Motion frame enlargement

When I enlarge a frame vertically with motion, does FCP interpolate scan lines and increase the number of scan lines, or do the number scan lines in the enlarged frame stay the same? How does it handle interlaced video?

There is a misunderstanding here. I would expect 480 scan lines in NTSC
Yes, apparently there is. That wouldn't be scan lines - you're talking about pixel dimensions. Scan lines are something totally different (see the wikipedia article).
If you stretch the image in any way beyond 100%, new pixels will have to be created (based on the surrounding pixels. The result will be a much softer image. Noticeable artifacting may be introduced if the enlargement exceeds 110% of the original size.

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    Final Cut Pro project:
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    I don't do video however I would think for video to do something like that. You may need a real video editor like Adobe Premiere Pro and After effects to add an effect like that..  To simulate slow motion frame would need to be added and if there is audio  some gaps may need to be added. Photoshop only support basic video editing some transforming and filters. trimming and joining with transitions.
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    It worked out great!
    That was what I needed. Although I haven't finished the whole thing, it's definitely the answer I needed.
    And, as I zoom in on the logo, I can use rendered clips of the replicated 16 because they will be even smaller.
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    Thanks again for the help!

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    I have been trying to make a simple homemade music video with iMovie HD and iPhoto. I have been making pixel art to use as stop-motion frames. The problem is that when I import the small 10x10 pixel images, the preview is blown up and made blurry like a JPEG file. But, I saved the images as PNG files. I have tried almost everything fro about a week now, and frankly, I am thinking of just giving up.

    The smallest video/movie size created in iPhoto is 240 x 180 pixels. Your 10 x 10 pictures will get expanded to the size chosen and, as you've experienced, look terrible. You need to create your frames at the size you want the movie file to be.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    I'm not an expert at this but may be able to give you a starting point. I compress from 1920x1080 down to 480x270 for streaming and it looks pretty good.
    To do this you will have to add a setting (plus sign under Settings tab) in Compressor. From the pull-down menu, select Quicktime movie. You should see the Inspector window. Give your setting a name and description.
    Under the Encoder tab, chose file format Quicktime Move; extension .mov;
    Click on Video-Settings, and chooose compressor type: H.264; Motion frame rate 29.97fps; Key frames every 20 frames (reordering checked); Compressor Quality Medium; Encoding Best quality; Data Rate restricted to 800kbits/sec; click ok
    Under the Filters tab, I check the deinterlace box because we shoot 1080i
    Under the Geometry tab/Dimensions, Frame Size is 480x270 Custom (16:9)
    Save it all.
    You will have to experiment with different settings. Make sure you have a short (10 second) clip that you can work with.
    Hope it helps.

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    In FCE Easy Setup I chose HDV-Apple Intermediate Codec 720p30 (I am not connecting a camera as there is no video as such, only text effects).
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    Compression Type: H.264
    Motion: Frame rate CURRENT, Key frames AUTOMATIC, Frame re-ordering unchecked.
    Data Rate: AUTOMATIC
    Compressor: Best
    Encoding: Best quality (Multi-pass)
    Size Setting: CURRENT; 640 x 360
    Prepare for Internet Streaming checked, Fast Start selected.
    YouTube's recommended export settings:
    The video in question:
    The first of the horizontal scrolling text is at 38 seconds. I really looks bad
    I am new to video, so I would be eternally grateful for help.

    Yes, prior to conversion/export in FCE, the text horizontal motion at 38:00 looks good (well, there is normally between one "jitter" and two jitters (at different points in the sequence each time), but it still looks ok) in the 6 seconds sequence starting at 38:00, as opposed to continuous jittering when viewed in YouTube). The text horizontal motion looks approximately the same post FCE export as pre FCE export.
    "Since you are using 30p".. if I was to use a different initial frame rate, do you think the text would flow more smoothly? Is 30p a poor choice? I thought 30p would give the best transitions having the highest number of frames per second?
    Where the text motion is slower in other parts of the video (e.g. at 104:00), there is still the "steppiness"/"jitteriness", but I suppose less so.
    I tried motion blur, but it did not help.
    Any other ideas?
    You do think this is something that can be resolved, or will text motion of this nature never be workable on YouTube video?
    Thank you!

  • Bad quality after exporting project (15 min)

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    Tips anyone?

    As Studio X said, the best thing you can do is make an interim, full quality master.  This doesn't take long because in essence you are copying your media into a single QT file that reflects the Sequence settings.  (If you have long sections that are unrendered this will take much longer - I recommend Rendering All in FCP before you make the self-contained, current settings file.)
    Next, you close FCP and export THAT movie, and you can use a variety of applications to make your playback movie.  Compressor is good; so are Squeeze, Adobe Media Encoder, and iSkySoft.  Quicktime 7 also works fine.  A tried and true format is an H.264 QT movie - but of course, I don't know what your final playback situation is.
    Here are the base settings I usually start with for web delivery.  You can test them on a short piece of your master.
    Format:  H.264
    Motion > Frame rate: Current
    Data Rate:  Automatic
    Key Frames:  Automatic, Frame Reordering checked
    Compressor > Quality:  Medium or Medium-High
    Single-pass VBR (or "Faster Encoding")
    Size: 1280x720
    Format:  AAC
    Stereo, 44.1 kHz
    Normal Quality
    I find these settings usually make a dependably good quality file, minimizing export time.  You may also adapt these quality settings to make .mp4 files as well, which are more easily played on PCs as well as Macs.
    For that, you choose MPEG-4, choose MP4 in the File Format drop down, H.264 in the Video Format drop down, and pick a data rate around 1000 kbits/sec.  Other settings should mirror the above.  Good luck!

  • Frustrating transition problem

    Hello All
    I'm having an issue I have yet to figure out, I create a lot of slideshow movies with an app called Photo to Movie, render then import into FCE , now when I preview the movie in QT it looks great but, after importing the .mov into FCE, my transitions get screwed up. when the image zooms or movies back, they leave a trail in a sense. almost looks like a time laps...a thin series of lines stemming from the edge of the image.
    Any idea why or how I can resolve this frazzling issue, I have on some just cut out the bad transitional lines but, this cuts into my image viewing time .

    One day Tom, I pray I'm as good as you are at this..
    There is the problem, FTM is set to export at 29.97fps but, QT is showing it to be slower at a rate of 22.49 fps , how can or can I resolve this ?
    As for the information it's from both
    Photo to Movie data :
    Compression ; type animation
    Motion ; frame rate 29.97 fps
    Key frames ; every 24 frames
    compressor ; depth millions of colors+, quality medium
    FCE Data
    Vid rate ; 29.97 fps
    data rate ; 6.6mb/sec
    alpha ; straight
    composite ; normal
    Thanks again

  • Text animation (Masking)

    Ok, well I'm trying to make a scrolling text box animation
    for a website that has limited space. I am kind-of trying to do it
    like credits or something like that. There will be a [mask] square
    that the text will scroll up thru it intill it finishes and then it
    will start over again. I have it all masked and when you drag the
    motion frames manually, it will work perfectly - but once you test
    movie, it will not show up. I'm lost
    here is a simple "testing" flash of what it looks like but
    with no resolution. (because pictures speak better then words)
    (sorry it takes about 20 seconds before you can download the file
    but couldnt find a better free file hosting site)

    If you convert your text into a MovieClip and then click the
    "Use runtime bitmap caching" box in the properties it should work.
    Let me know if this helps.

  • Where can I find explanations for all the export options?

    [ Re-posting this from the iPhoto & iDVD branches ]
    When I export a slideshow in iPhoto 9, choose 'Custom export' and then hit the 'Options' button, a dialog pops up with Video & Sounds options that can further be explored. In the Video section, I can click on the 'Settings' button, amongst others, to reveal lots of things that can be tweaked (Compressor Type, Motion, Data Rate & Compressor).
    Where can I find help and explanations of what all these settings do, when to change them, why they should be changed, to what values and what effects these all have on the overall output?
    Apple has a user manual for FCE4 on their web-site and I recognise some of these iPhoto slideshow export settings from similar dialog boxes from within FCE4. Does a user manual for iPhoto 9 exist also? I can't find it on Apple's web-site.
    It has been suggested to me that these are all standard QT settings/options - hence the re-post to this forum.
    - CDM

    It's always been up to each user to find all of the "hidden gems" in any OS software. Most of us experiment, test, try, fail and try again with all the options. Along the way we learn what works, what doesn't. I've played, poked and prodded QuickTime Pro for the last ten years and even wrote a "book" about it. I have over 200 bookmarks to resources and links that help me sort things out.
    Onto some answers:
    1. on your list is actually a three part question. Since you probably can't burn a true "HD" DVD we'll leave that part out.
    You can easily "share" your iPhoto files with iDVD and burn in SD 16:9 format. You need to learn nothing about the compression options as iDVD will do all of the work. The Web based file formats (from the same source file) are an easy "trick" in QuickTime Pro.
    QuickTime Pro includes an export option "Export for Web" that will make up to 4 "versions" of your source file and even write the html code for you to copy/paste into your Web pages. It creates up to 4 versions (iPhone, iPod, Desktop and cell phone) with just one export and writes html page code that can "read" your connected visitors "speed" to serve up just the right file for the device.
    Your number 2 question is answered by your SD DVD media device. Can't make a sow's ear into a silk purse. But you could use QuickTime Pro export options to create a "true" HD file and display it on your HD TV. If your HD TV includes HDMI connections (and all should) you could either connect your camera directly to the TV (via cables) to display the "raw" video captures or use iTunes (free) application to export HD video to an appliance like Apple TV.
    My "book" (a downloadable PDF) does include an explanation about nearly all of the QuickTime available codecs but it's probably not needed for your particular workflow. The built-in preset exports are all you probably need to use.
    Compression type = file format (AVI, MP3, MOV, etc.).
    Motion = frame rate allows you to change the source frame rate to meet the restrictions of your delivery media (nearly always adjusted to reduce file size for Web delivery). E.G source is 30 fps and delivery is 15 fps (reduces file size).
    Key frames = "special" frames of the video that either "predict" or "optimize" for the delivery media format. The Export for Web feature of QuickTime Pro defaults should be all you need.
    Quality slider = is "optional" but usually defaults to "medium". In most cases this is best left at the default setting.
    Dimensions = file size dimensions. Well crafted, H.264 video codec QuickTime files will look very good when displayed at up to twice the file export dimension. This means you can display a Web based 640X480 file at "Full Screen" size (display resolution) without much degradation of video quality. Older codecs will not look as good when doubled in size.
    Preserve Aspect ratio = just what it says. Widescreen source = widescreen display.
    De-interlace source =
    Hope this helps you sort things out.
    Data rate = the amount of compression (data limit)

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