More 600EX-RT/Battery!

Greetings all!
I've seen several discussions about batteries and the flash, but I'm just trying to get the "definitive" answer
I've got two 600EX-RT's. The first one died on me at Christmas last year. While shooting, I discovered that the batteries became hot...really hot. The next time I tried to turn on the flash...nothing. Brand new batteries did nothing.
I had some extra money at the time and my flash was almost 2 years old so I bought a new 600 in January. While shooting with it about a month ago, the same thing happened. The batteries got so hot that, after I took them out and put them into my pants pocket I had to take them out because they were burning my leg!
That flash was still under warranty, so I sent it in and it's fixed now.
I have always used non-rechargable batteries...and I've used the Duracel Ultimate, for the most part...or the Eveready version. Don't remember the name, but I've always bought the "strongest, longest-lasting" type of whichever brand, on the theory that "The stronger the bettery, the longer it'll last".
Are rechargeable batteries better for the 600EX-RT? Are they worse? What's the Straight Dope?

TCampbell wrote:
I use rechargeable Eneloop batteries.
Eneloops are low-self-discharge.  A regularly rechargeable battery will drain merely sitting unused at a fairly quick rate... quickly enough that a few weeks after charging it will have lost quite a bit of power.  A low-self-discharge battery has a shelf like almost like a non-reusable battery... a year after charging they still have about 90% of their charge.
That means if you charge up some batteries to be prepared for the next time you need them...  you don't have to worry that they'll be very low or drained the next time you need them.
I too use Eneloops - the black professional series. My experience so far suggests that their low-self-discharge characteristics are somewhat exaggerated: they appear to lose power on the shelf at about the same rate as the "Enercells" sold by Radio Shack. But the Eneloops have been very reliable.
But I am a bit worried about these batteries becoming "hot".   When batteries are either charging or draining, they'll get a little "warm" but generally not "hot".  Usually "hot" means you're draining the batteries very quickly.  Were you running the flash hard?   If you _do_ need to run the lights hard (rapid fire and high power levels) you can split the load across multple flashes (there are mounts that will let you cluster 3 or even 6 flashes on one stand.)
All modern Canon speedlites are supposed to automatically shut down for a few minutes if the flashtube starts to overheat. (I've had it happen to me.)
But batteries overheating are a different matter. A battery overheats when the current flowing through it is too high. What may be happening is that as the batteries deplete, they may be unable to maintain their rated voltage (usually 1.5 volts each for non-rechargeables). The light, which expects to consume a given amount of power (watts) to recharge itself, may be forcing the batteries to deliver that power by increasing their current flow. (Remember that watts = volts x amps.) The batteries should be able to resist that demand, forcing the light to recharge more slowly (or not at all). But if they can't, they will overheat.
Fill disclosure: I'm not an electrical engineer. So the first person who identifies himself as one should probably be listened to instead of me.
Boston, Massachusetts USA

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    It pains me to hear about your experience with the Home Phone Connect.  This device usually works seamlessly and is a great alternative to a landline phone.  It sounds like we've done our fair share of work on your account here.  I'm going to go ahead and send you a Private Message so that we can access your account and review any open tickets for you.  I look forward to speaking with you.
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  • Re: More specific to two questions


    Hi everybody,
    I have been watching this debate with interest. I encountered similar
    situation and realised that even after calling the method
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    Pradnesh Dange
    Indus Consultancy Services
    140, E.Ridgewood Ave.
    Paramus, NJ 07652
    Ph: 201-261-3100 (x-234)
    Fax: 201-261-1399
    From: Shi-Long Yin[SMTP:[email protected]]
    Reply To: Shi-Long Yin
    Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 1998 12:19 PM
    To: Boris Berezetsky; 'Forte Users Mailing list'
    Subject: Re: More specific to two questions
    Hi, Boris
    Your helps are really appreciated!
    I've already read this part and other relevant materials of Forte
    So far, what I understand is if an object is anchored, the garbage
    will be not automatically applied to it. You must explicitly add it
    to the
    list of the garbage collection.
    Also, many thanks to all who have helped me in this topic.
    Merry Christmas!
    Boris Berezetsky wrote:
    Hi, Shi-Long
    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but just in case...
    Take a look at ReleaseDistReference method of DistObjectMgr class.
    The following is an excert from Forte Help on the topic:
    "This method is needed because the distributed object manager keepsa
    list of all anchored objects that have been handed out asdistributed
    references, or are anchored objects that are being used asdistributed
    references in other partitions. Invoking the ReleaseDistReferencemethod
    lets the distributed object manager remove the object from itsinternal
    list, which can then allow memory management to occur on theobject."
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    Regards ermoberlin
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hold the Power button to attempt to turn the TP off.
    When the TP is off, press and hold the power and volume up buttons.  
    The TP should power on and display the USB trident symbol.
    At that point you're in USB mode and should be able to use webOS Doctor 3.0.5 I suggest using WebOS Doctor to reset the TP to its delivered condition
    The forum with the greatest amount of resources for the HP Touchpad is the HP WebOS Forum. I highly recommend joining that forum.
    This nicely written and illustrated standard Touchpad troubleshooting tutorial is at the WebOS forum.
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. That will help another person facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Two things happen without the battery. First, the CPU clock speed is reduced by half meaning your computer runs at half power. Second, if you lose AC power then there is no power backup. This will result in immediate and abnormal shutdown of the computer that can lead to corrupted directories and/or data loss.
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    1.5 Gb/s is the controller transfer speed for that model. SATA 3 at 6 Gb/s didn't arrive until after those computers were produced. SATA 2 can be jumpered down to 1.5 Gb/s (WD SATA 2 drives will use jumpers on pins 5&6), which you may or may not have to do, depending on the drive.
    Not a guess. The WD drive you bought won't work.
    You don't need the ridiculously overpriced Apple battery.
    Specs here.

  • More specific to two questions

    First of all, many thanks to Rottier, Daniel, Geoff. Your ideas are
    definitely useful.
    Regarding two questions I posted yesterday, I&rsquo;d like to give you more
    background information so that it will make questions more specific.
    Now we have a lot of applications (programs) written in either C, C++,
    Java codes or Forte (maybe other language like VB). Our purpose is to
    integrate all the codes written for the different platforms such as
    Windows NT and UNIX together seamlessly through CORBA or CORBA-IIOP
    (Internet Inter-Object Request Broker Protocol). The most difficulties
    I have met so far are to pass an object by its value. As you know,
    CORBA specifications, version 2, don&rsquo;t support the concept &ldquo;pass object
    by value&rdquo;. But currently, some of CORBA vendors such as Forte and Iona
    (OrbixWeb) do extend the concept &ldquo;pass by reference&rdquo; and support the
    concept &ldquo;pass object by value&rdquo; for Java Mode not for IDL (Interface
    Definition Language) Mode. If we want to integrate all codes together
    without the support of &ldquo;pass object by value&rdquo;, the following question I
    need to answer is the garbage collection in the Forte server side. In
    CORBA IDL mode, I have to set all IsAnchored attributes of all objects
    to TRUE. Can these objects be garbage collected? If yes, how does the
    garbage collection work?
    Please note that the client (C, C++, Java or other language) and the
    server (Forte) are written using different languages (not limited to
    Forte)! The question I posted can be much complicated if the client and
    server are written in the different languages and for the different
    platforms (NT and UNIX) as well as applied to the distributed and
    multithreaded environment.
    To be exact, if one of the multiple remote C++ clients decides not to
    access the objects (not limited to service objects) in the Forte server,
    how does Forte garbage collection know what the client has done
    automatically and garbage collect the object? It is known that CORBA
    does not support garbage collection. Is there any functionality
    provided by Forte to let itself be automatically notified? As we know,
    COM and DCOM do have such kind of functionality. When you integrate
    DCOM with your applications, at both sides (client and server), it is
    DCOM who internally poll the object references periodically. How about
    CORBA and Forte? Forte has integrated IIOP as its own built-in
    component and supported VisiBroker and IONA CORBA products. My guess is
    because Forte has IIOP built in itself (both sides have to run ORB), so
    Forte has the full control over the whole running environment, and can
    monitor the references to the objects, and apply the garbage collection
    to the objects automatically. Is this true? Here are the key words:
    multiple, remote (distributed), different platforms and languages,
    CORBA-IIOP. We should take all of these things into our consideration.
    I did find that there is a big difference between IsAnchored set to TRUE
    and FALSE when I tried to integrate C++ client, Forte server and Java
    client, Forte server. For the C++ client, you have to set IsAnchored
    attributes of all kinds of objects to TRUE. Note that In Forte, the
    service objects and the ordinary objects are treated differently. The
    service objects are created by Compiler or Interpreter. It is
    transparent to the users. The ordinary objects are created at run time,
    garbage collection can be applied to. For Java client, you can either
    set IsAnchored attribute to TRUE or FALSE depending on what you want
    (access the services provided by Forte server side by value or
    reference). This really answers the question: IsAnchored can control
    pass object by value or reference, and really matches what you guys
    talked about in your e-mail. My thoughts are that IsAnchored has
    nothing to do with the garbage collection, otherwise this will disable
    the garbage collection at all! Because I have to set all IsAnchored
    attributes to TRUE at Forte server side for my C++ client, if the
    garbage collection is really based on the IsAnchored attribute, this
    means that the garbage collection is totally disabled for all those
    objects with their IsAnchored attributes set to TRUE! Can anyone
    confirm that? Don&rsquo;t forget that this issue is raised in such
    complicated environment! What I want to clarify is whether Forte does
    provide such a garbage collection mechanism so nice, so smart to
    automatically maintain a persistent object reference table or whatever
    and deal with the garbage collection issue in such complicated
    Believe this can make my questions much specific and clear. I&rsquo;d like to
    discuss more details about it.
    Thank you again for your informative ideas.
    Shi-Long, Yin
    US West in Denver
    Tel: 303-624-1305
    e-mail: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    First of all, many thanks to Rottier, Daniel, Geoff. Your ideas are
    definitely useful.
    Regarding two questions I posted yesterday, I&rsquo;d like to give you more
    background information so that it will make questions more specific.
    Now we have a lot of applications (programs) written in either C, C++,
    Java codes or Forte (maybe other language like VB). Our purpose is to
    integrate all the codes written for the different platforms such as
    Windows NT and UNIX together seamlessly through CORBA or CORBA-IIOP
    (Internet Inter-Object Request Broker Protocol). The most difficulties
    I have met so far are to pass an object by its value. As you know,
    CORBA specifications, version 2, don&rsquo;t support the concept &ldquo;pass object
    by value&rdquo;. But currently, some of CORBA vendors such as Forte and Iona
    (OrbixWeb) do extend the concept &ldquo;pass by reference&rdquo; and support the
    concept &ldquo;pass object by value&rdquo; for Java Mode not for IDL (Interface
    Definition Language) Mode. If we want to integrate all codes together
    without the support of &ldquo;pass object by value&rdquo;, the following question I
    need to answer is the garbage collection in the Forte server side. In
    CORBA IDL mode, I have to set all IsAnchored attributes of all objects
    to TRUE. Can these objects be garbage collected? If yes, how does the
    garbage collection work?
    Please note that the client (C, C++, Java or other language) and the
    server (Forte) are written using different languages (not limited to
    Forte)! The question I posted can be much complicated if the client and
    server are written in the different languages and for the different
    platforms (NT and UNIX) as well as applied to the distributed and
    multithreaded environment.
    To be exact, if one of the multiple remote C++ clients decides not to
    access the objects (not limited to service objects) in the Forte server,
    how does Forte garbage collection know what the client has done
    automatically and garbage collect the object? It is known that CORBA
    does not support garbage collection. Is there any functionality
    provided by Forte to let itself be automatically notified? As we know,
    COM and DCOM do have such kind of functionality. When you integrate
    DCOM with your applications, at both sides (client and server), it is
    DCOM who internally poll the object references periodically. How about
    CORBA and Forte? Forte has integrated IIOP as its own built-in
    component and supported VisiBroker and IONA CORBA products. My guess is
    because Forte has IIOP built in itself (both sides have to run ORB), so
    Forte has the full control over the whole running environment, and can
    monitor the references to the objects, and apply the garbage collection
    to the objects automatically. Is this true? Here are the key words:
    multiple, remote (distributed), different platforms and languages,
    CORBA-IIOP. We should take all of these things into our consideration.
    I did find that there is a big difference between IsAnchored set to TRUE
    and FALSE when I tried to integrate C++ client, Forte server and Java
    client, Forte server. For the C++ client, you have to set IsAnchored
    attributes of all kinds of objects to TRUE. Note that In Forte, the
    service objects and the ordinary objects are treated differently. The
    service objects are created by Compiler or Interpreter. It is
    transparent to the users. The ordinary objects are created at run time,
    garbage collection can be applied to. For Java client, you can either
    set IsAnchored attribute to TRUE or FALSE depending on what you want
    (access the services provided by Forte server side by value or
    reference). This really answers the question: IsAnchored can control
    pass object by value or reference, and really matches what you guys
    talked about in your e-mail. My thoughts are that IsAnchored has
    nothing to do with the garbage collection, otherwise this will disable
    the garbage collection at all! Because I have to set all IsAnchored
    attributes to TRUE at Forte server side for my C++ client, if the
    garbage collection is really based on the IsAnchored attribute, this
    means that the garbage collection is totally disabled for all those
    objects with their IsAnchored attributes set to TRUE! Can anyone
    confirm that? Don&rsquo;t forget that this issue is raised in such
    complicated environment! What I want to clarify is whether Forte does
    provide such a garbage collection mechanism so nice, so smart to
    automatically maintain a persistent object reference table or whatever
    and deal with the garbage collection issue in such complicated
    Believe this can make my questions much specific and clear. I&rsquo;d like to
    discuss more details about it.
    Thank you again for your informative ideas.
    Shi-Long, Yin
    US West in Denver
    Tel: 303-624-1305
    e-mail: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

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