

  • Custom field is needed in the Shopping cart Additional Specifications

    Hi Folks,
    A Custom field is needed in the Shopping cart Additional Specifications just below 'Notes for Approval'. Any suggestions on this.

    <b>Please go through the following links, which will definitely help -></b>
    Re: Displaying Custom field in shopping cart header
    Re: customer field in 3rd step of shopping cart
    Re: Custom Screen in Shopping cart
    Re: Custom Field in the header of Shopping Cart
    Custom field in shopping cart Item Overview - items in Shopping Cart tab
    SC : Extended  Search on Header Customer field
    - Atul

  • How to repeat one test sequence step?

    Hi there,
    I've been testing the NI TestStand 4.1 evaluation system to see does it fit our company needs. It's almost what I expected to do except that I didn't manage to repeat only one failed step from the sequence and correct the report result. It can be done through the LabView or .NET interface by selecting witch step to repeat before the sequence have finished,  but I want to know if there is a integrated tool for this in TestStand.
    Best regards,

    Welcome to TestStand!!  It's by far the best off the shelf test automation software out there. 
    Are you talking about immediately repeating the failed steps?  Or are you talking about repeating the failed steps after the test has completed?  If you want to immediately repeat on a fail there are a couple options. If you look at the Properties for a step you'll see the Post Actions.  Basically this is anything that happens after the step has completed.  There is a On Fail box in there and you can change that to Goto step and choose the same step.  Or you can choose a sequence and create a sequence that will wait for the operator and then return and repeat the step.  There is also an Engine Callback which you can add and modify if a step fails as well.  You could do some manipulations in there.
    Basically you'll find that in TestStand there are several (some better some worse) ways to accomplish what you want.  Most of it is possible (either through callbacks, properties or code modules). 
    One good place to look is in the TestStand reference manual about step execution.  There's a table in there with an exact layout of what exactly happens when a step executes.  Understanding that can help you decide where you want to force the step to repeat. 
    Hope that helps.  Let me know if you have any questions.
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

Maybe you are looking for