Mount network drive (Time Capsule) on boot

Greetings all,
I was wondering if any one can help me on this. I'm trying to mount the Time Capsule HDD on boot (not as login item) and didn't able to figure out how. I don't seem to find a proper "fstab" file to use (it's empty). But mount gets the formatted result (from somewhere):
*+macmini:/ root# mount+*
*+/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled)+*
*+devfs on /dev (devfs, local)+*
*+fdesc on /dev (fdesc, union)+*
*+/dev/disk0s3 on /Volumes/Programs (hfs, local, journaled)+*
*+map -hosts on /net (autofs, automounted)+*
*+map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted)+*
*+/dev/disk0s4 on /Volumes/Media (hfs, local, journaled)+*
*+afp_0TT7Xo1k3v2N00mUJs0Pyetl-1.2d000004 on /Volumes/DataCenter (afpfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by sans)+*
I Wanna mount /Volumes/DataCenter at boot time. Any idea how can I do that? Thanks in advance for your hep. Cheers!!!

Okay guys, I've figured that out by myself. Let me know if anyone looking for the same thing; I can help. Cheers!!!

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    You will need to start over on the setup of the Time Capsule as follows:
    Disconnect any Ethernet cables that might be connected to the Time Capsule, but leave it powered on
    Hold in the reset button on the back of the Time Capsule for 8-10 seconds and release. The reset button is located next to the AC power socket.
    Allow a full minute for the Time Capsule to restart to a slow, blinking amber light
    Connect the Ethernet cable from a LAN <--> port on the Netgear to the WAN "O" port on the Time Capsule.  The Ethernet cable must remain connected at all times.
    Click the WiFi icon at the top of the Mac's screen
    Look for a setting of New AirPort Base Station
    Click on Time Capsule
    The example below shows an AirPort Express. You will see Time Capsule on your screen.
    That will get the setup wizard going. It will take a minute to analyze the settings, then display a screen that looks like this, except you will see a picture of the Time Capsule
    Network Name..........Type in the exact name that the Netgear wireless is using
    Base Station.............Type in a name that you want to call the Time Capsule.  Use something short and simple. Mine is TC, for example
    Password..................Type in the exact password that the Netgear wireless requires
    Verify.........................Verify the Password again
    Click Next
    The setup wizard will configure everything for you automatically.  When you see the message of Setup Complete, click Done.
    That's it.  Now you have one big "extended" network.  Technically, this is called a "roaming" network.

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    Sorry, but it is not possible to "extend" the Guest Network using either wireless or an Ethernet connection.

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    How can i extend an existing wifi verizon wireless network with time capsule?
    It all depends on what you mean by "extend".
    If you plan to "extend" by connecting the Time Capsule to the Verizon router using a wired Ethernet cable, this can be accomplished.
    If you were hoping to connect the Time Capsule to the Verizon router using wireless only, unfortunately the Time Capsule and Verizon products are not compatible for that purpose.
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    So, all my apps seted to store files on /volumes/time capsule/ can't work!
    How can I fix this?

    Here is a suggestion and it should remove all the extra names, although it won't solve the issue from happening again. So I would suggest watching for when it does happen - what you were doing, error messages that came up, etc. I've read several posts about this issue, but no one seems to have found a definitive fix.
    From a Finder window (or the desktop), eject the backup disk image and then eject the Time Capsule disk. Open a Finder window (if not already open) and from the "Go" menu and select "Go to folder...". Enter /Volumes. In the next window you should see and be able to delete all the excess Time Capsule names (Time Capsule-1, Time Capsule-2, etc).
    I would then suggest checking the 'sparsebundle' image for corruption using Disk Utility. To get the image to show in Disk Utility, you need to navigate to the Time Capsule disk using Finder and locate the sparsebundle and then drag it into the Disk Utility left hand sidebar and then you can verify and repair the disk (if necessary).
    Hope this helps.

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    No, the iPad only connects to the internet sharing option of your network router (Time Capsule) through wifi. All other features of your router can't be accessed by your iPad. I have both also, so it would be nice. Try making that suggestion to Apple in the support section of the website. Who knows? We might get lucky. If this answer is satisfactory, please consider marking it as answering your question.

  • Network destination already mounted when start Time Capsule backup after reboot

    Just installed a new Time Capsule to replace my router, and noticed that when I reboot my home machine the intial attempt to backup always fails. (Running OS X 10.7.2 on a early 2011 15 inch MBP.)
    Here is the Time Machine log:
    Starting standard backup
    Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://[email protected]/Data
    Mounted network destination at mountpoint: /Volumes/Data using URL: afp://[email protected]/Data
    Failed to eject volume /Volumes/Data (FSVolumeRefNum: -105; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Data
    Failed to eject volume /Volumes/Data (FSVolumeRefNum: -105; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    Waiting 60 seconds and trying again.
    Network destination already mounted at: /Volumes/Data
    Failed to eject volume /Volumes/Data (FSVolumeRefNum: -105; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)
    Giving up after 3 retries.
    Backup failed with error: 21
    I then get a popup from Time Machine that says "The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Wayne's Macbook Pro.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).
    I see "Time Machine Backups" on my desktop, and can access the drive via Finder.
    If I use Finder to go into "Volumes" I can eject "Time Machine Backups" and the "Data" directory. If I then reselect the Time Capsule from the Time Machine settings window the backup works. Backups continue to work until the next time i reboot the machine.
    Here is a log of a good backup run:
    Starting standard backup
    Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://[email protected]/Data
    Mounted network destination at mountpoint: /Volumes/Data using URL: afp://[email protected]/Data
    Disk image /Volumes/Data/Wayne's MacBook Pro.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups
    Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb
    967.8 MB required (including padding), 1.74 TB available
    Copied 1707 files (95.9 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    852.7 MB required (including padding), 1.74 TB available
    Copied 614 files (45 KB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Starting post-backup thinning
    No post-back up thinning needed: no expired backups exist
    Backup completed successfully.
    Ejected Time Machine disk image.
    Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    Is the problem because something is causing the system to mount the Data drive at startup, then Time Machine tries to mount it again? Any suggestions? I've done some searching in the support forums and FAQs but can't find anything that seems to match my situation. (No doubt due to my inexperience with Time Capsule / Time Machine. <grin>)
    Many things for any suggestions and/or links to suggested solutions so I dont' have to take any manual actions after a reboot.

    At least if yours is a new Time Capsule you can beat up on Apple Support to get them to fix it.   So far no-one seems to have aroused Apple's interest in this issue.   I expect Apple have judged it less critical than whatever other teething problems have shown up with the launch of iCloud.  Apple are probably overwhelmed.

  • How to mount network drive on boot up

    I'd like to mount a network drive on my OS X v10.6 system during the *boot sequence* so that the drive is available to Time Machine to write its backups there. I can mount the drive manually and know how to add it to an user account's loginn items so that it gets mounted when that user logs in. But I want it always mounted regardless of which user is logged in or even if no user is logged in. That way TM can run whenever it needs to.
    So how can I mount the network drive during boot up?
    The network drive is on a machine running OS X v10.5.
    This related thread was my original question in the Time Machine forum:
    Message was edited by: NikD

    not sure it will work for you but you could try this:
    if you are comfortable with AppleScript, you could edit this script to suit your situation:
    mount volume "afp://<devicename>.local/<volumename>" as user name "<accountname>" with password "<accountpassword>"
    end try
    this script just places the drive's icon on the desktop.
    save it as an application and add that to the account's login items.
    credit for the script goes to Tesserax.

  • Multi user use of external hard drive (Time Capsule) mount and permisssions

    I have an iMac (intel, OSX10.6.7) and Time Capsule [TC]. I have set up Time Machine to use the TC. I also use the TC for additional storage - Photos and Music - to keep the iMac drive fairly free. There are 5 users of this setup (2 Admin). The TC is also accessed from windows machines and so I can not use a sparse bundle for it.
    When one person is logged in and the TC drive is "Mounted" for that user, all hunky dory. On the one hand the Time Machine is able to mount, connect backup, and disconnect it's sparse bundle with no issues. If another user (admin or not) tries to access the TC drive (not Time Machine) they can not get at the contents, it is marked with a No Entry sign on the Folder Icon.
    How oh How oh How can I get the Time Capsule (External Drive) mounted so that all the users can access it without a previous user having to disconnect? Also how can I get it to keep the permissions I set (to inherit) rather than permanently reverting to read-only after someone had updated the file?

    You may want to repost in the Time Capsule forum. You can find it at:

  • Hard drive networked through Time Capsule for Windows and Mac

    My previous setup was using an old Dell laptop with Windows XP to network share both my Samsung laser printer and my Seagate GoFlex 2 tb drive formated to NTFS, and all Windows 7, Windows 8, and OS X 10.6+ machines in the house were successfully able to connect to both. My wife replaced her old Macbook Pro she got in 2008 and decided to get a Time Capsule as well to backup her iMac and new Macbook Air. I decided to take advantage of the "features" of the Time Capsule, and hubbed the single port, just as I had done with the old Dell. After installing Bonjour on the Windows 7 machines I was able to share the printer just fine, however I'm still unable to share the drive for some reason.
    The Airport utility on both the Macs and Win 7 machines see the hard drive in utilities, the box in Airport for file sharing is checked, guest access turned off, secure disk sharing with device password, and workgroup matches my workgroup. However the hard drive still doesn't appear. I tried formatting it to FAT32 based on some older forums posted in 2008-2009 range, but then realized the hard drive is too large for that, and I'm not looking to have a bunch of smaller partitions. I tried exFAT, but that failed too. Now I'm back to NTFS, but still with the issue that none of the machines recognize hard drive via the Explorer/Finder.
    The Time Capsule is functioning as a backup with Time Machine for her Mac's, but I'm looking to use the external drive connected more as a media center storage and storing selected individual files (think networked thumb drive/USB stick) from my machines.

    Put the seagate drive onto the Mac and format it Mac OS extended journaled. (HFS+ for short) and you will also need to change the partition over to GUID from MBR.
    TC has very limited formats it can recognise.. FAT32 and HFS+ (well FAT16 but that doesn't count). exfat no, ntfs no, Really with FAT32 being hopeless.. you have one choice .. HFS+.
    The Windows machines can handle files to the drive just fine.. because it is a network drive.. it is offered to the network as SMB protocol.. in windows it will look like NT server. The precise format of the drive is irrelevant and is handled by the firmware of the TC.
    But do reset the partition scheme to GUID.. not MBR.
    You can even put 2 or more partitions on it.. but only one is fine.

  • Can't mount a network drive at startup - Mac boots too fast?

    Hi all,
    On every Mac I've owned for the last few years, I dragged the icon of my file server to my Login Items list and the Mac would flawlessly mount the drive.
    Now with my Mac Pro, the machine seems to boot so darn fast that I get an error that the server doesn't exist, but if I immediately manually do a Cmd-K and mount the drive, then it works. I put my old G5 back on the network and it worked, as did my Macbook Pro and my old G4 Cube.
    So, although I can't prove it, it seems to me that the Mac is trying to mount the drive before the Mac finds the network. If this is true, how can I solve this problem?

    Hi Michael,
    I'd try this method instead of dragging to the Login items...
    I'd experiment with the Static vs. Dynamic also.

  • Can't mount or access Time Capsule shared drive after installing Mavericks

    Hi everyone,
    I upgraded my MacBook Pro to Mavericks (10.9.2) last weekend and everything went fine at first.
    However, after copying and moving several files from-to my Time Capsule, I can't access the shared drive anymore.
    My Time Capsule is installed in a LAN and I can see it from all computers (it prompts for the security password). However, even as the "Data" volume in TC is shown on Finder, I cannot access it or browse any of the files on it, neither the backup files (sparsbundle) not the regular folders/files we kept there as a shared volume. (see screenshots). All I see is the "Data" folder as a "Sharepoint" (?). When I double click I see an error message: "The operation can't be completed because the original item for "Data" can't be found" (see screenshots attached).
    I ran Airport Utility 6.3.2 and everything seems to be working well on the Time Capsule. It shows a solid green light and the firmware is up to date (7.6.4).
    I need to recover my files from the drive (I don't care too much about the backup files as I can recreate them from scratch). I've been reading support forums all morning and couldn't figure out a way to do it.
    I also tried the "Archive" function from Airport Utility to copy everything on TC to a USB drive and nothing happens (all I get is a Time Machine backup folder with zero items in it).
    Any ideas on how to recover the files on the drive would be great!

    Have you tried shutting down the Time Capsule and then restarting it? Have you tried resetting it?
    See pages 28 and 29. Using Airport Utility (page 29), I don’t see the options the manual says are there. I have done a reset and a full reset (page 28) many times and it has always straightened out the Time Capsule.
    Time Capsule Manual

  • Newbie Question: Any problems networking a Time Capsule to PC via ethernet?

    I'm new to Apple. I was thinking of replacing my existing WiFi router which is connected to a standard cable modem with a Time Capsule and using it to back up both my Win 7 desktop and the Macbook Pro (Mountain Lion). Connection to Desktop would be ethernet, MBP would be WiFi. There is also a new HP 710 printer with WiFi connection. Are there any foreseeable issues doing this? Any problem with PC internet connections using Time Capsule? How good is the Time Capsule as a router?
    I've done some  searching but mostly just come up with people who have had problems so I'm wondering if this is generally a smooth process
    Thanks a lot!

    hockeymagnet wrote:
    Thanks, that's some help. The router I have is ok. DLink Draft N. When you say wireless performance is poor, do you mean data transfer to the drive or speed in general. ?
    Wireless speed Bob has stated are link speeds.. actual transfer speeds are much slower.. The TC is only N lite on 2.4ghz.. so your dlink is probably faster even at draft N and with decent external antennas, probably has better range. 5ghz in the TC is very poor range.. but there are only a couple of routers now that you can call good. Eg Asus RT-N56U is specifically reinforced 5ghz.
    Internet is so much slower, that G wireless is perfectly adequate for most people. But for data transfer to the hard disk over wireless you want the best speed you can get.
    Still trying to determine if it is at all tricky to set up for Windows. i.e. does the drive have to be partitioned and formatted for Windows?, what Backup software for Windows, i.e. does Windows backup work with it?, etc.
    Thanks again
    You do need to fix the TC name and wireless name so they are SMB compatible. ie short no spaces pure alphanumeric. Other than that windows should work ok.. you can load bonjour for windows which helps locate network products of the Apple kind.
    Mixing data and TM backups on a TC is another issue. Read a bit from friend Pondini..
    Q3 here is highly relevant.
    Most back up software will work fine.. but the low end win7 version MSBackup may not use network drive.. you need pro or ultimate.. which is all nonsense to get more money out of you.. Don't bother with MS backup at all. There are excellent windows backup software.. readily available .. just google for reviews.. I use Macrium Reflect to do whole disk images. It is free .. my kind of pricing. But you need to pay for a license to do incremental. Acronis True image is available free with lots of WD external disk products and you can purchase it for good prices.
    BTW the most important thing with a backup software is how well and how easy it is to recover. Macrium Reflect creates a boot CD for you running linux or windows PE.. it helps you easily find the network location of the backup.. and restores a whole disk image in 1-2hours.. depending on the size. You can put in a brand new disk.. and have a computer restored in no time if you are smart and use a boot partition and data partition. Set them to different backups.

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