Motion to Flash to Iweb....

I'm trying to export a movie out of motion and throw it into flash then to goal is to use motion to make flash banners because motion is alot more intuitive than problem with exporting out of motion is that the files are trying to get a much smaller file size using flash....does neone know the best way to go about this..? everything runs smooth till i try to export out of flash....

i can't quite get it to work and hoping you could help
i followed instructions
and then this is html code
<script type="text/javascript">
function mouseOver()
document.b1.src ="Westminster Site/Westminster/Docs/dove1.jpg"
function mouseOut()
document.b1.src ="Westminster Site/Westminster/Docs/dove2.jpg"

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    see it here:
    Any idea as to what is causing the white flash before the video?
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    i am trying to put flash into iweb
    You succeeded as far as I could determine.
    Anyway. The browser needs to download the files, puts them into place and render the lot.
    That takes some time.
    Also, every brand of browser has its way of doing that.
    And black and white on a page is the largest contrast you can imagine. Use less contrasting colors.

  • Importing flash to iweb

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    Hi Roddy
    Thanks for your reply. The controller value is already 'false'. It is done in Web Widgets HTML Snippets Below are my codes:
    +<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="480" height="270" codebase=" #version=8,0,0,0">+
    +<param name="src" value=" e-SamSok_Phuket.flv&amp;autostart=true" />+
    +<param name="autoplay" value="true" />+
    +<param name="loop" value="false" />+
    +<param name="controller" value="false" />+
    +<param name="kioskmode" value="false" />+
    +<param name="cache" value="true" />+
    +<param name="scale" value="tofit" />+
    +<param name="allowfullscreen" value="false" />+
    +<param name="menu" value="false" />+
    +<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=" -SamSok_Phuket.flv&amp;autostart=true" width="480" height="270">+
    +<param name="autoplay" value="true" />+
    +<param name="loop" value="false" />+
    +<param name="controller" value="false" />+
    +<param name="kioskmode" value="false" />+
    +<param name="cache" value="true" />+
    +<param name="scale" value="tofit" />+
    +<param name="allowfullscreen" value="false" />+
    +<param name="menu" value="false" />+

  • Embedding Adobe Lightroom 3 flash gallery iweb 09

    First things first...
    I'm a non .MAC user, currently hosting with Host Gator.
    Need exact step by step for getting my flash gallery to work on a particular iweb page. I created a folder called "flash" in my hosts servers root directory, then published the gallery out of Lightroom 3) to my host server, as mentioned above. The flash gallery files are now inside the flash folder.
    I have applied the HTML widget on the page I wish to display the gallery using this code...
    <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0, 0" width="550" height="400" align="middle"> <param name="movie" value=""> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" width="550" height="400" align="middle" src="" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
    I am unable to wrap my head around this stuff. I followed this tip
    So lost!
    Please let me know if any further details are required from this end.

    I think I see your problem.
    Your file is not a stand alone swf file.
    Lightroom creates a folder containing an index.html file and two sub folders.
    What you actually need to do is address the index.html file.
    You could either create a link to that file and have it open a new page or use the folling code to produce an "Iframe" and load the page into the iframe.
    Below is the code. The link is to a lightroom folder I created as a sample.
    Change that to the proper address and it should work. If you apply it in Iweb you should see the result without having to publish.
    I played around with the width and height size to try to get an appropriate size.
    Change them if needed.
    If that's too small the link solution is the only other option I'm aware of.
    Hope the helps.
    Good Luck
    <iframe src=
    style="width:700px; height:500px;
    scrolling="auto" >

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    Welcome to the discussions. These old threads may help:
    _Preloader in iWeb. Is it possible?_
    _How can I get a "loading... 00%" message while waiting for my flash file?_
    ...found by doing THIS.

  • Flash Logo and General Flash in Iweb 09

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    I have been on all the relevant sites and tutorials, trying every which way, but none works.
    It still keeps asking for AC_RunActiveContent.js which is there.
    So i am confused and still no further forward
    Is there a flash guru in these disussions that does this all the time and will tell me Exaclty how to do it.
    Thanks very much

    The page for the forum link below is missing the following file: s
    While viewing the page in Safari type CommandOptionA to bring up the Activity window for it which lists all files.
    It evidently didn't get uploaded.

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    Object for Flash movies with player.
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    <param name="loop" value="false" />
    <param name="controller" value="false" />
    <param name="kioskmode" value="false" />
    <param name="cache" value="true" />
    <param name="scale" value="tofit" />
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    <param name="autoplay" value="true" />
    <param name="loop" value="false" />
    <param name="controller" value="false" />
    <param name="kioskmode" value="false" />
    <param name="cache" value="true" />
    <param name="scale" value="tofit" />
    I have read all the postings and gone to all the sites and attempted doing what they seem to say and I am still having no luck. I hope someone will take the time to explain to dummies like me how to do this. I used iWeb because I thought it would be simple.

    James ~ You'll get more responses by posting your qstn on the iWeb'08 forum here:
    Since you've read all the postings re Flash, you've probably seen this already; but just in case you haven't...

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    Thank you for your help.

    Tutorial here...

  • Flash in iWeb 09

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    Many thanks for your help!!!
    Btw: I am publishing to an external FTP Server (not a .mac account).

    Bartje_78 wrote:
    I am publishing to an external FTP Server (not a .mac account).
    Bart ~ Welcome to the discussions. .Mac was re-branded as MobileMe last July.
    Bartje_78 wrote:
    I guess it somehow needs to link to the flash file
    Chapter 4 here may help:
    And although the following instructions are for MobileMe, they may still be useful to see:

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    Here's my band's website.
    G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    I wanted to find out if anyone knew how to put HTML
    code and/or Flash media into the iWeb templates?
    If this CAN'T be done, can anyone tell me how to AT
    least get a music/media player on to the iWeb
    Here's an easy one:

  • Flash and iWeb '08

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    To be able to play your movies using Adobe® Flash Player you have to covert your QuickTime files to SWF.
    Cedric has a page about all this....
    If you don't find the answer there, post back.

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    i want to create an animation with stop motion. Create a sequence with 160 photos  numbered continuous.
    It's with flash cs3.
    thanks a lot!

    It will be easy if you have your photos all named in a similar and sequential manner (ex: img1, img2, img3, etc) located in the same folder.  All you need to do is start the process of importing the first image to the stage, and midway thru that the program should recognize it is part of a series of images and will ask if you want to import the whole series, which you will say yes to.  I think it also asks if you want them arranged frame after frame (or assumes it), so you should end up with all of the images planted in the timeline for you in sequence.

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    I published a resizable flash movie into a folder. It works fine when I preview it in the flashmovie.html. But then I embedded it into iWeb using the html snippet and it does not resize.
    Please help. Thanks!

    A Google search for "code to embed flash" found this:

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    I am publishing to an external server. Do I need to upload the flash/quicktime file to my media folder on my server?
    Any help please?

    If you created it with Keynote '09 there is no option to export a .swf as there was in '08.
    I think the illustration I referred you to is a QT in an iFrame because Keynote '08 can't export the 3D transition as flash. I guess that's why they dropped it in '09.
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    Effect: Color Planes
    Duration: 3 seconds
    Direction: Left to Right
    Start transition: Automatically
    Delay: 2 seconds
    Too many people on the dark side don't have QuickTime. I do all my music as flash now and have started to use FAExporter for iPhoto to display images

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    First of all, Thank you, Todd.
    Now, seriously NOT tooting my horn here - also check out the Visual Effects here:
    Many of them were created in Motion - The cloned girl, the polar bears, the infinite number of dump trucks, and others. The rest were either FCP or Shake or Combustion.

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