Mountain Lion Lost My Files

I have an iMac (21.5 inch) the newest one...its running Mac OS X is the fully loaded package, intel i7 processor, 16GB RAM, 1  256GB Solid State Drive, and 1  2TB ATA Drive...It came with 10.7.4 on the solid state...i downloaded my free copy of Mountain Lion onto my iMac, and put it on the 2 terabyte drive...i use my 2 terabtye for all my files...i am a dj so i use it for mainly music. the solid state has a few added programs and of course the operating system and thats all...when i booted up my imac after installing mountain lion, it booted to mountain lion, but none of my files were there??? so now whenever i turn on my imac i hold down the option key to tell it to boot from the solid state, so i can use and see my to i transfer my files onto mountain lion w/o saving them on an external drive and copying them back onto the computer? am i able to copy mountain lion onto the solid state? i dont wanna erase anything on the computer and dont have any means of external storage...and im not gonna back it up onto the cloud, 2tb of cloud storage is to expensive (if they even offer that much)...any help???

I assume you can see the 2TB drive after booting into Lion? Also: when booted into ML, do you know where your files on the SSD drive are? Can you access them? If you can access your files on the SSD drive while booted into ML, you could just copy them over to the 2TB drive. If you can't access them while booted into ML, you could do the copying while booted into LIon and adjust access. Make sense?

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    Hi Thomas,
    Thanks for the response.  So, after the computer did it's restart thing after installing I went into finder where I usually have everything come up including my Macintosh HD folder and all it's folders and files.. Anyway it was this that hadn't come up and all the files were listed under All My Files and out of all their folders.  I totally switched the computer off after posted the problem and now having switched it back on I see that it's all there and in it's proper files. 

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    There were a number of problems with the Finder View options under Lion which were fixed bit-by-by, upgrade-by-upgrade.
    In general, folder placement was scrambled and view options were lost/reset after certain operations.
    Now, with Mountain Lion, some of these problems have resurfaced:
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    I tried and don't see any issues. When you say the "Attach" window, what does that mean? Do you mean the "Share" contextual submenu or button (or does it translate to "attach" from another localization)?
    If it is something other than Share submenu, then is that a third-party program that provides that function?
    You might consider deleting the .DS_Store file from that folder. Various utilities can remove them, like OnyX, or you can use the Terminal.

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    I bit the bullet and created a new account. I wanted to preserve account name, so I deleted the old one, but chose the option to leave the home folder intact (it was renamed to "userid (Deleted)"). Then I moved what I needed to the home folder of the new account. iCloud helped quite a bit, as I did not want to move any of the ~/Library content. VirtualBox VMs moved quite nicely with the use of File->Add. Dropbox took some time to sync, but Google Drive refused to reconnect to the folder; thank goodness I have gigabytes on the former, and just a few files on the latter. Time Machine is busy, of course, but... Mountain Lion looks like Mountain Lion now
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    ~/Library/Mobile Documents
    The tilde sign ~ represents your home folder.
    Edit: To get to your home Library folder, go to the Finder and option(alt)+click the "Go" menu.  This will list your Library and clicking it will get you there.

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    Thanks David,
    You're right - it's MTS files.
    I had previously found the 'show package contents' right click but it doesn't seem to work consistently.
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