Mount Iphone as drive without any app

Hi everyone,
How can you mount Iphone as a drive on the MBP without install any apps. When you connect the Iphone to MBP, like USB stick, it shows up as a moutned drive, which you can copy the photos in & out.
A friend of mine showed me how to do it once, but I cannot remember how to do it anymore, and he is not contactable at the moment. I just remember, he changed some settings, and the Iphone just showed up as a mounted drive. Does anyone know how to do it?
Thanks everyone.

I'm not aware of anyway to do so without using third-party software on your Mac, or jailbreaking your phone. This will do so:

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    # <file system>        <dir>         <type>    <options>          <dump> <pass>
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    Mail has been known to have an issue. Sometimes it can get stuck checking and end up in a loop. Caused by either end (phone or email trying to connect to). It sends request, gets back response with maybe bad data, sends request, repeats...sometimes the account you are checking (especially POP) can be locked by some other computer (you left email open at home and it is checking same time you are, thus it gets stuck trying to check). If you feel it getting hot, open mail, then when in mail press and HOLD the home button till it quits (don't release before) to force quit the app making it reload thus exit a loop it may of been stuck in. Early on many Yahoo users had this issue.
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    Thank you so much.
    I renewed my credit card details at Apple and it caused the error message.
    It was easy to understand what happened/ what to do by reading your message.
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    As Chris says... but if the media is on an external drive as above then you also need to make sure the external drive has the same drive letter on the system you are moving to or iTunes won't be able to find the files.
    You might also find this topic useful: Make a split library portable.

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    Ah, missed that you are on a mac.
    Try this:
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