Does anyone know a program that will be fast and easy to morph about 35 pictures and the result could go on FCE?

Hi there
I was looking for the same thing and found the following that might help you. I haven't qualified any though. Hope that helps.
Good Luck

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    If not, how can I accomplish that.......I have about 36 pictures that need morphing into one-another......what will be a good solution?
    Thanks for your time and effort,
    Ipod Mini   Other OS   I also have a emac (os-?)

    Questions about morphing in FCE occur periodically.
    There is a free program but I don't know how good it is.
    Download the free Morph-X here:-

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    You can create an animated logo like this in edge animate and can place it in Muse as an OAM file.
    Page width transparent animation in which Logo is placed in middle and moves towards left with reducing size
    After placing this OAM file in Muse Pin it to top left and apply scroll effect.

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    Did you save the image in a format that supports background transparency?  TIFF, PSD and PNG will work.

  • Still Images In FCE

    Working with 3 still photos as a test I have taken to 2 Procare Sessions. Using DV-NTSC Easy Setup for output in TV aspect ratio burned through iDVD.
    When adding a push in motion via 2 keyframes the photo "swims". A 2nd photo with a 360 degree rotation and moving from full frame to 10% is jagged edged, and "swims".
    The workaround my session instructor settled on was to create in 1080i Easy Setup, then copy the sequence to NTSC and change the aspect ratio of each photo. This improves the swimming and edges, but they still are present. (This also resulted in something he was stumped with: why the Export-Quick Time file from 1080i was worse than the Export-Quick Time conversion using the same codec. He suggested I try this forum for answers.) If I can work in widescreen and lose the "swimming" it is something I can offer clients.
    The JPEG images ARE large enough resolution for the motion. I have tried TIFF, png and every kind of NTSC safe color in Photoshop Elements, as well as trying the gaussian blur in both Photoshop and also FCE. The blur only degrades the images. I have tried interlacing, de-interlacing, sharpening, flicker filter, image de-stablizer filter, de-saturate filter, adjust brightness. I have spent a month testing this issue.
    I view on a TV monitor. There must be an answer as this program has stunning color and clarity.
    I have used a PC program for clients with better image results (but lacking the controls from FCE). iPhoto doesn't have the swimming but also doesn't have the control I need from FCE, nor the quality of colors.
    I am hoping someone has an answer. Thank you, Brenda
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Thank you for your help. I am making progress. For the first time I was able to work in DV-NTSC Easy Setup.
    My original image: 1 MB jpg, 1020 X 1419 - a client scanned I am guessing 600 dpi - since this was a 4 X 6 print.
    After testing I had good results with adding the 1 pixel vertical blur you suggested to this original file, still over 1 MB and dimensions same. Swimming was next to nothing.
    When I resized 720 X 540 the image was distorted (I followed your link and thought "unconstrained" was to be de-selected...perhaps not?, haven't retested yet.). When I changed the aspect ratio in Motion in FCE to 60 the image was normal AND I lost the "swimming". This file is 720 X 540, 504 KB.
    Is the answer lying in perhaps the file was way too big? Doesn't make sense to me, but I don't code programs
    Thank you so very much! I will be glad to be able to begin working with the tools of FCE.
    I DO set the QT Conversion to "High". Is this better than "Best"?
    Thanks, again,
    iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • What PS file settings are used for still images for FCE?

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    Thanks in advance.

    I'm not quite sure I understand your question. In an ideal world, the graphic material you build in PS should match the sequence settings you intend to edit them into - so, if for no other reason, it reduces the amount of reformatting FCE has to do when rendering them.
    But frequently you want to build graphics larger than the frame size of the sequence so that you can re-size and reposition the graphic within FCE without losing quality.
    The apparent pixel aspect ratio of your graphic can be controlled with FCE by editing the graphic to the timeline, double clicking on the clip in the timeline, and when that timeline clip opens in the viewer, click on the motion tab and adjust the Aspect Ratio Paddle (this is the correction for a 1920 x1080 square pixel clip being placed into an HDV 1440 x 1080 timeline):
    In Photoshop, you can change the way your work is displayed by going to the menu View > Pixel Aspect Ratio:
    Does any of this help?

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    Do the text crawl first .. estimate how long you want it to be, including the clips/still you need to include. Leave spaces in the crawl when you type it out. Drop that onto V1
    On V2 place your clips/still. Match them up to the timing of your crawl. Use motions keyframes to "animate" the clips/stills to move along with the crawl.
    This is doable but will take some pre-planning on your part

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    I have FCE 2, and the images are being used as cutaway from video to a powerpoint slide (formatted as recommended by FCE - TIFF, 720x534 pixels with 72-ppi, made a copy and changed image size to 720x480). What am I doing wrong? When I export the video (Quicktime Movie, self-contained or not), import into iDVD 3.0.1 and burn to DVD-R, I'm still left with fuzzy images on TV and computer. Is this simply the "limitation of DV" and I'll have to live with it?
    17 iMac 1 GHz G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   FCE 2

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    Here are the settings I have now:
    Photoshop image: 720x480, 72 dpi, Pixel aspect ratio = DV1/DVNTSC (0.9)
    LiveType Proj. properties: NTSC 4:3 (640x480, pixel asp ratio=1.0). Note that I've tried variations, too -- switching the Project Prop size to 720x480, switching the pixel aspect ratio to .9...
    FCE Project: Easy Setup DV/NTSC
    Thanks in advance for the help -- it's a small problem, but is driving me nuts!

    No idea what the first part was about.
    Are you trying to render the PS in LiveType as a background image?
    If you are, don't. Do the compositing in FCE.
    You must view the output of all of yor rendering on your targe playback device, not a computer monitor. You blip in the PS image could just be a rendering artifact being displayer one or two pixels too high or low and that may or may not be visible when played out on an interlaced set.

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    Appearance app = new Appearance();
    TextureLoader tLoader = new TextureLoader("flag.gif",this);
    ImageComponent2D textImage = tLoader.getImage();
    Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(Texture2D.BASE_LEVEL,
    TextureAttributes textAttr = new TextureAttributes();
    patch = new GeometryArray[4];
    Morph flag = new Morph(patch,app);

    A power of 2 error would suggest your texture isnt correct - the texture dimensions must be a power of 2 (2, 4, 16, 256 etc,) for it to be used. Have you checked that?

  • Help: import iphoto images into FCE

    Hi, Jake here. Hope you're all doing well....
    I just bumped up from iMovie 06 to FCE. Loving it so far, but still overwhlemed by the learning curve.
    Today's big question is how to best import a series of photos from iPhoto into FCE. I will be mixing photos & videos for most of my projects. I have tried these two things so far:
    1) Dragged & dropped from iphoto directly onto the FCE timeline. Image looks very blurry.
    2) Exported at max JPEG quality from iphoto to a location on my hard drive. Then imported file into FCE, then placed on timeline. It's every bit as blurry.
    Both images have a green line above them, indicating a preview render?? I don't get it, but I just know photos weren't blurry in the store when the Mac guys showed this to me a couple weeks ago.
    So what is the easiest way to do this? I want to import photos quickly & easily, then add effects & movement, but I can't believe that Apple has made it so cumbersome. I imagine I am missing something here. Please advise.

    I think Jake did everything correctly but is expecting too much from a DV format.
    I repeated the same with a 2304 × 1736 (4 megapixel) image and I got the same:
    - dragging a Photo JPEG image (square pixels) to a DV (PAL or NTSC) sequence requires rendering: I get the same green render bar on top
    - in addition the resolution loss from 2304 × 1736 to 720x480 (or 720x576) makes the image blurry
    If you compare the iPhoto image and the imported image in the viewer (not in the timeline) you see basically the same quality; but the same image already converted into the timeline is blurry.
    I'm afraid Jake has to live with this or move to HD. In any case iMovie could do no better than FCE.
    My suggestion in any case is always to check the final quality of the movie, during editing, on an interlaced monitor (TV) connected through firewire and a D/A converter (e.g. camcorder): mostly for still images.

  • Pixelated image in FCE

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    sorry, i may be being a little dense here, but why does the image appear crisp on imovie? don't other mac users who edit film on their computers get a crisp image when they capture video? does the fact that i'm using a handy cam to transfer the DV (as a deck) make any difference? are there settings i can change in order to see a better picture? i don't have the set up to view this on a tv.

  • Fix for jittery jpeg images in FCE?

    I recently created a 25th wedding anniversary video for a friend of mine. Basically, I used jpeg images to which I applied motion (slow zooms, pans, etc). I noticed that when I rendered the movie, I got some jitters through some of the edit points. I rendered and re-rendered, but the jitters remained (they were in exactly the same place through the various conversions: eg. in the QuickTime movie and on the final DVD). Very frustrating. I normally edit on a preset canvas for HD, and don't have any problems. However, this time I selected 720x480 DV/DVCPRO - NTSC, since I didn't want to use the full size of 1920x1080 HD resolution ( mainly because I also incorporated some captured clips from VHS tapes).
    Did I select the wrong preset for the canvas? Could this be why I'm getting the jittery edits? Or, perhaps it has something to do with timecode? I'm not very technical-minded; don't have a clue, in fact. Anyone have any experience with using jpegs in your movies and overcoming jitters? And, what preset for the canvas should I use for these kinds of projects?
    Thanks very much!

    Try using the De-interlace Filter on them.

  • How to set up a time default when moving images into FCE

    I am making a combined video and still image movie. I have over a 100 images that I am importing. When I put the images on the timeline they automatically are at 10 seconds. Is there a way to change the default? I want most of them at 4 seconds and I don't want to edit down everyone I put on the timeline.

    Yes there is!
    Choose Final Cut Express>User Preferences (or hit Option/alt Q)
    In User Preferences change the Still/Freeze duration from 10:00 to 4:00
    Then Import your stills they will all be of a 4 second duration.
    You're sorted.
    Hopes this helps

  • Universal 16:9: squeezing the image in FCE (or FCP)?

    Is it possible to squeeze the image in Final Cut? I used this feature when editing with Adobe Premiere 6 (used together with Matrox 2500) in the past.
    I am asking this question because I would like to make a universal widescreen 16:9 version of a tv documentary. In case the squeeze feature is available, I could first have my anamorphic video converted in the editing programme to 4:3 (instead of 16:9), then squeeze it so that the image would have the right 16:9 proportions. And there I would have it, the universal 16:9, which would be widescreen on every computer and television, old and new.
    If this filter is not available in FC, I have to transfer my video to the older editing computer and do the job in Premiere, Matrox and Windows 2000. I happen to need these "universal" DVDs, because my material will partly be distributed in a low-tech developing country. I know that in these multi-format days also tv broadcasting companies sometimes use the squeeze feature when they need widescreen material and have only older 4:3 available.

    OK, perhaps I should´t use the word universal. In any case, I just want to transfer my material to DVD so that a n y o n e can see it as widescreen. Whatever old tv the person has at home - or simple dvd player that person has in his or her computer. So then the only possibility is to have my anamorphic material as 4:3 in the editing program and then squeeze it so that black bars will appear on the top and bottom and, after squeezing, the image itself will have the widescreen proportions. That´s very simple and in a certain way I would achieve "universal" widescreen in that way. But the problem is that FC seems to have no such filter. - Just tried to change the aspect ratio in the viewer. The procedure I am proposing could be done in that way if the blue lines wouldn´t appear above and under the image in canvas even after rendering.
    After Premiere and Matrox 2500 I consider this tool very useful even for other things and I don´t understand why I don´t find the tool in FC.

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