Monitoring http address

Id like to know how to make the following:
The customer is sending an url http://...&MessageID=123 every minute.
I would like to listen to this server and get the MessageId from the url into a text file to put it later to a database.
Which technology should / can I use to achieve this?
Kind Regards

you mean the servlet filter which is monitoring url?

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    <script text = "javascript">
       function fnOpenFolderView(){
    <div id = "oDAV" class = "httpFolder"/>
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    Hello Thriggle,
    Thank you for pointing that out. I appended your "GetUrlKeyValue" to the end and it worked. That said, I noticed it doesn't run as smoothly as when I simply click on the Content Editor button I created that resides on the SharePoint List
    ASPX page (not the form). The Content Editor button has the same code, minus the "GetUrlKeyValue". I click it; I get prompted to choose my cert; it opens right up.
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    Hey juliane1205,
    First, try these steps:
    Open Keychain Access, located in the Utilites folder in the Applications folder.
    Choose Keychain Access > Keychain First Aid.
    Enter your user name and password.
    Select Verify and click Start. Any problems found will be displayed.
    If there are problems, select Repair, and then click Start.
    To change the Keychain First Aid settings, choose Keychain Access > Preferences, and then click First Aid.
    Then I would repair disk permissions:
    Choose Apple menu > Software Update to make sure you have the latest version of Mac OS X.
    Software updates sometimes change a file’s permissions to improve security, so updating your software can solve some permissions problems.
    Open Disk Utility, in the Utilities folder in Launchpad.
    Select the disk you want to check.
    You can verify or repair permissions only on a disk with Mac OS X v10.7 Lion installed.
    Click First Aid.
    Do one of the following:
    Click Verify Disk Permissions to test permissions.
    Click Repair Disk Permissions to test and repair permissions.
    And lastly, restart your computer, and see if that helps. If it doesn't, report back.
    via: Mac OS X 10.6: Solving problems with keychains
    and Disk Utility 12.x: Repair disk permissions
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    All the best,

  • Need http address to stay the same

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    > I have bought our company web address with web
    forwarding set up to go to our
    > free ntl web space.
    The only fix is to get real commercial web hosting, and point
    the domain
    name's DNS to that hosting.
    Domain name forwarding or worse, single frame redirection to
    a free host
    won't do what you want.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Links relative to HTTP address ?

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    <img src=""
    I checked everywhere and I cannot find how to do this on DW8.
    Inside the site settings I have the http address specify but that
    dopesnt work. That only works for site relative links.
    Any inputs?

    No way, Jose. Sorry....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "rcrane" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f9am5s$dhd$[email protected]..
    > I'm using DW8 and I'm trying to find a way that DW8 can
    create links
    > relative
    > to an http address.
    > For example, if I move an image in the local site to the
    html page the
    > html
    > code will show something like the following:
    > <img src="/images/image1.gif"
    > What I need is that when I move the image it creates a
    line like the
    > following:
    > <img src=""
    > I checked everywhere and I cannot find how to do this on
    DW8. Inside the
    > site
    > settings I have the http address specify but that
    dopesnt work. That only
    > works
    > for site relative links.
    > Any inputs?

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    In your question, you indicated that you are running Firefox 8. Is that correct? It might be difficult to diagnose issues with that version because most people have moved on to Firefox 12 (plus or minus 1 version). Can you upgrade?
    It's hard to think of a reason that ordinary text or links in ordinary text would not display. For embedded images or videos, one possibility is a difference in the protocol, i.e., HTTP (not secure) versus HTTPS (secure).
    Hopefully someone else will have a better guess (or actual knowledge!).
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    Do you mean to create a clickable hyperlink while composing a new mail?
    Just above the textarea that you use to enter the message text there is usually a button bar with buttons to add text formatting like Bold and Italic.<br />
    That toolbar may also have a button to turn a text link into a clickable hyperlink (look for a chain like button).<br />
    You can select the text and click that button to turn the link into a clickable hyperlink.<br />
    If you can't find the button then hover them all to check the tooltip of each.
    * Make Link -

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    You would really have to ask the app developer if there is a way to export the data.
    As for adding a printer, you would need to purchase an AirPrint compatible printer and connect it to your wireless network.
    By the way, your holiday letter/rant/Idon't even know what to call it... is completely inappropriate for these forums.

  • Check in files stored on http-addresses

    Hi All,
    I am working with Document Info Records (DIR).
    We first wanted to create orignals which just contained a link to a http-address a with jpg file. Since it was a link to a file that might got updated we didn't check in the original.
    But now we might need to check in the files and therfore I have some questions.
    Is there any problems in checking files from http-addresses?
    Is there anything I need to think about when choosing/defining storage catergory?
           Can I use default storage DMS, DMS_C1_ST?
           What is the capacity of this storage? What maintenance is needed?
    Is there anything else that need to be considered when storing a large number of files?
    Please let me know if you have any useful information about this matter
    Kind regards

    1. Is there any problems in checking files from http-addresses?
    It won't work standard, you may have to use an enhancement to download the file to a temp directory before it checks in
    2.Is there anything I need to think about when choosing/defining storage catergory? Can I use default storage DMS, DMS_C1_ST?
    No, not recommended if volumes are high. Create a new storage category and use an external content server if your volumes will be high.
    3. What is the capacity of this storage? What maintenance is needed?
    Internal database is not recommended for production environments, but you could probably put up to 60000 docs in there if they were small docs. I.e. not Drawings. If you use an external content server, the capacity is up to 1000000/server if I remember correctly.
    4 Is there anything else that need to be considered when storing a large number of files?
    Caching if you intend using them at a number of locations and the individual files sizes are large.
    Can you give more detail on exactly what the application is? I.e. what types of documents do you intend storing?

  • Setting the Graphic Location to https address

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    It works fine when the graphic location of Picture was set to http:// address whereas it is https:// it doesn't display the image.
    When I use IE to load the image both http and https location works fine.
    Is this is known issue or is there any way I can debug to find out what's causing this issue.
    Thanks for your response.

    If you have the same issue mentioned in note #1281124 below is the description:
    Note can be searched from here:
    Crystal Reports .NET SDK application.
    Production system with CR .NET SDK (version 12) installed.
    Change graphic location of a picture object to http source. 
    The picture object doesn't change if a HTTP source is used.
    The picture object changes correctly if local file is used on a mapped drive.
    Reproducing the Issue
    Crystal Reports 2008 SP1
    Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005, or 2008
    Add a Picture object to a Crystal Report
    Right click the picture object on the report and select Format Graphic
    Click on the Picture tab
    Click on the X-2 button beside Graphic Location
    Enter the URL of your graphic. For example ""
    Use this report in a CR .NET SDK app on a computer with the CR .NET SDK installed
    Note  The CR .NET SDK must be installed using Crystal Reports 2008 Redist Install, ClickOnce, or a setup package including the Crystal Reports 2008 merge modules. 
    This is a known issue and tracked with ADAPT01172734
    This problem occurs because libcurl.dll is missing on the production system.
    The Crystal Reports 12 Server Install, merge modules, and ClickOnce don't install libcurl.dll.
    This issue has been resolved
    Use the redistributable package or merge modules from Fix Pack 1.4 to distribute the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime files
    The redistributable files for Fix Pack 1.4 can be downloaded here SAP Crystal Solutions Downloads

  • Some emails display images as http address

    I have a new Macbook Air. I get regular emails from eBay, etc and they contain images. Lately some emails, not all, do not display the images. Instead there is an HTTP address that if I open takes me to the images in Safari. I have all the settings to display HTM images.If I check the same email message on my iPad or iPhone it does show the images. The problem is only on the MacBook Air. Any thought on fixing this??

    This seems a rather minor problem to me, but if you really want to pursue it, you can try the following.
    Quit Mail. Force quit if necessary.
    Back up all data. That means you know you can restore the Mail database, no matter what happens.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it:
    ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Envelope Index
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    A Finder window will open with a file selected. Move the selected file to the Desktop, leaving the window open. Other files in the folder may have names that begin with "Envelope Index". Move those files, if any, to the Trash.
    Log out and log back in. Relaunch Mail. It should prompt you to re-import your messages. You may get a warning that the index is corrupt and that Mail has to quit. Click OK.
    Test. If Mail now works as expected, you can delete the file you moved to the Desktop. Otherwise, post your results.

  • Crazy HTTP Address for Local Info? - DW7

    We ran into a problem with a large intranet. Some links in
    pages had to be absolute urls, i.e.
    due to peculiarities in our network. A result of this is when we
    move a file or change links sitewide, DW7 would not update the
    links in those pages using absolute urls because it considers them
    "external" links.
    A coworker tried adding both as the HTTP Address on the
    site's Local Info tab separated with a semicolon, i.e.;
    Once DW recreated the site cache, it appears this has solved
    the problem and DW7 now updates those pages' links as well. I can't
    find anything in the DW documentation that allows a "double
    address" like this, yet it seems to work.
    Are we being fooled or does this really work?

    Never mind, we found after further testing that this DOESN'T

  • DW 8: "Site Update" fails when "HTTP address" is not blank

    I've found that if the "HTTP address" in the Site definition
    is not blank,
    that "Update Site", which applies the Templates to all pages
    in the site,
    will do nothing.
    To resolve the problem, I must blank out the "HTTP address"
    in the site
    I'd like to better understand the purpose of the "HTTP
    address" and why
    would it effectively no-op the Template's "Update Site"
    function. I wonder
    if this is a bug, or a misunderstanding of mine?

    What Template "update site" function?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "SC" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:eqved5$ltp$[email protected]..
    > I've found that if the "HTTP address" in the Site
    definition is not blank,
    > that "Update Site", which applies the Templates to all
    pages in the site,
    > will do nothing.
    > To resolve the problem, I must blank out the "HTTP
    address" in the site
    > definition.
    > I'd like to better understand the purpose of the "HTTP
    address" and why
    > would it effectively no-op the Template's "Update Site"
    function. I
    > wonder if this is a bug, or a misunderstanding of mine?
    > Thanks,
    > Sam

  • IWeb http address problem

    I used an iWeb template and when I published the blog page, the archive page is using the old template http: address rather than the name of my blog. The address I wanted it to say was but it is saying which refers to the previous template of "Matt's Photography." I had changed the name on the entry page.
    I don't want the "Travels through the east" on there. That is template.

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    will raise error. I want to replace the character '&',How to replace it?

    I am using : ..'%26param'.. for '&param'
    Hope it helps,

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