Motherboard ground/short against case = Freeze? Anyone else?

Hey all
Recently, my iBook started randomly completely locking up, either before it even POSTS, or after it starts up. Like, complete freeze, everything on the screen stops, including mouse (If there even is anything on the screen).
I had no idea what the issue was, since it seemed to be caused by slight tilt or movement, so I opened it up. While runnign it with all of hte bottom case removed (Bottom of board exposed on to desk) it worked just fine. So I put only the plastic part of the case back on, not the metal one that lies between the plastic and the board, and now, it seems to work just fine still...
Curious... Has anyone else had this issue before? Was it really the metal casing within? Or perhaps something else that somehow got corrected when opening it?

Nvm, it's not *completely* fixed. It's still doing it, but it's doing it much less at least... So it must have done something to help it it seems. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this issue?

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    1) I am a new community member and inadvertently may have submitted a response to a problem i saw versus submitting a question; however, i quickly noted that point.
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    However, I take exception to your inherent criticism and vailed insults on behalf of myself and the large number of excellent Apple Support representatives, many Sr. Advisors, and External Virus/Malware experts engaged, at the suggestion of Apple and others to help resolve my system issues.
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    Hey B-bram,
    For issues with video resolution not being consistent, I would start with resetting the NVRAM on your MacBook Pro. That will reset the resolution to its default as well as resetting other default settings like sound volume and start up volume. Take a look at the article below for more information about that and how to perform the NVRAM reset. 
    How to Reset NVRAM on your Mac
    Take care,
    -Norm G. 

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    >> profanity removed <<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

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    1. Do the steps here to remove and reinstall all Apple software on your machine, "Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP," at
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    What makes you so sure it isn't software?
    The camera can be focused by take the point of focus on the touch screen.
    If it is new as you said, it should be under warranty. Make a Genius Bar appointment or contact Apple with a repair request.

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    I just upgraded to ilife iphoto 09.  Now when I alter images in iphoto 8.1.2 the program freezes up. I have downloaded all of the latest updates from apple, but nothing seems to correct this problem.  Has anyone else experienced this?
    Thanks for your reply,
    <Email Edited by Host>

    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2a: On 10.5:  Go to HD/Library/Receipts and remove any pkg file there with iPhoto in the name.
    2b: On 10.6: Those receipts may be found as follows:  In the Finder use the Go menu and select Go To Folder. In the resulting window type
    2c: on 10.7 they're at
    A Finder Window will open at that location and you can remove the iPhoto pkg files.
    3. Re-install.
    If you purchased an iLife Disk, then iPhoto is on it.
    If iPhoto was installed on your Mac when you go it then it’s on the System Restore disks that came with your Mac. Insert the first one and opt to ‘Install Bundled Applications Only.
    If you purchased it on the App Store you can find it in your Purchases List.

  • Anyone else seeing iTunes 11.1 freeze after cmd-L?

    I just updated to MacOS 10.8.5 and iTunes 11.1, and I'm seeing some really irritating behavior from iTunes. 
    To reproduce:
    Start playing a playlist in the library
    While iTunes is playing, hit command-L to jump to the currently playing song.
    At this point, the iTunes UI completely freezes.  It continues playing the current track, but it completely stops at that point.  The iTunes window itself is completely unresponsive -- spinning beachball and everything -- and I have to force-quit the application.
    I've been able to reproduce this very consistently this evening.  The last time it froze, I got the crash-reporter dialog box, which I filled out and submitted, so hopefully someone at Apple will look into this soon.
    Has anyone else seen this behavior?

    RCobbe wrote:
    I just updated to MacOS 10.8.5 and iTunes 11.1, and I'm seeing some really irritating behavior from iTunes. 
    To reproduce:
    Start playing a playlist in the library
    While iTunes is playing, hit command-L to jump to the currently playing song.
    At this point, the iTunes UI completely freezes.  It continues playing the current track, but it completely stops at that point.  The iTunes window itself is completely unresponsive -- spinning beachball and everything -- and I have to force-quit the application.
    I've been able to reproduce this very consistently this evening.  The last time it froze, I got the crash-reporter dialog box, which I filled out and submitted, so hopefully someone at Apple will look into this soon.
    Has anyone else seen this behavior?
    Yes, this is a real problem.  Apple's really broken iTunes with 11.1.  The "Next" and "Previous" commands within "Get info" work for me at the "Music" level, but do not work when I am down inside playlists.  Spinning beach ball and then I have to Force-quit.  Command-L is dead for me too and I have to Force-quit.  Makes you wonder about the level of testing that is carried out prior to release.  Both of these seem to be related to playlists and their heierarchic nature.  I hope it's an easy bug to fix and the next version addresses these issues.

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    My Facebook app is freezing up my Iphone 6.  Is this happening to anyone else?

    Yes this does happen, depending on the surface on which it falls.

Maybe you are looking for