Modifying a shape by its end points - like a square

If you draw a square and then want to modify its shape so it is parallelogram - how do you select the points to move them?

You don't actually need to select any points to convert a square to a parallelogram.
Direct select a segment (the line between anchor points) and shift-drag.
Or else you can turn on bounding boxes and use the (black arrow) Selection tool to drag.
Or use the Scale tool and shift-drag.
There are many ways. You just choose the one you are happiest with. Auntie Illie is very accomodating :-)

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    With the Web Service Proxy Wizard of JDeveloper 10g R3, I created a web service proxy that connects to a (web service) end point like this:
    My three related questions are:
    1.- How can I change the end point registered in the (client) web service proxy ?
    2.- How can I do this without need to rebuild the client application?
    3.- How can I do this once my client application have been deployed in the application server?
    Please help.

    these are your options
    - Edit the endpoint meta data stored in the .proxy xml file (e.g. \src\project\myservice.proxy)
    - Use WS proxy wrapper and call setEndpoint on the proxy
    - Recreate the proxy in JDeveloper based on the new endpoint. This may require merging any business logic if it was inserted directly in the proxy (as opposed to a wrappering class)
    where I think option 1 and 2 is what you would look for. I don't know how exactly JDeveloper 11 is different, but I got the info from development that there will be simplifications.

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    You can modify the settings in <adminserverhome>/liquiddata/<yourApp>LDConfig.xml
    The settings are read from the file when the application is deployed

  • Storing Shape Information IN a Table-Like Structure

    Hi All,
    I have a Program which displays shape (rectangle,oval,etc) in the panel which is enclosed in a frame.. shape can be dragged and dropped anywhere on panel... also one can delete shape... Now I Want To Store All The Exiting Shapes (as they are added on panel ) in some structure say a table, and alongwith it, i also want to store additional information about shape, say its location currently on panel, its present color, etc so that i can use this information later in the program... how do i do implement this ?? Plz Help Me.. It would be great if you include the changes in the source code itself...
    Here is the source code :
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class ShapeDrawFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        JCheckBoxMenuItem addLargeShapes;    
       JCheckBoxMenuItem addBorderedShapes; 
       JRadioButtonMenuItem red, green, blue,      
                            cyan, magenta, yellow, 
                            black, gray, white;  
       JPopupMenu popup;
        public ShapeDrawFrame() {
            super("Shape Draw");
          ShapeCanvas canvas = new ShapeCanvas();
          /* Create the menu bar and the menus */
          JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar();
          JMenu addShapeMenu = new JMenu("Add");
          JMenu shapeColorMenu = new JMenu("Color");
          JMenu optionsMenu = new JMenu("Options");
          /* Create menu items for adding shapes to the canvas,
             and add them to the "Add" menu.  The canvas serves
             as ActionListener for these menu items. */     
          JMenuItem rect = new JMenuItem("Rectangle");
          rect.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl R") );
          JMenuItem oval = new JMenuItem("Oval");
          oval.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl O") );
          JMenuItem roundrect = new JMenuItem("Round Rect");
          roundrect.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl D") );
          /* Create the JRadioButtonMenuItems that control the color
             of a newly added shape, and add them to the "Color"
             menu.  There is no ActionListener for these menu items.
             The canvas checks for the currently selected color when
             it adds a shape to the canvas.  A ButtonGroup is used
             to make sure that only one color is selected. */
          ButtonGroup colorGroup = new ButtonGroup();
          red = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Red");
          green = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Green");
          blue = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Blue");
          cyan = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Cyan");
          magenta = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Magenta");
          yellow = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Yellow");
          black = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Black");
          gray = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Gray");
          white = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("White");
          /* Create the "Clear" menu item, and add it to the
             "Options" menu.  The canvas will listen for events
             from this menu item. */
          JMenuItem clear = new JMenuItem("Clear");
          clear.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl C") );
          optionsMenu.addSeparator();  // Add a separating line to the menu.
          /* Create the JCheckBoxMenuItems and add them to the Options
             menu.  There is no ActionListener for these items because
             the canvas class will check their state when it adds a
             new shape. */
          addLargeShapes = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Add Large Shapes");
          addBorderedShapes = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Add Shapes with Border");
          /* Create a menu for background colors, and add it to the
             "Options" menu.  It will show up as a hierarchical sub-menu. */
          JMenu background = new JMenu("Background Color");
          /* Create the pop-up menu and add commands for editing a
             shape.  This menu is not used until the user performs
             the pop-up trigger mouse gesture on a shape. */
          popup = new JPopupMenu();
          popup.add("Delete Shape").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Bring to Front").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Make Large").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Make Small").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Add Black Border").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Remove Black Border").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Red").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Green").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Blue").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Cyan").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Magenta").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Yellow").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Black").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to Gray").addActionListener(canvas);
          popup.add("Set Color to White").addActionListener(canvas);
          /* Set the "DefaultCloseOperation" for the frame.  This determines
             what happens when the user clicks the close box of the frame.
             It is set here so that System.exit() will be called to end
             the program when the user closes the window. */
          /* Set the size and location of the frame, and make it visible. */
       class ShapeCanvas extends JPanel
                         implements ActionListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
             // This class represents a "canvas" that can display colored shapes and
             // let the user drag them around.  It uses an off-screen images to
             // make the dragging look as smooth as possible.
          ArrayList shapes = new ArrayList();
               // holds a list of the shapes that are displayed on the canvas
          ShapeCanvas() {
               // Constructor: set background color to white
               // set up listeners to respond to mouse actions
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
               // In the paint method, all the shapes in ArrayList are
               // copied onto the canvas.
             super.paintComponent(g);  // First, fill with background color.
             int top = shapes.size();
             for (int i = 0; i < top; i++) {
                Shape s = (Shape)shapes.get(i);
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                 // Called to respond to action events from the
                 // menus or pop-up menu.
             String command = evt.getActionCommand();
             if (command.equals("Clear")) {
                shapes.clear(); // Remove all items from the ArrayList
             else if (command.equals("Rectangle"))
                addShape(new RectShape());
             else if (command.equals("Oval"))
                addShape(new OvalShape());
             else if (command.equals("Round Rect"))
                addShape(new RoundRectShape());
             else if (command.equals("Red"))
             else if (command.equals("Green"))
             else if (command.equals("Blue"))
             else if (command.equals("Cyan"))
             else if (command.equals("Magenta"))
             else if (command.equals("Yellow"))
             else if (command.equals("Black"))
             else if (command.equals("Gray"))
             else if (command.equals("White"))
             else if (clickedShape != null) {
                    // Process a command from the pop-up menu.
                if (command.equals("Delete Shape"))
                else if (command.equals("Bring to Front")) {
                else if (command.equals("Make Large"))
                else if (command.equals("Make Small"))
                else if (command.equals("Add Black Border"))
                else if (command.equals("Remove Black Border"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Red"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Green"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Blue"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Cyan"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Magenta"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Yellow"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Black"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to Gray"))
                else if (command.equals("Set Color to White"))
          } // end actionPerformed()
          void addShape(Shape shape) {
                 // Add the shape to the canvas, and set its size, color
                 // and whether or not it should have a black border.  These
                 // properties are determined by looking at the states of
                 // various menu items.  The shape is added at the top-left
                 // corner of the canvas.
             if (red.isSelected())
             else if (blue.isSelected())
             else if (green.isSelected())
             else if (cyan.isSelected())
             else if (magenta.isSelected())
             else if (yellow.isSelected())
             else if (black.isSelected())
             else if (white.isSelected())
             shape.setDrawOutline( addBorderedShapes.isSelected() );
             if (addLargeShapes.isSelected())
          } // end addShape()
          // -------------------- This rest of this class implements dragging ----------------------
          Shape clickedShape = null;  // This is the shape that the user clicks on.
                                      // It becomes the draggedShape is the user is
                                      // dragging, unless the user is invoking a
                                      // pop-up menu.  This variable is used in
                                      // actionPerformed() when a command from the
                                      // pop-up menu is processed.
          Shape draggedShape = null;  // This is null unless a shape is being dragged.
                                      // A non-null value is used as a signal that dragging
                                      // is in progress, as well as indicating which shape
                                      // is being dragged.
          int prevDragX;  // During dragging, these record the x and y coordinates of the
          int prevDragY;  //    previous position of the mouse.
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
                // User has pressed the mouse.  Find the shape that the user has clicked on, if
                // any.  If there is no shape at the position when the mouse was clicked, then
                // ignore this event.  If there is then one of three things will happen:
                // If the event is a pop-up trigger, then the pop-up menu is displayed, and
                // the user can select from the pop-up menu to edit the shape.  If the user was
                // holding down the shift key, then bring the clicked shape to the front, in
                // front of all the other shapes.  Otherwise, start dragging the shape.
             if (draggedShape != null) {
                  // A drag operation is already in progress, so ignore this click.
                  // This might happen if the user clicks a second mouse button before
                  // releasing the first one(?).
             int x = evt.getX();  // x-coordinate of point where mouse was clicked
             int y = evt.getY();  // y-coordinate of point
             clickedShape = null;  // This will be set to the clicked shape, if any.
             for ( int i = shapes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { 
                    // Check shapes from front to back.
                Shape s = (Shape)shapes.get(i);
                if (s.containsPoint(x,y)) {
                   clickedShape = s;
             if (clickedShape == null) {
                   // The user did not click on a shape.
             else if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {
                  // The user wants to see the pop-up menu
             else if (evt.isShiftDown()) {
                  // Bring the clicked shape to the front
             else {
                  // Start dragging the shape.
                draggedShape = clickedShape;
                prevDragX = x;
                prevDragY = y;
          public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
                 // User has moved the mouse.  Move the dragged shape by the same amount.
             if (draggedShape == null) {
                    // User did not click a shape.  There is nothing to do.
             int x = evt.getX();
             int y = evt.getY();
             draggedShape.moveBy(x - prevDragX, y - prevDragY);
             prevDragX = x;
             prevDragY = y;
             repaint();      // redraw canvas to show shape in new position
          public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
                 // User has released the mouse.  Move the dragged shape, and set
                 // draggedShape to null to indicate that dragging is over.
                 // If the shape lies completely outside the canvas, remove it
                 // from the list of shapes (since there is no way to ever move
                 // it back on screen).  However, if the event is a popup trigger
                 // event, then show the popup menu instead.
             if (draggedShape == null) {
                   // User did not click on a shape. There is nothing to do.
             int x = evt.getX();
             int y = evt.getY();
             if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {
                   // Check whether the user is trying to pop up a menu.
                   // (This should be checked in both the mousePressed() and
                   // mouseReleased() methods.)
             else {
                draggedShape.moveBy(x - prevDragX, y - prevDragY);
                if ( draggedShape.left >= getSize().width || >= getSize().height ||
                        draggedShape.left + draggedShape.width < 0 ||
               + draggedShape.height < 0 ) {  // shape is off-screen
                   shapes.remove(draggedShape);  // remove shape from list of shapes
             draggedShape = null;  // Dragging is finished.
          public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { }   // Other methods required for MouseListener and
          public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { }    //              MouseMotionListener interfaces.
          public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) { }
          public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { }
       }  // end class ShapeCanvas
       // ------- Nested class definitions for the abstract Shape class and three -----
       // -------------------- concrete subclasses of Shape. --------------------------
       static abstract class Shape {
             // A class representing shapes that can be displayed on a ShapeCanvas.
             // The subclasses of this class represent particular types of shapes.
             // When a shape is first constructed, it has height and width zero
             // and a default color of white.
          int left, top;      // Position of top left corner of rectangle that bounds this shape.
          int width, height;  // Size of the bounding rectangle.
          Color color = Color.white;  // Color of this shape.
          boolean drawOutline;  // If true, a black border is drawn on the shape
          void reshape(int left, int top, int width, int height) {
                // Set the position and size of this shape.
             this.left = left;
    = top;
             this.width = width;
             this.height = height;
          void setSize(int width, int height) {
                // Set the size of this shape
             this.width = width;
             this.height = height;
          void moveBy(int dx, int dy) {
                 // Move the shape by dx pixels horizontally and dy pixels vertically
                 // (by changing the position of the top-left corner of the shape).
             left += dx;
             top += dy;
          void setColor(Color color) {
                 // Set the color of this shape
             this.color = color;
          void setDrawOutline(boolean draw) {
                 // If true, a black outline is drawn around this shape.
             drawOutline = draw;
          boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) {
                // Check whether the shape contains the point (x,y).
                // By default, this just checks whether (x,y) is inside the
                // rectangle that bounds the shape.  This method should be
                // overridden by a subclass if the default behavior is not
                // appropriate for the subclass.
             if (x >= left && x < left+width && y >= top && y < top+height)
                return true;
                return false;
          abstract void draw(Graphics g); 
                // Draw the shape in the graphics context g.
                // This must be overridden in any concrete subclass.
       }  // end of class Shape
       static class RectShape extends Shape {
             // This class represents rectangle shapes.
          void draw(Graphics g) {
             if (drawOutline) {
       static class OvalShape extends Shape {
              // This class represents oval shapes.
          void draw(Graphics g) {
             if (drawOutline) {
          boolean containsPoint(int x, int y) {
                // Check whether (x,y) is inside this oval, using the
                // mathematical equation of an ellipse.
             double rx = width/2.0;   // horizontal radius of ellipse
             double ry = height/2.0;  // vertical radius of ellipse
             double cx = left + rx;   // x-coord of center of ellipse
             double cy = top + ry;    // y-coord of center of ellipse
             if ( (ry*(x-cx))*(ry*(x-cx)) + (rx*(y-cy))*(rx*(y-cy)) <= rx*rx*ry*ry )
                return true;
               return false;
       static class RoundRectShape extends Shape {
              // This class represents rectangle shapes with rounded corners.
              // (Note that it uses the inherited version of the
              // containsPoint(x,y) method, even though that is not perfectly
              // accurate when (x,y) is near one of the corners.)
          void draw(Graphics g) {
             if (drawOutline) {
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">                         
        private void initComponents() {
            javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                .addGap(0, 400, Short.MAX_VALUE)
                .addGap(0, 300, Short.MAX_VALUE)
        }// </editor-fold>                       
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new ShapeDrawFrame().setVisible(true);
        // Variables declaration - do not modify                    
        // End of variables declaration                  

    Sure. In your original post, you had a sort of a design. The general idea was right. And then you asked us to implement it. Well, that's the wrong approach. You need to make the sort-of-a-design into a real design. Don't implement anything until you know what you are going to implement.

  • Change the end point URL in WSDL for web-service

    Hi All,
    Morning , could someone please help us with this question, we are stuck with this currently.
    In SOA Suite 10g as well 11g we have a jsimple Java class whose one of the methods is exposed as a web service.
    In the project it has created the WSDL as well and have deployed the .ear file to the servers from EM console successfully.
    Now we need to migrate this web service to testing & production environments.
    1. Could someone please let us know the steps as to how do we change the end point url in the WSDL for this web service (present in web content --> WEB-INF/wsdl path in the j-developer project) for migration in case of both 10g (OC4J) as well 11g (WLS) servers.
    2. Also could this change/update be done prior to deployment as well as post deployment as well.
    Looking forward to inputs regards we are stuck with this ..would be very helpful
    Thanks as always for help & guidance..

    As Vijay mentioned, you develop a WebService in JDeveloper and test in JDeveloper integrated Weblogic Server say at http://localhost:7101/MyWebService/MyPort?wsdl. Thats it. Once it is working. Export it into a .WAR file. If you have any other supporting EJB JARs etc, put all these into a full blown .EAR at application level. NOW deploy this .EAR or .WAR into any Domain on any host and any port. DOES not matter. That server's host and port will be taken. Infact even if this other domain is Clustered domain, still it will work by giving webserver host and webserver port that sits in front of the cluster.
    I develop my webservices in JDeveloper and test at 7101 port. This .WAR gets deployed in QC Env at qchost:qcport. Same .WAR deployed to UAT at uathost:uatport and finally to prod also at prodhost:prodport.
    Its just the Client (WebService Proxy) that is calling this WebService need to use appropriate host and port based on which Env it is connecting to. For this, simply do not hard code WSDL URL in the java code or anywhere. Simply get it from a .properties file using a key value pair like this.
    Now have Environment specific values for above key and put that properties file in that domain root folder. And in your code always refer this key.
    You can use many approaches along the above lines.
    If your WebServies proxy is a webservice adapter say within bpel, still you can modify the value using deployment plan .xml file file while deploying.
    I would not absolutely prefer opening war file from ear and modifying war and updating ear file etc etc. Also do not have multiple EARs for Environment specific. Just have only one single EAR or WAR file that can be deployed to any environment.
    Ravi Jegga

  • How can I rotate a shape around a centre point in Illustrator?

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to make a pattern in Illustrator and I need to repeat a shape around a centre point, a bit like placing petals around the stigma of a flower. I can do it in Photoshop by moving the centre point of the bounding box to where I want to rotate the shape around, how can I do it in Illustrator?
    I also want to define this as a shape/pattern and use in Photoshop, how do I go about this?
    Many thanks,

    The centroid of a straight-sided polygon is located at the average of its corner points locations. For a given path (a star, for example) you can:
    1. Select the path.
    2. Copy. PasteInFront.
    3. Object>Path>Average>Both.
    For objects with curved segments, you can approximate the centroid by:
    1. Select the path.
    2. Copy. PasteInFront.
    3. Apply some command that adds a bunch of points along the curves (Object>Path>Add Anchor Points, or ZigZag with zero for Size).
    4. Object>Path>Average>Both.
    If you have alot of paths you need to do that for all at once (as when designing a hanging mobile), I have a simple Javascript for that.

  • Tone Curve beginning & end points - not moving

    I am not the most technical guy in the world so I'll try to explain this as best as I can. In LR 4, why am I not able to drag the Tone Curve points up and down at the very start and end of the of the graph like in LR 3? I can drag them up and down everywhere except at the start and end points of the axis. This is one of my most used editing areas so it's quite disappointing and I can't get the result I want in LR 4. I have presets from LR 3 that can change the starting point on the tone curve but I can't fine tune it. Hopefully I explained this well enough because I would love some help on this. Cheers.

    I think it's normal behaviour as per:
    When you try to move vertically , the curve follows the lighter grey shape: this is region editing.
    To do point curve editing  click on the little graph curve and then you can do what you want, as per:

  • Problem setting project end point (can't access the end point marker)

    I can't seem to set my project end point because the slider control that adjusts the spacing of the measures is obstructing my pointer from being able to click on the end point marker. Any hints as to how I can move the coation of this slider control so that I can access the end point marker with my pointer?

    6ftmama wrote:
    FYI - the end point marker now turns into a bracket when you hover over it.
    THe End-of-Project Marker doesn't change at all. What you see is a change of the Mouse Pointer.
    This is called a "Click Zone" where the Mouse Pointer changes to different shapes when moving over or click on an object or an area in the window.
    Here the Mouse Pointer changes to "Trim Tool" or "Resize Tool".
    Pointer Tool:
    Resize Tool:
    It is the same Tool wne you move the Mouse Pointer of the right edge of a Region to resize its length.
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

  • Is It Possible To Snap The Start/End Point Of Gradient Tool To Edges Of An Object?

    When I am modifying a gradient on an object, I would like to snap the starting point and the ending point of the gradient to the edges of the object I am working on. Is there a way to do this? I tried just using Smart Guides, as well as the grid and regular guides with no luck. Any ideas?

    Select your Inline graphic. Then click on the center of the graphic and drag the mouse's pointer into the text. When you get your pointer into the text you will see the insertion cursor (vertical bar) just at the tip of the mouse arrow. When you let go of the mouse button the insertion point for the graphic will be where the insertion bar was at that time. The key point is to concentrate on the position of your arrow tip as you attempt to reposition the insertion point.

  • Drawing small, short curves in Photoshop draws straight line between start and end points

    I recently installed Windows 8 Professional, Photoshop and the latest Wacom Bamboo tablet drivers and have been experiencing this issue. I've turned off windows flicks and ink. This only happens in Photoshop with the brush tool and I can't seem to find a setting that this corresponds to.
    Basically, when I draw small, short curves (particularly letters like 'c' and 'h'), when I lift up my pen, Photoshop automatically connects the end and start points together with a straight line ('c' almost becomes 'o' or 'a'). I'm not holding the shift or any modifier keys. I've tried googling this issue, but I have no idea how to phrase it properly to get any results.
    Here's an image of what I'm talking about (the top was drawn with the pencil tool, the bottom with the brush tool which demonstrates the issue. I've highlighted the start and end points with red dots):
    ANy ideas? :/

    Is caps lock on?

  • End point for Effects

    Is there a way to get the exact X and Y coordinates for an objects's location at the end of an effect? Also, is it possible to somehow see the animation happening in the main timeline without having to preview it? With the way the effects seem to work, it's very difficult to place things on screen when you don't know their exact end location point.

    Nope. No math needed. If you want to know exactly where the shape is going to end up (again ±1 pixel since you can't snap the motion path end points) and what it's going to look like in terms of spacing around other objects then using a same sized smart shape with a crosshair image works pretty well. I personally like this method because you can also see the starting point or any in-between points if you'd like. You can also change the smart shape to whichever shape you'd like and the crosshairs will still aim at the center.
    As for rotating objects I've never done it either but that doesn't mean someone else might not have a reason to. But here's a couple screenshots showing an animation of an arrow flying in hitting a surface and bouncing back off. Since you can use the actual shape to visually see where the object will begin and end you do not need math. Aewu, this is just a very crude example I just made up when I got in this morning but hopefully you can see a few more possibilities.

  • Custom Control Help: Draw a line and output start and end points

    I'm looking to find or make a custom control (or simple subVI) that will appear as a 100x100 unit grid and allow me to draw a line from one point to another on that grid. It will then output the (x,y) of the starting and end point of that line on the grid.  Any help or ideas?
    LabVIEW 2009 SP1
    Go to Solution.

    What you basically want is a loop with an event structure where you process Mouse Down, Move and Up events for your controls. There are any number of ways of implementing something like this, but this one will probably be the simplest:
    Use a multicolumn listbox or a table for your grid. Hide the scrollbars and headers.
    You can use the ActiveCell property with -2,-2 to select all cells. You can then use the cell size property to set the exact size of the cell.
    Next, you put a picture control on top of the table and color its background transparent so that the table shows through. You use property node to make sure the two are aligned to exactly the same spot and size.
    You use the mouse events on the picture control to detect the clicks and moves.
    You use the table's Point to Row Column method to translate the event's position data to a cell.
    You use the picture control VIs to draw the line on the picture based on that data.
    You can even color the selected cells in the table using the table properties.
    If you want to simplify things somewhat, you can also use the timeout event instead of the Mouse Move event to draw the line, but then you'll need to keep the timeout value in a shift register and reset it to -1 (no timeout) when the Mouse Up event happens.
    I would also suggest processing Mouse Enter and Leave events to change the cursor and cancel if the user leaves in the middle of dragging.
    Try to take over the world!

  • Problem getting parameter  values at the service end point

    I am having problem getting parameter values at the service end point. I created service end point and this method is having 35 parameters and then i created test client file using Sun One Studio 5. but when i run this test client and make a call to service it sends wrong value to first three parameters to the service end point. I tried all the way round but it gave me same sort of problem. I change the order of parameters change the names of parameters but it didn�t work. And then i started chopping of parameter from the left side. And my problem is solved when my parameter list reached to 12 from 35. So is it a bug or some problem with my configuration or some thing else.
    I am using sun one studio 5 with sun one app 7. My service end point does very simple thing. It only takes out put of the parameter to the server log file. And my wsdl file seems all right. There is no conflict with the count and data type of the parameter information it contains.
    �     Service End Point Definition (in EJB)
    public java.lang.String setNewAddress(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.String status, java.lang.String PMSCode, java.lang.String streetNumPrefix, int streetStartNum, java.lang.String streetStartNumSuffix, int streetEndNum, java.lang.String streetEndNumSuffix, java.lang.String streetName, java.lang.String streetType, java.lang.String streetSuffix, java.lang.String localityPrefix,java.lang.String localityName, java.lang.String postcode, java.lang.String stateCode, java.lang.String countryCode, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String coordinateAccuracy, int longitude, int latitude, java.lang.String planNumber, java.lang.String lotPrefix, int lotNumber, int siteID, java.lang.String countryName, java.lang.String parishName, java.lang.String section, int portionNum, int crownAllotNum, int titleVol, java.lang.String folio, java.lang.String esa, int aliasID, int aliasTagID,String ID) {
    ........ taking printout of all the paramters
    �     This is my WSDL file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="NMService" targetNamespace="urn:NMService/wsdl" xmlns:tns="urn:NMService/wsdl" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <message name="NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddress">
    <part name="String_1" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_2" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_3" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_4" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_5" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_6" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_7" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_8" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_9" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_10" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_11" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_12" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_13" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_14" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_15" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_16" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_17" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_18" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_19" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_20" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_21" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_22" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_23" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_24" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_25" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_26" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_27" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_28" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_29" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_30" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_31" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="String_32" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="int_33" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="int_34" type="xsd:int"/>
    <part name="String_35" type="xsd:string"/></message>
    <message name="NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddressResponse">
    <part name="result" type="xsd:string"/></message>
    <portType name="NMServiceServantInterface">
    <operation name="setNewAddress" parameterOrder="String_1 String_2 String_3 String_4 int_5 String_6 int_7 String_8 String_9 String_10 String_11 String_12 String_13 String_14 String_15 String_16 String_17 String_18 int_19 int_20 String_21 String_22 int_23 int_24 String_25 String_26 String_27 int_28 int_29 int_30 String_31 String_32 int_33 int_34 String_35">
    <input message="tns:NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddress"/>
    <output message="tns:NMServiceServantInterface_setNewAddressResponse"/></operation></portType>
    <binding name="NMServiceServantInterfaceBinding" type="tns:NMServiceServantInterface">
    <operation name="setNewAddress">
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace="urn:NMService/wsdl"/></input>
    <soap:body encodingStyle="" use="encoded" namespace="urn:NMService/wsdl"/></output>
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/></operation>
    <soap:binding transport="" style="rpc"/></binding>
    <service name="NMService">
    <port name="NMServiceServantInterfacePort" binding="tns:NMServiceServantInterfaceBinding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:80/NMService/NMService"/></port></service></definitions>
    �     I followed steps given this example.
    If some one know what is wrong. Is it me or some thing wrong with the method I followed. But I am sure that I followed exactly the same method as it given in examples. So if some one can guide me

    I just found that there is a bug with Sun One Studio 5. It creates faulty JSP file to test the client for the web services. With above problem I tested my web services using different developing environment such as Jdeveloper 10g. I created client stub using wsdl file generated by sun one studio. And made call to my web service and all the parameter reached perfectly at service end point. And then I used stub class created by sun one studio for the client and made the same call. And it also went well. So the problem is with the test application (JSP File) sun one creates for my web service.
    This is the majore problem i faced during the development. But still there is many problem along with this which is not seriouse enough but requires attension. I would like sun developers to make sun one studio IDE simpler and handy .

  • When using option right/left arrow in clip trimmer end point handle won't stick

    From the help menu:
    In the Clip Trimmer, do either of the following:
    Drag the handles at either end of the yellow clip selection to set a new startpoint and endpoint.
    Move the handles one frame at a time by placing the pointer near the handle that you want to adjust, and then holding down the Option key as you press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key.
    Move the entire yellow selection box to the left or right by pressing the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key, or by clicking within the box and dragging. Using this technique, you can change which video frames are selected without changing the duration of the selection
    End of help menu clip
    The bug I've found is that when I place the pointer near the end handle I can hit option arrow and trim the end one frame forward or backwards but when I then hit option arrow a second time the start handle is trimmed.  Thus it is hard to quickly option arrow the end handle trim multiple frames without having to move the pointer each time before hitting option arrow.  Trimming the start point handle works like I would like as I can just keep hitting option arrow and the start point handle will trim a frame each time.  The end point handle should work the same way but it doesn't.  I'm on the latest ver 9.02

    One thing you can do to help yourself out is to create bookmarks to give you a visual reference for the beats in the music.
    You create a bookmark by choosing Bookmarks>Add Bookmarks or by typing command-b.
    So you can place your song in the timeline and then play it while tapping out command-b's to the beat of the music. You'll then have little green diamonds in the timeline to use as reference points.
    Similarly, you can choose View>Show Audio Waveforms to identify the beats in the music by seeing the peaks in the waveforms.
    These techniques should make it a bit easier to make your edits in time with your music.
    Keep in mind though, that your movie is built from left to right in the time line. When you edit a clip your clips will always slide in to take up any space to the left of the clip.
    When they do that, you can slide them apart again. Doing so will create a clip of black between them that can later be replaced.
    One last thing to mention. If you select your music track and then choose Advanced>Lock Audio Clip at Playhead you can then slide a clip around and the locked audio will move with it.
    It's a bit quirky I've found, but may also be useful.

  • Error while creating the end point ICMON_UI_WS - SP11

    Hi All,
    We have upgraded the SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP04 to SP11.
    Currently i am working on system preparation.
    solman_setup -> System preparation -> 5.3 Enable Web Services getting the below error
    CX_URLAPI_URL_EXCEPTION : Error during End Point creation
    Long Text(1)
    Error during End Point creation.
    CX_SRT_WSP_CONFIG : Error when reading variant "ICMON_UI" of service
    definition "ICMON_UI": Web service object does not exist
    Also checked the note :1900781 - Missing services required by Solman Setup System Preparation Step 4.3 Enable Web Services.
    But this note is available for download.
    Any idea about this issue.

    Try out these point
    1. Take the backup of the folder .dtc ,.dtr in your home directory.Delete .dtr & .dtc folders in your directoryt,hen try to create it.
    2.Check NWDS, WebAS, NWDI,  and its compatability ? Which versions are you running now?
    3. [Connect to DTR Fails |]
    4 . See the Note :  939041 & 772755
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar

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